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What is the most resilient parasite? An Idea!

Inception is a 2010 science fiction action film written and directed by Christopher
Nolan .The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio - Dom Cobb and his partner Arthur perform illegal
corporate espionage by entering the subconscious minds of their targets, using two-level
"dream within a dream" strategies to "extract" valuable information.

Cobb is approached by the wealthy Mr. Saito asking them to perform the act of
"inception", planting an idea within the person's subconscious mind. Saito wishes to break up
the vast energy empire of his competitor, the ailing Maurice Fischer by suggesting this idea to
his son Robert Fischer who will inherit the empire when his father dies. Should Cobb succeed,
Saito promises to use his influence to clear Cobb of the murder charges for his wife's death,
allowing Cobb to re-enter the United States and reunite with his children. Cobb assembles his
team: Eames, an identity forger; Yusuf a chemist who creates the powerful sedative needed
to stabilize the layers of the shared dream and Ariadne, a young student architect tasked with
designing the labyrinth of the dream landscapes.

The job is set into motion when Maurice Fischer dies and his son accompanies his
father's body from Sydney to Los Angeles. During the flight, Cobb sedates Fischer, and the
team bring him into a three-level shared dream. At each stage, the member of the team who
is "creating" the dream remains while the other team members fall asleep within the dream
to travel further down into Fischer's subconscious. In the first level, Yusuf's dream of a rainy
city, the team successfully abducts Fischer, but the team is attacked by Fischer's militarized
subconscious projections, which have been trained to hunt and kill extractors. Saito is mortally
wounded during the shoot-out, but due to the strength of the dream’s sedative, dying in the
dream will send them into limbo, a deep subconscious level where they may lose their grip on
reality and be trapped indefinitely.

There is only one word to describe the cinematography, the set designs and the special
effects of this is movie, and that is Exceptional! You don't just watch the scenes happening,
you feel them. The movie is a real thrill ride. The action scenes are well picturised and the
music by Hans Zimmer is electronically haunting. Never, in the runtime of the movie, you will
get a chance to move your eyes from the screen to any other object.

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