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7 foods that improves the Brain

The brain is a muscle and it is important to keep it strong. There

seven foods that can help improve memory function, prevent
brain disease, etc.
Avocados are packed with nearly 20 essential nutrients. Vitamin
E, one of those nutrients,
has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Avocados also contain potassium, which has demonstrated the
ability to preserve brain function by preventing strokes.
Wild Salmon
You probably know that wild salmon is constantly praised as a
fabulous source of omega-3s. Here’s what you may not know:
Your brain needs those fatty acids to function properly.
They protect brain cells from injury, reduce inflammation, and help
produce neurotransmitters, which is how our brain communicates
with the rest of our body. Studies show that eating fish like wild
salmon can greatly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Beets are full of brain-boosting power. Beets contain a high
concentrate of nitrates.
These nitrates can increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
These fiber-filled grains provide glucose, a.k.a. brain fuel. Since
your body digests oats slowly, they keep you sharp for hours.
Blueberries have a ton of nutritional benefits, so it is no surprise
that these tiny treats are also beneficial to brain health! They are
filled with antioxidants.
Similar to blueberries, tomatoes contain antioxidants-
namely, lycopene. Antioxidants protect against free radical
damage to cells, helping to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Your body absorbs more lycopene when you eat cooked tomatoes
as opposed to raw ones. Good to know!
Purple power! Violet-hued foods like eggplant contain
phytochemicals which could stave off memory loss. In certain
studies, anthocyanin (which give eggplant its colour) have been
shown to enhance learning ability, memory, and coordination
skills. Start incorporating more eggplant into your life today!

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