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Lesson Plan Sheet Piano Forte

Country/Region Indonesia Teachers Nama Dina Teaching Experience 4,5 years

Lesson Date 30/10/2019 Time 16:00 – 16:30 School name Swara Indah Music
Course/Level Piano Forte 6 Students Name Keiza Fahra Students Age 14 thn

Time Subject/Title Condition/Times Points
00 - Review scale similar Warming Up To confirm fingering students
(C,G,D,A & E Major)
Review of Exercise
- Exercise Fingering 71 To Confirm the homework To confirm note, fingering and beat at the exercise

08 - Repertoire (more 84 To confirm the homework To get a good repertoire, play with articulation
repertoire for staccato,legato, dynamic and tempo
challanger )

New Exercise
- Exercise Fingering 72 To confirm the new homework Get attencion articulation play more legato, a little
staccato, dynamic and feel valse
- Repertoire (more 86 To confirm the new homework Beat at the repertoire , more rest and feel the song
repertoire for

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