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Judul : IT For Learning

Step 1

 Repository
= Arsip
 On linedatabase
= basis data online
Bank data yang berbasis online
 Web blog
= situs yang dipakai oleh pengguna internet yang berisi tulisan pada sebuah halaman web
Yang belum jelas sumbernya
 IT For Learning
= penggunaan teknologi untuk pembelajaran
 Layak rujuk
= yang layak untuk digunakkan
Dari suatu universitas dan ada identitas nya
Sumber yang valid
Digunakkan untuk pembelajaran

Step 2

1. Apa yang dimaksud sumber belajar (learning resource)?

teaching and learning resources could be defined as the instruments of presentation and
transmission of the prescribed educational material. These include, amongst others: images,
maps, photographs, sketches, diagrams, films, written material such as newspaper clippings or
articles from scientific and technical literature. The importance of teaching and learning
resources is further evidenced by today’s textbooks that abound with dynamic and attractive
visual material which is used to present between 40% and 50% of their content,2 so that it could
be closer to children and the media they are accustomed to, such as television, computer games
and the internet.3 The wide usage of different teaching and learning resources has its positive
and negative sides, and, in order to regulate the latter, it is important to realise how these
resources are utilised in the educational process.

Bušljeta, R. (2013). Effective Use of Teaching and Learning Resources. Czech-Polish Historical
and Pedagogical Journal, 5/2, 55–69. doi: 10.2478/cphpj-2013-0014

2. Apa yang dimaksud dari repository ?

- Dimana data-data ynag diperlukan dirangkum dan disimpan agar tidak hilang dan keasliaanya
tetap terjaga.
Mark Ware, Pathfinder Research on Web-based Repositories
An institutional repository (IR) is defined to be a web-based database (repository) of scholarly
material which is institutionally defined (as opposed to a subject-based repository); cumulative
and perpetual (a collection of record); open and interoperable (e.g. using OAI-compliant
software); and thus collects, stores and disseminates (is part of the process of scholarly
communication). In addition, most would include long-term preservation of digital materials as a
key function of IRs.2

Barton, Mary R. Creating an Institutional Repository: LEADIRS Workbook. Cambridge, MA: MIT,
3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan IT ?
- sebuah teknologi yang dimana berisi perangkat-perangkat hadware.
- Teknologi yang berisi sumber informasi ynag mendunia.
- Teknologi yang dapat membantu kehidupan manusia.
Information Technology “is any computer-based tool that people use to work with information
and support the information and information processing needs of an organization” (Haag.
1998; pp.17. 518)

4. Apa yang dimaksud IT For learning ?

- penggunaan teknologi sebagai untuk sarana pembelajaran.
- Information Technology “is any computer-based tool that people use to work with information
and support the information and information processing needs of an organization” (Haag.
1998; pp.17. 518). It includes computers and its related technologies; WWW, Internet and
Videoconferencing etc. Information technology can be used to promote the opportunities of
knowledge dissemination. It can help the teachers and students having up-to-date information
and knowledge.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Irshad HUSSAIN
Department of Education
International Islamic University Islamabad

Muhammad SAFDAR
Department of Education
International Islamic University Islamabad

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE April 2008 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 9 Number: 2
Notes for Editor-5


LEARNING PROCESS: Perception of the Faculty

5. Apa yang dimaksud on linedatabase?

= bank data yang berbasis online yang dapat diakses melalui internet
Yang disimpan secara sistematis dan dapat diperiksa dengan progam computer
Contoh on linedatabase
- sebuah penyimpanan yang disimpan pada suatu system seperti : penyimpanan data pada

