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To Build Up Your Spoken English Skill

Curriculum Map
Course Text Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pre Get Up
to Speed 1~2 New Get Up to Speed 1

New Get Up to Speed 2

New Get Up to Speed 3

Conversation New Get Up to Speed 4

Daily Focused English 1

Daily Focused English 2

Active Discussion 1

Active Discussion 2

Dynamic Discussion

Discussion Chicken Soup Course

Dynamic Information & Digital Technology

Pre Business Basics 1

Pre Business Basics 2

Business Basics 1
Conversation Business Basics 2

Business Basics 3

Business Basics 4

Effective Business Writing Skills (Workbook)

Effective Presentation Skills (Workbook)

Global Biz Effective Negotiation Skills (Workbook)

Cross-Cultural Training 1~2 (Workbook)

Leadership Training Course (Workbook)

Effective Business Writing Skills

Effective Meeting Skills

Business Communication (Negotiation)

Business Effective Presentation Skills

Marketing 1

Marketing 2


Human Resources

Accounting and Finance

Marketing and Sales

Production Management


Banking and Commerce

On the Job
English Medical and Medicine

Information Technology


Construction English in Use 1 ~ 4

Public Service English in Use

※ This Curriculum Map illustrates the entire line-up of textbooks at CARROT HOUSE. CARROT HOUSE_ 2014.2
P.O.Box #2924, St. Marys, Ontario, Canada


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without the prior permission in writing of CARROT HOUSE

First published September 2010

Reprinted February 2014

Acquisition Editor : CARROT Language Research & Development, Canada

Acquisitions Editor : Edita Co., US

ISBN 978-89-97179-29-9

Printed and distributed in Korea

9th Fl., Daenam Building, 199, Nonhyeon-dong
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea 135-827
Carrot House Methodology

Andragogical Approach & Productive English

The teaching of children (pedagogy) and the teaching of adults (andragogy) are
distinctively different. Pedagogy is akin to training and encourages convergent thinking and
rote learning. It is compulsory, centered on the teacher and the imparting of information
with minimal control by the learner. Andragogy, by contrast, is about education as freedom.
It encourages divergent thinking and active learning. It is voluntary, learner oriented and
opens up vistas for continuous learning. Adults need to feel independent and in control of
their learning. Therefore, Carrot House curriculum is based on andragogy and is designed
to involve learners’ participation and engagement by providing more task-based activities
and opportunities to frequently interact in the classroom.

People want to achieve communicative competence when they learn other languages.
English education in EFL environments has been rather focused on receptive skills of
English─listening and reading─which just increases learners’ knowledge about language, not
the competence of using them. If people are well equipped with productive skills─speaking
and writing─they will be competent in English communication. This is why Carrot House
curriculum is designed to enhance learners’ productive skills throughout the course. This
andragogical approach of the Carrot House Curriculum, which focuses on productive
English, will enable learners to achieve communication skills necessary for global
competence. Carrot House’s teaching philosophy and curriculum combined pursues a
“Language for Success” for all learners.

Communicative Language Learning (CLL)

This communicative interaction, the essential component of language acquisition, does not
occur in a typical, non-meaningful, fun-oriented conversation with native speakers. It occurs
in a negotiated interaction through which a well-trained teacher provides comprehensible
input that is appropriate to the learners. The learners actively utilize the opportunities given
to them by the teachers.

To this end, the Communicative Language Learning (CLL) method is employed in the field
of Foreign Language Acquisition. CLL provides the activities that are geared toward using
language pragmatically, authentically and functionally with the intention of achieving
meaningful purposes. ATEC OPIc Series are designed based on the CLL method. Through
the process of CLL, Carrot English aims at the improvement of the learners’ communicative
competence, that is speaking, and writing; and considers it as our ultimate goal.
Unit Composition
This book, ATEC OPIc, consists of 4 units, and each unit consists of 3 chapters. Each
chapter is composed of 12 sub-sections.
Warm-up: Learners are presented with two pictures to practice describing scenes related to
the material. Learners will look at the pictures and will describe one within a minute
without any preparation.

Action Speech: Learners will brainstorm the topic, and based on the brainstormed ideas
they will have a short speech practice.

Must Have 5: This section provides five key elements to help students clearly understand
what they should include in their OPIc script.

ATEC Formula: This section provides the standard formula of the step-by-step speech
making process which will help learners to have a well organized speech script for their
OPIc Test.

Grammar Tip: This section provides the grammar lesson which will help students to build
up sentence structure to create an appropriate speech script.

OPIc Vocabulary: This section provides the key vocabulary related to the topic.
OPIc Expressions: This section provides the key expressions to help learners to deliver the
idea with various expressions.

Actual Practice I: This section provides four to six pictures to make a story. Learners will
create a story and present it in order to improve their speaking ability using a variety of
vocabulary and expressions.

Actual Practice II: This section is to practice the actual OPIc Test. Learners will practice the
OPIc Test with the expected questions as a pair or group.

Series Questions: This section provides the expected questions to practice and series
questions of each given question.

Watch out for these questions: This section provides the questions that learners must fully
understand when they answer.

Self Study: This section provides 10 OPIc questions. Learners should listen to the passage
and fill in the blank to practice listening comprehension and build sentence structure in
order to give appropriate answers.
Here are Ten Commandments for the best results in language learning:

1. Fear not.
2. Dive in.
3. Believe in yourself.
4. Seize the day.
5. Love thy neighbor.
6. Get the big picture.
7. Cope with the chaos.
8. Go with your hunches.
9. Learn from your mistakes
10. Set your own goals.

Carrot House
How to Use the ATEC OPIc Book
Warming Up
1) Randomly select students to describe the pictures.
2) Learners will not have any preparation time for this activity.
3) Learners will describe a picture using their own vocabulary within one minute.
4) After hearing their descriptions, give them feedback.

Action Speech
1) Checking students' knowledge of the topic and brainstorming about key ideas can be added
to create a speech related to the topic.
2) Write down the key ideas in the mind mapping chart where it says, "Idea."
3) Think further about the key ideas and talk about derived ideas, writing them down in the
mind mapping chart where it says, "Derived Idea."
4) Ask learners to make a short speech using the key ideas from the brainstorming.
5) Give feedback on the learners’ speeches.

Must Have 5
1) Give a lesson on the key elements to help students include appropriate content in their
2) Check the Must Have 5, and then study through the example sentences, which can be used
to talk about the topic.
3) Put the example sentences into practice.
4) Check the Tips to extend the practice to help learners even more.

ATEC Formula

What is ATEC?
ATEC is a formula that shows the step-by-step process of how to create a well-organized
speech. Using ATEC will help to create an effective speech or script and deliver a clear
message related to the topic. Each letter stands for the words as below.
※ A: Attention / T: Topic / E: Experience / C: Closing

Grab your audience’ s attention with your first words. Most listeners are bored and unconcerned. Therefore,
ATTENTION you must start by using something that is shocking and/or passionate. Then, instead of thinking about
"attention getter," listeners will be thinking about what you will say next.
This is the message you want to deliver to your listeners. You must tell the purpose, theme, interpretation,
and direction. The listeners will be asking themselves, "what is the main point"?

Explain main points by giving evidence. Try to use personal experience as evidence, the more realistic the
EXPERIENCE better. Choose topics that you have experienced in your life. This will give you the power to speak with abundant
knowledge. Tell a story about when you learned a lesson; from your experience others can learn too.

This is the conclusion. To wrap-up the communication smoothly, you must go through this stage. The main
CLOSING purpose of closing is to leave a message with your listeners. By summarizing your main points, you help
listeners focus and remember what you have said.

1) Introduce what the ATEC Formula is.

2) Study the ATEC Formula through two samples to get an idea of how to use the formula.
3) Based on the ATEC Formula, ask learners to develop their own script for the topic based on
what they did in the Action Speech sub-section.
4) Write a draft using the ATEC Formula.

Grammar Tip
1) Give a lesson on grammar which will help to build up sentence structuring.
2) Practice the grammar lesson with the questions that follow.

OPIc Vocabulary & Expressions

1) Go over the lists of Vocabulary and Expressions to help learners use appropriate vocabulary
and expressions to deliver their ideas related to the topic.
2) Have a short practice to make sentences using the new terms.

Actual Practice I
1) Ask learners to look at the pictures.
2) The pictures show one story.
3) Ask learners to make a story by looking at the pictures.
4) Have students give presentations in front of the class to practice their speech making skills.

Actual Practice II
1) Divide the class into pairs or groups.
2) Each student will have a role to act as an interviewer or interviewee.
3) The interviewers will make their own questions to ask the interviewees.
4) The interviewees will answer the questions.
5) After the practice, switch roles and practice again.
6) For further practice, interviewees ask the interviewers to report what they remember about
the interview to practice learners’ listening comprehension.
About OPIc
[ OPIc이란? ]
OPIc은 면대면 interview와 가장 가깝게 만든 iBT 기반의 외국어 말하기 평가로써 단순히 문법이나 어휘 등을 측정하는
것이 아니라, 실제 생활에서 얼마나 효과적으로 또 상황에 맞게 언어를 사용할 수 있는가를 측정하는 언어 평가

[ OPIc 진행과정 ]

1) Background Survey
(문항 설정 사전 설문) 1) OPIc Overview Self Assessment 2nd Session
1st Session
(본 시험 1차) (난이도 재 조정) (본 시험 2차)
2) Sample Questions
2) Self Assessment
(난이도 자가평가)

[ OPIc 평가영역 ]

Language Function Text Type Contents Compreh-

Control Global Tasks Context ensibility

Grammar 일관되고 어문의 길이와 주제 표현 능력 의사전달 및

Vocabulary 즉흥적으로 구성능력 질문 의도
Fluency 대처하는 능력 파악 능력

[ OPIc 등급 체계 ]
사건을 서술할 때 일관적으로 동사 시제를 관리하고, 사람
과 사물을 묘사할 때 다양한 형용사를 사용한다. 적절한 위
Advanced 치에서 접속사를 사용하기 때문에 문장간의 결속력도 높
LOW 고 문단의 구조를 능숙하게 구성할 수 있다. 익숙하지 않
Advanced Low 은 복잡한 상황에서도문제를 설명하고 해결할 수 있는 수
준의 능숙도이다.
Intermediate High 개인에게 익숙하지 않거나 예측하지 못한 복잡한 상황을
Intermediate 만날 때, 대부분의 상황에서 사건을 설명하고 문제를 효
Intermediate Mid 3 IH
HIGH 과 적으로 사용하곤 한다. 발화량이 많고, 다양한 어휘를
2010년 6월 이후 Intermediate Mid 2
변별력 강화를 위해 일상적인 소재 뿐 아니라 개인적으로 익숙한 상황에서는 문
Intermediate 장을 나열하며 자연스럽게 말할 수 있다.
IM레벨 3단계로 Intermediate Mid 1 IM
MID 다양한 문장형식이나 어휘를 실험적으로 사용하려고 하며
세분화 됨 상대방이 조금만 배려해주면 오랜시간 대화가 가능하다.
Intermediate Low
Intermediate 일상적인 소재에서는 문장으로 말할 수 있다. 대화에 참여
Novice High LOW 하고 선호하는 소재에서는 자신감을 가지고 말할 수 있다.

Novice Mid 일상적인 대부분의 소재에 대해서는 문장으로 말할 수 있다.

NH Novice HIGH
개인정보라면 질문을 하고 응답할 수 있다.
Novice Low
NM Novice MID 이미 암기한 단어나 문장으로 말하기를 할 수 있다.

NL Novice LOW 제한적인 수준이지만 영어단어를 나열하며 말할 수 있다.

수 많은 공인 영어 능력 평가 시험 중 왜 많은 사람들이 OPIc을 준비하는 것일까요?
막연하게 면대면 인터뷰와 가장 흡사해서 혹은 그냥 영어 말하기 평가가 대세이기 때문이 아니라, 내가 가고자 하는 또
승진하고자 하는 그 곳의 그 자리, 즉 유수의 많은 기업들이 바로 OPIc 시험 성적을 요구하고 있기 때문입니다. 단순 영어
구사 능력 평가가 아닌 취업과 승진이라는 목표에 역량을 더하고 돌파구가 될 수 있는 시험이 바로 OPIc이기 때문입니다.

[ OPIc 결과 활용 기업 ]

삼성그룹 전 계열사 포스코 LG전자

두산그룹 CJ그룹 전 계열사 STX

신세계백화점 대림산업 LG디스플레이

LG패션 미래에셋증권 MBC

서울시 농수산물공사 아모레퍼시픽 KCC

GS칼텔스 BC카드 한국석유공사

롯데그룹 한국마사회 LG이노텍

* 위 기업들 이외에도 많은 기업에서 신입직원 및 승진 시 OPIc 시험을 활용하고 있습니다.

OPIc 유형 파헤치기
[ Type 1 설문조사에서 출제되는 문제 ]
OPIc 응시 시 누구나 신분, 주거지 형태와 여가생활, 취미생활, 스포츠, 휴가나 출장 등의 설문 주제에서 11가지 이상의
항목을 선택하게 됩니다. 이 설문 조사 내용을 바탕으로 문제의 카테고리가 결정이 됩니다. 대부분의 문제의 카테고리가
설문 조사에서 결정이 되니 설문조사 또한 내용을 잘 살펴가며 진행하는 것을 잊지 않도록 합니다.

[ Type 2 돌발문제와 콤보문제 ]

그렇다면, 설문조사와 관련된 항목만 대비하면 완벽하게 시험 준비가 가능한 것일까요? 그렇지 않습니다. 소위 돌발문제
혹은 예외문제가 출제되기 때문입니다. OPIc 시험도 타 영어 말하기 시험과 같이 예상할 수 없는 돌발문제가 출제되는데
이 돌발문제 대비가 중요한 이유는 1개의 돌발문제 주제로 3문제를 연속해서 물어보기 때문입니다. OPIc의 총 문항 수인
15에서 3개라면 20%에 해당하므로, 이 3문제를 놓치게 되면 분명 등급에 큰 영향을 끼칠 수 있기에 철저한 대비가

이러한 문제 유형을 3콤보라고 부르는데, 설문조사 항목과 관련된 3콤보와 돌발문제 3콤보, 이렇게 두 가지로 나눌 수

먼저 설문조사 항목에서 출제되는 3콤보 문제는 학생/직장인, 주거 형태, 여가생활, 취미생활, 스포츠, 여행 및 출장 등
수험자가 선택한 모든 항목에서 출제될 수 있습니다. 따라, OPIc을 준비할 때는 11개 이상의 문제를 3콤보 문제로 대비를
하는 것이 필요합니다.

[3콤보 예 - 영화관람]

1. 첫 번째 문제로는 묘사, 소개 등의 기초적인 질문이 나옵니다. 문장의 시제는 보통 현재시제를 사용합니다.

예) 영화관 묘사하기 - You indicated that you like to see movies in the survey. Please describe one of the
movie theaters you often visit for me.

2. 두 번째 문제로는 첫 번째 문제에 대한 구체적이고 세부적인 질문이 등장합니다. 간혹 경험과 관련된 문제가

출제되기도 합니다. 주로 현재시제를 사용하고 가끔 과거세제를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
예) 영화보기 전후의 활동 - Let’
s talk about the activities you do at the theater. What kind of activities do you
usually do before and after the movie? Tell me all the details.

3. 마지막 세 번째 문제로는 주로 경험과 관련된 문제가 등장합니다. 직접적이거나 간접적인 경험을 묻는 무제로
과거와 과거완료로 시제를 사용해야 합니다.
예) 기억에 남는 영화를 본 경험 - I’
d like to know about the memorable movie you have ever seen. What
was the movie about? What was its story? Why was it so memorable to you? Please tell me all about the
memorable movie in a s much detail as possible.
지금까지 3콤보의 문제가 어떻게 출제되는지 알아봤습니다. 첫 번째 문제는 소개/묘사 질문, 두 번째 문제는 좀 더
구체적인 질문, 그리고 마지막 문제는 앞서 와 관련된 경험 질문이 나올 수 있음을 알 수 있습니다. 이렇게 1번 문제를
듣고 2, 3번 문제를 예측할 수 있기 때문에 당황하지 않고 차분하게 3문제를 대비할 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 반면, 1번
문제를 놓치게 되면 뒤에 이어오는 2, 3번 문제까지 놓치게 될 가능성이 아주 높습니다. 3콤보의 가장 낮은 난이도의 1번
문제를 해결하지 못하고 뒤에 오는 더 구체적이고 어려운 문제의 해결은 불가능해지기 때문입니다.

[ Type 3 Role-play 문제 ]
Role-play 유형은 크게 3개로 나눌 수 있습니다. Role-play 1 유형의 문제는 Role-play 2-3 유형과는 별개로
이해하시는 것이 좋습니다. 대신, Role-play 2와 3은 함께 어울리는 문제이므로 항상 덩어리로 준비하시는 것이

Role-play 2의 유형은 어떤 특정한 상황에 주어지고 그 상황에 맞게 질문을 만들어내는 형태입니다. 바로 뒤이은 Role-
play 3 문제에서는 Role-play 2에서 내용이 다소 이어지는데 한 가지 다른 점은 상황 대신 어떠한 문제가 발생한다는
것입니다. 따라 Role-play 3은 주어진 문제에 어떻게 대처하고 해결하는지를 확인하려는 의로의 문제라고 이해하면

[Role-play 질문 예 - 취미생활/독서]
예) Role-play 1 : 친구가 보고 있는 책에 관심이 있는 상황, 친구에게 다가가서 책에 대해서3~4가지 질문하기 -
Now, I'll give you a situation and ask you to role-play. Let's suppose that your friend is now reading a book
and you are interested in it. Go to him or her and ask three to four questions about the book.

예) Role-play 2: 친구에게 책을 빌렸는데 책에 우유를 엎지른 상황, 친구에게 전화해서 상황을설명하고 대안을
제세하기 - I'm sorry, but you have a problem to resolve. You borrowed a book from your friend a week
ago, but you spilt milk on it. Call your friend and explain what the situation is. And then offer him or her two
alternatives to solve this matter.

예) Role-play 3: 친구에게 물건을 빌려서 망가뜨리거나 잃어버린 경험 얘기하기. - OK. That' s the end of the
situation. Have you ever experience of breaking or losing an item that you borrowed from your friend? If so,
what item was it? What exactly happened? How did you handle that? Tell me all about the experience in
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 03

Appendix I ATEC OPIc Questions …………………………………………………………………… 13

Appendix II Key Vocabulary & Expressions …………………………………………………… 17

Unit 1 Getting into ATEC OPIc

Chapter 1 Tell Me About Yourself …………………………………………………………………………… 28
Chapter 2 Talking About Life …………………………………………………………………………………… 36
Chapter 3 Ask Questions and Make Enquiries ………………………………………………………… 44

Unit 2 Step Up ATEC OPIc

Chapter 1 Talking About Hobbies …………………………………………………………………………… 54
Chapter 2 Talking About Transportation …………………………………………………………………… 62
Chapter 3 Finding Solutions …………………………………………………………………………………… 70

Unit 3 Power Up ATEC OPIc

Chapter 1 Comparing Ideas …………………………………………………………………………………… 80
Chapter 2 Expressing Your Opinion ………………………………………………………………………… 88
Chapter 3 Expressing Your Opinion ………………………………………………………………………… 96

Unit 4 Breaking ATEC OPIc

Chapter 1 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice I ……………………………………………………………… 106
Chapter 2 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice II …………………………………………………………… 114
Chapter 3 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice III …………………………………………………………… 122

ATEC OPIc Actual Test ……………………………………………………………………………………… 131

Appendix I
ATEC OPIc Questions
[Introducing Questions]
Tell me something about yourself and your family members.

Let’s start by you giving me a brief introduction of yourself. Then please talk a little bit about your family.

Tell me something about yourself focusing on your personality.

Please tell me a little about yourself briefly, and then tell me about a special skill you have.
Anything at all, as long as it’s something you are good at.

Tell me something about yourself and your future career plans.

[General Describing Questions]

I’d like to now talk about where you live. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
Tell me as much as you can about your home. Give me a description with a lot of details.

You indicated in the survey that you have a roommate. If you’re sharing a house or an apartment with
someone, describe the rooms. What does your room look like and what does your friend’s room look like?

Can you describe the area around your home? Are there any parks or schools? Describe the
neighborhood where you live in as much detail as possible.

Tell me about the means of transportation in the area you live. What kind of transportation do people
normally use during the week? How about the weekend? Give me all the details.

You indicated that you work. How do the people in your town or city normally get to work?
Do they drive? If so, what time is rush hour?

In your country what is a typical family like? Do people normally live in a large family or a small family?
What do people in your country consider an "ideal family"?

I want you to describe a typical policeman in your country. How do they dress and what color are their
uniforms? Also, what do police cars look like in your country?

