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The Killer in the Backseat

Man 1
Man 2
Act 1
A man leaves work late at night and prepares to return home.
That night, the man drove as usual down the road and dying to sleep.
- Man 1: I gotta get some coffee and something to eat. I don't want to fall asleep
on the way.
Get out of your car and go into the gas station to buy your stuff.
- Man 1: What will be good? Maybe a hot dog with a lot of tomato sauce and
spicy sauce to keep me awake, and a coffee with cream wouldn't be bad.
Made his purchases(purchuses), he got into his car, and shortly behind the wheel,
he realized that another vehicle was driving very close to him, restless, tried to speed
up the pace and realized that the other driver did too.
- Man 1: Everything will be fine, this cannot be real, I am just an ordinary man
who does not have bad things happen!
That car wouldn't move away, he even purposely(porpusly) hit his rear bumper to try
to intimidate him, causing him to release a cry of terror.
- Man 1: Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is bad! My heart will come out of my chest
from fear.
Act 2
The man parked violently in front of his house and that car did too. Desperate, he
went straight to the phone to call the police.
One man got out of the other car, who was very frightened, beckoning him with his
- Man 2: Turn around, please, quick, quick, close the door! —shouts—Call the
He, strange and full of panic, then approaches the window to see something terrible.
- Man 1:
- I can't be, I was in my backseat all this time, and I didn't realize. The other
man just wanted to prevent me.
The stranger goes to the other driver and looks him in the eye.
- Man 2: Get away! Who are you? Stay away!
- Killer: That's none of your business, you don't need to know my name if
you're going to die.
(Eso no te incumbe, no necesitas saber mi nombre si vas a morir.)
- Man 2: I knew you were in his back seat, I saw you on TV, and when I saw
what you were doing at the gas station, I knew I had to do something. I
couldn't let a piece of like you hurt someone else. I couldn't let a piece of like
you hurt someone else.
- Killer: So, did you notice? You are very cunning, but the taste will not last long.
¿Así que te diste cuenta? Eres muy astuto, pero el gusto no te durara mucho.
The killer grabs it by the neck
- Man 2: Please, please! I have a wife, I have children —cries— don't hurt
- Killer: You shouldn't have meddled in my business, if you'd never followed,
nothing bad would happen to you, but now you'll pay the consequences.
No debiste entrometerte en mis asuntos, si tan solo nunca me hubieras seguido,
nada malo te pasaría, pero ahora pagaras las consecuencias.
- Man 2: ¡No, no, noooooo!
- Killer: I love the cries of despair jajajaj
Amo los gritos de desesperación Jajajajaja
Inside the house, the man only looks at him in terror as his "savior" was quartered.
- Man 1: It can't be possible. You're a monster! —scream— A fuckin person!
- Killer: What if I am? I'd recommend you keep quiet, since you'll be next.
¿Y que si lo soy? Te recomendaría que guardaras silencio, ya que tú serás el
The killer approaches the house to continue his egregious acts, but hears a police
- Killer: Demons! They'll get me if I don't leave. jajajajaj you have saved
yourself, but one day I will come back for you, and I will do the same as him.
Just a advice, check your seat before getting in the car
- ¡Demonios! Me atraparan si no me voy. Jeje te has salvado, pero un día
volveré por ti, y te hare o mismo que a él. Solo un consejo, revisa tu asiento
antes de subir al auto
B1 zero condicional and first conditional
The killer disappears into the dark of night...

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