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Caringal, Michelle M.


Exercise 7: Focusing on Important Rizalian Traits and Virtues

Follow the instructions and write your answers on the spaces provided.

1. Listed below are some important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal:
a. love for God l. courage
b. love for parents m. initiative
c. love for country n. courtesy and politeness
d. love for fellowmen o. thrift
e. love for the environment/nature p. gratitude
f. love for justice q. charity
g. love for education r. devotion to truth
h. idealism s. honesty
i. noble conduct t. humility
j. self-sacrifice u. creativity
k. self-control
Cite particular occasions or events given in the book where Rizal showed,
manifested, or practiced the traits and virtues listed above.
Love for God - when he was studying in Madrid, Spain, Rizal assured his mother
of his trust in God. When his sister Olympia died after childbirth upon his arrival in
the Philippines from Europe, Rizal remarked: “I console myself saying that it was the
will of God and what He does must be the best.”
Love for Parents - Rizal’s great love for his parents was very admirable. His
concern over their sacrifices and his thoughtfulness are worth initiating.
Love of Country - Dedication to one’s duty was an admirable virtue of Rizal. In
saying that it is man’s duty to seek his own perfection, Rizal set an idea for man to
attain. He elaborated on this idealism.
Love of Fellowmen - Another great virtue of Rizal in conformity with what God
desires was his love for his fellowmen.
Love for Justice - Justice is the moral habit by which a man gives to another what
is his due. A man with a good conscience finds joy in being just Rizal fought hard for
justice not only for himself and his family but also for his people.
Purity and Idealism - Another virtue of Rizal worth emulating was his insistence
on purity of thoughts and clean behavior.
Noble Conduct - Purity of thoughts and clean behavior require that religiousness
be shown in “good conduct”, “clean conscience” and “upright thinking”. Rizal
exhorted mothers to awaken the mind of the child and prepare it for every good
desirable idea.
Self-Sacrifice - Another admirable virtue practice by Rizal was abnegation or self-
denial.Self-denial implies self-sacrifice, love and humility. Rizal sincerely believed
that he was not the only man capable leading his people.
Self-Control - When a man can check his actions and feelings, he has self-
control. The will acts only in seeking what is good, depending on the intellect for its
data. This is the reason why we must take great care in presenting only good ideas
to the will.
Courage - Rizal’s courage in loving his country is a virtue that is very relevant
today. His moral courage to do only the best for his people is worth imitating by our
Initiative - Initiative or self-direction is a person’s readiness to think a line of
conduct and ability to carry it out on his own responsibility. Initiative is a virtue
needed in the progress of society.
Courtesy and Politeness - Politeness and courtesy are virtues that give harmony
and charm in our daily life. Courtesy is graceful and considerate behavior toward
others, It demand attention, politeness and refinement. Politeness is a quality of
being well-bred.
Thrift - Thrift is virtue of being economical in the use of material, money, time and
energy. Rizal practiced the habit of thrift when he was a student in Madrid, Spain he
would have his shoes repaired instead buying new ones. Now and then he
economized in food expenses.
Gratitude - When a person shows gratefulness, he has grateful nature. “He that
urges gratitude”, wrote Seneca, pleads the cause of both God and men, for without it
we can neither be sociable nor religious. There is much greatness of mind in
acknowledging a good turn, as in doing it.
Charity - Charity is the greatest of all the virtues because it inclines us to love
God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbors for the sake of God.
Devotion of Truth - Rizal’s constant search for truth in serving his country was an
inspiring virtue that endeared him to his people. This is the same simple trait our
people are looking from our leaders.
Honesty - Integrity is uprightness or a state of being of sound moral principle.
Rizal’s honesty was the result of his constant love and search for the truth. He
possessed to a high degree of excellence which everyone of us should imitate.

