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Name : Annisa Nurhidayah

NIM : 201611003

English III (Nutrition)

Strategy Implementation

Case :
Mr. Bani (28 y.o) has been hospitalized since two days ago, and he complained of feeling

unwell, nausea, vomit, and he has bowel motion. After nurse check his condition he lose

weight and dehydration. He must given food and drink.

1. Orientation Phase

“Hello Mr, good morning my name is nurse annisa nurhidayah, you can call me nurse

nissa, what’s your name ?. okay Mr bani, i’m nurse on duty today. How are you

feeling today ?. oh you feel unweell, nausea and vomit ?. okay Mr Bani i need to

check your condition and i need to help you to eat and drink, are you agree with me

Mr ? how about place ? in this room ?”

2. Working Phase

“Sir, is your food always spent ?, no ? why? Because you feel nausea ?”

“How many times do you bowel movement in one day ?”

“Okay i will help you to eat and drink, because you have to eat and drink a lot, so you

dont get dehydrated”

“May i see your dietary card ? okay thank you”

“You dont have eat spicy and sour right?”

“Mr. Bani i need to go to the kitchen to prepare your food and beverage, pliss wait

until i’m back in this room.”

“Hello Mr. Bani i’m back.”

“ First i wil to change your position with semi fowler position,so you do not choke

when you eating.”

“Do you want to be helped or you can eat by your self ?”

“ okay if you can feed by your self, i need to help you wash your hand.”

“I'm going to wrap big bib around your neck, and offered to pray before eating”

“ You can use this spoon and fork to eat.”

“ Please eat slowly, after you feed you can drink”

“ Have you finished ?”

“ Okay if you finished, i will tidy up.”

3. Termination Phase

“How are you feeling after i help you to feed and drink ?”

“Okay Mr bani If later someone wants to be told or asked to me, you can meet me in

the nurse station room, or push the button that is at the bedside. I will come back

again to give you medicine at 12:00 p,m. we just do it in this room. Okay see you


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