What things do the policemen do in your country? What are some of their responsibilities?
What activities would you say policemen do on a normal day?

Now, I’d like you to describe the responsibilities of policemen in your country. What are their normal activities?

Tell me a little about yourself and then briefly describe what you do for a living.

In the survey, you responded that you work. Can you describe one of your colleagues that you work
with? What does he/she look like?

You indicated in the survey that you have a pet. Can you describe your pet for me? How did you end up
getting a pet?

[Role Play Questions]
I'd like to give you a situation and have you act it out. Your boss at work asks you to take on a new
project, but you’re not sure what the project is exactly about. Ask your boss several questions to learn
more about the new project your boss wants you to take part in.

I’d like to give you a situation and act it out. Your supervisor has to go on a business trip soon. But he
says he would need a new laptop computer for his trip. I want you to call a computer company and ask
three or four questions about laptop computers on behalf of your boss.

Now, let’s imagine that you need some information about a new product or service at your company.
Call one of your co-workers and leave a voice message asking for some information. Make sure you
ask several questions about the new product or service.

I’m going to give you a situation now and ask you to act it out. Let’s say that you need more information
about your company’s new product or services. Call a co-worker and ask three or four questions about
the new product or services.

I'd like to give you a situation and have you act it out. You and your colleague at work want to order in
some food for lunch. Let’s say you want to try something new for a change. I want you to call a
restaurant and ask three or four questions about their menu and how to get the food delivered to your

You are now going to do a role-play for me. Let’s imagine you need a ride from a friend to work
tomorrow. Call your friend and leave a message. Tell him or her what you need, then ask three or four
questions to find out everything you need to know about traveling to work tomorrow.

I’m sorry, but there is a problem. Your friend calls you back, saying his car is not available, either. Call again
and propose some possible solutions so that both of you will be able to get to work tomorrow morning.

I’m sorry, but there is a problem. You have to work late and will not be able to make it home to cook dinner.
Call your roommate, explain the situation and suggest two or three options to resolve the situation.

I'd like to give you a situation and have you act it out. You want to open a new bank account and also
get a new credit card. Let’s imagine that you are at the bank right now. Ask the bank teller three or four
questions about opening a new account and getting a new card issued.

I’m sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You found out that you left your bank card at a
restaurant. Call the restaurant immediately. Explain where you were seated and describe your card for
them. Also, ask them how they can get the card back to you.

I'd like to give you a situation and have you act it out. You want to buy two tickets for a show during your
vacation. Call the box office and ask three of four questions about how you can get tickets for the

I’m sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You find out that the performance you want to go to
during your vacation is sold out. Call a friend and tell him about the situation and provide some alternatives.

Let me give you a situation that you could act out. A friend called to leave a message, inviting you to a party.
Call the friend back and ask three or four questions to find out everything you need to know about the party.

I’m sorry. There is a problem. You already have plans for the day of the party. Explain the situation to
your friend and give two or three alternatives for getting together with him or her another time.

[Talking About Daily Life]
People have to make appointments for many types of things. It may be an appointment with a doctor or
to meet a friend. Tell me about the kind of appointments you usually have to make.

Let’s talk about some of the appointments that you make to see a doctor or meet a friend. What kind of
appointments do you often make? Who do you normally make the appointments with?

When you make an appointment, what do you typically do? What do you have to keep in mind? What
do you do first and what do you do next? Tell me about your experience of making an appointment.

In order to make an appointment, what do you usually have to do and think about?
Describe the steps you normally take to make an appointment.

Tell me about some household chores you do at home. Do you do the dishes or do the laundry? What else?

Tell me how you share house chores with your roommate. Describe the things that you do and the
things that your roommate is supposed to do.

[Talking About Experience]

Describe a problem that you or people you know had making an appointment for something that needed
to be done right away. It could be any type of appointment, one with a hair stylist, doctor or a dentist.
Tell me as much as possible including what the circumstances were, what the problem was and what
steps were taken to solve it.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Have you promised someone that you would do
something but not been able to keep the promise? Describe what happened in detail from start to finish.

Can you describe a memory you have about a movie or a movie theater? Maybe you visited a theater
that was very nice. Or maybe you saw a movie that was particularly interesting. Give me a detailed
description about everything you remember.

Can you describe for me some of the memorable experiences that you had while surfing the Internet?
Maybe you found a really good website or maybe you read a great story about something or someone.
Tell me about that experience.

Tell me about a memorable swimming experience. Maybe it was a swimming lesson or a day at a
beautiful beach. Pick one experience and tell me all about it, including when it was and where it took
place. Tell me everything about the experience, especially the things that happened that makes that day

Can you tell me about a memorable visit you made with a friend or family member? Start by giving me some
background about where and when it occurred and then give me all the details of why it was so special.

Tell me about the policemen in your country. What are they like and what do they wear? What do the
police cars look like? Also, have there been any accidents or incidents that you experienced, which you
had to report to the police? If so, describe what happened.

Think of a memory you have of a policeman. Maybe a police officer helped you. Maybe you remember
a policeman from a movie or a TV show. Tell me in detail what you remember about the police officer.

[Talking About Hobby and Interests]
You indicated that you go to the movies. Tell me about the kind of movie that you like to go see.

You indicated that you go to the movies in you free time. Where do you usually go to see a movie?
Describe the movie theater you often go to.

Tell me the things that you do before you go to a movie theater. Do you check what is playing before you
leave? If so, how do you get information? Tell me what you typically do before going to a theater.

I enjoy going to the movies, too. Ask me three or four questions to find out what kind of movies I like to see.

You indicated in the survey that you watch TV. Tell me about your favorite TV show. What is it about?
When do you watch it? What do you like most about it? Would you recommend it to others?
Give me all the details.

Now, tell me what days of the week you watch TV the most? Is it Monday or Friday? Or is it the weekends?

You indicated in the survey that you read books in your free time. Can you tell me about the kind of
books you like to read and why you like to read them?

You indicated in the survey that you cook. Tell me about the last time you cooked something. What did
you cook? How did it taste?

You indicated that you go to the gym. Where is your gym located and what kind of equipment or
machines are there? Tell me what your gym looks like.

You indicated that you go to a health club. Describe your health club or gym in detail. Where is it located
and what does it look like?

You indicated in the survey that you like to swim. Describe for me why you like swimming. Also, tell me
why swimming is good for you.

You indicated that you swim. Tell me what you like about swimming.

What time do you normally go to swim? How long do you typically spend at the swimming pool? What
time do you come home?

Tell me how you first learned how to swim. How old were you and who taught you? How have you
developed your swimming skills and interest over the years?

You indicated in the survey that you take vacations within your country. Tell me about some of the places
you travel domestically. Why do you like going there and how often do you visit that place?

You indicated in the survey that you take vacations internationally. If you had to pick an overseas
vacation spot right away, where would you pick and why?

What kind of food do you like to eat when you are traveling? Can you describe in English all the foods
you eat on trips?

Appendix II
Key Vocabulary
[Key Vocabulary]

Unit 1, Chapter 1
·divorced: (adj.) Someone who has legally separated from a wife or husband
·middle-aged: (adj.) Being of the age intermediate between youth and old age
·graduate school student: (noun) A student who entered a school to pursue a higher degree, such as a
master's degree, MBA, or Ph.D.
·blonde: (noun) A person, especially a woman, having light-colored hair
·wavy: (adj.) Abounding in or full of waves
·obese: (adj.) Very fat or overweight; corpulent
·skinny: (adj.) Very lean or thin; emaciated: a skinny little kitten
·generous: (adj.) Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish
·sensitive: (adj.) Easily pained, annoyed
·laid-back: (adj.) Relaxed or unhurried
·flight attendant: (noun) An airline employee who works on an airplane to assist the passengers
·chemist: (noun) A specialist in chemistry
·advertise:(verb) To give information to the public
·athletic: (adj.) Good at athletics or sports
·artistic: (adj.) Showing skill or excellence in the arts, such as painting and drawing

Unit 1, Chapter 2
·speed skating: (gerund) Competitive skating
·trekking: (gerund) Taking a walk along trails
·hiking: (gerund) Taking a walk, usually on hills and mountains
·weight lifting: (gerund) Training of muscles
·martial arts: (noun) Fighting techniques, such as Judo and Taekwondo
·ski slopes: (noun) Hills for skiing
·swimsuit/bathing suit: (noun) Garment that is used for swimming
·sweat shirt/ sweat pants: (noun) Athletic clothes
·tennis shoes: (noun) Athletic (running) shoes
·fitness freak: (noun) Someone who is obsessed with exercising
·to be in shape: (phrasal verb) To be healthy, to have a nice figure
·lose weight: (verb) To decrease weight

Unit 1, Chapter 3
·major: (noun) Main area of study
·minor: (noun) Secondary area of study
·academic advisor: (noun) A person who offers academic guidance
·take time off school: (phrasal verb) To take a formal break from school
·extracurricular activities: (noun) Activities outside of class
·school club: (noun) An organization that is usually based on non-academic interests
·TA: (noun) Teaching Assistant
·credit: (noun) Academic points that can be gained
·elective: (adj., noun) Not mandatory
·exchange program: (noun) A program that allows students to study in other schools
·school cafeteria: (noun) A store on campus that sells food and beverages

Key Vocabulary
[Key Vocabulary]
·dean: (noun) The head of a university
·co-ed.: (noun) School that has both male and female students
·school uniform: (noun) Clothes that all students need to wear according to dress code
·report card: (noun) Record of academic performances; grades
·class captain: (noun) Head of class, usually elected by students

Unit 2, Chapter 1
·relieve stress: To eliminate stress
·to be into…, To be crazy about…: To be passionate about…
·to do household chores: To do housework such as cleaning and laundry
·pastime: Hobby
·go clubbing: To go dancing in a club
·go backpacking: To travel on a low budget
·potluck: a party to which every person brings one kind of food
·spare time: Free time
·gardening: Activities such as planting flowers and mowing the lawn

Unit 2, Chapter 2
·commute: To go to work or school regularly
·bus (taxi, subway)
·fare: The amount of money required to use the transportation
·transfer: To switch from one of transportation to another
·go on/by foot: To walk
·car repair shop: A place that fixes vehicles
·car pool: To share a car ride
·driver's license: Permission to drive
·intersection: The crossing point of two or more roads
·jay-walking: Crossing the red light
·traffic ticket: Fine received for breaking the traffic law
·DUI: Driving under the influence (of drugs or alcohol)

Unit 2, Chapter 3
·confusion: Mistake, mix-up
·delivery charges: Fees for having an item delivered
·return: Giving back money or item
·exchange: Switching an item for another item
·claim: Complaint
·business day: Working day
·customer: The person who buys products or seevices
·mistake: Error

Unit 3, Chapter 1
·window shopping: (noun) The act of looking at displayed items without buying them
·receipt: (noun) A written acknowledgment of having received a specified amount of money

Key Vocabulary
[Key Vocabulary]
·changing room: (noun) A room where customers can try on clothes
·in transit: (adj.) In the delivering process
·display: (verb) To show to the public
·high-end: (adj.) High-quality and expensive
·seller: (noun) A person selling products online or in shops
·food court: (noun) A space, as in a shopping mall, with a concentration of fast food stalls and usually a
common eating area
·personal shopper: (noun) A professional who is paid to help people with their shopping
·shopping cart: (noun) Shopping trolley

Unit 3, Chapter 2
·package tour: (noun) A type of trip that usually includes airplane fare, food, accommodations, etc.
·accommodations: (noun) Places to stay at, such as hotels and youth hostels
·passport: (noun) Official identification required to go abroad
·immigration office: (noun) The administrative office which authorizes entry into and departure from a
·pick pocket: (verb) To steal, usually from a passerby
·airline: (noun) A company that offers flight services
·youth hostel: (noun) A form of low-cost accommodations popular among young backpackers
·culture shock: (noun) Shock that is caused by cultural differences
·exotic: (adj.) Foreign, alien, unique
·tourist information booth: (noun) A place that offers information for travelers
·carry-on luggage: (noun) Bags that people take on a plane
·in-flight meal: (noun) A main meal served on an airplane

Unit 3, Chapter 3
·allergic: (adj.) Having an adverse physical reaction when exposed to something
·pros and cons: (noun) Advantages and disadvantages
·house-broken: (adj.) Properly trained not go to the bathroom in the house (used with an animal)
·feed: (verb) To give food
·responsibility: (noun) Duty
·hassle-free: (adj.) Causing no stress or trouble
·exotic pet: (noun) Unique, rare, and foreign pet
·cage: (noun) Box for animals like hamsters and rabbits
·tank: (noun) Container for fish, usually made of glass
·companion: (noun) Friend, company

Unit 4, Chapter 1
·spend time: (verb) To pass time
·book a ticket/seat: (verb) To get a ticket/seat in advance
·mixed drink: (noun) An alcoholic beverage combining two or more ingredients
·family reunion: (noun) An occasion in which family members gather together after being away from each
other for some time
·eat out: (verb) To eat at a restaurant

Key Vocabulary
[Key Vocabulary]

·co-worker: (noun) People you work with

·sleep in: (verb) To get up late in the morning
·go on a diet: (verb) To try to lose weight by regulating your food intake in some way
·work out: (verb) To exercise
·go on a business trip: (verb) To travel for business purposes
·do the dishes: (verb) To wash dishes
·documentary: (noun) Non-fiction film or TV program that deals with factual information
·study abroad: (verb) To study in another country
·take a nap: (verb) To sleep outside of normal sleeping hours

Unit 4, Chapter 2
·invest: (verb) To use your money in a way that you hope will increase its value
·fund: (noun) Investment, finance
·stock market: (noun) A public market for the trading of company stocks
·bank statement: (noun) A record of bank transactions
·piggy bank: (noun) A saving box
·spending habit: (noun) A person’s style of spending money
·bill: (noun) A piece of paper money worth a specified amount
·online banking: (noun) To make banking transactions on the Internet
·ATM: (noun) Machine with which we can make banking transactions
·teller: (noun) A person working at the counter at a bank
·broker: (noun) A person who helps people and businesses with their investments
·cut back on spending: (verb) To spend less money
·annual income: (noun) The amount of money a person is paid in a year
·profitable: (adj.) Creating profit, something you can make money with

Unit 4, Chapter 3
·favor: (noun) An action to help out others
·request: (verb) To ask
·make inquiries: (verb) Ask questions
·emergency: (noun) Urgent situation
·repay: (verb) To pay back, to return money
·keep it down: (verb) To be quiet; to make less noise
·tied up: (verb) To completely occupy or keep busy
·interest: (noun) Money paid for borrowing money
·loan: (noun) The act of lending; something lent
·support: (verb) To help; to uphold by aid
·assistance: (noun) The act of assisting; help; aid; support
·suggest: (verb) To offer an opinion
·make a recommendation: (verb) To praise to another as being worthy or desirable
·appreciate: (verb) To be thankful

Key Expressions
[Key Expressions]
Unit 1, Chapter 1
1) General Information
· I've been married for almost 25 years.
· My daughter is now a high school student.
· I'm going to graduate from university next February.
2) Appearance
· I'm a brunette.
· I'm somewhat chubby.
· I'm a little overweight.
· I'm average height.
· My skin tone is fair.
· I'm a bit shorter than average.
3) Personality
· I'm a good caregiver/leader.
· I'm not that outgoing, but I'm quite talkative around close friends.
· My friends say that I have a good sense of humor.
· I'm a good listener.
· I'm a very optimistic person.
4) Occupation
· I'm working as a nurse in a university hospital. My job is extremely rewarding.
· I'm currently between jobs.
· I work as a part-time teacher at a kindergarten, but I hope to run my own some day.
5) Hobbies and Skills
· I'm really into music and I love to go to concerts and parties with my friends.
· I'm a licensed scuba diver.
· I've been playing the piano ever since I was a child.

Unit 1, Chapter 2
· My mother and I occasionally go for a walk in the park.
· I've been practicing Taekwondo since I was a teenager, and I'm now a black belt.
· Taekwondo really helps me focus.
· I go jogging every morning in order to stay in shape.
· I started going to boxing lessons after I was beaten up by a classmate.
· Swimming has really helped me stay fit.
· My parents have always encouraged me to exercise regularly.
· I feel very refreshed after doing yoga.
· I don't really enjoy aquatic sports because I almost drowned once.
· I like to do active sports like soccer and badminton rather than golfing or fishing.
· My friends and I love to drink cold beer after sweating a lot during a game of rugby. Rugby is a very
physical sport.
· Scuba diving is very safe sport as long as we keep in mind the important instructions.
· Soccer has been getting more and more popular in Korea ever since the 2002 World cup in which Korea
made it to the semifinals.
· My family and I love to go hiking together because we feel like it's a great way to bond as a family.

Key Expressions
[Key Expressions]

· I always tell my mother that her poor health is due to her lack of exercise.
· Exercise is known to have countless benefits.

Unit 1, Chapter 3
· Do you enjoy going to school festivals?
· Do you often work on projects or assignments with your classmates?
· Is there a student exchange program at your school?
· How many of your faculty members completed their master’s degree overseas?
· What's your school's policy on plagiarism?
· Does your school have a dress code?
· Was there a classmate that left a lasting impression on you even after several years?
· What's your favorite place on campus?
· What's your idea of a good teacher?
· As a student, did you receive good grades in your classes? What was your favorite class?
· Do you prefer studying in your own room or at the library?

Unit 2, Chapter 1
· I don't have time to enjoy any hobbies in particular, but if I had more time on my hands, I'd
love to take some guitar lessons.
· Inline skating is fun and exciting. I'm really into it these days.
· I like to collect unusual pieces of art. I usually purchase them at small galleries.
· I spend all my time and money on traveling.
· My habit of going out drinking every weekend has made me gain a few kilograms.
· Some people falsely believe that scuba diving is an expensive hobby.
· I have a friend who likes going to a karaoke bar by herself.
· I recently started taking cooking classes because I’m getting married soon.
· When I’m not working, I spend my spare time writing short stories. I dream of becoming
a published writer some day.
· She seems to be addicted to playing computer games. She sits in front of the computer all day long.
· He often pulls all-nighters watching his favorite action films over and over again. His favorite action star
is Bruce Willis.
· I like the fact that my boyfriend and I share similar hobbies.
· Snowboarding has helped me become an active and adventurous person.
· I used to love fishing, but I can't find the time to go fishing lately.
· He often goes to bookstores because he likes to spend his free time reading and learning about new
· We haven't had much time to enjoy our hobbies ever since our baby was born.
· My friend goes hiking and trekking because it doesn't cost him any money.
· One of my favorite things to do is going to dance clubs with my friends and dancing all night.

Unit 2, Chapter 2
· I stopped taking the subway/bus/taxi 20 years ago when I got my driver’s license.
· Every day, I spend a lot of time on the subway.
· If I miss my bus, I have to wait for the next one for more than 15 minutes.

Key Expressions
[Key Expressions]
· Once in a while, I miss my stop on the bus because I'm distracted by the music on my MP3 player.
· It's free of charge to transfer from bus to subway and vice versa.
· I've been living in the city for seven years now, but I'm still not familiar with the bus routes.
· Unless I'm extremely lucky, I rarely get a seat on my bus ride home.
· By using public transportation, people can do their part to protect the environment.
· Hybrid vehicles are gaining popularity in some countries.
· My dad never gives me a ride/lift to my office.
· I got a parking ticket for parking my car in front of the post office for just 10 minutes!
· It's dangerous to speak on the cellular phone while driving.
· I got my driver's license when I was 18 years old.
· We usually take the public transportation downtown because it's too hard to find a parking space.
· I'm not used to driving in big cities.
· It's not easy to find a seat on a subway during rush hour.
· There's a subway station within walking distance from my apartment, so I take the subway everywhere I go.
· The taxi fare in my country is relatively low in comparison to European countries.

Unit 2, Chapter 3
· I have no choice but to take action if you refuse to resolve the problem.
· The airline is going to offer compensation for the lost luggage.
· It seems to have broken during delivery.
· There's been a terrible mistake with the reservation.
· We're going to wire the money back within the next five days.
· I need to complain to the manager about your service.
· I'd appreciate it if you could resend it as soon as possible.
· This isn't the model (size, color, design) that I wanted.
· I'm afraid the blouse doesn't fit me.
· There's a stain that I can't get off.
· I'm willing to pay for the extra delivery charges since it was my mistake.
· I'd like to speak to the shop owner, please.
· What's your return policy?
· Let's settle this issue as quickly as possible.
· I'd appreciate it if you could give me a cash refund instead of store credit.
· I'll return the gifts that came along with the product.
· The product hadn't been opened.

Unit 3, Chapter 1
· I have to try on at least ten different items of clothing before I can buy one.
· I can't pay with a check online.
· Items can sometimes be more expensive in shops than online.
· Internet shopping malls might sell low-quality imitation goods.
· Department stores normally offer better service than discount malls.
· I don’t like it when the salesperson pressures me to buy things I didn’t plan to.
· Comparing prices online can be much more timesaving than walking into countless shops.
· We have to be careful when we order fragile items online.

