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3rd Grade Lesson Plan 3.

1. Goal: To practice do, re, mi, so, la; practice ta, ti ti and quarter rest; prep half note

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID/read/perform ta, ti ti, quarter rest, and half notes in songs and patterns
 ID notes as being d, r, m, s, or l
 Perform a composition using ta, ti ti, and quarter rest
 Sing a song in harmony
 Play instruments with correct technique

3. Materials: mrd patterns

4. Procedure

1. Hello’s (smd)
2. Poison Pattern Warm Up
 T. play game against students using dmsl patterns

3. Let Us Chase the Squirrel

 Sing whole song as a class
 Review new sound (re) and hand sign
 Echo patterns using hand signs
 Show stairs and ask students who they think re is “friends” with
 Place first phrase on staff as a class – show where re goes
 Sing with hand signs and solfege
 Sing with hand signs and words
 Sing and play movement game

4. MRD Echo Patterns

 Echo patterns on staff with T.

5. Bells at Twilight (NEW!)

 T. sings to intro song and asks questions
 Echo with beat
 Echo with rhythm tappers – do they notice anything new in the
 Explain that there is a rhythm that is “long”
 Sing whole song with rhythm tappers
6. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment hand sign singing

6. Homework: None

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