2. Examine carefully Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues, compare them with your
own traits and virtues and decide if you would like him to be your role model.
Rizal as a child up to he became a man has been always someone that had
virtue and love for his family, friends and to our country. He is a role model not only
for the Filipino youth but as well to all Filipinos, we should be like him.
3. Is it important for an individual to have a role model? Explain your answer.
Yes. Having role models in our life is very important, and having good role
models is more important, as they influence what we do and how we turn out
eventually. They influence our actions and motivate us to strive to uncover our true
potentials and overcome our weakness. Having them pushes us to make the most of
our life.
4. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of
becoming an ideal Filipino citizen and successful professional?
Rizal has always been a very good role model and inspiration. We are
encouraged to be new Rizal’s to create change by being good leaders in our
community. He encouraged everyone of us to continue his works for he believes that
the youth today and the future generations will serve as a light to the countrymen.
He wanted the Filipino youth to use their abilities and skills to excel not only their
success but also for the success of our country that leads us to become an ideal
Filipino citizen.
5. Who is your personal hero? Does she or he have Rizal’s traits and virtues?
My heroes in life are my parents. They would do anything to help me, risk their
lives for me and to my siblings. Yes they have some of the Rizal’s traits and virtues
like love for God, parents and to our country, self-sacrifice, self-control, initiative,
courage, courtesy and politeness.


On the space provide, write your answers after reading the instruction.

In two or three statement, complete the following:

I realized that it is important to an individual to have a role model. Having a role

model can help us to shape our personality and characteristics. They influenced and
inspire us to be a better person.

I resolved that by knowing my role model in life. A role model who motivate me to
be positive in life and a role model who have a traits and virtues like our hero Dr. Jose
Caringal, Michelle M.


Exercise 8: Serving Others, a Social Responsibility

1. Explain the meaning of the saying “No man Is an Island”

This means that no one person can survive on their own without help from
others. Other people are needed to help people achieve goals and learn things.
People should learn in their lifetime to accept help from others and not to isolate
themselves for their own good. We cannot be ever be completely independent,
we will always need someone else for something, even if it’s only for their

2. Read an article on “Serving Others,” copies of which will be given to the class by
the teacher. React on it and write your explanations.
The article contains about the importance of helping others and why it is
important to help others. Helping others is very important. The help given to
others is often returned as well, creating positive ties and trust with others.
Everyone needs help at some point in their lives. Everyone also has the ability to
help in some way or another.

3. Who are the “others” in your life?

My others in life are my family, relatives, friends and classmates.

4. Should we limit our “service for others” to our “significant others” or the people
who are close to us, either by blood relationship or through friendship? Explain
your answer fully.
Yes we should also set limitation when it comes giving service for others.
Sometimes when people help others too much, the other person thinks that this
person would be there everytime. If you really care about someone, be there to
help but if they become too much dependent then the best help you can provide
is not to help but let them take an action on the situation themselves. Because
remember, we cannot be present everywhere and everytime. In some situations
they also need to stand in thier own.

5. How did Rizal do his share of “serving others”? Enumerate specific examples of
how Rizal was able to do his social responsibility.
Rizal served not only himself, to his family and friends. He was passionate
about helping his countrymen from mistreatment. His love for his own country
had pushed him to open himself into helping his fellow Filipinos, and though they
were strangers to him, he had treated all of his countrymen as his family.
6. How can you do your share of “serving others”? Explain your answer fully.
For me to be able to give service to others, I must be able to open myself
to strangers and to have a bigger heart. I will share my service, first and
foremost, in the simplest deeds there is just the small act of checking up on a
friend or giving an advice is already an act of service. Even by just helping out a
classmate through answering his/her question is already an act of service. From
there, those small acts of kindness can extend into bigger deeds such as
volunteering in outreaches or donating items. And who knows maybe in the
future when I have more opportunities and capabilities, I will be able to serve for
a greater purpose.


On the space provide, write your answers after reading the instruction.

In two or three statement, complete the following:

I realized that in our journey in life, in some situation we needed other people to
help us and help each other. We cannot be ever be completely independent, we will
always need someone else for something, even if it’s only for their company.

I resolved that by trying my best to help others in times of they needed. To be

grateful, happy, and productive we should involve this habit of helping others in our daily

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