Key Expressions
[Key Expressions]

Unit 3, Chapter 2
· In my opinion, backpacking trips are the best way to learn about a new country.
· I believe that it could be dangerous to stay at a youth hostel.
· One of the the world is...
· One of the best... in my country is...
· Personally, I think...
· As for me, I thought that India was too hot and humid.
· From my experience,.../Based on what I've experienced,...
· As far as I know, airlines often offer seat upgrades when they're overbooked.
· I don't feel safe checking my bags, so I always carry them on whenever I travel by air.
· Some people complain about the quality of in-flight meals.
· I complained to the flight attendant because it was so cold on the airplane.
· On long weekends, it takes less time to go there by train than by car.
· My trip to India really opened my eyes. It was an intense experience.
· After my trip to South America, I developed a passion for South American cuisine.
· I was quite disappointed when I went to Niagara Falls. It looked much larger on TV.
· Before I go on a trip, I research the place using travel books and magazines.
· We panicked when we got pickpocketed and lost our passports.

Unit 3, Chapter 3
· I don’t have any allergies in particular.
· Animal fur can be bad for small babies.
· Dogs won't smell bad on rainy days if we bathe them on a regular basis.
· I'll make sure the dog is house broken.
· Pets can be great companions for children as well as adults.
· We can walk the dog together in the park.
· Dog food doesn't cost that much money.
· I'll make sure our pet doesn't ruin any of our furniture.
· A cat litter box requires hardly any space.

Unit 4, Chapter 1
· My favorite homeroom teacher was…/ The best homeroom teacher I have ever had was…
· When I was in university/ elementary school/ the military…
· There's a large parking lot in my neighborhood./ The faculty consists of about 30 professors.
· I always/usually/often/sometimes/occasionally/rarely...
· I'm good at playing badminton./I'm am not so good at skiing.
· My father has always been over-protective of me.
· He's quite happy with his working conditions, including his working hours and income.
· My sister spends so much time talking on the phone.
· My best friend and I met in one of our first classes in university.
· My favorite kind of food is Mexican food. It's delicious and spicy.
· I remember when I tried bicycling for the first time. I fell hundreds of times before I could finally learn how
to ride a bike.

Key Expressions
[Key Expressions]

· The car accident I had several years ago was the scariest experience I've ever had.
· Taking a nap can be a healthy habit.
· Learning new skills has always been one of my greatest passions.
· My roommate and I have nothing in common, but we get along very well.
· My apartment is pretty quiet during the daytime, but it gets very noisy every night with traffic noises.

Unit 4, Chapter 2
· I would never invest in stocks because I think it's too risky.
· Real estate prices aren't increasing as much as they used to.
· I lost one of my jobs, so I need to cut back on some of my spending.
· I was in debt for years because of unpaid credit card bills.
· Personal checks are commonly used in North America.
· I don’t feel comfortable discussing how much money I make.
· His advertising business wasn't as lucrative as expected.
· I've been financially independent from my parents since I graduated from high school.
· His part-time job didn’t pay much, but it was helpful for his career.
· I applied for a loan at the bank, but I wasn't qualified for it.
· There are money exchange booths everywhere in Bangkok.
· The dollar to euro exchange rate has been fluctuating a lot lately.
· It's important to develop desirable spending habits at a young age.
· The topic of money is best avoided in some cultures.
· My friend is still paying off his student loan 15 years after his graduation.
· I plan to cut back on my spending in order to save up for a trip to Asia.
· I was able to learn the value of money when I was working as a company intern.

Unit 4, Chapter 3
· Could you give me a hand with this?
· I was wondering if you could…
· I was hoping you could help me out.
· Could you...?/Would you...?/Do you mind...?/May I ask you to...?
· You don’t know what it means to me.
· I don't know how to thank you enough.
· I'm calling about our conference next month. I’m afraid my colleagues and I won’t be able to be there on
the scheduled date.
· When will you need the car back? I'll make sure to return it before then.
· I wish I could help you, but I’ve got my hands full that day.
· I know I should've asked for a refund earlier, but I've been preoccupied with things.
· Did you know that you and your wife have been parking in our parking space the entire week?
· My mother will be so happy if you can join us at her birthday party.

Unit 1
Getting into ATEC OPIc
Chapter 1 - Tell Me About Yourself!

Chapter 2 - Talking About Life

Chapter 3 - Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Chapter 1 Tell Me About Yourself!

Tell me about yourself and what you are good at.

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
· introduce yourself with details about your appearance, personality, etc.
· use the present simple tense correctly

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 Basic information

Eg 1) I have two older sisters who are married, and I currently live with my parents in Seoul, Korea.
Eg 2) I'm married with one son, and I live in a small apartment in the suburbs.
Eg 3) I'm single and in my late twenties.

Tip The basic information may include your marital status, current place of residence, hometown, family, age, etc.

Must-have 2 What do you look like?

Eg 1) I have long, straight hair that comes down to my waistline.

Eg 2) I have a slim figure and I'm a bit taller than average.
Eg 3) My skin tone is quite dark.

You do not have to begin your answer by saying“I look like…”or“My appearance is…” You can simply
Tip talk about your hairstyle, approximate height and weight, or skin tone.

Must-have 3 What is your personality like?

Eg 1) I'm a very shy and quiet person.

Eg 2) People say that I have a great sense of humor.
Eg 3) I'm really passionate about everything that I do.

As in the example of your appearance description, you do not need to begin your sentence with “My
Tip personality is…”You can say“I am…” and use adjectives that describe your personality. You can add
expressions like “My friends/ colleagues/ family say(s)…”

Must-have 4 What do you do?

Eg 1) I'm a full-time student majoring in Chemistry.

Eg 2) I'm a VP at a multinational firm. It's a rather stressful job with great responsibilities.
Eg 3) I have my own business. I run a small coffee shop.

The expression "full-time student" may sound unfamiliar to you, but it refers to most regular students who take the
Tip required number of academic credits per year. To talk about your job, you can say “I am a (occupation)."

Must-have 5 How do you spend your free time? What are you good at?

Eg 1) In my free time, I prefer spending time with friends and family to spending it alone.
Eg 2) I'm quite athletic, so I enjoy playing sports whenever I can.
Eg 3) I'm fluent in three languages: Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.

You can talk about your interests, hobbies, and skills. It would be a good idea to add information
about where and with whom you enjoy those activities.

Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

ATEC Formula
Tell me about yourself and what you are good at.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Right now my life is very routine because I am doing my military service.
Topic But when I am finished I will return to university where I am studying Economics.
I come from a family of four with one older sister. At the moment, I'm taking some
time off school to do my military service, so I always have to keep my hair short.
It's not easy being away from friends and loved ones, but it's also a great learning
Experience experience. I'm a very optimistic person, so I can deal with different challenges in
my life with relative ease. People have told me that I'm a good listener and that they
can always turn to me for helpful advice. When I have some free time on my hands,
I often head over to the gym and lift weights. I've been working out ever since I was
a teenager, and it's become an important part of my life.

Closing I'll be graduating from university soon after my military service, and I'd like to find a
job that's related to my field of study.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention For me, raising my family has been a challenging and rewarding experience.
Topic I'm a mother of two and my younger child is entering university next year.
I used to work as a full-time school teacher before I got married. However, once my
children were born, it was quite challenging to balance my career and family life, so I
became a housewife and started taking care of my children. It's been an extremely
Experience rewarding responsibility. As my children grew older, I became more relaxed and
I began to enjoy hobbies like oil painting and knitting in my free time. I've put on
some weight over the years, so I'm going to start exercising as soon as my child
gets into university.
My family currently lives near the center of the city for our children's education, but
Closing my husband and I have plans to move to the suburbs once both our children have
moved out of the house.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

Using Verbs in the Simple Present Tense

We use the simple present tense to discuss general facts and habitual actions. Therefore, the simple present
tense is the most frequently used when giving a self introduction. The simple present tense is also the most
basic tense of all, and the ability to use this tense correctly becomes the basis of using more complex tenses.
- I live in a house with a backyard because I have many pets in the house.
- I don't have my own business yet.
- I went to the movies on weekends. (Incorrect: Using the simple past tense indicates that the action is no longer true.)
Affirmative Questions Negative
I work Do I work? I do not work
You work Do you work? You do not work
He/she/it works Does he/she/it work? He/she/it does not work
We work Do we work? We do not work
They work Do they work? They do not work

[General Time]
We often use the simple present to talk about permanent situations, or about things that happen regularly,
repeatedly, or all the time.
- What do frogs eat? - Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
- Tom works for an advertising agency.
- When we talk about permanent situations, or about things that happen regularly or all the time (not just
around now), we usually use the simple present tense.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. I no have a girlfriend.
2. I exercising at the gym every morning.
3. I looks just like my aunts.
4. She a graduate student.
5. He live in an apartment.
6. My dog smelling very bad.
7. Jay really like working out at the gym.
8. We enjoys going skiing in winter.
9. Karen and I am teachers at the same school.
10. Many students seems happy with the new textbook.

Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

OPIc Vocabulary

· divorced: (adj.) Someone who has legally separated from a wife or husband
· middle-aged: (adj.) Being of the age intermediate between youth and old age
· graduate school student: (noun) A student who entered a school to pursue a higher degree, such as a
master's degree, MBA, or Ph.D.
· blonde: (noun) A person, especially a woman, having light-colored hair
· wavy: (adj.) Abounding in or full of waves
· obese: (adj.) Very fat or overweight; corpulent
· skinny: (adj.) Very lean or thin; emaciated: a skinny little kitten
· generous: (adj.) Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish
· sensitive: (adj.) Easily pained, annoyed
· laid-back: (adj.) Relaxed or unhurried
· flight attendant: (noun) An airline employee who works on an airplane to assist the passengers
· chemist: (noun) A specialist in chemistry
· advertise: (verb) To give information to the public
· athletic: (adj.) Good at athletics or sports
· artistic: (adj.) Showing skill or excellence in the arts, such as painting and drawing

OPIc Expressions
1) General Information
· I've been married for almost 25 years.
· My daughter is now a high school student.
· I'm going to graduate from university next February.
2) Appearance
· I'm a brunette.
· I'm somewhat chubby.
· I'm a little overweight.
· I'm average height.
· My skin tone is fair.
· I'm a bit shorter than average.
3) Personality
· I'm a good caregiver/leader.
· I'm not that outgoing, but I'm quite talkative around close friends.
· My friends say that I have a good sense of humor.
· I'm a good listener.
· I'm a very optimistic person.
4) Occupation
· I'm working as a nurse in a university hospital. My job is extremely rewarding.
· I'm currently between jobs.
· I work as a part-time teacher at a kindergarten, but I hope to run my own some day.
5) Hobbies and Skills
· I'm really into music and I love to go to concerts and parties with my friends.
· I'm a licensed scuba diver.
· I've been playing the piano ever since I was a child.

Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
How do you usually spend your free time?

Possible Series Question

How is it different from the way you used to spend your free time several years ago?

Possible Question 2
You have indicated that you live by yourself. What do you like and what do you
dislike about living alone?

Possible Series Question

What do you think a person needs to know or prepare for before he or she begins to
live alone?

Possible Question 3
What was your relationship with your siblings like when you were
growing up?

Possible Series Question

How has your relationship with your siblings helped you in your life?


1) Tell me about your family. How would you compare yourself to your siblings?

For a "compare and contrast" type question, it is important to mention not only differences but also
Tip similarities between the subjects in order to provide as much detail as possible.

2) When was the happiest day of your life? Tell me about the day in as much detail as possible.

For a question that asks you to describe a certain day, it is a good idea to also talk about what you did
Tip before or after the main activity.

3) Would you rather live alone, with family, or with roommates?

Be sure not to answer a question of this type with short answers. Try to give reasons and explanations
Tip to support your answer. Talking about a personal experience is a great way to tell an interesting story.

Chapter 01 Tell Me About Yourself!

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Can you me a of your ?

➋ What is it to in that part of ?

➌ What you on ?

➍ I to were that
place in .

➎ is your ? do you about it?

Please for me the you .

➏ What of the do you ? Also,

me about you on .

➐ of the do you to ? Also,

me all you on .

➑ I’d like to of the you

. of does it have? do you
that place?

➒ I’m sorry, but a that you to . You

the , but has .
the and the is.
And two to to this

➓ What do you in a ?
kind of can you in the
in your ?

Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Chapter 2 Talking About Life

You indicated in the survey that you exercise or play sports. What kind of sports do you like?
Where do you usually exercise or play and with whom?
Please tell me about the first time you ever tried that exercise or sport. Was there anyone to teach
you? What was your initial impression? Did you face any difficulties?

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· talk about sports and physical exercises with details about places and activities
· narrate stories in the past tense

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 What kind of exercises or sports do you like?

Eg 1) I'm really into snowboarding.
Eg 2) I enjoy playing team sports, such as soccer and baseball.
Eg 3) I love yoga because it strengthens my body as well as relaxes my mind.

Learn to talk about exercises or sports that you enjoy. There are different expressions you can use depending
Tip on how much you like them.

Must-have 2 Where and how often do you exercise?

Eg 1) I can practice Pilates in my own living room and I do it every evening.

Eg 2) I go jogging around a school playground on weekends.
Eg 3) I usually go to the gym at least three times a week.

Make sure you do not use incorrect English expressions like "health" instead of "the gym" or "fitness club."
Tip We can use adverbs of frequency, such as "always," "often," and "usually."

Must-have 3 Why do you enjoying doing it?

Eg 1) Aerobics has really helped me lose a lot of weight.

Eg 2) I get to make many new friends while I play basketball in the schoolyard.
Eg 3) When I go bicycling, I can really reflect on my thoughts.

Add a personal reason why you enjoy this particular exercise or sport. This information can lead to an
Tip interesting story as well.

Must-have 4 When and how did you try it for the first time?

Eg 1) I've been swimming ever since I was little.

Eg 2) I began to take ski lessons after I moved to Canada.
Eg 3) Weight training has been a part of my daily routine since I set my eyes on Arnold
Schwarzenegger for the first time.

Tip Make sure you use the correct tense (such as the simple past tense or present perfect tense) to avoid confusion.

Must-have 5 What was your initial reaction?

Eg 1) I immediately fell in love with scuba diving.

Eg 2) Wakeboarding was much harder than it seemed.
Eg 3) I fell down a lot when I tried ice skating for the first time.

What did you think or feel the first time you tried this exercise or sport? Have your feelings and skills
Tip remained the same or changed over time?

Chapter 02 Talking About Life

ATEC Formula
You indicated in the survey that you exercise or play sports. What kind of sports do you like?
Where do you usually exercise or play and with whom?
Please tell me about the first time you ever tried that exercise or sport. Was there anyone to teach you?
What was your initial impression? Did you face any difficulties?

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention My favorite sport is scuba diving.

Topic I love scuba diving because I get to explore the beautiful underwater world when I'm diving.
Although there are a few diving spots in Korea, I usually go to Southeast Asian countries,
such as Thailand or the Philippines, when I go scuba diving. It's usually cheaper to enjoy
diving in those countries, and they have a better environment for diving with higher seawater
temperatures and a wider variety of sea creatures. Unfortunately, I don't have too many
Experience friends who enjoy scuba diving, and my family is terrified of going in the deep sea. So,
I often go scuba diving on my own. However, it's not much of an issue because lots of
people come diving alone for the same reason. Some people falsely believe that scuba
diving is a dangerous sport, but they couldn't be more wrong about it. As long as we
follow the instructions carefully, it can be one of the safest sports ever.

Closing Through scuba diving, we can discover the other half of the world that we live in.
It's a truly fascinating adventure.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention I tried scuba diving for the first time when I was traveling in Thailand three years ago.

Topic One of the main objectives of my trip was to obtain a scuba diving license, so I
searched for a good diving school on the Internet and in travel books.
I used to work as a full-time school teacher before I got married. I once heard that
many people have certain fears or apprehensions before trying scuba diving for the
first time, but I was already a skilled swimmer so I thought that diving wouldn't be
that hard for me to learn. However, the course for obtaining a scuba diving license
Experience is a very intensive three-day program, and training inside the swimming pool turned
out to be much tougher than I'd expected. It was very cold because we were in the
pool for several hours, and it wasn't easy to breathe using the oxygen tank. However,
at the end of the three days, our hard work paid off. The underwater scenery was
indescribably beautiful, and it was more beautiful than any footage I had seen on TV.

Closing It was definitely worth spending that much time and money on. I wish I could go
scuba diving more often.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

The Simple Past Tense

Affirmative Questions Negative
I worked Did I work? I did not work
You worked Did you work? You did not work
He / she / it worked Did he/she/it work? He/she/it did not work
We worked Did we work? We did not work
They worked Did they work? They did not work

· We us the simple past tense to talk about many kinds of past events: short, quickly finished actions and
happenings, longer situations, and repeated events.
- Peter broke a window last night.
- I spent all my childhood in Scotland.
- Regularly every summer, Janet fell in love with some guy she just met.

· The simple past is common in storytelling and when we are telling people about past events.
- One day the Princess decided that she didn’t like staying at home all day, so she told her father that she
wanted to get a job.

· The simple past is often used with references to finished periods and moments of time.
- I saw John yesterday morning. He told me…
· In general, the simple past tense is the "normal" one for talking about the past; we use it if we do not have
a special reason for using one of the other tenses.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. She called me yesterday and give me the good news.

2. My sister gone to Paris with her friends.

3. He didn't come to school last week because he isn't feeling very well.

4. How old are you when started taking piano lessons?

5. Sarah never learns French as a child.

6. I seen the movie with my nephews.

7. My family moves to California shortly after the Seoul Olympics.

8. Did you took your medicine today?

9. You look like you grow about 10 cm since the last I see you.

10. When exactly does Mozart pass away?

Chapter 02 Talking About Life

OPIc Vocabulary

· speed skating: (gerund) Competitive skating

· trekking: (gerund) Taking a walk along trails
· hiking: (gerund) Taking a walk, usually on hills and mountains
· weight lifting: (gerund) Training of muscles
· martial arts: (noun) Fighting techniques, such as Judo and Taekwondo
· ski slopes: (noun) Hills for skiing
· sweat shirt/ sweat pants: (noun) Athletic clothes
· tennis shoes: (noun) Athletic (running) shoes
· fitness freak: (noun) Someone who is obsessed with exercising
· to be in shape: (phrasal verb) To be healthy, to have a nice figure
· lose weight: (verb) To decrease weight

OPIc Expressions

· My mother and I occasionally go for a walk in the park.

· I've been practicing Taekwondo since I was a teenager, and I'm now a black belt.
· Taekwondo really helps me focus.
· I go jogging every morning in order to stay in shape.
· I started going to boxing lessons after I was beaten up by a classmate.
· Swimming has really helped me stay fit.
· My parents have always encouraged me to exercise regularly.
· I feel very refreshed after doing yoga.
· I don't really enjoy aquatic sports because I almost drowned once.
· I like to do active sports like soccer and badminton rather than golfing or fishing.
· My friends and I love to drink cold beer after sweating a lot during a game of rugby. Rugby is a very
physical sport.
· Scuba diving is very safe sport as long as we keep in mind the important instructions.
· Soccer has been getting more and more popular in Korea ever since the 2002 World cup in which
Korea made it to the semifinals.
· My family and I love to go hiking together because we feel like it's a great way to bond as a family.
· I always tell my mother that her poor health is due to her lack of exercise.
· Exercise is known to have countless benefits.

Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
You indicated that you like to play sports. What kinds of sports do you like?

Possible Series Question

Which sports do you not like and why?

Possible Question 2
You said that you are good at skiing. How skilled are you?

Possible Series Question

How long did it take to learn it that well?

Possible Question 3
What kind of team sports do you enjoy?

Possible Series Question

How would you compare it to exercising alone?


1) What do you need to do in order to enjoy your favorite exercise or sport?

This type of question seems very simple but is not necessarily easy to answer because we do not
Tip often stop and think about these things. The OPIc asks many questions about our daily routines, so
it helps to practice talking about them in detail.

2) What are some challenges we could face when enjoying that exercise or sport?

It is better to talk about a personal experience than to discuss general difficulties faced by many
Tip people. Sharing a personal story makes it easier to add more interesting details to your answer.

3) Tell me about a time when you were injured from doing this exercise or sport.

You may be asked about a situation that you do not have any direct experience with. Rather than
Tip saying,“I don’t have an experience like that" and moving on, talk about an experience a friend had or
what you think you “might” do in that situation. What the rater is looking for is your language skills to
describe such a situation.

Chapter 02 Talking About Life

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ do you store during ?

➋ Is there you to do ?

➌ I would like to for the game tomorrow.

➍ What house do you in?

