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5th Grade Lesson Plan 5.

1. Goal: To analyze and critique famous works of art and music

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 Constructively critique famous works of music
 Share ideas in an informal, open-ended discussion

3. Materials: Can You Hear It? book

4. Procedure
1. Hellos

2. Pictures at an Exhibition
 T. discusses who Modest Mussorgsky is and talks about his background
 Discuss Viktor Hartmann and how Mussorgsky wrote music about his paintings
as a tribute
 Listen to Promenade and have students imagine walking through an art exhibit
 Listen again as we follow the listening map at the board
o Discuss instrument families
 If time, talk about the painting for Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks

3. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of conversing about famous music

6. Homework: None

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