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Elijah Singleton Singleton 1

If I were Mayor I would ...

First of all the mayor does a lot of great things to already help,
and maintain this awesome city. The things that I would do if I were
mayor would be first to make a week where people from the city can
choose to go in groups and help make Beaverton greener. Second, I
would have some days where we give food to the homeless or people
who need it and can't afford it, and finally I would have a contest and
the winner gets to be mayor for a day.
One thing I would do is have days every year where we come
together as a city to help clean up Beaverton. About 2 days every
other month people will get to choose if they want to come help clean
up Beaverton, we might shut down the streets (probably on a
weekend) and clean up all the garbage.We could also make an art
project out of the stuff we found. I feel like this project will help
kids and adults learn that it can be fun and that anyone can make a
difference in the world.
Second, if I were mayor I would have some days every month
where we give meals to people who need it the most. I usually do this
in Portland but its only on holidays which are Christmas and
Thanksgiving. I want to make this available two times every month for
families in need. When you do this project the people from both sides
of the food, the people delivering and receiving will benefit from this
because the people receiving will be super happy and grateful, and the
people giving will realize that giving is greater than receiving and it
will bring the whole city closer together.
Finally, I would have an art or writing contest ( like this one)
where the winner gets to be mayor for a day or gets to have lunch
with the mayor. The current mayor would tour the winner around and
show them what he/she would do for a day and they might go have
lunch. The object of this idea is to show kids that one little thing can
change the world and anybody can make a difference in the world city,
Singleton 2

or their community, it will also show how hard the mayor works and
the kids will learn how to be a politician.
All in all , I'd like to do these things as mayor because I
would hopefully make a difference on the city and the people living in
it. One of the things I would do is make a day were the city goes out
and recycle.Secondly, I would have days where we give to people who
need food, and finally I would hold a contest where kids get to
compete to be mayor for one day. I feel that it is important to show
everybody in the city and teach them that giving and caring for this
amazing world we live in is the one of the best things you can do as a
human. Now, my question for you is does that sound like something you
would like to do?

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