➎ I would like to what of you live in. Can

you me a of your ?

➏ I would like to your is . Can you me

about ? is it to in that of

➐ Please me what you the . Do you

TV or some ? Tell me your is like.

➑ Please tell me your at . I like to

is for in your .

➒I like to there were

that in your you there. Can you
me the and it was so ?

➓ You in the that you . Can you

your for me? did you to your ?

Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Chapter 3 Ask Questions and Make Enquiries

I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let’s imagine that your friend is a university
student and you want to learn about his or her school life. Ask three or more questions to find out
details about your friend’s school life.

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· talk about school life and academic experiences
· make enquires using indirect questions

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 Basic information

Eg 1) Where is your school located? Is it downtown?
Eg 2) Do you go to a women's university? If so, why did you choose to go to a women's university?
Eg 3) I would like to know if you go to a four-year university or a two-year college.

Tip You can ask some basic questions about the school, like the type of school or its location.

Must-have 2 Questions about your major

Eg 1) Could you tell me what your major is?

Eg 2) Are you doing a minor as well?
Eg 3) What made you want to choose that major?

Practice using indirect questions beginning with expressions like“Could you tell me…?” or “I
Tip want to know…”

Must-have 3 Questions about courses

Eg 1) How many classes are you taking this semester?

Eg 2) What has been your favorite course and why?
Eg 3) Are there any courses that are taught in a foreign language?

Tip Think of questions in different tenses: the present, past, and future tense.

Must-have 4 Questions about professors and classmates

Eg 1) Could you tell me about your favorite professor? I used to like professors that gave out good grades.
Eg 2) Is there the same number of students in all classes? At my university, some classes were
much larger than others.
Eg 3) Do students participate actively in class? At my old school, students were too afraid of the
professors to speak up in class.

Tip You can ask questions and add a personal story as well.

Must-have 5 Questions about school facilities

Eg 1) Can students use the gym free of charge?

Eg 2) You go to a women's university. Are there more bathrooms for women than for men?
Eg 3) What is your cafeteria like?

Learn the vocabulary to describe the facilities in common public places such as schools, airports,
Tip restaurants, etc. When you are role playing, it might be helpful to have a specific person or object in mind.

Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

ATEC Formula
I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let us imagine that your friend is a university student
and you want to learn about his or her school life. Ask three or more questions to find out details about
your friend’s school life.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention I'd like to get to know more about your school life.

Topic I want to ask you some general questions about your school and more specific questions about
the courses that you take.

I heard that you go to a women's university. Was there any special reason why you chose
to go to a women's university? If so, what was it?
Is your school life similar to or different from what you expected? As for me, my university
life turned out to be very different from what I'd dreamed of, so I'm curious what it's like
Experience for you.
Could you tell me what your major is and why you chose to major in that subject? What
courses do you need to take for your major?
Are you doing a minor as well? As far as I know, it's mandatory at some universities to do
a minor in addition to doing a major.

Closing Finally, I'm curious about how satisfied you are with your overall experience of school life.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention Could I ask you some questions about your school?

Topic I already know quite a bit about your school, but I want to find out more about your
professors and classmates.

You're majoring in a foreign language, so I wonder if there are many foreign professors
at your school. If so, are they somewhat different from your Korean professors?

Experience How about students? What's the ratio between Korean and foreign students like? Do
you have many opportunities to interact with foreign students?
How big are the classes?
I also want to hear about your favorite professor. Why do you like him or her?

Closing Most importantly, do you think that your relationship with professors and classmates
has much influence on your school life?

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

Indirect Speech

[Indirect Speech]
In an indirect question, we do not put an auxiliary before the subject, and we do not use a question mark.
- Tell me when you're going on vacation.
However, in speech, many indirect questions also take the form of a question.
- Could you tell me where the bathroom is?
Words that are spoken or thought in one place by one person may be reported in another place at a different
time and perhaps by another person. Because of this, there are often grammatical differences between direct
and indirect speech. Reported speech utilizes noun clauses. Typically, noun clause word order is question word +
subject + verb.
I asked where the President and his wife were staying. (O)
I asked where were the President and his wife staying. (X)
We want to know how we can get to the police station. (O)
We want to know how can we get to the police station. (X)
Using indirect speech requires more grammatical knowledge and greater ability to form complex sentences;
therefore, the correct use of indirect questions and sentences can demonstrate a decent grasp of the English

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. He wants to know when am I leaving.

2. The driver asked if do we want to go downtown.

3. Please say whether do you see the sign.

4. I asked her does she live around here.

5. He said he has forgotten.

6. I asked him if will he marry me?

7. They wanted to know why did they have to work.

8. I told Andrew be careful.

9. He said me not to park there.

10. I knew was he going to come to the party or not.

Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

OPIc Vocabulary

· major: (noun) Main area of study

· minor: (noun) Secondary area of study
· academic advisor: (noun) A person who offers academic guidance
· take time off school: (phrasal verb) To take a formal break from school
· extracurricular activities: (noun) Activities outside of class
· school club: (noun) An organization that is usually based on non-academic interests
· TA: (noun) Teaching Assistant
· credit: (noun) Academic points that can be gained
· elective: (adj., noun) Not mandatory
· exchange program: (noun) A program that allows students to study in other schools
· school cafeteria: (noun) A store on campus that sells food and beverages
· dean: (noun) The head of a university
· co-ed.: (noun) School that has both male and female students
· school uniform: (noun) Clothes that all students need to wear according to dress code
· report card: (noun) Record of academic performances; grades
· class captain: (noun) Head of class, usually elected by students

OPIc Expressions

· Do you enjoy going to school festivals?

· Do you often work on projects or assignments with your classmates?

· Is there a student exchange program at your school?

· How many of your faculty members completed their master’s degree overseas?

· What's your school's policy on plagiarism?

· Does your school have a dress code?

· Was there a classmate that left a lasting impression on you even after several years?

· What's your favorite place on campus?

· What's your idea of a good teacher?

· As a student, did you receive good grades in your classes? What was your favorite class?

· Do you prefer studying in your own room or at the library?

Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
How would you compare high school and university?

Possible Series Question

Tell me about a memorable day in high school.

Possible Question 2
Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

Possible Series Question

Tell me about the last time you saw him or her in as much detail as possible.

Possible Question 3
How did you and your best friend become close?

Possible Series Question

What do you like to do with your best friend?


1) Ask questions about your friend’s neighborhood.

As learners of a foreign language, most of us are accustomed to answering questions rather than
Tip asking them. Think about the common OPIc questions in order to help you ask effective questions.
Ask questions that require a description or storytelling rather than short answers.

2) Interview a friend about his or her hobbies.

Keep in mind that the objective of every question is to demonstrate how effectively you can
Tip communicate in English. Avoid asking questions that are too short, such as “what is your hobby?” If
your question is short, ask some additional questions that are related to the initial question.

3) Ask three or more questions to interview a colleague about his or her exercise routine.

In order to make your questions longer and more interesting, you can add your own personal story
Tip along with the question. Questions do not necessarily have to consist of inquiries alone. You can make
your questions more conversational and closer to real-life questions by sharing your experience or

Chapter 03 Ask Questions and Make Inquiries

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Can you one of your ? he or she ?

➋ Please me about your .

➌ Tell me the of your .

➍ What like to do ?

➎ Can you me you to or

a ? Please tell me what you your
or ?

➏ You in our that you . Please me

the that to. it and what of
is it? Can you also tell me the who

➐I like to you to a skill or

. it that you? did you it?
Tell me all the you to to that
or .

➑ I would like to you in

. did you it? Tell me you
this and you are it.

➒ Can you me you a or a

? is it and it like?
are the who there? Is it to your

➓ did go to a most ? did you

to and did you go ? me all that
to a in as as you can.

Unit 2
Chapter 1 - Talking About Hobbies

Chapter 2 - Talking About Transportation

Chapter 3 - Finding Solutions

Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Chapter 1 Talking About Hobbies

Could you tell me about your hobbies? What are they? Who do you usually enjoy them with and why
do you like them?
Please tell me about the last time you enjoyed your hobby in as much detail as possible.

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· Have discussions about hobbies
· Use the present continuous tense correctly

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 What is your hobby?

Eg 1) I love listening to music in my free time.
Eg 2) I like to go for a drive when I'm under a lot of stress. I really enjoy the speed.
Eg 3) I'm a collector of rare glass dolls.

You do not need to begin your sentence with “My hobby is…” every time. You can begin your sentence with
expressions like "I like...," "I love...," and "I am really into..."

Must-have 2 Why do you enjoy that hobby?

Eg 1) I really like bicycling because it doesn't cost me much money to enjoy it.
Eg 2) Watching TV is great because it doesn't require much brain power.
Eg 3) I began taking skating lessons because I enjoy learning new skills.

Avoid giving a simple list of things that you like to do. Tell a personal story behind each hobby you have
Tip chosen.

Must-have 3 Whom do you enjoy it with and where?

Eg 1) I play basketball with my neighbors. Hobbies can a great way to meet new people.
Eg 2) When I want to see a movie, I like going to the theater by myself. I don't want to be disturbed
by anyone when I'm watching movies.
Eg 3) My favorite way to spend free time is cooking for friends and family.

Tip Try to give more detailed information about the places where you enjoy your hobbies and the people you
enjoy them with.

Must-have 4 When was the last time you enjoyed your hobby?

Eg 1) I just went out to play baseball with my coworkers last weekend.

Eg 2) The last time I went skiing was last December, so it was more than half a year ago.
Eg 3) I probably went to the movies about two months ago.

This question is asking you to describe a specific time when you enjoyed your hobby. Rather than giving general
information, try to give as many details as possible.

Must-have 5 What made that day memorable?

Eg 1) The weather was not good for golfing, but we ended up having a great time.
Eg 2) We had to wait for a long time to get a table at the restaurant, but it was definitely worth the wait.
Eg 3) I realized that I'd reserved the movie tickets at the wrong theater. I felt badly for messing it up
for my friends.

Tip Talk about an interesting detail that was memorable from that day.

Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

ATEC Formula
Could you tell me about your hobbies? What are they? Who do you usually enjoy them with and why do
you like them?
Please tell me about the last time you enjoyed your hobby in as much detail as possible.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Let me tell you what I usually like to do in my spare time.

Topic I'm a sociable person and I love to meet new people whenever I have a chance.

That's the reason why I enjoy going to house parties as well as throwing them
myself. When I'm not at someone's party, I'm usually enjoying team sports, such
Experience as soccer and basketball. I'm a member of the Seoul Soccer Team for Business
People, and I never miss our weekly practice on Sunday mornings no matter how
rough my week has been. One day out of the week, I get to be physical and get
a chance to interact with people I share common interests with.

Closing I really think that utilizing our time to get to know more people is one of the best
ways we can spend our free time.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention The last house party that I went to was one of my foreign friend's housewarming
Topic I had a blast with my friends and some new friends that I was able to make that
night. However, I also experienced some culture shock.

First of all, the host of the party hadn't prepared any food or drinks. He did
announce that it was going to be a potluck, but I was so surprised that my friend
had only provided the location and music. It was quite different from most Korean
Experience house parties I attend because a Korean host usually works all day making food
for his party. Another important difference was that everyone seemed very open to
meeting and talking to strangers. I was able to exchange phone numbers and and
connect on Facebook with several new friends I made that night.

Closing It was not only enjoyable, but also a great learning experience for me.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

The Present Continuous Tense

Affirmative Questions Negative
I am working Am I working? I am not working
You are working Are you working? You are not working
He/she/it is working Is he/she/it working? He/she/it is not working
We are working Are we working? We are not working
· When we talk about temporary continuing actions and events that are going on right now or in progress in
general at this time, we usually use the present progressive tense.
- What are you doing? I’m reading.
- I’m going to a lot of parties these days.
· We also use the present continuous to talk about developing and changing situations even if these are
very long-lasting.
- That child’s getting bigger every day.
- The climate is getting warmer.
- The universe is expanding and has been since its beginning.

[Physical Feelings]
· Verbs that refer to physical feelings can often be used in simple or progressive tenses without much
difference in meaning.
- How do you feel? -OR- How are you feeling?
- My head hurts. -OR- My head is hurting.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. My sister living at home for the moment.

2. I hear you’re get married.

3. Hurry up! We is all waiting for you!

4. I read at home right now.

5. Why are he hitting the dog?

6. I going to the beach with my family.

7. What you eating by yourself?

8. What are you do tomorrow evening?

9. My sister be traveling through Europe this month.

10. He's work in Toronto these days.

Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

OPIc Vocabulary

· relieve stress: (verb) To eliminate stress

· to be into…: (phrasal verb) To be crazy about…; To be passionate about…
· to do household chores: (phrasal verb) To do housework, such as cleaning and the laundry
· pastime: (noun) Hobby
· go clubbing: (verb) To go dancing in a club
· go backpacking: (verb) To travel with all of your belongings in a backpack
· potluck: (noun) A party to which every person brings a dish to share
· spare time: (noun) Free time
· gardening: (gerund) Activities such as planting flowers and tending to a garden

OPIc Expressions

· I don't have time to enjoy any hobbies in particular, but if I had more time on my hands, I'd
love to take some guitar lessons.
· Inline skating is fun and exciting. I'm really into it these days.
· I like to collect unusual pieces of art. I usually purchase them at small galleries.
· I spend all my time and money on traveling.
· My habit of going out drinking every weekend has made me gain a few kilograms.
· Some people falsely believe that scuba diving is an expensive hobby.
· I have a friend who likes going to a karaoke bar by herself.
· I recently started taking cooking classes because I’m getting married soon.
· When I’m not working, I spend my spare time writing short stories. I dream of becoming
a published writer some day.
· She seems to be addicted to playing computer games. She sits in front of the computer all day long.
· He often pulls all-nighters watching his favorite action films over and over again. His favorite action star
is Bruce Willis.
· I like the fact that my boyfriend and I share similar hobbies.
· Snowboarding has helped me become an active and adventurous person.
· I used to love fishing, but I can't find the time to go fishing lately.
· He often goes to bookstores because he likes to spend his free time reading and learning about new things.
· We haven't had much time to enjoy our hobbies ever since our baby was born.
· My friend goes hiking and trekking because it doesn't cost him any money.
· One of my favorite things to do is going to dance clubs with my friends and dancing all night.

Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
Please tell me about your hobbies.

Possible Series Question

What are some common hobbies in your country?

Possible Question 2
Could you tell me how often you enjoy your hobby?

Possible Series Question

If you had more time on your hands, which new hobbies would you like to try?

Possible Question 3
Tell me about some hobbies that you used to have in the past.

Possible Series Question

Why did you give up those hobbies?


1) What are your hobbies?

If you enter the test room unprepared, some of the simplest questions can turn out to be the toughest
Tip to answer. A surprising number of people find it hard to answer this question about hobbies. The
worst answer you could give would be “I don't have any hobbies,” as it would put an end to your
response. Even if all you ever do in your free time is lie around and watch TV, you can create
interesting stories from that, too! You can talk about why you prefer watching TV over some other
activities, the kind of TV programs you like, or even the kind of TV programs you don't like and why.

2) Tell me about your favorite TV program, book, or movie.

Questions that ask you to describe a TV program, book, or movie can be tougher than you may
Tip think. Be prepared to talk about one or two. Even if you absolutely love a book or a movie, you
should refrain from choosing it if the story is too abstract or complicated to explain in English. Think
about how well you could describe it before you make your decision. Avoid giving a summary that is
too long and detailed.

3) Could you tell me about the last time you went there?

When asked a question about a specific time (ex. the last time, the first time, the most memorable
Tip time), DO NOT take a long pause trying to remember the exact time it occurred. If you have trouble
remembering the exact time, start talking about a time that you have a clear memory of.

Chapter 01 Talking About Hobbies

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Tell me your .

➋ there who you to ?

➌ study English ?

➍ Tell me that you .

➎ You in the that you . of

do you to ? Do you ?

➏ You said in our survey that you . Can you me a of

your ? , me and you

➐ You that you a . of

can you ? did you to ?

➑ Let’s start by you me a of .

a little your .

➒ Let’s start the now. Tell me about on your

➓ Let’s start the interview now. me a and

you a .

Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Chapter 2 Talking About Transportation

What kind of public transportation do you often use? What is the transportation system like in your country?
Have you ever had a memorable experience while using public transportation? Please tell me what
happened in as much detail as possible.
Have you used public transportation in another city or country? How would you compare it to the one
in your own city or country?

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use expressions related to transportation
· contrast incidents and facts from the past to current information

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 What public transportation do you often use?

Eg 1) I always take the subway to work.
Eg 2) I usually go to school on foot unless I'm running late.
Eg 3) I commute to work by bus.

Tip Make sure you use the correct verbs and prepositions for each type of transportation.

Must-have 2 How would you describe it?

Eg 1) Taking the subway during rush hour can be quite stressful because it gets so crowded all
the time.
Eg 2) Bus drivers drive very roughly sometimes.
Eg 3) Taxis aren't always faster than buses in the city.

Tip Give a description or your own thoughts about certain types of transportation.

Must-have 3 Talk about a memorable experience you had while using public transportation.

Eg 1) I once lost a really important business document on the subway.

Eg 2) About three weeks ago, I ran into a coworker of mine on my way home.
Eg 3) It was pouring and it was impossible to find a cab.

If you do not remember the exact time of an experience, you can use expressions like "once," "one
Tip time," and "one day."

Must-have 4 Talk about some differences in public transportation in different places.

Eg 1) The subway in Thailand is smaller than the Korean subway.

Eg 2) In some cities in Canada, we have to call the taxi company in order to get a taxi.
Eg 3) Buses run much more slowly in some countries.

Tip The correct use of comparative and superlative forms is very important.

Must-have 5 What made that day memorable?

Eg 1) I didn't have a backup copy of the document I lost on the subway, and it cost me two hours
of overtime work. Now I always back up my work!
Eg 2) Even though I had to walk home, I was glad I did because I saw my favorite store was having a
sale. I got a deep discount on a new smart phone I'd been wanting.
Eg 3) I'll never forget the kindness a stranger who showed me to the right bus stop.

A "memorable day" does not have to be a good one! If it was bad, try to show that you learned
something from it.

Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

ATEC Formula
What kind of public transportation do you often use? What is the transportation system like in your country?
Have you ever had a memorable experience while using public transportation? Please tell me what happened
in as much detail as possible.
Have you used public transportation in another city or country? How would you compare it to the one in your
own city or country?

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention When I was a student I used to take public transportation on a daily basis, but I
drive my own car nowadays.

Topic The public transportation system in my country has undergone a number of changes in
the last few years.
I used to take the subway to school, and there were only a few subway lines in the
city. There are now nine subway lines, connecting almost every important location
Experience in the city. Also, now there's the transfer system, which allows people to transfer
between different buses or subways without paying more money. The public trans-
portation system is definitely much better than it used to be. However, the traffic in
my city hasn't improved at all. It's still very difficult to drive during rush hour.

Closing The reason why I still choose to drive my own car is because I've become too lazy
to walk and I'm really used to driving everywhere now

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention When I was in India, I took the subway several times.

Topic Although the subway and subway stations looked much like the ones in my country,
there were several things to be careful about as well.

The subway in India was modern and clean like the one in my country. The
subway fare wasn't very high, so it was quite affordable for a tourist like me, too.
However, there were some precautions that passengers had to take, and some
Experience of them were quite unexpected. Surprisingly, passengers aren't allowed to take
pictures inside subway stations. There were armed guards everywhere, and they
gave everyone a body search at the gate. There was definitely a lot more attention
being paid to safety than in most other countries that I've visited.

Closing Taking the subway in India was without a doubt a very unique experience.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

“ Used to ”

· We use used + infinitive to talk about past habits and states which are no longer true.
- I used to teach, but now I only concentrate on writing. (I do not teach anymore.)
- That theater used to be popular. (That theater is not popular anymore.)

· Be + used + to + noun/gerund has a completely different meaning. “To be used to…” means "to be
accustomed to..."

· Question form
- Did you used to read comic books when you were a teenager? I see a lot of them in your room.

· Negative form
- We didn’t used to have a dog.(Now we have a dog.)

· When used to is not used: We do not use used to to refer to actions that only happened once (or not over a
prolonged period of time) or facts that still remain true.
- Paul used to graduate from university in 2003. (X)
- My wife and I used to be married for 10 years. Next month will be our anniversary. (X)

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. We use to live a small village when I was young.

