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Educational Debate Topics

 A college degree is essential for getting a good job.

 Education should focus on maths and science rather than music
and art.
 Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
 Homework is necessary in order to learn
 Cell phones should be banned in schools.
 Public schools are better than private schools.
 Religion should be taught in school.
 Teachers should be given guns to defend students.
 Studying a second language should be compulsory.

Political Debate Topics

 All people should be able to own guns.
 Churches should pay taxes.
 Rich people and large corporations should pay more taxes.
 Should the U.N. have a standing army?
 The President should be allowed to run for reelection
 Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
 Voting should be mandatory for all citizens.
 The Philippines should declare against China regarding the
West Philippine Sea.
Social Debate Topics
 Abortion should be available to all women.
 The government should provide free birth control.
 Companies should be required to hire 50% male and 50%
female employees.
 The death penalty should be reinstated.
 Drug use should be treated as a mental health issue rather than
a criminal offense.
 Euthanasia should be legal.
 Gay marriage should be legalized.
 Gay people should be allowed to adopt children.
 Should insurance cover cosmetic procedures?
 The Police should be allowed to use deadly force.
 Religion does more harm than good.
 Sex work should be legal.

Environmental Debate Topics

 Climate change is the greatest threat in human history.
 Companies should be taxed on their carbon emissions and other
negative environmental impact.
 Plastic bags and packaging should be banned.
 Everyone should be vegetarian.
 Live animal exports should be banned.
 More land should be dedicated as national parks.
 Tourism destroys the environment.
 Zoos should be banned.

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