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This morning at Puskesmas Gubeng the head of the room and all nurses on duty are

carrying out "Timbang Terima"

Head of the room : “Assalamualaikum, Good Afternoon.”

All nurses : “Waalaikumsalam, Good Afternoon.”
Head of the room : “How are you today?”
All nurses : “I am fine,”
Head of the room : “Before we carry out the "Timbang Terima" let us pray first. Prayer

(Head of the room and all nurses praying)

Head of the room : “Praying finished. How many patients are there today?”
Nurse Alfayu : “We have one patient today. The name of the patient is Mrs Shinta Nuraini.”
Head of the room : “How to nursing assessment on Mrs Shinta?”
Nurse Bella : “Mrs. Shinta Nuraini is 35 years old. she is a worker in Gubeng sub-district
office. She had frequent bowel movements and vomiting. She defecated four to five times a day.
This morning she had defecated 3 times and vomited 2 times. Her symptoms began 2 days ago
after she ate spicy food. Mrs Shinta does not suffer from food allergies and rarely eats spicy
foods. She looked pale and weak.”
Head of the room : “How about SOAP on Ny Shinta?”
Nurse Azizah : Patient Names : Shinta Nuraini
DOB : 07.04.1983
Record No : 2345.144
Subjective : ‘My stomach is hurts and I am vomiting’
Objective : Pulse 90 times in one minute, the patient looked weak
and her face was pale
Assessment : fluid volume deficit r/t diarrhea
Plan : 1) installation of infusion. 2) monitor intake and input from patient
Head of the room : “Is there a collaborative action with other health professions?”
Nurse Bagas : “There is collaborative action with nutritionists.”
Head of the room : “When will it be implemented?”
Nurse Alfayu : “This morning at 10 am
Head of the room : “Well, I think enough "Timbang Terima" for this morning. please go back to
your work. Wassalamualaikum.”
All Nurses : “Waalaikumsalam.”

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