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Most adults are aware that drinking enough

water throughout the day is beneficial for overall health,

but most people still aren’t drinking enough. Staying
hydrated helps with weight loss in other ways. Water is
necessary for all physiological processes, including
digestion and calorie-burning. Water can even help make
your workouts a little easier. When you exercise, your
muscles actually hold onto water. If you're not adequately
hydrated, you're preventing your muscles from operating
at full capacity. Water is good for your overall health as
well. Drinking water can help ward off certain cancers,
like bladder and kidney cancers. Drinking regularly helps
dilute toxins and flushes them from your system, thus,
reducing the amount of time they're in your body. And if
you're consuming more fiber-rich foods, like fruit, veggies
and whole grains, drinking a lot of water can help prevent
constipation. Not to mention, all that hydration keeps
your skin looking great, too! DRINK WATER EVERYDAY
In our time, people have too
many things to do and they most often
forget to allocate time for physical
activities, which is really bad considering
that many tasks of our everyday life include
sitting, lounging about and looking at the
screen which is really bad for our health
and may lead to lifestyle diseases. Instead
of doing other time-passing activities, do
some workouts at home or at the gym in
your spare time. Doing workouts even at
your home can keep you maintain a healthy
body weight, help you increase your overall
energy, reduce the risk of chronic diseases,
and it will increase your self-confidence.
Working out doesn't choose anyone of
body type or age, so don't hesitate and try
to jog or do a push-up.
Sleep boosts your
immune system, manages
weight loss, and helps you
retain memory. Whether it's
setting an alarm or getting a
new mattress, you can take
simple steps to help you get
seven to eight hours of sleep.
It's never too late to practice
good sleep hygiene.
It is important for a
bunch of reasons. It jump-starts
your metabolism and stops you
from eating too much later. Also,
studies show that adults that
have healthy breakfast do better
at work and kids who ate their
breakfast scores higher on tests.
If a big plateful is not what you
want, you can eat some healthy
snack bar or some fruit. Just
don’t skip your breakfast.
Brushing teeth is
good for us. It keeps the
gum healthy which helps
to keep prevent gum
disease and tooth decay.
Brushing and flossing are
the most important things
that you can do to keep
your teeth and gums
Eating a healthy meal that
contains varieties of go, glow, and grow
food three times a day will supply you the
nutrients you need for growth and repair,
helping you to stay strong and healthy and
help to prevent diet-related illness, such as
some cancers. It will also give you enough
energy you need to keep active throughout
the day. Those who follow a healthy, well-
balanced diet reduce their risk of chronic
diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease
and cancer. Aim to consume a diet rich in
fruits, vegetables, whole grains and
unsaturated fats.
Walking at least 30 mins.
everyday, especially in the morning,
proves to be really good for the body.
First, it improves your mood and gives
you a chance to be exposed to
sunlight making you feel more active.
It improves metabolism and reduces
risk of chronic diseases by lowering
your blood sugar levels which also
saves you from diabetes. It keeps your
legs in great shape. This habit is kind
of like the proverbial apple; it does
have a good chance to keep the
doctor away.
Eating fruits can
reduce the risk of acquiring
chronic diseases. Fruits are good
source of fiber, vitamins, and
folate (folic acid). It can also
make the skin healthy and
glowing as well. It is good for
the maintenance of our body. It
also has antioxidants which
help fight the free radicals that
can damage cells.
Gardening is healthy way of relieving
your stress. Whether your plants may be for
decorative or for growing your own source of food, it
helps us in both physically and mentally. Checking
the plants during the day and watering them is a
crucial part, taking care of a garden can start with
one small plot that could then be expanded into a
much bigger space. Students couldn't possibly come
home at the afternoon to water, one can also adapt a
gardening style wherein the plants are scheduled to
be taken care for at night. Picking out weeds and
watering the plants, especially in a larger space, can
help exercise your body. Gardening reduces expenses
when buying vegetables when you have them at
home. It also makes one happy when they see their
plants alive and healthy and it's more satisfying when
you see how beautiful they are once they've grown
Reading is very beneficial for
your mental health as well as your
interpersonal relationships, and not only
as an excellent source of entertainment.
Research proves that reading can boost
your cognitive health and helps keep
stress away. Reading daily exercises the
brain muscles and helps them unwind
after a long and stressful day. Reading
for pleasure helps increase self-esteem,
confidence, slows down signs of
dementia and symptoms of depression. It
makes us empathetic, makes us mentally
flexible, and it increases spatial
intelligence. Reading a book is also
known as effective as therapy.
Weighing yourself weekly can
help increase your awareness of your
weight and weight-related behaviors. It
may help you lose more weight and
prevent you from gaining that weight
back in the long-term and avoid being
overweight leading to obesity. To keep
your weight from creeping up on you, set
a weekly maintenance or loss goal for
yourself, write it down, and check
yourself against that goal. Weigh
yourself each week on the same day and
at the same time – and wearing the same
amount of clothing for consistency.

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