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Pre-Workshop Questionnaire Template

Training Title: Marketing for leads, recipe for success

[Pre-workshop questionnaires can be administered in advance of the workshop to inform agenda

and content decisions or at the onset of the training program. It is common to include some of
the same questions in the post-workshop questionnaire to measure changes in understanding
among participants.]


 This questionnaire was designed to determine what you already know about the workshop
theme. We will ask you to complete the questionnaire again at the end of the workshop so
that we can assess what you have learned and how the trainers have done at conveying the
main points.
 This is not a “test” and you will not be “graded” on your performance.
 The questionnaire has questions about a wide variety of topics that will be covered in this
workshop. You should complete all questions on your own and to the best of your ability.

What are your expectations of this workshop? What do you hope to gain by participating
in it?

What is the one thing that you would most like to learn during the workshop?

What is leadership?

What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of an organization?

What are the traits that an effective leader must have?


What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?

What advice would you give to someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

True or False (circle the correct answer)

Managers and leaders are the same.

True False

Ideally, all managers should be leaders.

True False

Effective leaders do not need high degree of knowledge about the company, industry and
technical matters.
True False

A charismatic leader is likely seen as being self- confident and influential.

True False

Good leaders understand that they cannot treat all employees.

True False

Leadership is a trait you are born with, not something you can learn.
True False

Organisational cultures that support the development of leadership at all levels will encourage
creativity, innovation and measured risk-taking.
True False

Leadership development requires a whole systems approach which includes both self and
organisational development.
True False

Leadership is a benign concept.
True False

Multiple Choice (circle the correct answer)

What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views, opinions and ideas?
a) Laissez-faire b) People-oriented
c) Democratic d) Autocratic

How can you describe the thinking and outlook of transformational leaders?
a) Strategic b) Operational
c) Functional d) Developmental

What are the key characteristics of transactional leaders?

a) Guiding, mentoring and motivating b) Guiding, commanding and motivating
c) Guiding, demonstrating and motivating d) Guiding, mentoring and demonstrating

According to the Five Factor model, 'extraversion' as a personality type is characterised by what
type of people?
a) Good natured b) Calm and self-confident
c) Sensitive and curious d) Assertive and sociable

What does situational theory of leadership emphasise?

a) Personality traits b) Events
c) Environment d) Political situation

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