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Muhammad Arif Al Aziz


In this era, people especially a teenager can’t separated from a computer game. According to Newzoo game and e-sport
analytics in Indonesian gamer is up to 52 million from 82 million smartphone user, that’s mean more than a half of
smartphone users in Indonesia is playing a game in their computer or smartphone. And straight with the fact before, a one
of most famous vendor game, Garena release a fact that Indonesia is the 17th most gamer in the world. The facts befpre
showed that people in our country is delighted to playing a game, especially computer game. The purpose of playing
computer game is variety, like just for fun, untill for research purpose. Spesific to people who playing computer game just
for fun, their mindset maybe with playing a computer game can solve their problem for a moment and refresh their body to
face another problem.

According, to Oxford English Dictionary, sport is activity that contains physical energy and skill in a competition both
individual or team with a rules. Correlation between a sport and computer game is near, the game is need skill, a computer
game is have a rules too. And what about the physical energy? The research named “Recognizing Esport as a sport” showed
us that playing a computer game is need an energy. In other fact, playing a computer game can increased our blood pressure,
the increase of blood pressure showed us that playing a game is need an energy. Because of that in big event like Asian
Games E-Sport is being contested.

So, whether is a problem if playing computer game is more than do sports? In a general answer its not problem, but if you
playing a computer games with a long time for continous its have an effect. So I will recommended to stay do sports even
once in a week. That activity (doing sports) will help your body still fresh and develop your physical.

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