2. The captain don't used to pay us on time.

3. I didn't used to know how to cook.

4. My sister didn't use to like flowers, but now she doesn't.

5. Jay didn't used to have his own car. He used to buy one last year.

6. She never uses to study in the library.

7. He usually to read the newspaper every day, but he doesn't have time to anymore.

8. My father and I doesn't use to watch horror movies.

9. She didn't used to be able to speak Spanish before she used to start living in Bolivia.

10. They use to were so happy before their son got sick.

Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

OPIc Vocabulary

· commute: (verb) To go to work or school regularly

· transportation: (noun) Any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in
· fare: (noun) The amount of money required to use the transportation
· transfer: (verb) To switch from one vehicle of transportation to another
· go on foot: (verb) To walk
· car repair shop: (noun) A place that fixes vehicles
· car pool: (verb) To share a car ride
· driver's license: (noun) A card that serves as proof of permission to drive
· intersection: (noun) The crossing point of two or more roads
· jay-walking: (gerund) Crossing the street in an illegal manner, such as in the middle of the road or without
using a crosswalk
· traffic ticket: (noun) A fine received for breaking a traffic law
· DUI: (noun) Driving under the influence (of drugs or alcohol)

OPIc Expressions

· I stopped taking the subway/bus/taxi 20 years ago when I got my driver’s license.
· Every day, I spend a lot of time on the subway.
· If I miss my bus, I have to wait for the next one for more than 15 minutes.
· Once in a while, I miss my stop on the bus because I'm distracted by the music on my MP3 player.
· It's free of charge to transfer from bus to subway and vice versa.
· I've been living in the city for seven years now, but I'm still not familiar with the bus routes.
· Unless I'm extremely lucky, I rarely get a seat on my bus ride home.
· By using public transportation, people can do their part to protect the environment.
· Hybrid vehicles are gaining popularity in some countries.
· My dad never gives me a ride/lift to my office.
· I got a parking ticket for parking my car in front of the post office for just 10 minutes!
· It's dangerous to speak on the cellular phone while driving.
· I got my driver's license when I was 18 years old.
· We usually take the public transportation downtown because it's too hard to find a parking space.
· I'm not used to driving in big cities.
· It's not easy to find a seat on a subway during rush hour.
· There's a subway station within walking distance from my apartment, so I take the subway everywhere
I go.
· The taxi fare in my country is relatively low in comparison to European countries.

Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
You indicated that you enjoy dining out. Who do you usually eat with and where?

Possible Series Questions

(a): How is that restaurant better than most other places that you have been to?
(b): Please act out a situation in which you are recommending your favorite
restaurant to a friend.

Possible Question 2
Do you like going to musical performances? Why or why not?

Possible Series Questions

(a): Describe for me a musical or theatrical performance that you enjoyed.
(b): Please tell me what happened before and after you watched the performance in
as much detail as possible.

Possible Question 3
You indicated that you are a student. What courses are you taking this semester? Which do you like?

Possible Series Questions

(a): What is your major and what made you choose that particular major?
(b): What was the most challenging experience that you have had since you entered
your school?


1) Please tell me how you got to this test center today.

This is a hard question to answer because most people drive or take public transportation without
thinking deeply about it. The only thing you can probably think of is the type of transportation you
Tip used, but that information does not constitute a sufficient answer. Elaborate on how long the ride
was, whether or not you had to transfer, and if you passed by any important architecture or
locations. You need to practice talking about things you may normally consider minuscule details.

2) What was it like when you learned to drive for the first time?

What would you say if you do not have a driver's license yet? You could say that you have never
Tip learned how to drive and then perhaps explain why you would like to learn in the future or give a
reason for never having learned.

3) How content are you with the current traffic situation in your country?

After giving your response and the supporting reasons, you may also talk about how you would like
Tip it to be changed or improved.

Chapter 02 Talking About Transportation

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Did you used to at ?

➋ was it when you your ?

➌ did you here this ?

➍ Who your in

➎ You in the survey that you your . Please me

about your in as as .

➏ Please me about you . Do you live in a or an ?

do you have in ? me a
of your .

➐ Please me your . do you ?

do you have? Are you ?

➑ Can you for me of the or you have to?

What it ? did you you ?
Tell me about it in as as .

➒ You in the that to the . What of

do you like? Do you like or . Please me the
you to see in .

➓ You in the that you . Can you one of your

? What of is it? do you
the ?

Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Chapter 3 Finding Solutions

I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let us imagine that you ordered something and
the wrong item has been delivered to you. Make three or more comments or questions to try to solve
the problem.

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use expressions that are used to make complaints
· correctly use tag questions when asking for confirmation

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 Address the problem.

Eg 1) It seems/appears/looks like you sent me the wrong item.
Eg 2) I think/believe/am pretty sure this isn't the item that I ordered.
Eg 3) There seems to have been a misunderstanding.

Try to use expressions that are as diplomatic and indirect as possible. Directness could be a sign of
lack of vocabulary and language skills.

Must-have 2 Ask for action.

Eg 1) How long will it take for you to return the item?

Eg 2) Could you use same day delivery service since it was due to some confusion on your part?
Eg 3) I'd appreciate it if you could send me the right item as soon as possible.

Tip Think of actions you would expect the seller to take.

Must-have 3 Ask what they would like you to do.

Eg 1) Where should I send the item? Should I send it to the same place it was sent from?
Eg 2) Should I send it back to your headquarters?
Eg 3) Is there a mailbox you'd like me to send this to?

Tip Think of possible actions you could take in order to solve the problem more smoothly and promptly.

Must-have 4 Ask about the delivery charges.

Eg 1) The delivery charges will be paid by your company, right?

Eg 2) You're responsible for the delivery fees, aren't you?
Eg 3) By the way, I don't need to pay for the delivery, do I?

Tip You can use tag questions when you are asking for confirmation.

Must-have 5 End the conversation amicably.

Eg 1) I appreciate your service. Thank you.

Eg 2) I'll be waiting for the delivery then.
Eg 3) Thanks for your time.

Tip You can show appreciation for the way things were handled.

Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

ATEC Formula
I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let us imagine that you ordered something and the
wrong item has been delivered to you. Make three or more comments or questions to try to solve the

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Hello. May I speak to Customer Service?

Topic I have a complaint about my delivery.

I just received the shoes I ordered but I'm afraid they're the wrong size. I'm quite
certain I ordered the correct size because I've been a size 9 my whole adult life.
Experience Could you please send me the correct size as soon as possible? I really need to
wear them this weekend. You can't deliver them this week? Then is there any way
I can come in and pick up the shoes myself? Okay, I'll do that. Also, could I get the
delivery charge back since I'm picking up the shoes?

Closing Thank you. I appreciate it. I'll come by your warehouse then. Goodbye.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention Hello? I need to speak to your manager, please.

Topic I'm calling to tell you that the frozen chicken you sent was all melted and rotten
when I received it this afternoon. How is this possible?

I can't believe that this happened. What do you plan to do about it? I'm sorry but I
Experience don't want your products anymore. I can't take another risk. What do you want me
to do about the chicken? Okay. I'll discard it as you wish. Could you please give
me a refund including the delivery charges?

Closing Thanks a lot.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

Tag Questions

· "Tag questions" are the small questions that often come at the end of sentences in speech and
sometimes in informal writing.
- Not a very good book, was it?

· Negatives are usually contracted, but full forms are possible in formal speech.
- That’s your teacher, isn’t it?
- You do take cream in coffee, don’t you?

[ Negative after Affirmative and Affirmative after Negative ]

· Tag questions are used after affirmative and negative sentences, but not after questions.
- You’re the new coach, aren’t you?
- You’re not the new coach, are you?
- Are you the new coach, aren’t you? (X)
[ Auxiliaries]
· If the main sentence has an auxiliary verb (or "be"), this is repeated in the tag question.
· Sally can speak French, can’t she? · The class is at ten, isn’t it?
[ Meaning and Intonation ]
· If the tag is a real question – if we really want to know something and are not sure of the answer – we use
a rising intonation.
· If the tag is not a real question – if we are sure of the answer – we use a falling intonation.
· The meaning of a tag question is also normally clear from the context.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. He really dislikes vegetables, isn't he?

2. It's not our fault, are we?
3. Your nephew are now living in Denver, isn't he?
4. We have reached a decision, hasn't we?
5. Valerie's parents will be flying in tonight, won't he?
6. He and you are not related, is he?
7. You’re not going on that trip alone, aren’t you?
8. The coffee shop is not open twenty four hours, does it?
9. Is she a graduate student, is she?
10. There is wireless internet service at the restaurant, aren’t they?

Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

OPIc Vocabulary

· confusion: (noun) Mistake, mix-up

· delivery charges: (noun) Fees for having an item delivered
· return: (verb) Giving back money or an item
· exchange: (verb) Switching an item for another item
· claim: (verb / noun) Complaint
· business day: (noun) Working day
· customer: (noun) The person who buys products or services
· mistake: (noun) Error

OPIc Expressions

· I have no choice but to take action if you refuse to resolve the problem.

· The airline is going to offer compensation for the lost luggage.

· It seems to have broken during delivery.

· There's been a terrible mistake with the reservation.

· We're going to wire the money back within the next five days.

· I need to complain to the manager about your service.

· I'd appreciate it if you could resend it as soon as possible.

· This isn't the model (size, color, design) that I wanted.

· I'm afraid the blouse doesn't fit me.

· There's a stain that I can't get off.

· I'm willing to pay for the extra delivery charges since it was my mistake.

· I'd like to speak to the shop owner, please.

· What's your return policy?

· Let's settle this issue as quickly as possible.

· I'd appreciate it if you could give me a cash refund instead of store credit.

· I'll return the gifts that came along with the product.

· The product hasn't been opened.

Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
Tell me about a bad experience you have had when making reservations.

Possible Series Question

What could you do in the future to avoid a situation like that?

Possible Question 2
You realize that your airplane is overbooked and you may not get a seat. How can you deal with this problem?

Possible Series Question

Make complaints and ask for monetary compensation.

Possible Question 3
You found out that your ceiling is leaking. How would you deal with this situation?

Possible Series Question

Act out the situation from the landlord’s point of view.


1) You bought tickets to an amusement park but it is raining, so you would like a refund.

The worst thing that can happen when answering a role play question is getting stuck having nothing
ip to say. Use your imagination and do your best to put yourself in that position. Draw a mental picture in
T your head and think about what you would do in the given situation.

2) You reserved a table for four people, but you got a table for two people instead.

Tip Base it on a real-life experience that is similar to this.

3) The crystal dishes that I ordered arrived completely shattered.

If you have no experience that resembles the given situation, use somebody else’s experience in your
Tip story or think of a scene in a movie or on TV !

Chapter 03 Finding Solutions

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Please your in the .

➋ through your .

➌ What do you when you go to ?

➍ is your ?

➎ Let me now you a and you to it out. Let’s

to a a to to morning.
a friend and a on his . Tell him that you a
and then to out you to about
a from .

➏ You in the that you on .

I like you to of the or you have .
What was it over and what of did you from
the ?

➐I like to you to .
were you you how to ? did you
and you?

➑ Now, I’m going to you a and you to it . Let’s say

you like to for a for and
friend. Please the at the or about
you to about the .

➒ You have in the that you .

is the you the ? do you
this and do you ?

➓ You in our that you to . Please me

your . do you there? me
the is and it .

Unit 3
Power Up ATEC OPIc
Chapter 1 - Comparing Ideas

Chapter 2 - Stating Your Opinion

Chapter 3 - Explaining Your Opinion

Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Chapter 1 Comparing Ideas

You indicated in the survey that you like shopping. Do you ever shop online? How would you
compare shopping online and shopping in stores?

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use many words and expressions to discuss shopping
· discuss the similarities and differences of several objects

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 General opinion

Eg 1) Internet shopping is one of the most convenient ways of shopping.
Eg 2) I don't usually shop online because I like to look at things myself before I purchase them.
Eg 3) I never thought that Internet shopping would boom as much as it has. It's now a huge industry.

Present some general ideas that summarize and introduce your response.

Must-have 2 Good points of shopping in stores

Eg 1) Many people like to buy clothes in shops because they feel the need to try on the clothes.
Eg 2) Shopping in stores is usually more reliable than shopping online.
Eg 3) When I buy something in a store, I don't need to wait for it to be delivered like I do with online shopping.

When comparing two things, avoid telling two separate stories. Using correct conjunctions and vocabulary
Tip in comparisons is an important skill.

Must-have 3 Good points of Internet shopping

Eg 1) On the other hand, Internet shopping can be quite convenient for people who don't have
enough time to go shopping in malls.
Eg 2) The great thing about online shopping is that we can compare prices much more easily than
in department stores or shopping malls.
Eg 3) I often purchase electronic devices on the Internet because the prices are usually lower than offline.

Tip What are your own reasons for shopping online?

Must-have 4 Supporting details

Eg 1) When I went to buy some speakers for my MP3 player, the price was much higher in the mall
than on the Internet.
Eg 2) I once regretted ordering a skirt online because the color was completely different from how
it looked on my computer screen.
Eg 3) One time, I asked an Internet shopping site for a refund because the delivery was not made on time.

Tip Talk about convincing reasons why you hold those opinions.

Must-have 5 Conclusion

Eg 1) There's no need to be worried about shopping online. We can call the National Customer
Service Agency in case of a dispute.
Eg 2) Certain kinds of items are easier to purchase online.
Eg 3) It's essential to try on clothes before buying them.

Tip Add a concluding comment.

Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

ATEC Formula
You indicated in the survey that you like shopping. Do you ever shop online? How would you compare
shopping online and shopping in stores?

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention When it comes to shopping, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I like to check every
detail before I make a purchase.
Topic That's the reason why I usually shop in stores rather than Internet shopping websites.

Especially when it comes to clothes or accessories, I don't know how other people
can buy them without even looking at them. Your opinion of clothes can be quite
different before and after you try them on. I wouldn't know the exact color or texture of
Experience clothing by just looking at it on the screen. However, there's a positive side to online
shopping as well. Buying things on the Internet is often cheaper than shopping in
stores because the online shopping market is very competitive and it's easy to search
for pricing information.
Closing However, I think I'll always find it more reliable to buy things in stores than on the Internet.

Possible Sample Answer 2

I don't have much spare time to go shopping, and Internet shopping is a great way
to save time.
Topic As far as I'm concerned, we can save a lot of time and energy when we shop online.

When I need to buy something, including groceries, I turn on my computer and go to

my favorite shopping website. There, everything from fruits and vegetables to clothes
Experience and cosmetics are just a click away. I'm not concerned about their quality because I
can always read the reviews that are posted by other consumers. Nowadays, these
websites mostly have easy refund policies as well. A couple of things I do miss about
going out shopping are going to a food court and window shopping with my friends.

In this busy and digitized world, Internet shopping is the smartest way for anyone to

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your

We can make comparisons using several grammatical structures.

· Similarities and differences

- I look a lot like my aunt.
- This color looks the same to me as the old one.
- He doesn’t look like his brothers.

· Equal, more or less

- She is as tall as my teacher.
- The baby is younger than our son.
- It was less painful than the last time.

· Comparatives and Superlatives

- This coffee shop is much quieter than the one in my neighborhood.
- It's not the quietest one that I've been to.
- Isn't this the most beautiful hotel you've ever seen?
- I've seen one more beautiful than this.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. We like the new house very more than the old one.

2. Sam and I are more close than we were last year.

3. The subway is fast rather than the bus in the city.

4. This summer, it's raining more hardly than ever before.

5. Peter is the bestest liar I've ever known.

6. This island has the best beautiful beach in the world.

7. Men are usually tall than women.

8. I can play the violin more good than my brother.

9. The population of Japan is large than that of South Korea.

10. Both Karen and I am attending the wedding ceremony this coming Saturday.

Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

OPIc Vocabulary

· window shopping: (noun) The act of looking at displayed items without buying them
· receipt: (noun) A written acknowledgment of having received a specified amount of money
· changing room: (noun) A room where customers can try on clothes
· in transit: (adj.) In the delivering process
· display: (verb) To show to the public
· high-end: (adj.) High-quality and expensive
· seller: (noun) A person selling products online or in shops
· food court: (noun) A space, as in a shopping mall, with a concentration of fast food stalls and usually a
common eating area
· personal shopper: (noun) A professional who is paid to help people with their shopping
· shopping cart: (noun) Shopping trolley

OPIc Expressions

· I have to try on at least ten different items of clothing before I can buy one.

· I can't pay with a check online.

· Items can sometimes be more expensive in retail shops than online.

· Internet shopping malls might sell low-quality imitation goods.

· Department stores normally offer better service than discount malls.

· I don’t like it when the salesperson pressures me to buy things I didn’t plan to.

· Comparing prices online can be much more timesaving than walking into countless shops.

· We have to be careful when we order fragile items online.

Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
How would you compare high schools and universities?

Possible Series Question

How have schools changed compared to the way they used to be several years ago?

Possible Question 2
How would you describe the current fashion trend?

Possible Series Question

How would you compare your own style to the current fashion trend?

Possible Question 3
You indicated that you are single. In the future, would you like to get married or stay single?

Possible Series Question

What are some general differences between single people and married people?


1) How is your hometown different from the city you currently live in?

If you cannot find many differences between the objects that you are asked to contrast, it is advisable to
Tip mention similarities between them instead. Comparing does not always mean pointing out the differences.

2) Do you prefer having a job or doing housework at home instead?

If you are happy with neither of the options, you may talk about the negative aspects of both options.
The important task is to convince the rater that you have a good reason to discard both options.

3) How would you compare shopping in a traditional marketplace with shopping in a

modern department store?

What if you have never been to a traditional marketplace? Should you say “I don’t know because I've
never been to a marketplace.”? If you do not have much knowledge or experience about something,
you could talk about what you imagine it to be like or base your response on what you have read or
heard from other sources. Always try hard not to say “I don’t know” or “I haven’t thought about it.”
Think of creative answers to provide some kind of response even if it does not directly answer the

Chapter 01 Comparing Ideas

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ did you to ?

➋ Are there in your ?

➌ do you ?

➍ is game?

➎ You in the that you to go to . Can you me

of your at ?

➏ Yo u in the that you to .

of music do you to to? Who is your or

➐ You in the that you . do you go

? and do you jog? me about it in as
as possible.

➑I to and I’ just one of my

yesterday. Now me or about the .

➒ I’d to you a and ask you to act it out. You are to

of your with the of a . your
and a by or
the party.

➓ I’m sorry, but a that you to . You went

, but you a with of the you after you got
home. the and your so that you can the

Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Chapter 2 Stating Your Opinion

You indicated in the survey that you enjoy traveling. What do you consider the best vacation
destination and why?

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use many travel-related expressions
· offer your own opinions on different topics

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 Personal opinion

Eg 1) I believe it's better to travel abroad than to stay in my own country.
Eg 2) There's a great little beach in my hometown that would be amazing for a family summer vacation.
Eg 3) Out of all my vacation destinations, Japan was my favorite.

There are a variety of expressions that can be used aside from "I think..."

Must-have 2 Give your reasons.

Eg 1) What makes it so great is the wonderful and affordable food.

Eg 2) It's a terrific place for anyone who enjoys aquatic sports.
Eg 3) The city offers cheap and clean accomodations.
Your argument would sound weak without proper reasons.

Must-have 3 Whom would you recommend it to?

Eg 1) I'm sure that it would be an excellent spot for honeymooners because it's such a romantic
and quiet place.
Eg 2) I would highly recommend it to someone looking for exciting nightlife.
Eg 3) It's especially suitable for families with small children.

Tip Try to be more specific than simply saying "good for families/students/women."

Must-have 4 Personal experience

Eg 1) When I went there last year, I was very impressed with how friendly the people were.
Eg 2) The island was more beautiful than what I'd seen in pictures.
Eg 3) My best memory from that place was bungee jumping.

Tip Adding a personal story helps your response become more vivid.

Must-have 5 Future plans

Eg 1) I would love to go back there as soon as possible. I miss it so much!

Eg 2) I'm planning to revisit the place this coming January.
Eg 3) My family is dying to have another ski trip to Vancouver.

Tip To express eagerness, we can use expressions like "I'm dying to..." or "I can't wait to..."

Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

ATEC Formula
You indicated in the survey that you enjoy traveling. What do you consider the best vacation destination and

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Out of all my vacation destinations, my favorite was Busan.

Topic Busan was a nice, clean city with a mild climate and friendly people.
I'm convinced that it's a great place for everyone, including families, friends, and
couples because Busan has something to offer people of all interests. First of all,
it's well-known for its beautiful beaches. It has a large seafood marketplace and
Experience the biggest shopping complex in all of Asia. There are amusement parks and
aquariums for children as well as exciting nightlife for adults! When I went to Busan
last year, I wasn't able to spend much time there, so I couldn't go to the seafood
marketplace which is really famous in Busan.

Closing I would love to go back there sometime this year.

Possible Sample Answer 2

In order for a place to qualify as a good vacation site, I think it should appeal to
people with different kinds of interests.
Topic There are several places that fit this description, but my personal favorite is Bangkok.

