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Cl inic a l Decisions
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Thyroid Function and Conception

This interactive feature addresses the approach to a clinical issue. A case vignette is followed by specific options, neither of which
can be considered either correct or incorrect. In short essays, experts in the field then argue for each of the options. Readers can
participate in forming community opinion by choosing one of the options and, if they like, providing their reasons.

C a s e V igne t t e 0.5 to 4.0) and the free thyroxine (T4) concentra-

A Woman Trying to Conceive tion is 1.1 ng per deciliter (14 pmol per liter;
normal range, 0.86 to 1.9 ng per deciliter [11 to
Angela X. Chen, M.B., B.S., M.P.H. 24 pmol per liter]). However, the test for thyroid
Ms. Thompson is a 31-year-old woman who has peroxidase antibodies is positive (78 IU per milli­
been trying to conceive for the past 12 months and liter [normal range, <35)
comes to see you, her primary care physician. One Ms. Thompson has read that changes in thy-
month ago, she had a miscarriage at 7 weeks of roid function can affect a woman’s chances of
gestation. She has not had any other pregnancies. having a successful pregnancy. Given the results
Ms. Thompson has always been healthy; she of her tests, she is interested in your recommen-
has no significant medical history. Her only dation as to whether she should begin treatment
regular medication is a prenatal multivitamin, with levothyroxine to increase her chances of
which she has been taking regularly for the past conceiving.
12 months. Before that, she had used the com-
bined estrogen–progesterone oral contraceptive T r e atment O p t i ons
pill for several years. Since she discontinued the Which one of the following approaches would
contraceptive pill, her menses have been regular, you take for this patient? Base your choice on the
with a 28-day cycle. published literature, your own experience, pub-
Her family history is significant for autoim- lished guidelines, and other information sources.
mune disease. Her brother has type 1 diabetes
mellitus, and a maternal uncle has Hashimoto’s 1. Recommend treatment with low-dose levothy-
thyroiditis. Ms. Thompson has no personal his- roxine.
tory of thyroid disease and reports no symptoms 2. Do not recommend treatment with levothy-
suggestive of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, roxine.
nor does she have any localized neck discomfort
or swelling. To aid in your decision making, each of these
Given the presentation and her family history, approaches is defended in a short essay by an
thyroid function tests and testing for thyroid per- expert in the field. Given your knowledge of the
oxidase antibodies are performed. The thyrotropin patient and the points made by the experts, which
concentration is 3.2 mIU per liter (normal range, approach would you choose?

O p t i on 1
tion, and a positive thyroid antibody titer is a
Recommend Treatment with common clinical entity. Whether a clinician initi-
Low-Dose Levothyroxine ates low-dose levothyroxine in this patient is
based on current understanding of spontaneous
Angela M. Leung, M.D. loss of pregnancy1 and its associations with thy-
This clinical scenario of a young, healthy woman roid dysfunction, thyroid antibody positivity, and
who is found to have a serum thyrotropin concen- these two factors in combination.
tration in the mid-to-upper reference range for The prevalence of an elevated thyrotropin con-
nonpregnant women, a normal free T4 concentra- centration among healthy nonpregnant women