An online database is a machine-readable file of organized information with which the user
interacts by means of a terminal connected to the computer housing the file. The terminal
may be wired directly to the computer or it may communicate with it via a
telecommunications network. The important feature of the online mode is that the user
interacts with the information in the computer, sending and receiving messages in an
almost instantaneous time frame.
Barbara Rice, Evaluation of Online Databases and Their Uses in Collection Evaluation,
6. Apa yang dimaksud dengan sumber layak rujuk?
- sumber yang dapat dipercaya (yang diambil dari buku).
- Dapat diambil dari sebuah jurnal yang berasal darisebuah universitas .
- Sumber yang dapat dipertanngung jawabkan dari penulis yang expert.
- In scientific circles, the reference is the information that is necessary to the reader in
identifying and finding used sources. The basic rule when listing the sources used is that
references must be accurate, complete and should be consistently applied. On the other
hand the quoting implies verbatim written or verbal repetition of parts of the text or words
written by others that can be checked in the original text (4). There are several systems of
citation and referencing, while the most commonly used systems are „author-date“ (such as
the Harvard system, APA, etc.) and numerical systems (such as CSA, IEEE, Vancouver style
and others). Often, the preferred system of citation is depended on the scientific discipline
in which the author writes. Thus the ways the references are written in an article about
mathematics differ from the references in the article about biomedicine. Also, the authors
are sometimes faced with the need to respect pre-set requirements for quoting sources
from the institution, journal or publisher (1, 2, 6, 8, 13). For example, different requirements
will be from higher education institutions in the use of reference in the thesis or doctoral
dissertation, from the publisher requirements (e.g. journal) that is indexed in the databases
(e.g., Web of Knowledge, Medline, Scopus, etc.). Each system includes a precisely defined
set of rules for attribution in the text of scientific or professional work and a way of referring
to them. The aim is to make it recognizable what, in the text, belongs to the author and
what is taken from other authors/sources. Once adopted, one way of reference must be
Expert ( yang ahli dalam bidangnya).
Harus sesuai materi yang dituju dan sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sedang
ciri-ciri sumber layak rujuk :
- Penulis yang expert dibidangnya
- Informasi yang baru
- Berasal dari institusi yang terpercaya

Perbedaan institusi dengan universitas

Institusi = sebuah lembaga.

Universitas = tempat belajar .

Institusi = sebuah lembaga yang lebih mengrucut ; satu bidang ilmu

Universitas = sebuah lembaga yang lebih luas karena terdiri dari berbagai fakultas; beberapa
bidang ilmu

7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan web blog?

- situs yang dapat dipakai oleh semua pengguna internet yang biasannya ditulis pada sebuah
halaman; situs yang berisi kreatifitas penulis/creator; tuangan pikiran dari penulis; sebuah
situs yang berisi tentang pengalaman keseharian.
- The blog (a contraction of web log/weblog) is a form of online publishing, com-
- munication, and expression
- Blood 2002; Rosenberg 2009; Winer 2001).
- Cornelius Puschmann
- Bereitgestellt von | Heinrich Heine Universität DüsseldorfAngemeldetHeruntergeladen
am | 20.05.15 17:09
- Page 83
8. Apakah tujuan serta dampak dari IT for learning ?
- dapat mempermudah dan membantu mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran agar lebih efektif dan
efisien di era globalisasi.
-Banyak sumber ,lebih cepat dan komplit

The need of new technologies in teaching learning process grows stronger and faster.
The information age becomes an era of knowledge providing sound and unmatched
feasibility for discovery, exchange of information, communication and exploration to
strengthen the teaching learning process.Information technologies help in promoting
opportunities of knowledge sharing throughout the world. These can help the teachers
and students having up-to-date information and knowledge. Accurate and right
information is necessary for effective teaching and learning; and information
technologies (Haag, 1998; p.10) are “set of tools that can help provide the right people
with the right information at the right time.” Students are independent and they can make
best decisions possible about their studies, learning time, place and resources.Students
are able to work in collaborative and interactive learning environments effectively
communicating, sharing information and exchanging ideas and learning experiences
with all in the environment.
Role of information technologies in teaching learning process: Perception of the faculty

Article (PDF Available) in Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 9(2) · April 2008 with
10,353 Reads
Dampak Negative :

-Membuat mahasiswa menjadi ketergantungngan dalam hal belajar.

-Lebih mudah terkena hoax.
- membuat mahasiswa tidak fokus dalam belajar.
- mahasiswa menjadi konsumtif danmelupakan sumber yang valid.
9. Apa contoh dari repository?

= -skripsi dari mahasiswa yang berisi tentang experimen .