Bangkok is an extremely popular destination among young backpacking travelers,

but it's also a very attractive place for families and seniors. It's just a bus ride away
from a beautiful beach, so people can go sunbathing, swimming and snorkeling
Experience there. Bangkok is full of historical sites where tourists can visit temples and old
palaces. For those who are looking for a relaxing trip, Bangkok offers high-quality
and affordable massage services that help them release stress. Thai food is one of
my favorites, so I love going to the Thai restaurants that are all over the city.

Closing I've already been to the city plenty of times, but I never get tired of going there.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your
response. .

Simple Present Tense VS Present Continuous Tense I

[ Simple Present Tense ]

· We use the simple present tense to talk about factual information, routine activities, or habits, such as
school or company activities.

- Does your teacher speak French?

- He goes to work by subway every day.

[ Present Continuous Tense ]

· We use the present continuous tense to talk about temporary situations and ongoing situations.

- She's now living with her mother, but she'll get her own apartment soon.
- We're experiencing some technical difficulties.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. We're usually trying to develop a brand with a message.

2. The marketing department invests 30 % more on advertising this year.

3. I work at my father’s shop while he's on his two-week business trip.

4. At the moment, she works for a food products company.

5. He's liking to spend his vacation on the beach.

6. Are you usually buying Italian brands?

7. The school goes under some changes this new academic year.

8. The brand becomes more and more global.

9. We're needing to spend less money on food.

10. Because of our loss last year, we try to reduce costs this year.

Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

OPIc Vocabulary

· package tour: (noun) A type of trip that usually includes airplane fare, food, accommodations, etc.
· accommodations: (noun) Places to stay at, such as hotels and youth hostels
· passport: (noun) Official identification required to go abroad
· immigration office: (noun) The administrative office which authorizes entry into and departure from a country
· pick pocket: (verb) To steal, usually from a passerby
· airline: (noun) A company that offers flight services
· youth hostel: (noun) A form of low-cost accommodations popular among young backpackers
· culture shock: (noun) Shock that is caused by cultural differences
· exotic: (adj.) Foreign, alien, unique
· tourist information booth: (noun) A place that offers information for travelers
· carry-on luggage: (noun) Bags that people take on a plane
· in-flight meal: (noun) A main meal served on an airplane

OPIc Expressions

· In my opinion, backpacking trips are the best way to learn about a new country.
· I believe that it could be dangerous to stay at a youth hostel.
· One of the the world is...
· One of the best... in my country is...
· Personally, I think...
· As for me, I thought that India was too hot and humid.
· From my experience,.../Based on what I've experienced,...
· As far as I know, airlines often offer seat upgrades when they're overbooked.
· I don't feel safe checking my bags, so I always carry them on whenever I travel by air.
· Some people complain about the quality of in-flight meals.
· I complained to the flight attendant because it was so cold on the airplane.
· On long weekends, it takes less time to go there by train than by car.
· My trip to India really opened my eyes. It was an intense experience.
· After my trip to South America, I developed a passion for South American cuisine.
· I was quite disappointed when I went to Niagara Falls. It looked much larger on TV.
· Before I go on a trip, I research the place using travel books and magazines.
· We panicked when we got pickpocketed and lost our passports.

Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
Do you enjoy traveling?

Possible Series Question

How have your thoughts changed compared to the past?

Possible Question 2
How does a road trip compare to a train trip?

Possible Series Question

How are they different or similar in the way you need to prepare for them?

Possible Question 3
How do you think traveling can help young children learn more about the world?

Possible Series Question

Where do you want to take your own children in the future and why?


1) What do you think is the best way to purchase a good house?

You might be asked to give an opinion about a topic that you have never thought about. You might skip the
question and hope to get an easier question, but one of the important skills that is required to do well on
the OPIc is the ability to “think on your feet.” If you cannot answer a question, you could try giving a reason
why you have never thought about that particular topic deeply.

2) What is the most convenient public transportation in your city?

It is possible that you might want to give more than one answer. Perhaps you find the subway and
Tip the bus to be equally convenient. However, it is much easier to organize your response if you choose
only one main idea to discuss rather than several.

3) When planning for travel, what is the best way to reserve accommodations?

Since English is not your first language, it is possible that your answer might be lacking in supporting
T details or reasons that explain your answer. Be sure to thoroughly support your answer rather than
just giving a long list of things.

Chapter 02 Stating Your Opinion

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ Is it to this game ?

➋ to in that part of ?

➌ what it your in as as you can.

➍ What is your sibling’s ?

➎ You in the that you . of

do you ? and do you the ?

➏ You in the that you . Please me

the that you . me as
about the as you can.

➐ You in the that you or movies.

What of TV do you ? How do you
in a ?

➑ You in the that you the . Which

do you the ? Can you me the ?

➒ I’m sorry, but a that you to . You

one of your with the of family you
have to that day. your , your and
or to help him or her.

➓ Can you me your of the year? do you

it? of do you in that

Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Chapter 3 Explaining Your Opinion

I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let us imagine that you want to get a pet and you
are living with a roommate who does not like pets. Make three or more comments or questions to
convince your roommate.

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use vocabulary related to animals and household chores
· use conditional sentences correctly

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
Brainstorm ideas to respond to the topic question with your classmates and write them down in the
boxes in the first row. Write down your derived ideas in the boxes in the second row related to the
ideas in the first row. Create a one-minute speech using your notes.


Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:

Derived Idea 1: Idea 2: Idea 3: Idea 4: Idea 5:


Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Must-have 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-have 1 Address the issue.

Eg 1) So, I wanted to talk to you about having a pet dog.
Eg 2) Can I talk to you about something? My parents can't keep their cat anymore, and I wanted to
discuss that with you.
Eg 3) I was wondering if you would be okay with having a pet in the house.

Think about how you would start up a difficult conversation with a friend. Avoid going into the topic too
directly. (Bad examples: "I want to have a pet." -OR- "Let's get a pet.")

Must-have 2 Create a reason why your roommate might object.

Eg 1) I understand that you're allergic to cats.

Eg 2) You did mention you've had a fear of animals ever since you were a little kid.
Eg 3) I know that our apartment may not be big enough to keep a pet.

Be creative and imaginative!

Must-have 3 Ask for understanding.

Eg 1) Can we please have a dog? They're not as scary as you may think.
Eg 2) Cats are much friendlier than most people think.
Eg 3) Having fish is good for mental health.

Tip Offer facts or what you know from your experience.

Must-have 4 Offer to do something in return.

Eg 1) How about if I let you play the piano at night in return?

Eg 2) If we get a dog, I'll pay more rent than you.
Eg 3) As long as we have a pet, I'll clean the entire house, including your room.

Tip Pretend you are trying to convince a friend.

Must-have 5 Propose a temporary solution.

Eg 1) If not, would it be possible to keep him for just a few days while my parents find a home for him?
Eg 2) We can get rid of the dog if your allergies get worse. Could we perhaps try that?
Eg 3) How about if the fish stay only as long as I keep the tank clean?

Tip Expressions like“as soon as”or“as long as”could be useful.

Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

ATEC Formula
I am going to give you a situation for you to act out. Let us imagine that you want to get a pet and you are
living with a roommate who does not like pets. Make three or more comments or questions to convince
your roommate.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Hey. Do you have a minute? There's something I want to discuss with you.

As you know, my cousin is pregnant, so she can't keep her dog anymore. I know that
Topic you've never had a pet before, but I was wondering if you might be okay with a dog in
the house.

If I don't bring this dog home, my cousin really has no one else to ask. Obviously,
she can't give the dog away to a total stranger. If you let me do this, I promise I'll
Experience clean up after the dog really well. You won't even notice that he's there. Do you
think you might be okay with that? If not, can we at least keep him while my cousin
looks for someone else to take him?

Closing Please think about it. I know you're going to love the dog, too!

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention Hi. Do you remember I told you that I went fishing last night?

Topic Well, I caught some fish and brought them back. I know you're not a big animal lover,
but fish are totally hassle-free.

Would it be okay if I put a fish tank in the living room? You know they don't make
Experience any noise and they won't take up much space, either. You can put some of your
stuff in the living room if you want to. I would understand that. How about if we keep
the fish tank only as long as I manage to keep it clean?

Closing If cleanliness becomes an issue, I'll gladly get rid of the tank myself.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your


* Clauses constructed with if are often called "conditional clauses."

- If you think I’m going to help you, you’re wrong.
- You wouldn’t have crashed if you’d been looking where you were going.

* An if-clause often refers to a condition – something which must happen first, so that something else can happen.
- If you get here before eight, we can catch the early train.
- Oil floats if you pour it on water.

[ If…then ]
* We sometimes construct sentences with if...then... to emphasize that one thing depends on another.
- If she can’t come to us, then we’ll have to go and see her.

* Also, the word "conditional" is sometimes used as a name for verb forms constructed with the auxiliary
verbs should/would (and sometimes could and might).
- I should use the computer to get some information.
- It would be nice if he would stop talking for a bit.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. If I married you, we are both unhappy.

2. If we play tennis, I might win.

3. If she had called me, I would go and find her.

4. If you were in Boston, why didn't you came and see us?

5. If it'll help, I lend you some money.

6. If you wanted to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.

7. If I have enough time tomorrow, I would have come and visited.

8. If it’s sunny yesterday, we would go camping.

9. If your mother had filled in this form, I will submit it for her.

10. You got fat if you eat too much.

Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

OPIc Vocabulary

· allergic: (adj.) Having an adverse physical reaction when exposed to something

· pros and cons: (noun) Advantages and disadvantages
· house-broken: (adj.) Properly trained to not go to the bathroom in the house (used with an animal)
· feed: (verb) To give food
· responsibility: (noun) Duty
· hassle-free: (adj.) Causing no stress or trouble
· exotic pet: (noun) Unique, rare, and foreign pet
· cage: (noun) Box for animals like hamsters and rabbits
· tank: (noun) Container for fish, usually made of glass
· companion: (noun) Friend, company

OPIc Expressions

· I don’t have any allergies.

· Animal fur can be bad for small babies.

· Dogs won't smell bad on rainy days if we bathe them on a regular basis.

· I'll make sure the dog is house broken.

· Pets can be great companions for children as well as adults.

· We can walk the dog together in the park.

· Dog food doesn't cost that much money.

· I'll make sure our pet doesn't ruin any of our furniture.

· A cat litter box requires hardly any space.

Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
Tell me about your favorite outdoor activity.

Possible Series Question

Ask a friend to join you in that activity.

Possible Question 2
Tell me about your favorite kind of movies.

Possible Series Question

Convince a friend to watch a movie of that genre.

Possible Question 3
What is your least favorite household chore?

Possible Series Question

Ask a family member to do it for you.


1) Try convincing your mother to buy you a new car.

Tip Imagine possible scenarios. It is best to come up with some details to help create your story.

2) Ask your friend to lend you some money.

What if you are against that? Even though OPIc is designed to evaluate your language abilities
rather than the content of your answer, you will lose an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to
Tip convince others in English if you simply give your honest opinion about this topic. It is very important
to complete the task that the question is asking you to do.

3) You are trying to convince your parents to approve of your marriage.

You may be given a very difficult task, and perhaps you cannot think of a good solution to the
Tip problem. However, it is much better to offer a silly solution than no solution at all.

Chapter 03 Explaining Your Opinion

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ me you from the you your house

at your or .

➋ I to you to . did you

and ?

➌ me any that you .

➍ of do you to read? Do you have ?

➎ You in the that you have a . If you’re a or

an , the .
does your and your

➏ You indicated that you work. do the in your or city

to ? Do they ? If so, is ?

➐ of a that you on a
. me the in . of
did you and did the a that

➑ I would that you and your

manager to or
. Think of of those and the was and
then me you and did to it.

➒ I’d like to you a and it out. Your has to on a

. But he says would a
for his . I want you to a and
or about on of

➓ Now, let’s that you about a or

at your . of your and a
asking for . you about
the or .

Unit 4
Breaking ATEC OPIc
Chapter 1 - ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice I

Chapter 2 - ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice II

Chapter 3 - ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice III

Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Chapter 1 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice I

Actual Practice – How to effectively introduce myself, family and things I do

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· answer questions that ask you to give a description of objects, people, and events
· tell stories about a variety of topics

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
In this exercise, you will brainstorm possible questions about yourself and your interests. Then write
them down in the boxes in the first row. Think about series questions for each question and write them
down in the boxes in the second row.


Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5:

Series Question 1: Series Question 2: Series Question 3: Series Question 4: Series Question 5:


Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Must-know 5
Be sure to include the next five questions in your response.

Must-know 1 Could you tell me about a skill that you have?

Eg 1) I know how to play the flute quite well.
Eg 2) When I was in elementary school, I learned how to swim.
Eg 3) I think that the only special skill I have is driving.
When most people hear the word "skill," they often think that they don't have any special skills to talk about and
Tip panic. However, there are so many things that could qualify as a skill, such as inline skating, driving, and cooking!

Must-know 2 Please tell me about your family.

Eg 1) There are five people in my family including me, my parents, and my twin sisters.
Eg 2) I come from a family of three. I'm an only child, but people around me say that I don't fit the stereotype.
Eg 3) My parents have been married for 35 years, and my younger brother is doing his military service at the moment.
"I have three families" means that you have three different groups that are each a separate family. Avoid
Tip making this common mistake and add some interesting information to describe your family members.

Must-know 3 You indicated in the survey that you enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages.
Where do you usually drink? Please describe that place for me.

Eg 1) I usually like to drink at my house because it's cheaper than drinking at a bar and I feel very
comfortable and relaxed drinking at my own home.
Eg 2) My favorite place for drinking is the chicken place in my neighborhood. The place is pretty
cheap and it has great draft beer. It's a small place with less than ten tables.
Eg 3) I often go to a wine bar near my office. It's very close to my workplace and it's decorated in
an antique style.
When you are asked to describe an object or a place that you like, draw a mental picture of it in order to
Tip describe it in detail. Answers that are specific usually make better answers than a general response.

Must-know 4 What kind of movies do you like?

Eg 1) The movies I like are ones that have an important message to deliver, like Schindler's List.
Eg 2) My favorite kind of movie is comedy. I love movies that make me laugh! On the other hand, I
dislike horror films because they usually bring me down.
Eg 3) I love all kinds of movies. I don't have a particular favorite.

It is also a good idea to give examples of movies you dislike as well as movies you like. Don't be
Tip afraid to use language skills that you feel comfortable using.

Must-know 5 Who was your favorite teacher in school? What did you like about that teacher?

Eg 1) My favorite teacher in school was my high school English teacher because she was very
understanding of the students unlike most other teachers.
Eg 2) I remember my elementary school homeroom teacher as my best teacher ever. Even though I
was very young, I felt like he really cared about his students.
Eg 3) I really liked one of the American professors at my university because he also tried to help us
perceive the world differently.

Again, it is important to distinguish if the question is asking you to describe one particular teacher or
the kind of teachers you like in general.

Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

ATEC Formula
Could you tell me about a skill that you have?
Actual Practice I – How to effectively introduce myself, family and things I do

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention I know how to paint furniture quite well.

Topic It's not a skill that I learned from anyone in particular, but I've always been interested in
painting walls, closets, and pieces of furniture.

The first time I tried painting was when I was in high school. There were two large
bookcases in our living room, but they were plain wood and a bit old. One day, I found
out that they sold paint for furniture at a discount store, so I bought a large can of green
Experience paint. Painting was a lot harder than it seemed because I had to paint two or three
times to get the perfect color. However, when I was done painting, it made a huge
difference in the space and it gave me a sense of accomplishment. Since then, I have
painted everything in the house, from doors to my table and chairs.

Closing Painting isn't very hard, but the results can be quite fantastic. I really love to paint!

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention When I go out for some drinks, I usually go to a fancy cocktail bar downtown.

Topic My friends and I like to dress up, look nice, and go to upscale bars.
My favorite cocktail bar is dark like most other bars, but it has some gorgeous lights
and lots of candles everywhere. They add to the romantic ambience of the place.
Experience They always play jazz, and the overall decor is quite simple and modern. One of
the things my friends and I like the most is the comfortable and beautiful couches.
I feel like I could sit in them forever.

We've been to many different bars in the city, but this particular bar has been our
favorite for years because of the great music and atmosphere.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating
your response.

Simple Present Tense VS Present Continuous Tense II

[ Present Tense vs. Present Continuous Tense ]
* We use the simple present tense to give factual information and talk about routine activities and habits.
Therefore, we use the simple present tense a lot when describing characteristics and regular activities of
people and objects.

- His company sells cooking equipment.

- I don't like going to the dentist.
- Most dogs bark at strangers, but mine doesn't.

* Verbs such as "know," "love," and "want" are used in the simple present tense in most cases.

- He is knowing his responsibilities in the office. (X)

- He knows his responsibilities in the office. (O)

- My family and I are liking to go camping together on weekends. (X)

- My family and I like to go camping together on weekends. (O)

* We can use the simple present tense to talk about ongoing or temporary situations.

- My brother is living with me right now, but he will find his own place soon. (My brother will not continue to
live with me.)
- The company is trying to reduce costs since the repression. (It is a temporary state.)
- I'm studying to become an interpreter at the moment. (But I will not continue for a very long time.)

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.
1. I work at my father’s shop while he is on his two-week business trip.
2. He is liking to read magazines.
3. We are usually developing brands that have a message.
4. We are taking a trip to Mexico every summer.
5. I am going to church every Sunday.
6. We are loving to cook at home on weekends.
7. He is always wanting to watch TV when he is eating dinner.
8. We are not knowing what time he will arrive.
9. I am cooking dinner for my family every evening.
10. He is disliking vegetables.

Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

OPIc Vocabulary

· spend time: (verb) To pass time

· book a ticket/seat: (verb) To get a ticket/seat in advance
· mixed drink: (noun) An alcoholic beverage combining two or more ingredients
· family reunion: (noun) An occasion in which family members gather together after being away from each other
for some time
· eat out: (verb) To eat at a restaurant
· co-worker: (noun) People you work with
· sleep in: (verb) To get up late in the morning
· go on a diet: (verb) To try to lose weight by regulating your food intake in some way
· work out: (verb) To exercise
· go on a business trip: (verb) To travel for business purposes
· do the dishes: (verb) To wash dishes
· documentary: (noun) Non-fiction film or TV program that deals with factual information
· study abroad: (verb) To study in another country
· take a nap: (verb) To sleep outside of normal sleeping hours

OPIc Expressions

· My favorite homeroom teacher was…/ The best homeroom teacher I have ever had was…
· When I was in university/ elementary school/ the military…
· There's a large parking lot in my neighborhood./ The faculty consists of about 30 professors.
· I always/usually/often/sometimes/occasionally/rarely...
· I'm good at playing badminton./I'm am not so good at skiing.
· My father has always been over-protective of me.
· He's quite happy with his working conditions, including his working hours and income.
· My sister spends so much time talking on the phone.
· My best friend and I met in one of our first classes in university.
· My favorite kind of food is Mexican food. It's delicious and spicy.
· I remember when I tried bicycling for the first time. I fell hundreds of times before I could finally learn
how to ride a bike.
· The car accident I had several years ago was the scariest experience I've ever had.
· Taking a nap can be a healthy habit.
· Learning new skills has always been one of my greatest passions.
· My roommate and I have nothing in common, but we get along very well.
· My apartment is pretty quiet during the daytime, but it gets very noisy every night with traffic noises.

Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
What kind of TV programs do you like? Please tell me about it in detail.

Possible Series Question

Could you describe one character or personality from that particular program?

Possible Question 2
What is your favorite dish? Where is it from and how often do you eat it?

Possible Series Question

Please describe a detailed recipe for that dish.

Possible Question 3
Where was your favorite place to go as a child?

Possible Series Question

Could you tell me about a memorable incident that happened in the place you just mentioned?


1) You indicated in the survey that you enjoy reading books. Tell me the plot of your favorite book.

Avoid getting into too much detail when answering a question that requests you to describe the story
Tip of a book or movie. It is important to mention only information that constitutes the main ideas.

2) What do you usually like to do at home?

A very common mistake in this question type is giving a long list of activities that you do without
Tip elaborating on any of the activities. Talk about when, why, with whom, and how you do those

3) Do you like the neighborhood that you live in? What is it like?

This is a type of question that is not easy to answer, ironically, because the topic is too ordinary.
Many people commonly answer that their neighborhood is nothing special, but imagine that you are
speaking to a person who has never been to your neighborhood. The things that you take for
granted could become interesting details for your story.

Chapter 01 ATEC OPIc

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ me what and do in your .

➋ was the you to the ?

➌ about a when you friend. the and

did do to ?

➍ do you do on the ? Do you your

sleep? What do you do on the ?

➎ one of the in your and it in . Tell me

you it and would if you it.

➏ You in the that you go to . Please me about your

and the you it in detail.

➐ You in the that you to . Can you me

which you to to for your ? are you

➑ does to you are with in

of its , what it like, its , its and other .
and in to me and the other .

➒ Many are that their play many or games.

do ? What can they
these ? children to video or

➓ tell me about one of your a . What of

was it? did it ? did you for the and
the ?

Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Chapter 2 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice II

Actual Practice II - How to effectively describe everyday life and express opinions

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· use vocabulary and expressions related to money and investments
· predict different question types of a topic

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
In this exercise, you will brainstorm possible questions about yourself and your interests. Then write
them down in the boxes in the first row. Think about series questions for each question and write them
down in the boxes in the second row.


Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5:

Series Question 1: Series Question 2: Series Question 3: Series Question 4: Series Question 5:


Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Must-know 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-know 1 How do you usually spend your money?

Eg 1) I spend a lot of my money on clothes and accessories.
Eg 2) I try to save as much money as possible.
Eg 3) I'm married with three children, so most of my money goes into raising my family.

Tip Think about what things you spend your money on.

Must-know 2 Do you save a part of your income? If so, how do you save your money?

Eg 1) I just save my money in my bank account.

Eg 2) I have a savings account, so a portion of my paycheck gets withdrawn and deposited into that account.
Eg 3) I can't really save money because I spend too much money on drinking with friends.
You could also give details about the percentage of your income that you save, how long you have been
Tip saving, or the special purpose of your saving.

Must-know 3 You indicated in the survey that you work. Could you tell me about
the first time you ever earned some money?
Eg 1) I started washing my father's car for an allowance when I was 11 years old.
Eg 2) My first job ever was working part-time at a fast food restaurant. The experience taught me
the value of money.
Eg 3) When I got my first paycheck, I bought small gifts for everyone in my family.

Always be prepared to share a story. Do not stop after stating just "when" and "where." Narrate a story. What
Tip happened before or after that experience?

Must-know 4 Have you had any financial difficulties?

Eg 1) I had to start working at a young age because my father was out of work.
Eg 2) When I was studying in another country as an exchange student, I always had to try and
spend as little money as possible.
Eg 3) I haven't had any serious financial problems up to now, but I once spent too much money on my
credit card.

It does not necessarily have to be a serious problem. Try to think of a time when you did not have
Tip the money that you needed.

Must-know 5 Would you ever lend money to a friend? What is your opinion on
borrowing and lending money between friends?

Eg 1) My parents always told me that lending money to a friend could destroy the friendship. I think it's
a terrible idea.
Eg 2) I once lent money to my best friend and it made our relationship very awkward and
uncomfortable. I don't plan on lending money to a friend in the future.
Eg 3) I would lend money to a friend who is having an emergency, like an accident or a serious
disease of a family member.

When presenting your opinion, you should also support your thoughts by using a personal
experience or giving a good reason for your beliefs.

Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

ATEC Formula
Would you ever lend money to a friend? What is your opinion on borrowing and lending money between
Actual Practice II - How to effectively describe everyday life and express opinions

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Personally, I'm against borrowing or lending money between close friends.

Topic Many people say that borrowing money from a friend could have a negative effect on
the friendship, and I agree with that as well.
I once lent some money to a friend who urgently needed it to book an airplane ticket.
At the time, it was an emergency and I knew that she would be able to repay me soon.
Experience However, some time passed by, and my friend actually forgot that she'd borrowed
money from me. Of course, I hadn't forgotten about it, but it was very awkward for me
to ask her to pay me back.
After that experience, I decided that I should just tell a friend that I didn't have
money to lend him or her.

Possible Sample Answer 2

Attention I'm a single person living alone and I don't have a family to support at the moment.

Topic My parents are still working too, so I spend most of my income on myself.
A large portion of my income goes into paying the rent for my apartment because
I don't own the place. I don't really enjoy shopping, so I don't spend much money
Experience on clothes or shoes. Since I'm living by myself, I usually eat out at restaurants. I
think I'm spending too much money on food and drinks. I enjoy going drinking with
my friends at fancy bars once in a while. I rarely have much money left at the end
of the month.
I believe it's time for me to seriously begin considering ways to reduce spending
and start saving some money for my future.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating
your response.

Simple Past Tense VS Present Perfect Tense

* Simple Past Tense: The simple past tense is used for actions that took place at a particular point in the past.

- Last night, he came home with a birthday cake for his son. (The phrase "last night" refers to a specific time
in the past.)
- His father passed away in 1984. ("In 1984" is a very clear indication of a specific time.)
- My family and I left for Europe two weeks ago.

* Present Perfect Tense: The present perfect tense is used to talk about actions that began at a point in the
past and link to the present. We normally do not include information about when exactly the action took

- She has grown more than three inches since the last time we saw each other.
- We have dated for about five months now. (From the time we began dating until now is five months, and
we are still dating now.)
- I have not been to Paris. (It means that I have never gone to Paris at any point in my life.)
- Fido has lived with our family for more than three years now.

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. I have been to France on September 27th.

2. Did you ever play on a soccer team before?

3. She and I have talked for an hour last night.

4. We have lost our passports, but we have found them under the table.

5. How were you for the last six months?

6. I never saw him pick up the check so far.

7. Kim and I have been great friends before our big argument two years ago.

8. What has been your brother's name before your parents changed it to Jim?

9. We went to Thailand three times so far.

10. Has it been your sister who rang the bell?

Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

OPIc Vocabulary

· invest: (verb) To use your money in a way that you hope will increase its value
· fund: (noun) Investment, finance
· stock market: (noun) A public market for the trading of company stocks
· bank statement: (noun) A record of bank transactions
· piggy bank: (noun) A saving box
· spending habit: (noun) A person’s style of spending money
· bill: (noun) A piece of paper money worth a specified amount
· online banking: (noun) To make banking transactions on the Internet
· ATM: (noun) Machine with which we can make banking transactions
· teller: (noun) A person working at the counter at a bank
· broker: (noun) A person who helps people and businesses with their investments
· cut back on spending: (verb) To spend less money
· annual income: (noun) The amount of money a person is paid in a year
· profitable: (adj.) Creating profit, something you can make money with

OPIc Expressions

· I would never invest in stocks because I think it's too risky.

· Real estate prices aren't increasing as much as they used to.
· I lost one of my jobs, so I need to cut back on some of my spending.
· I was in debt for years because of unpaid credit card bills.
· Personal checks are commonly used in North America.
· I don’t feel comfortable discussing how much money I make.
· His advertising business wasn't as lucrative as expected.
· I've been financially independent from my parents since I graduated from high school.
· His part-time job didn’t pay much, but it was helpful for his career.
· I applied for a loan at the bank, but I wasn't qualified for it.
· There are money exchange booths everywhere in Bangkok.
· The dollar to euro exchange rate has been fluctuating a lot lately.
· It's important to develop desirable spending habits at a young age.
· The topic of money is best avoided in some cultures.
· My friend is still paying off his student loan 15 years after his graduation.
· I plan to cut back on my spending in order to save up for the trip to Asia.
· I was able to learn the value of money when I was working as a company intern.

Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
Tell me about your favorite sports team.

Possible Series Question

In your opinion, what are some advantages of watching professional sports?

Possible Question 2
Please tell me about a bad habit that you have.

Possible Series Question

Has your habit caused any problems or inconveniences in the past?

Possible Question 3
Which do you like better, meeting someone in a natural setting or going on a blind date?

Possible Series Question

Has there been a special experience that made you feel that way?


1) Have you ever invested in stocks?

By now, you should know that you should not give a yes/no response to any of the questions.
Tip Elaborate further after you say yes or no.

2) How do you save your money?

If you do not save money at the time, you could think about how you plan to save in the future or talk
Tip about the reason why you do not save.

3) Compare investing in stocks and in real estate.

There may be a few questions that you have no idea how to answer. In the event that you are
Tip completely stuck, it might be a better idea to say that you would like to move on rather than
remaining silent for too long.

Chapter 02 ATEC OPIc

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ You in the that you church. What does your


➋ do you the service?

➌ Please about a that you go to. is it and do

you it?

➍ you your to your


➎ What do you you go to a ? What do

you do the . Please me your
when you go to the .

➏ Sometimes properly.
me a about an you’ve when your
. did you solve the ?

➐ You that you . me about you

in reading. were you and was it that

➑ your or actress? me a about

this that you about in the . the
story with some about the actor or actress and then me all the
of .

➒ Now, I’d like you to me the you . What of

do you wear on and ?

➓ do you with your ? Are there to stress? If

so, me about your in .

Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Chapter 3 ATEC OPIc – Actual Practice III

Actual Practice III – How to effectively ask questions and solve the problems

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to…
· perform role plays in a variety of different settings
· use modals correctly

Warming Up
Describe each picture in your own words for at least one minute.

1 2

Action Speech
In this exercise, you will brainstorm possible questions about yourself and your interests. Then write
them down in the boxes in the first row. Think about series questions for each question and write them
down in the boxes in the second row.


Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5:

Series Question 1: Series Question 2: Series Question 3: Series Question 4: Series Question 5:


Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Must-know 5
Be sure to include the next five elements in your response.

Must-know 1 Act out a situation in which you are asking a friend to lend you some money.
Eg 1) I have a huge favor to ask of you.
Eg 2) Do you mind lending me some money to pay my rent?
Eg 3) I would greatly appreciate it if I could borrow some money from you.

Tip Be sure you know how to bring up the topic properly.

Must-know 2 Act out a situation in which you are making a noise complaint to a neighbor.

Eg 1) I don't think you realize it, but you've been playing your music very loudly.
Eg 2) I know you're having a party, but could you please keep it down?
Eg 3) If I have to complain one more time, I'm going to call the police.
If the instructions tell you to complain about noise, try not to use noise as your main subject. Be creative
about where or who this noise could be coming from.

Must-know 3 Act out a situation in which you are making enquiries about a play
you would like to see.
Eg 1) Hello. I'm calling about the play Closer. Who's playing the main character?
Eg 2) Is it possible to reserve tickets in advance?
Eg 3) I have a four-year-old child. Would it be possible for her to watch the play with me?

Tip Refer to a similar experience that you or someone you know has had in the past.

Must-know 4 Act out a situation in which you are making a suggestion to a

friend to drink less.

Eg 1) I have something important to talk to you about.

Eg 2) I couldn't help but notice that you've been drinking more lately, and I want you to know how
much that concerns me.
Eg 3) I want to help you in any way that I can. Is there anything I can do to help?

Tip Show your concern while trying to stay diplomatic.

Must-know 5 Act out a situation in which you are asking a friend to go to a

museum with you.

Eg 1) Do you have any plans for this weekend? -OR- What do you have planned for this weekend?
Eg 2) I was wondering if you would like to go to a museum with me.
Eg 3) I heard some great things about the new exhibition. Do you want to come with me?

Tip Think about how you would start your conversation in your first language.

Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

ATEC Formula
Act out a situation in which you are making a suggestion to a friend to drink less. Make three or more
comments or questions.
Actual Practice III – How to effectively ask questions and solve problems.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Do you have a moment? I wanted to talk with you about something.
Topic You seem to be drinking a lot more since you broke up with your girlfriend.
I want you to know that it makes me worried. I think I've told you that my brother used
to have a drinking problem. I know it's been making you late to work, and it must be
affecting your work performance as well.
Experience Have you considered going to a clinic or seeking some professional help? If not, I could
recommend a few good people.
Also, if there's anything you want to talk about, feel free to talk to me about anything
you'd like. Is there something you want to tell me?
Closing I hope you know that I'm always here for you if you need someone.

Act out a situation in which you are making a noise complaint to a neighbor. Make three or more
comments or questions.

Possible Sample Answer 1

Attention Hi. I live in apartment 202. I'm your next door neighbor. May I speak to you for a moment?
Topic I wanted to let you know that there's a lot of noise coming from your apartment.
I understand that you're having an important party, but I need to get up early
tomorrow morning because I'm going to work.
Experience I'd really appreciate it if you could at least keep the music down because that's
where most of the noise is coming from.
Perhaps, if you kept your door closed, it wouldn't be quite as loud.
I hope you understand that I'm trying to get some sleep because of my work
tomorrow. Thank you very much.

Using your notes, write your own script following the ATEC formula.





Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Grammar Tip
The “Grammar Tip” will provide you with some grammatical guidelines to follow when creating your


* Should: We use should and shouldn't when we offer advice or suggestions.

- You should leave home early if you want to arrive on time. (You had better…, It is advisable that…)
- I should finish this project now, so that I can get up late in the morning tomorrow. (It is better for me to
finish it now even though I do not have to.)
- We should buy some herbal tea before heading to the airport. (I suggest that we buy…)

* Must: We use must and must not to talk about obligations and prohibitions, respectively. When we use the
word must, it means that we have to do it and that we do not have any options of choice.

- Every man in Korea must complete his military duty. (Every man in Korea has to complete his military duty.
He is required to do so, and he will experience negative consequences if he does not.)
- We must not waste so much energy. (It is not a matter of choice. We have no choice but to save energy.)
- She must not run with scissors in her hands. (She must stop running with scissors in her hands because it
can be very dangerous.)

Most Common Mistakes

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect. Correct the mistakes.

1. You do not have to forget your passport when you travel overseas.

2. Travelers should issue passports before they go to another country.

3. I must to do my homework before going to bed tonight.

4. She should don’t start driving until she reaches the age of 19.

5. I overtime work this week because I will take some time off.

6. Every student must not study hard.

7. My brother suggested that I must take a shower before him.

8. He must to not drink as much as he does.

9. I heard it'll be raining tonight, so I must probably stay at home.

10. You should wear your uniform to school. It's mandatory.

Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

OPIc Vocabulary

· favor: (noun) An action to help out others

· request: (verb) To ask
· make inquiries: (verb) Ask questions
· emergency: (noun) Urgent situation
· repay: (verb) To pay back, to return money
· keep it down: (verb) To be quiet; to make less noise
· tied up: (verb) To completely occupy or keep busy
· interest: (noun) Money paid for borrowing money
· loan: (noun) The act of lending; something lent
· support: (verb) To help; to uphold by aid
· assistance: (noun) The act of assisting; help; aid; support
· suggest: (verb) To offer an opinion
· make a recommendation: (verb) To praise to another as being worthy or desirable
· appreciate: (verb) To be thankful

OPIc Expressions

· Could you give me a hand with this?

· I was wondering if you could…
· I was hoping you could help me out.
· Could you...?/Would you...?/Do you mind...?/May I ask you to...?
· You don’t know what it means to me.
· I don't know how to thank you enough.
· I'm calling about our conference next month. I’m afraid my colleagues and I won’t be able to be there on
the scheduled date.
· When will you need the car back? I'll make sure to return it before then.
· I wish I could help you, but I’ve got my hands full that day.
· I know I should've asked for a refund earlier, but I've been preoccupied with things.
· Did you know that you and your wife have been parking in our parking space the entire week?
· My mother will be so happy if you can join us at her birthday party.

Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Actual Practice I
Look at the pictures below and create your own story.

Actual Practice II
In this exercise, you and your partner will act out an actual OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). One of
you can be the interviewer and the other person becomes the interviewee.

[How to Do It]
1) The interviewer creates three OPI format questions to ask the interviewee.
2) The interviewee answers the questions in as much detail as possible.
3) Once the interview is finished, the interviewee then questions the interviewer to check his comprehension.

There are many other ways of doing this exercise. Be creative!

· Question 1

· Question 2

· Question 3


Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Series Questions
Think about and discuss the questions below.

Possible Question 1
You indicated that you drive. Please describe your vehicle.

Possible Series Question

Act out a situation in which your car has broken down. What would you ask the mechanic?

Possible Question 2
What is your favorite sport?

Possible Series Question

Act out a situation in which you are trying to convince one of your acquaintances to enjoy the sport
with you. What would you say to them or ask them?

Possible Question 3
You indicated that you like to go shopping. Where do you usually like to go?

Possible Series Question

Act out a situation in which you are asking some questions to a salesperson. What questions would
you ask him or her?


1) Act out a situation in which you are asking for a refund at a mall.

You do not have to be diplomatic at all times. However, it usually requires higher language skills to
ask for something in a polite manner.

2) Act out a situation in which you are asking someone to fix your computer.

Try to think of convincing reasons for your request. It makes it easier for you to continue on with your

3) Act out a situation in which you need an ambulance.

The OPIc rater may want to see how well you can use English in an urgent situation. You need to
have in mind the urgency of the situation as well.

Chapter 03 ATEC OPIc

Listen carefully to the questions and fill in the blanks.

➊ me you with your or . do

you do to touch with them?

➋ me a you had a

➌ Is in your ? What of are


➍ You in the that to your . me about

the of or you to your .

➎ I’m is an that have to . You have in

your and you are this .
your , the and him/her than
that you can of to .

➏ I’m to you a for you to . One of your

you to of the he/she is on . or four
that you to about it.

➐ There is a that you need to . Let’s that you are in a where

you the to the in . Call the
and them for the to be in

➑ You have in the that you are at a .

does your have ? What is the or of the
? Please me in .

➒ What did you do you a ? Do you

any ? to the day and me
and were so .

➓ to the day you to a .

did you go there? What to you at
? Please me your in .

ATEC OPIc Actual Test I
ATEC OPIc Actual Test I
This actual test has 15 questions to answer. Listen carefully to the questions and make your own answer.

1) Please tell me a little about yourself and what you want to do in the future.
· ·Write Your Answer

2) I would like know about the school that you are attending or attended. What are good things and bad
things about your school? Tell me about it in as much detail as possible.·
·Write Your Answer

3) Are you or have you been a member of any clubs? Is so, tell me what the club is/was and what your roll is/was.
··Write Your Answer

4) You have responded in the Background Survey that you are a student. Tell me about the technologies
you use at school.
··Write Your Answer

5) Have you recently completed any projects or assignments? If so, tell me about the project or
assignment in as much detail as possible.
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test I

6) I would like to know about the responsibilities that you take for the house work. Give me a detailed
description of your house chores.
· ·Write Your Answer

7) Where do you want to live in the future? The city? The country? Tell me about the place you’d like to
live in.
·Write Your Answer

8) At home, what things can you see when you look through a window? Are there houses or large
buildings? Please give me a detailed description of the scenery seen from your windows.
··Write Your Answer

9) I want to know about your room, what things are there in your room? Please provide detailed
information of the room.
··Write Your Answer

10) Do you have a close relationship with your neighbors? Please tell me why you became friendly with
them in detail.
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test I

11) You responded in the Background Survey that you do the shopping. How often do you go shopping?
What kind of items do you generally buy?
· ·Write Your Answer

12) Have you had any interesting experiences while shopping? If so, please give me a detailed
description of the experience.
·Write Your Answer

13) Have you ever experienced some different lifestyles when traveling overseas? If so, describe some
of them in detail.
· ·Write Your Answer

14) Unfortunately, you have a problem to solve. When you arrived at your friend’s house, the door was
wide open and you are sure that someone broke in. First, look around the house. Then, call the
police to report burglary. Explain the situation and offer the right reason to come as soon as possible.
··Write Your Answer

15) I am going to give you a situation to act out. The clothing shop is having a seasonal sale. Ask three or
four questions about the clothing that is on sale.
· ·Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test II
ATEC OPIc Actual Test II
This actual test has 15 questions to answer. Listen carefully to the questions and make your own answer.

1) Please tell me about yourself and when you were a child. What were you like as a child?
· ·Write Your Answer

2) You indicated in the survey that you go to school. Where is your school located? What time do you
usually go to school? How do you get to school every day?
·Write Your Answer

3) You indicated in the survey that you live with your family. Please tell me about your family in as much
detail as possible. ·
·Write Your Answer

4) Please tell me about where you live. Do you live in a house or an apartment? How many rooms do you
have in your house? Give me a good description of your house.
· ·Write Your Answer

5) Can you describe for me one of the countries or cities you have traveled to? What was it like? What
did you do when you were there? Tell me about it in as much detail as possible.
· ·Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test II

6) You indicated in the survey that you go to the movies. What kind of movies do you like? Do you like
action or romantic comedy movies? Please tell me about the genre you like in detail.
· ·Write Your Answer

7) Can you describe one of your favorite restaurants? What kind of restaurant is it? What do you like
about the restaurant?
·Write Your Answer

8) You indicated in the survey that you like to go to concerts. Can you tell me about one of your
memorable experiences at a concert?
·Write Your Answer

9) You indicated in the survey that you play games. What kind of games do you usually play? When and
where do you play the games?
··Write Your Answer

10) You indicated in the survey that you enjoy watching TV or DVD movies. What kind of TV programs do
you usually watch? How much TV do you watch in a day?
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test II

11) I really like to watch movies. Now ask me three or four questions about the movies I watch.
· ·Write Your Answer

12) I would like give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are asked to help one of your friends
with the preparation of a party. Call your friend and leave a message by asking three or four questions
about the party.
·Write Your Answer

13) I’m sorry, but there’s a problem that you need to resolve. You are supposed to take a test today, but
something happened and you are not able to go to school today. Call your professor, explain your
situation and find out what you can do.
·Write Your Answer

14) You have booked a flight ticket which is not refundable. However, you are in the circumstance that you
can’t leave on that day. Call the airline, give some appropriate reasons and discuss what you can do.
··Write Your Answer

15) I’m sorry, but there’s a problem you need to resolve. You borrowed a CD from your friend but you
broke it by mistake. Call your friend, explain your situation and offer two or three alternative solutions.
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test III
ATEC OPIc Actual Test III
This actual test has 15 questions to answer. Listen carefully to the questions and make your own answer.

