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Does it matter that your personal circumstances influence how seriously your knowledge is


“It can be difficult to speak truth to power. Circumstances, however, have made doing so
increasingly necessary.” The world we live in now has many factors which influence our
many decisions in our live. Yes, we all want our knowledge to be taken seriously. It does
matter that your personal circumstances influence how seriously knowledge is taken.
However, sometimes our personal circumstances can act as a very powerful tool in fulfilling
our aim and reaching the right decision. There might be a difference in "your "and an
expert's circumstances in the process of sharing one's knowledge. We live in a world with
advanced technology and where communication has become more instant in discussing our
feelings and emotions related to a circumstance. In some areas of knowledge, such as human
science, arts, religious knowledge and natural sciences, knowledge has always been
contribution from various experts and shared knowledge. We must research the relationship
between personal circumstances and how the knowledge has been taken seriously to create
people's different views. There are many ways in sharing our knowledge such as our
memory, emotions and even logic.

Knowledge has always been connected to one's own experience and sometimes belief. In
terms of belief, people are more driven towards the characteristics of behaviour. People might
believe that knowledge can affect their decisions to a certain extent. For example, history has
given us many stories and truth about various incidents and happenings around the world but
not all people might believe it. Since we haven't seen much of the historic events, we believe
that the stories related to great leaders give us lot of knowledge to act on. This justifies that a
great idea can come from anywhere and it is based on people's knowledge.

Why is it assumed that personal circumstances affect how seriously your knowledge is taken?
Personal circumstances are always surrounding our lives and it also plays a vital role in our
upbringing. Different circumstances teach us on different levels and backgrounds. People
might express in many different ways and also depending on one's education. Therefore,
experiences in everyone's lives may be seen differently. People are biased towards different
perspectives and knowledge. They are personal circumstances in which a person sees and
perceive knowledge. Naturally, we are prone to taking knowledge from famous personalities
around the world. In today's advance world, we take knowledge from various and reputed
companies, organisations and latest technology. This affects the way our personal
circumstances influence our knowledge seriously. Technology has made it easy to access all
the information we need in every aspect of our lives. We know all the great findings of
famous scientists, great poets and artists who based their knowledge on their experiences and

Knowledge based on personal circumstances is considered to give shape to our shared

knowledge as it justifies personal impressions by an individual. Sometimes knowledge
doesn't even matter if it's true or not just because it helps in transforming our lives. We
normally give less credibility to the knowledge related to our personal circumstances.
However, this has influenced us on not accepting the truth and to be more biased towards the
knowledge which has not been proved sometimes. We have become ignorant due to the fact
that our opinions are based on people's judgements and not on our knowledge. They have had
serious consequences as a society and misguided people to believe the false knowledge.
When a situation fall out of any shared knowledge we have, relying on personal experiences
is a beneficial in the trusting process.

The preferences and faith of the person sharing the knowledge also plays a very important
factor in sharing the knowledge. For example, a person with blind belief in everything might
not be able to convince everybody just based on presumptions and mere knowledge. The
personal circumstances have to be taken very seriously by the knower. Sometimes, the person
sharing the knowledge might not be that serious which is being shared or given to the people.
When people believe that they are not accepted or who they are, this leads to the person being

Is there any criterion that all knowledge has to be accepted very seriously based on personal
circumstances? Since the knowledge shared by different people can be biased, we cannot
always be sure to take the knowledge from the knower every time. For example, arts have
lead people to describe their emotions and knowledge in a form of painting. The knowledge
shared by great and famous artists has helped us to know about the past and what people went
through. Shared knowledge has helped us to shape our personal experiences. For examples,
one of my close friends had expressed his knowledge through his great work of arts and it
helped me to gain knowledge about the famous painting and the history behind it. He had
prior knowledge about the great art work he had painted. It was his art and his knowledge that
was shared from his point of view. The extent of understanding the knowledge is always a
key factor in receiving all the knowledge.

Personal circumstances are connected to our own experience and are considered to be true
what an individual has gone through. The culture teaches us to be kind to one another and to
consider what is wrong and what is right. We start to judge our personal experiences by the
shared knowledge given to us. For example, my sister had asked me to keep a secret and as
per my upbringing, it impacted my experience and the knowledge of what I have been taught.
The community I grew in had led me to be ethical and understand the language of my
situations. Similarly personal circumstances justifies in taking our knowledge seriously. The
importance of personal circumstances of the knower is very influential and its validity
depends entirely on it.

In the world of natural sciences, we learn how things are done in our daily lives from boiling
water to waking up by putting an alarm. The area of natural sciences and the experiments
related to it are all best examples of taking the knowledge seriously. Science has never been
on its own and it has provided knowledge in applied research and new technological
developments. Likewise, the area of religious knowledge leads to have faith and belief in
God. It is eternal that a person always seeks help from God in bad and good circumstances.
This knowledge has been passed on and it has given meaning and purpose to our life. It
related to our emotions and how we approach every difficulty in our lives. This knowledge is
extremely crucial to humans on how they interact and communicate with each other.
I believe that knowledge has two very important uses in our lives. Firstly, we need to be
practical in gaining every knowledge and secondly, the knowledge that we need to make our
lives peaceful and worth. As the very famous saying goes "Knowledge is power." Without
its implications, nothing is possible. To discover the value of knowledge, we need to make
sure the validity of the information has been discovered by the impact from the people and
the affect it had on their real life situations. In my school life, I have always learnt that
knowledge is very important and it can help us to shape a better future and to deal with our
personal circumstances with eligibility. It is also important because knowledge is useful in
our daily life experiences. It is more important than belief as some knowledge has just based
on what people have heard about.

The question is what are the factors that can impact our trust on the knowledge we have? The
answer is simple. A person might catch up with any information in his life and it might be an
important factor for him to survive and lead his life. Some personal circumstances might not
be that vital to our knowledge but the seriousness of it can support our personal judgements. I
do agree that a personal circumstance adds to credibility and to be practical. However, some
areas such as human sciences need to provide proofs for every knowledge that they share.

And the last question is it important that the knowledge taken by the knower is valid and has
credibility or even of good context? If we believe that knowledge is reliable and valid,
because many people considered it as a truth, its plays a significant role in an individual's life.
For example, in history of natural sciences, we know that Galileo's experiment wasn't taken
so seriously, whereas Socrates' silly questions were seen as very important information and
good knowledge. However with time, the worth of the information and the knowledge
provided by the numerous experiments was understood by the world. This proves, that more
than knowledge, the personal circumstances be people are taken more into consideration and
people are less sceptic in making their decisions.

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