-karya ilmiah
- arsip penting seperti nilai
- naskah publikasi
- makalah

10. Mengapa harus menggunakan sumber yang layak rujuk?

= - mahasiswa dapat memperoleh dan memecahkan masalah dengan benar
- Agar mahasiswa dapat mempertanggung jawabkan dari sumber yang dia ambil
- Agar mencegah terjadinya mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi yang salah.
Research in practice reviewJournal of Information Science1–11Ó The Author(s)
2012Reprints and permission:
10.1177/0165551512439178jis.sagepub.comMethods for evaluating informationsources: An
annotated catalogueBirger HjørlandRoyal School of Library and Information Science,
DenmarkAbstractThe article briefly presents and discusses 12 different approaches to the
evaluation of information sources (for example a Wikipediaentry or a journal article): (1) the
checklist approach; (2) classical peer review; (3) modified peer review; (4) evaluation based
on exam-ining the coverage of controversial views; (5) evidence-based evaluation; (6)
comparative studies; (7) author credentials; (8) publisherreputation; (9) journal impact
factor; (10) sponsoring: tracing the influence of economic, political, and ideological
interests; (11) bookreviews and book reviewing; and (12) broader criteria. Reading a text is
often not a simple process. All the methods discussed here aresteps on the way on learning
how to read, understand, and criticize texts. According to hermeneutics it involves the
subjectivity of thereader, and that subjectivity is influenced, more or less, by different
theoretical perspectives. Good, scholarly reading is to be aware ofdifferent perspectives,
and to situate oneself among them.Keywordcritical research assessment; evaluation of
information sources; source criticism1. IntroductionEvaluation of information sources (or
‘critical research assessment’ or ‘source criticism’) is becoming a focus in libraryand
information science (LIS), because users have easy access to overwhelming amounts of
documents. From being rel-atively scarce, ‘information’ is becoming abundant. In schools of
LIS, courses in ‘information competency’ and ‘sourcecriticism’ are becoming common, and
much research on evaluating Wikipedia and other kinds of information source isalso being
carried out, as well as more general research about conceptualizations and methodologies
in these fields.The focus of evaluation in this context is on whether or not a given source is
reliable for use in a scholarly argument.Information specialists should consider themselves
as a kind of consumer adviser, who provides guidance to users ofinformation sources (the
users being mainly students). In this connection it is important to consider ‘the ‘functional
viewof information sources’, which states that a source is not in itself good or bad, but just
more or less fruitful or relevant inrelation to a given question.Research and practice related
to the evaluation of information sources are not independent of general approaches
or‘paradigms’ in LIS. In other articles I have argued that LIS should be based on a social,
epistemological approach ratherthan on an individual, cognitive view. The present article is
first of all inspired by Marc Meola’s criticism [1] that thepopular checklist approach is based
on a ‘mechanistic way of evaluating that is at odds with critical thinking’, and hisattempt to
provide alternative ways of evaluation. Second, the present paper is inspired by Bailin and
Grafstein [2], whobased their evaluation very much on real-life examples from the scholarly
literature, and like myself are much concernedwith ‘paradigm theory’.In the following, 12
different approaches to evaluating information sources are presented and discussed,
togetherwith the core literature and criticism of each approach. It is not an in-depth
treatment of each approach but – as stated inthe subtitle – an annotated catalogue of
different approaches meant to serve students as well as teachers and researchersin this
field. A similar overview has not been published before, and the different approaches are
mostly used withoutconsidering each other
11. Mengapa web blog tidak termasuk sumber yang layak rujuk?
- karena web blog sumbernya belum valid.
- Karena dalam web blog tidak berdasarkan fakta .
- Web blog author atau penulis nya masih umum.

Jika penulis blog sudah expert apakah blog-nya dapat layak rujuk?

- Dilihat dari isi blog penulis ; sumbernya dari penlitian yang sudah di uji coba dan ada
buktinya ; tidak layak rujuk ; boleh dibaca tetapi tidak layak untuk di rujuk.

When you write an assignment, you create an argument for your point of view, giving evidence for that
view. The evidence that you give will come from the sources you have read. Hence, the quality of your
argument will partly depend on the quality of your sources. If you use a source that is not accurate or
well-informed, you do not look like a good student. Your lecturers may suspect that you used the first
sources you found and will assume that you do not have a good understanding of ideas related to your

Apa yang menyebabkan sumber belajar boleh dirujuk atau tidak?

