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2nd Grade Lesson Plan 2.


1. Goal: To practice do, mi, so, la; practice ta, ti ti, quarter rest, half note; practice meters

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID beat vs. rhythm
 ID/read/perform ta, ti ti, quarter rest, half note in songs and patterns
 ID a song by its meter
 Evaluate a song

3. Materials: Half note rhythm cards Surprise Symphony

4. Procedure

1. Hello’s (smd)

2. Half Note Rhythm Card Warm-Up

3. Bells at Twilight
 T. sings to review
 Students echo short phrases with steady beat
 Echo with rhythm tappers
 Students decode rhythm at board with new half note
 ID the pattern – erase second half of song since it’s the same and
replace with a repeat sign!
 Tap and say rhythm, then tap and sing song

4. Surprise Symphony (NEW!)

 Ask students to recall what happened from start to finish in “In the
Hall of the Mountain King” (faster and louder)
 Explain that there is another song that gets loud and soft, but not
gradually like In the Hall
 Explain names for loud and soft (forte and piano)
 Play and students listen to loud and soft
 Listen again, and describe the instruments that are heard

5. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of rhythm decoding

6. Homework:

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