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Clinical Decisions

is 2 to 3% and may be higher in regions where American Thyroid Association recommends that
iodine deficiency is common.1 Because iodine is women with normal thyroid function who test
an essential micronutrient for normal thyroid positive for thyroid antibodies be monitored just
hormone production and severe iodine deficiency as rigorously as women with hypothyroidism dur-
in pregnancy has been associated with miscar- ing pregnancy and also suggests that treatment
riage,2 this patient should be counseled to ensure with levothyroxine should be initiated at a lower
that her prenatal multivitamin contains 150 μg of pregnancy-specific thyrotropin threshold in wom-
iodine per daily dose.1 Thyroid hormone is crucial en with thyroid antibodies than in those without
for early development, and overt hypothyroidism thyroid antibodies.1
during pregnancy is associated with multiple ad- However, most recently, a large double-blind,
verse obstetrical and neonatal outcomes.1 Tri- placebo-controlled trial (Thyroid Antibodies and
mester-specific goals for serum thyrotropin con- Levothyroxine [TABLET]) in pregnant women with
centration during pregnancy vary, depending on normal thyroid function showed that the use of
whether concurrent tests for serum thyroid anti- levothyroxine at a dose of 50 μg daily in women
bodies are positive.1 However, among pregnant who tested positive for thyroid peroxidase anti-
women who test negative for thyroid antibodies, bodies did not result in a higher percentage of
those with even a slightly higher thyrotropin live births than placebo.7 This robust trial adds
concentration (2.5 to 5.0 mIU per liter) in the important knowledge to the field, but unlike the
first trimester have a significantly higher risk of study by Negro et al.,5 this trial used fixed doses
pregnancy loss than those with thyrotropin con- of levothyroxine that were not adjusted according
centrations of less than 2.5 mIU per liter.3 to thyrotropin concentration or thyroid peroxidase
A positive thyroid antibody titer is an impor- antibody level; in addition, the baseline median
tant separate consideration. Positive thyroid anti- serum thyroid peroxidase titer in this trial was
body (antithyroid peroxidase or antithyroglobulin) lower in the intervention group than in the pla-
titers are found in up to 18% of all pregnant cebo group (baseline median serum thyroid per-
women and in up to 65% of those with an elevat- oxidase titers in the two groups were not reported
ed thyrotropin concentration during pregnancy.4 in the study by Negro et al.)5 In light of the overall
Thyroid autoimmunity confers a significant risk safety of levothyroxine use, its relatively low cost,
for the development of hypothyroidism but is also the patient’s prolonged attempt to conceive, her
an independent risk factor for infertility, miscar- history of miscarriage, and discrepant findings
riage, and other potential obstetrical and neona- from the available trials on this topic, initiation
tal complications.4 Proposed mechanisms for the of low-dose levothyroxine in anticipation of an-
association between thyroid autoimmunity and other pregnancy is reasonable.
miscarriage include cross-reactivity between thy- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
roid antibodies and oocyte human chorionic full text of this article at

gonadotropin (hCG) receptors, the effect of other From the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and the Veter-
non–organ-specific autoimmunity, and increased ans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles.
levels of endometrial cytokines.1
In a longitudinal, randomized, controlled trial O p t i on 2
in pregnant women with normal thyroid function
who tested positive for serum thyroid peroxidase Do Not Recommend Treatment
antibodies, Negro and colleagues reported a sig- with Levothyroxine
nificantly lower incidence of pregnancy loss among
women who began receiving low-dose levothyrox- Tim I.M. Korevaar, M.D., Ph.D.
ine at a mean gestation of 10 weeks than among Miscarriage occurs in 20 to 25% of pregnancies
those who did not receive levothyroxine (3.5% vs. and has a considerable negative effect on psycho-
13.8%),5 findings that were in alignment with an- logical well-being. Whereas overt thyroid disease
other recent small trial.6 Furthermore, some stud- is a well-known risk factor and an indication for
ies have shown an association between thyroid levothyroxine therapy, thyroid tests show that
antibody positivity and recurrent miscarriage, even Ms. Thompson has thyroid peroxidase antibod-
when the serum thyrotropin concentration is in ies but otherwise normal thyroid function. Posi-
the reference range.1 Given this evidence, the tivity for thyroid peroxidase antibodies reflects

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

thyroid autoimmunity, which is the most impor- of gestational thyrotropin and free T4 concentra-
tant risk factor for hypothyroidism in the devel- tions is complicated by major changes in thyroid
oped world. The prevalence of positivity for thy- physiology during pregnancy. Most notably, high
roid peroxidase antibodies is approximately 10% concentrations of hCG stimulate the thyroid gland,
among women of reproductive age. However, the increasing free T4 concentrations and decreasing
majority of these women (75%) have normal thy- thyrotropin concentrations from the 6th week of
roid function.7 My advice regarding levothyroxine gestation onward. In women who test negative for
treatment in the current case is based on three thyroid peroxidase antibodies, a thyrotropin con-
main considerations. centration of 3.2 mIU per liter before conception
First, there is no evidence that Ms. Thomp- would be likely to fall below 2.5 mIU per liter
son’s thyroid profile would affect her chance of during pregnancy. However, 40% of all women
achieving clinical pregnancy. In observational who test positive for thyroid peroxidase antibod-
studies involving women with a previous miscar- ies have an impaired thyroidal response to hCG
riage or those undergoing fertility treatment, stimulation.11 It is currently not possible to pre-
positivity for thyroid peroxidase antibodies has dict the course of thyrotropin concentrations in
not been associated with the likelihood of clini- women with normal thyroid function who test
cal pregnancy or the time to pregnancy.8 Further- positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies during
more, randomized, controlled trials have shown pregnancy.
no benefit of levothyroxine supplementation for Taken together, there is no compelling evidence
achieving a clinical pregnancy.6,7 that levothyroxine treatment before conception for
Second, whether Ms. Thompson’s thyroid pro- women with normal thyroid function who test
file is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies has a
should be considered. Positivity for thyroid per- beneficial effect on achieving pregnancy or a live
oxidase antibodies has been associated with a birth or on reducing the risk of pregnancy com-
higher risk of miscarriage and preterm birth. plications. Many doctors can provide anecdotal
There is some evidence that this association is evidence of a beneficial effect of levothyroxine
mediated by decreased thyroid functional capac- treatment in cases similar to that of Ms. Thomp-
ity, but positivity for thyroid peroxidase antibod- son. Although low-dose levothyroxine is safe, the
ies may merely reflect a higher susceptibility to risks of overtreating and of medicating unneces-
autoimmunity. Three recent trials did not show sarily are arguments against levothyroxine treat-
a benefit of preconception or gestational levo- ment. Instead, I would advise follow-up with
thyroxine treatment (or both) with respect to the thyroid function testing every 3 months before
risk of miscarriage or the likelihood of live birth conception and every 4 weeks during pregnancy,
in women with normal thyroid function who test- starting at 6 to 8 weeks of gestation, to identify
ed positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies.7,9,10 as soon as possible a potential lack of thyroidal
At best, subgroup analyses from two small trials response to hCG.
suggest a possible reduction in preterm birth with Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
levothyroxine supplementation among women full text of this article at