- Berisikan teori yang sudah disepakati oleh dunia dan telah terbukti turun-temurun
( teori yang telah lama disepakati dan belum ada teori yang menggantikkanya).
- Dari seorang expert dan teorinya di publish oleh universitas yang ternama.
- Tidak ada revisi dan tidak formal
- Bukan wadah yang semestinya

Ask yourself these questions when evaluating electronic sources:

 Does your lecturer/tutor recommend the site?

 Who is responsible for the site? Is it associated with a respected organisation or institution?

 Is the organisation responsible for the site clearly identified (e.g. with an official logo) and are
contact details provided? Is there obvious bias in the site?

 Does the source use correct grammar and spelling?

 Was the site recently updated?

There will be many websites that could be relevant for any topic you may have to write about at
university. However, it is not always easy to determine whether the information they contain is
trustworthy. In general, it is best not to trust information you find on the World Wide Web until you can
determine who wrote it. Consider the following internet ‘domain names’. Government .gov Commercial
.com Education .edu Organisation .org Academic .ac Network .net The domains .gov, .edu and .ac can
only be registered by government and educational institutions. For this reason, they reflect a higher
order of authority than .com, .org or .net sites.

The article briefly presents and discusses 12 different approaches to the evaluation of
information sources (for example a Wikipedia entry or a journal article): (1) the checklist
approach; (2) classical peer review; (3) modified peer review; (4) evaluation based on
examining the coverage of controversial views; (5) evidence-based evaluation; (6)
comparative studies; (7) author credentials; (8) publisher reputation; (9) journal impact
factor; (10) sponsoring: tracing the influence of economic, political, and ideological
interests; (11) book reviews and book reviewing; and (12) broader criteria. Reading a
text is often not a simple process. All the methods discussed here are steps on the way
on learning how to read, understand, and criticize texts. According to hermeneutics it
involves the subjectivity of the reader, and that subjectivity is influenced, more or less, by
different theoretical perspectives. Good, scholarly reading is to be aware of different
perspectives, and to situate oneself among them.
12. Apa tujuan dari seseorang harus memiliki sasaran belajar?

13. Mengapa nilai mid dan akhir modul mahasiswa kurang ?

Credibility of the citations that she was used to learn

14. Apa saja peran dari DPA?
Educational supervisors are the main administrators at educational institutions. A
principal or head teacher is the most common type of educational supervisor. You
must first be kind and gain experience of teaching if you wish to move into a
career in administration as an educational supervisor. You also need a high level of
education, excellent administrative skills and the ability to balance needs of
teachers with those of students and their parents.
Educational supervisors are responsible for overseeing all the administrative duties
at elementary and secondary schools, though they may sometimes work at
postsecondary institutions as well. An educational supervisor keeps the school
running. Budgets, teaching schedules, supplies, disciplinary actions, teacher and
staff evaluations, and communications with the public fall under the purview of
educational supervisors. They also have a hand in planning school events and
implementing curriculum.
Educational supervisors must also ensure that their schools follow the educational
directives set by local governments, state governments and the federal government.
It is the responsibility of the educational supervisor to make sure that their school
meets testing, budgetary and other standards set by their district or state. They must
make sure that every person working a school, including custodial teachers and
bookkeepers, are ultimately under the scrutiny of the principal and assistant
Supervision is the by overseeing of the performance or operation of a person or
group. It is the act of watching over the work or tasks of another person who lack
full knowledge of the concept at hand. Supervision does not mean the control of
other but guidance in a work in professional or personal context.
Principals are answerable only to superintendents, who are technically educational
supervisors as well. Superintendents oversee all the schools and staff in their
district. They perform the same basic functions as principals but on a larger scale.
School superintendents must comfortable handle large amount of pressure and
responsibility. They should have excellent diplomacy and interpersonal skills as
they work closely with school boards and the administrative staff in their district
and others. Post secondary educational supervisors have duties that are more on
targeted depending upon the branch of the university for which they work. Some
postsecondary educational supervisors may have mainly business duties while
others are more research or academic pursuits.

Apa pentingnya kuliah pakar bagi mahasiswa?

Step 4

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