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1st Grade Lesson Plan 1.


1. Goal: To practice ta and ti ti; practice s-m; prep la; prep quarter rest; present rhythm

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID ta, ti ti, and “silence” in songs and patterns
 ID sounds as so or mi
 Describe the music staff
 Place notes on the staff with correct rhythm stems

3. Materials: s-m patterns

4. Procedure
1. Hello’s

2. S-M Patterns
 Warm-up game

3. Doggie, Doggie
 Sing whole song to review
 Decode rhythm and solfege for 1st phrase only
 Place solfege sounds on staff
 Teach rhythm stems directions and add to music staff
o “Above the magic line is the letter p”
o “Below the magic line is the letter d”
 Sing and play listening game

4. 2, 4, 6, 8 or Walk and Stop to line up

5. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of s-m reading and rhythm

6. Homework: None

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