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Abrielle Christopher


Inception was released in 2010, it runs at about 2 and a half hours.

The main characters of this film being Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph
Gordon-Levitt, Cillian Murphy, Elliot Page, and Tom Hardy. This film's
premise is that dreams can be infiltrated, manipulated, and shared among
others. This concept created a new line of work, “extractors,” this being
DiCaprio’s character's (Cobb) job. In this film the main characters create a
plan to go into Cillian Murphy's dream to plant an idea in his head that, if
pulled off, will allow Cobb to return home to his children.
Cobb is the protagonist of this film. He is a dream extractor, and spy.
He uses military grade technology given to him by Stephans Miles, the
professor. Cobb is suspected of murdering his wife and forced to flee the
US. His wife Mal is haunting his subconscious and the dreams he enters.
He is offered an Inception plan by Saito (wealthy businessman) in order to
return to his kids. Arthur is Cobb's right hand man. He is the planner, he
organizes and researches all of his missions. Arthur tells Cobb to turn down
the plan but Cobb refuses. Eames is a British forger who Cobb recruited in
Mombasa to join their team. Eames tells the team that this idea has to be
Fisher’s, and simple. Eames plays a part in the inception plan. Aridane is a
graduate student in architecture who professor Miles recommends to Cobb
to become a builder of dreams. Cobb recruits Aridane and she helps create
3 levels of dreams for the inception plan. Aridane finds out about Cobb and
his Mal projection, she tells Cobb to confront mal. The last character to be
discussed is Fischer. Fischer’s father owns a successful power energy
company, Saito’s rival. Fischer's father dies and leaves the empire to
Fischer. Cobb's job is to plant the idea in Fisher's head that he should tear
down his fathers empire.
The mise-en-scene used in this film is the locations and set. The way
it's designed allows the audience to be able to tell whose dream the
characters are in. This is needed because a few of the dreams are
recurring and important to the development of this film. The
cinematography used in this film is Cinematic realism.This film pushes the
limit of reality in film.
The editing style used in this film is parallel editing with a mix of close
up and medium shots. Along with reverse shots during conversations
between characters rather than the use of a wide shot.
The sequence starts with the airplane, all of the characters are ready
to enter Fischer’s dream. The transition starts with the button for their
machine being pressed, cut in Cobb's hand falls off the chair indicating he's
fallen asleep. Cut to Yusuf standing on the curb in the pouring rain waiting
to be picked up. The second location is the first level of the dream, which is
the rainy city/warehouse. The transition to the next location starts with
Cobb seeing a black window with the same curtains of the window his wife
jumped from. The camera slowly zooms in and then zooms out to a mostly
white screen but with Cobb and others on a mountain top. Christopher
Nolan shot this movie in a parallel editing style. The three locations I
mentioned are: the airplane, the level 1 dream, and the level 2 dream. This
sequence shows how many of the things discussed earlier, like location
and parallel editing, made this great film.

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