with a thyrotropin concentration above 4.0 mIU From Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the
per liter, but this finding requires further repli- Netherlands.
1. Alexander EK, Pearce EN, Brent GA, et al. 2017 Guidelines of
Third, interpreting preconception thyroid func- the American Thyroid Association for the diagnosis and man-
tion tests in anticipation of pregnancy is pivotal. If agement of thyroid disease during pregnancy and the postpar-
levothyroxine is indicated, treatment should be tum. Thyroid 2017;​27:​315-89.
2. Zimmermann MB. The importance of adequate iodine during
started as early as possible, because thyroid hor- pregnancy and infancy. World Rev Nutr Diet 2016;​115:​118-24.
mone regulates the increased metabolic demand 3. Negro R, Schwartz A, Gismondi R, Tinelli A, Mangieri T,
of pregnancy. During gestation, levothyroxine Stagnaro-Green A. Increased pregnancy loss rate in thyroid an-
tibody negative women with TSH levels between 2.5 and 5.0 in
treatment for women with thyroid peroxidase the first trimester of pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;​
antibodies can be considered if the thyrotropin 95(9):​E44-E48.
concentration is above 2.5 mIU per liter but is 4. De Leo S, Pearce EN. Autoimmune thyroid disease during
pregnancy. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018;​6:​575-86.
recommended if the thyrotropin concentration 5. Negro R, Formoso G, Mangieri T, Pezzarossa A, Dazzi D,
is greater than 4.0 mIU per liter.1 Interpretation Hassan H. Levothyroxine treatment in euthyroid pregnant wom-

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Clinical Decisions

en with autoimmune thyroid disease: effects on obstetrical com- Alavi Majd H, Azizi F. Effects of levothyroxine treatment on
plications. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;​91:​2587-91. pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with autoimmune thy-
6. Wang H, Gao H, Chi H, et al. Effect of levothyroxine on roid disease. Eur J Endocrinol 2017;​176:​253-65.
miscarriage among women with normal thyroid function and 10. Negro R, Schwartz A, Stagnaro-Green A. Impact of levothy-
thyroid autoimmunity undergoing in vitro fertilization and em- roxine in miscarriage and preterm delivery rates in first trimes-
bryo transfer: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2017;​318:​2190-8. ter thyroid antibody-positive women with TSH less than 2.5
7. Dhillon-Smith RK, Middleton LJ, Sunner KK, et al. Levothy- mIU/L. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016;​101:​3685-90.
roxine in women with thyroid peroxidase antibodies before con- 11. Korevaar TI, Steegers EA, Pop VJ, et al. Thyroid autoimmu-
ception. N Engl J Med 2019;​380:​1316-25. nity impairs the thyroidal response to human chorionic gonado-
8. Plowden TC, Schisterman EF, Sjaarda LA, et al. Subclinical tropin: two population-based prospective cohort studies. J Clin
hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity are not associated Endocrinol Metab 2017;​102:​69-77.
with fecundity, pregnancy loss, or live birth. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 2016;​101:​2358-65. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMclde1902637
9. Nazarpour S, Ramezani Tehrani F, Simbar M, Tohidi M, Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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