1) Let’s get started with the interview. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
· ·Write Your Answer

2) I’d like to know about your university’s education programs. What kinds of education programs does it
·Write Your Answer

3) Have you ever visited your professor’s office? Tell me about the reason you went there. And describe
the professor’s office in as much detail as possible.
·Write Your Answer

4) What kind of household chores do you usually do at home? Tell me about them in detail.
··Write Your Answer

5) Let’s talk about the furniture in your house. Tell me about all of the furniture in your house.
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test III

6) Have you ever done any activity with your neighbors or taken a trip with them? If so, tell me about the
activity or the trip in as much detail as you can. ·
·Write Your Answer

7) I’d like to know about your activities in the park. What activities do you do?
·Write Your Answer

8) You have responded that you are studying a foreign language. How did you begin to learn a foreign
language and how have you been learning it so far?
·Write Your Answer

9) Do you have any memorable experiences while learning or speaking a foreign language? Pick one of
the memorable experiences and tell me about it in detail.
··Write Your Answer

10) You answered that you go to a beauty salon or barbershop. How often do you have your hair cut? Tell
me about all the activities at the beauty salon or the barbershop. in detail.
··Write Your Answer

ATEC OPIc Actual Test III
This actual test has 15 questions to answer. Listen carefully to the questions and make your own answer.

11) Have you seen any exhibitions in the museum? Describe an impressive exhibit in detail. And tell me
why the exhibit is so memorable.
· ·Write Your Answer

12) You answered in the Background Survey that you surf the Internet. Which site do you frequently visit?
Why are you interested in the site?
·Write Your Answer

13) I’d like to know about your travel experience. Tell me about any interesting episodes or events that
occurred during a trip you have taken.
·Write Your Answer

14) I also enjoy travelling. Just ask me three or four questions in order find out about my travel
··Write Your Answer

15) Unfortunately, you have a problem to solve. You really liked the products that are on sale and you
decided to buy some of them. But the products are too big to carry. The shop doesn’t offer delivery
service on sale items. Give two adequate reasons to persuade them to deliver the items for you.
··Write Your Answer

Unit 1 - Chapter 1

● Most Common Mistakes

1. I don't have a girlfriend.
2. I exercise in the gym every morning.
3. I look just like my aunts.
4. She is a graduate student.
5. He lives in an apartment.
6. My dog smells very bad.
7. Jay really likes working out at the gym.
8. We enjoy going skiing in winter.
9. Karen and I are teachers at the same school.
10. Many students seem happy with the new textbook.

● Self-Study
➊ Can you give me a good description of your neighborhood?
➋ What is it like to live in that part of town?
➌ What do you usually do on weekends?
➍ I want to know whether there were any memorable events that took place in your school.
➎ What is your favorite class? What do you like about it? Please describe for me the class you enjoy
➏ What days of the week do you go to school? Also, tell me about what classes you have on weekdays.
➐ What days of the week do you go to school? Also, tell me all about what classes you have on
➑ I’d like to know about one of the stores you frequently visit. What kind of items does it have? What do
you like about that place?
➒ I’m sorry, but there is a matter that you need to handle. You ordered the new video game, but has not
arrived yet. Call the store and explain what the situation is. And then offer two to three alternatives to
solve this matter.
➓ What do you think about living in a rural area? What kind of activities can you enjoy in the
countryside in your free time?

Unit 1 - Chapter 2

● Most Common Mistakes

1. She called me yesterday and gave me the good news.
2. My Sister went to Paris with her friends.
3. He didn't come to school last week because he wasn't feeling well.
4. How old were you when you started taking piano lessons? Note: the original must read as follows...
How old are you when you started taking piano lessons?
5. Sarah never learned French as a child.
6. I saw the movie with my colleagues.
7. My family moved to California shortly after the Seoul Olympics.
8. Did you take your medicine today?
9. You look like you grew about 10 cm since the last I saw you.
10. When exactly did Mozart pass away?

● Self-Study
➊ Where do you store pictures taken during vacation?
➋ Is there another activity you like to do during vacation?
➌ I would like to buy two tickets for the soccer game tomorrow.
➍ What type of house do you live in?
➎ I would like to know about what kind of place you live in. Can you give me a good description of your
➏ I would like to know what your neighborhood is like. Can you tell me about your neighborhood? What
is it like to live in that part of town?
➐ Please tell me about what you do during the weekend. Do you watch TV or get some sleep? Tell me
what your typical weekend is like.
➑ Please tell me about your responsibilities at home. I would like to know who is responsible for what in
your family.
➒ I would like to know whether there were any memorable events that took place in your neighborhood
since you started living there. Can you tell me about the event and why it was so memorable?
➓ You indicated in the survey that you have a pet. Can you describe your pet for me? How did you get
to keep your pet?

Unit 1 - Chapter 3

● Most Common Mistakes

1. He wants to know when I am leaving.
2. The driver asked if we want to go downtown.
3. Please say if you see the sign. Note: the original should read... Please say if do you see
the sign.
4. I asked her if she lives around here.
5. He said he forgot.
6. I asked him if he will marry me.
7. They wanted to know why they have to work.
8. I told Andrew to be careful.
9. He told me not to park there.
10. I didn't know if he was going to come to the party or not.

● Self-Study
➊ Can you describe one of your classmates? What does he or she look like?
➋ Please tell me about your responsibilities at home.
➌ Tell me about the atmosphere of your favorite restaurant.
➍ What do you like to do after work?
➎ Can you tell me how often you go to see a doctor or a dentist? Please tell me what usually happens
when you visit your doctor or dentist?
➏ You indicated in our survey that you attend church. Please tell me about the church that you go to.
What does it look like and what kind of church is it? Can you also briefly tell me something about the
people who go there?
➐ I would like to know how you learned to use a certain skill or technology. Who was it that taught you?
How did you learn it? Tell me all the things you had to do to learn how to use that skill or technology.
➑ I would like to know how you first became interested in learning English. When did you start studying
it? Tell me about how you first learned this language and how you are now learning it.
➒ Can you tell me how often you go to a beauty salon or a barber shop? Where is it located and what
does it look like? How are the people who work there? Is it expensive to get your hair done there?
➓ When did you go to a park most recently? Which park did you go to and who did you go with? Tell me
all about that last visit to a park in as much detail as you can.

Unit 2 - Chapter 1

● Most Common Mistakes

1. My sister is living at home for the moment.
2. I hear you're getting married.
3. Hurry up! We are all waiting for you!
4. I am reading at home right now.
5. Why is he hitting the dog?
6. I am going to the beach with my family.
7. Why are you eating by yourself? Note: original should be Why you eating by yourself?
8. What are you doing tomorrow evening?
9. My sister is traveling through Europe this month.
10. He is working in Toronto these days.

● Self-Study
➊ Tell me about your experience with learning English.
➋ Was there anyone who motivated you to study English harder?
➌ How do you study English right now?
➍ Tell me about any skill that you have acquired.
➎ You indicated in the survey that you read books. What kind of books do you like to read? Do you
have any favorite authors?
➏ You said in our survey that you ride bicycles. Can you give me a description of your bike? Also, tell
me when and where you normally go biking.
➐ You indicated that you can play a musical instrument. What kind of instrument can you play? How did
you learn to play that instrument?
➑ Let’s start by you giving me a brief introduction of yourself. Then please talk a little bit about your
➒ Let’s start the interview now. Tell me something about yourself focusing on your personality.
➓ Let’s start the interview now. Tell me a little about yourself and then briefly describe what you do for
a living.

Unit 2 - Chapter 2

● Most Common Mistakes

1. We used to live in a small village when I was young.
2. The Captain didn't used to pay us on time.
3. I didn't used to know how to cook. Note: the original should read... I used to not know how
to cook.
4. My sister didn't used to like flowers, but now she does.
5. Jay didn't used to have his own car. He bought one last year.
6. She never used to study in the library.
7. He used to read the newspaper every day, but he doesn't have time any more.
8. My father and I didn't used to watch horror movies.
9. She didn't used to be able to speak Spanish before she started living in Bolivia.
10. They used to be so happy before their son got sick.

● Self-Study
➊ Did you used to play sports at school?
➋ What was it like when you first entered your company?
➌ How did you arrive here this morning?
➍ Who was your best friend in university?
➎ You indicated in the survey that you live with your family. Please tell me about your family in as much
detail as possible.
➏ Please tell me about where you live. Do you live in a house or an apartment? How many rooms do
you have in your house? Give me a good description of your house.
➐ Please tell me about your neighborhood. Where do you live? What kind of neighbors do you have?
Are you close with them?
➑ Can you describe for me one of the countries or cities you have traveled to? What was it like? What
did you do when you were there? Tell me about it in as much detail as possible.
➒ You indicated in the survey that you go to the movies. What kind of movies do you like? Do you like
action or comedy movies? Please tell me about the genre you like to see in detail.
➓ You indicated in the survey that you eat out. Can you describe one of your favorite restaurants? What
kind of restaurant is it? What do you like about the restaurant?

Unit 2 - Chapter 3

● Most Common Mistakes

1. He really dislikes vegetables, doesn't he?
2. It's not our fault, is it?
3. Your nephew is now living in Denver, isn't he?
4. We have reached a decision, haven't we?
5. Valerie's parents will be flying in tonight, won't they?
6. He and you are not related, are you?
7. You're not going on that trip alone, are you?
8. The coffee shop is not open twenty-four hours, is it?
9. She's a graduate student, isn't she?
10. There is wireless internet service at the restaurant, isn't there?

● Self-Study
➊ Please describe your typical day in the office.
➋ Describe what you can see through your office window.
➌ What do you usually take with you when you go to work?
➍ Where is your office located?
➎ Let me now give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Let’s say you’re going to need a ride from a
friend to get to work tomorrow morning. Call a friend and leave a message on his voice mail. Tell him
that you need a ride and then ask three questions to find out things you need to know about getting a
ride from him tomorrow.
➏ You responded in the survey that you go on vacations internationally. I would like you to describe one
of the countries or cities you have visited. What was it like over there and what kind of impression did
you get from the locals?
➐ I would like to know how you learned how to swim. How old were you when you first learned how to
swim? Where did you learn swimming and who taught you?
➑ Now, I’m going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Let’s say you would like to buy tickets
for a sports event for you and your friend. Please ask the person at the ticket booth three or four
questions about things you would like to know about the upcoming sports event.
➒ You have said in the survey that you play games with fellow adults. What is the game you enjoy
playing the most? Why do you like playing this game and who do you normally play with?
➓ You replied in our survey that you go to clubs. Please tell me about your favorite club. How often do

you go there? Also tell me where the club is and what it looks like.

Unit 3 - Chapter 1

● Most Common Mistakes

1. We like the new house much more than the old one.
2. Sam and I are closer than we were last year.
3. The subway is faster than the bus in the city.
4. This summer, it's raining harder than ever before.
5. Peter is the best liar I've ever known.
6. This island has the most beautiful beach in the world.
7. Men are usually taller than women.
8. I can play the violin better than my brother.
9. The population of Japan is larger than that of South Korea.
10. Both Karen and I are attending the wedding ceremony this Saturday.

● Self-Study
➊ How did you learn to play bowling?
➋ Are there many parks in your neighborhood?
➌ What do you get from reading these books?
➍ Why is this your favorite game?
➎ You indicated in the survey that you like to go to concerts. Can you tell me about one of your
memorable experiences at concert?
➏ You indicated in the survey that you enjoy listening to music. What kind of music do you like to listen
to? Who is your favorite singer or composer?
➐ You indicated in the survey that you go jogging. How often do you go jogging? When and where do
you usually jog? Tell me about it in as much detail as possible.
➑ I also go to school and I’ve just finished one of my school projects yesterday. Now ask me three or
four questions about the project.
➒ I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are asked to help one of your friends with
the preparation of a party. Call your friend and leave a message by asking three or four questions
about the party.

➓ I’m sorry, but there’s a problem that you need to resolve. You went shopping yesterday, but you found
a problem with one of the goods you bought after you got home. Call the shop and explain your
situation so that you can solve the problem.

Unit 3 - Chapter 2

● Most Common Mistakes

1. We're trying to develop a brand with a message.
2. The marketing department is investing 30% more on advertising this year.
3. I am working at my father's shop while he's on a two-week business trip.
4. At the moment, she is working for a food products company.
5. He likes to spend his vacation on the beach.
6. Do you usually buy Italian brands?
7. The school is undergoing some changes this new academic year.
8. The brand is becoming more and more global.
9. We need to spend less money on food.
10. Because of our loss last year, we are trying to reduce costs this year.

● Self-Study
➊ Is it possible to play this game online?
➋ What is it like to live in that part of town?
➌ Describe what it looks like outside your office in as much detail as you can.
➍ What is your sibling’s personality like?
➎ You indicated in the survey that you play games. What kind of games do you usually play? When and
where do you play the games?
➏ You indicated in the survey that you watch sports games. Please tell me about the last sporting event
that you watched. Give me as many details about the game as you can.
➐ You indicated in the survey that you enjoy watching TV or DVD movies. What kind of TV programs do
you usually watch? How much TV do you watch in a day?
➑ You indicated in the survey that you enjoy surfing the Internet. Which website do you visit the most?
Can you tell me details about the website?
➒ I’m sorry, but there’s a problem that you need to resolve. You can’t help one of your relatives with the

preparation of family dinner because you have to work that day. Call your relative, explain your situation
and make two or three suggestions to help him or her.
➓ Can you tell me about your favorite season of the year? Why do you like it? What kind of activities do
you usually do in that season?

Unit 3 - Chapter 3

● Most Common Mistakes

1. If I married you, we would both be unhappy.
2. If we play tennis, I would win.
3. If she had called me, I would have gone to find her.
4. If you were in Boston, why didn't you come to see us?
5. If it'll help, I could lend you some money.
6. If you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
7. If I have enough time tomorrow, I might/could come and visit.
8. If it was sunny yesterday, we would have gone camping.
9. If your mother fills out this form, I will submit it for her.
10. You will get fat if you eat too much.

● Self-Study
➊ Tell me what you do from the moment you leave your house to the moment you arrive at your school
or workplace.
➋ I would like to know how you learned to drive. Where did you learn driving and who taught you?
➌ Tell me about any musical instrument that you can play.
➍ What kind of books do you like to read? Do you have any favorite authors?
➎ You indicated in the survey that you have a roommate. If you’re sharing a house or an apartment
with someone, describe the rooms. What does your room look like and what does your friend’s room
look like?
➏ You indicated that you work. How do the people in your town or city normally get to work? Do they
drive? If so, what time is rush hour?
➐ Think of a project that you recently worked on where technology made a difference. Tell me about
the project in detail. What kind of technology did you use and how did the technology play a role in

that project?
➑ I would imagine that there must have been times when you and your manager worked together to
overcome challenges or solve problems. Think of one of those times and describe what the problem
was and then tell me everything you and your manager did to solve it.
➒ I’d like to give you a situation and act it out. Your supervisor has to go on a business trip soon. But
he says he would need a new laptop computer for his trip. I want you to call a computer company
and ask three or four questions about laptop computers on behalf of your boss.
➓ Now, let’s imagine that you need some information about a new product or service at your company.
Call one of your co-workers and leave a voice message asking for some information. Make sure you
ask several questions about the new product or service.

Unit 4 - Chapter 1

● Most Common Mistakes

1. I am working at my father's shop while he is on his two-week business trip. Note: this is the
same as Unit 3 chapter 2 no.3. How about changing to: I am work a convenience store for
the summer. Answer: I am working at a convenience store for the summer.
2. He likes to read magazines.
3. We are developing brands that have message. Note: this is the same as Unit 3 chapter 2
no.1. How about changing to: We are develop products for the electronics market. Answer:
We are developing products for the electronics market.
4. We take a trip to Mexico every year.
5. I go to church every Sunday.
6. We love to cook at home on weekends.
7. He always wants to watch TV when he eats dinner.
8. We don't know what time he will arrive.
9. I cook dinner for my family every evening.
10. He dislikes vegetables.

● Self-Study
➊ Tell me what adults and children do together in your neighborhood.
➋ When was the last time you went to the neighborhood park?

➌ Think about a day when you helped a friend. What was the problem and what did you do to help?
➍ What things do you usually do on the weekend? Do you catch up on your sleep? What else do you
do on the weekend?
➎ Choose one of the household appliances in your house and describe it in detail. Tell me how you use
it and what would happen if you didn’t have it.
➏ You indicated in the survey that you go to school. Please tell me about your major and the reason
you chose it in detail.
➐ You indicated in the survey that you like to travel abroad. Can you tell me which country you want to
travel to for your next vacation? What are you going to do there?
➑ How does your school compare to another school you are familiar with in terms of its size, what it
looks like, its students, its faculty and other characteristics. Describe and compare in detail both
schools to me and the other characteristics.
➒ Many parents are concerned that their children play many video or computer games. Why do children
like playing games? What skills can they learn from these games? Should children be encouraged to
play video or computer games?
➓ Please tell me about one of your experiences taking a test. What kind of test was it? When did it take
place? How did you prepare for the test and what was the result?

Unit 4 - Chapter 2

● Most Common Mistakes

1. I went to France on Septermber 27th.
2. Have you ever played on a soccer team before?
3. She and I talked for an hour last night.
4. We lost our passports but we found them under the table.
5. How have you been for the last six months?
6. So far I have never seen him pick up the check.
7. Kim and I have been great friends since our big argument two years ago.
8. What was your brother's name before your parents changed it to Jim?
9. So far, we have been to Thailand three times.
10.Was it your sister who rang the bell?

● Self-Study
➊ You indicated in the survey that you attend church. What does your church look like?
➋ When do you attend the church service?
➌ Please tell about a beauty salon that you go to. Where is it located and what do you like about it?
➍ How would you compare your personality to your parents’ personalities?
➎ What do you usually do before you go to a movie theater? What do you do after watching the movie.
Please tell me about your typical day when you go to the movies.
➏ Sometimes problems arise when technology doesn’t work properly. Tell me a story about an
experience you’ve had when your technology was not working. How did you solve the problem?
➐ You indicated that you like reading. Tell me about how you first became interested in reading. How
old were you and which book was it that affected you?
➑ Who’s your favorite movie actor or actress? Tell me a specific story about something this actor did
that you heard about in the news. Begin the story with some details about the actor or actress and
then tell me all the details of what happened.
➒ Now, I’d like you to tell me about the clothes you wear. What kinds of clothes do you usually wear on
weekdays and weekends?
➓ How do you cope with your stress? Are there good methods to relieve stress? If so, tell me about
your methods in detail.

Unit 4 - Chapter 3

● Most Common Mistakes

1. You must not forget your passport when you travel overseas.
2. Travelers must obtain passports before they go to another country.
3. I must do my homework before going to bed tonight.
4. She shouldn't start driving until she reaches the age of 19.
5. I won't work next week because I'll take some time off.
6. I must work overtime this week because next week I will take some time off. Every student
must study hard.
7. My brother suggested that I should take a shower before him.
8. He should not drink as much as he does.
9. I heard it will rain tonight, so I should probably stay at home.

10. You must wear your uniform to school. It's mandatory.

● Self-Study
➊ Tell me how you spend time with your family or friends. What do you normally do to keep in touch
with them?
➋ Tell me about a time when you had difficulty watching a sporting event.
➌ Is going to coffee shops popular in your country? What kind of coffee shops are there?
➍ You indicated in the survey that you read books to your children. Tell me about the kinds of books or
stories you read to your children.
➎ I’m afraid there is an issue that you have to address. You have been irregular in your attendance and
you are about to fail this course. Call your professor, explain the situation and offer him/her more
than two alternatives that you can think of to avoid failing.
➏ I’m going to give you a situation for you to act out. One of your relatives wants you to take care of the
house while he/she is on vacation. Ask three or four questions that you wish to know about it.
➐ There is a matter that you need to solve. Let’s assume that you are in a situation where you can’t
deliver the new product to the customer in three months. Call the related department and convince
them for the product to be delivered in three months.
➑ You have responded in the survey that you are employed at a company. How often does your
company have workshops? What is the topic or agenda of the workshop? Please tell me in detail.
➒ What activities did you do during holidays when you were a child? Do you have any special
experience? Think back to the day and tell me what you did and why they were so memorable.
➓ Think back to the day when you first went to a dental clinic. With whom did you go there? What
treatments were given to you at that time? Please tell me about your experience in detail.


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