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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del PP para la Educación Superior

UNEM Samuel Robinson
PNF – Inglés
Sección Palavecino – Simón Planas

José Rafael González Torrealba
C.I. 19640585
José Burgos
Unidad Curricular:
Salud Integral

Abril, 2019
The Health
The health is a term that has changed through the years, studiouses on the subject have
given their concepts about they think over the health, they have defined it as “the health is
not to be sick”, as “the health is an ideal of wellbeing”, as “the health is a balance with the
environment”, as “the health is a lifestyle” and as “the health as development personal and
social”; the truth is in base with every definition, we can take somethings of them and make
our own definition over health. We could say, in my own opinion, the health is a
fundamental human right in which people enjoy an integral wellbeing physical, social and
spiritual, and it depends to the environment in the people are. We could say too, there are
some factors that influence un the people health, as the part socieconomical, the
environment physical and the access to the health services, and some of them are to the
control of the own people , as to clean the house, to do the laundry, to wash the hands
before eat, etc. and others not, as the access to the drinking water, to the urban cleaning, to
the hospitals, to the education, etc. In base to said it before, we can say that the education is
the most important social factor that influence on the people health because a person with a
good education will have a better health; he/she can learn how to keep him/her healthy,
how to have hygiene habits, to protect himself/herself to the illness, etc. For example, if a
child is educated in sexuality, he/she’s going to have a most probability percentage to
protect him/her when he/she decides to have sex and avoid either an illness or a pregnancy
not wished. In the same order of ideas, we could said that exist a big importance in the
work between the responsibles of the health and education in a nation, that exist programs
in the system to approach subjects of integral health in the society; and about this point, in
our country Venezuela, there is a program called “The Health goes to The School”, where
the Ministries of Health and Education work together to carry integral attention in health as
talks, vaccination, visual and buccal exams, etc. to the children, and if is necessary send
them to the National Health System, guaranteeing these fundamental human rights as they
are, the education and the health.

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