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Very short sentence:

5 words or less. Grabs your attention. Exciting.

Power sentence:
12 words or less. Get straight to the point.

Adverb start:
Start with describing a verb.
e.g. “Curiously, the cat danced upright across the room”
or “Quickly, she thought of a lie that would distract them all”

Preposition start:
Start with a placement word (In, against, before, between, over, behind, within, under, below, at,
for, throughout, near, about)
e.g. “In 1989, he would walk his dog daily.”
or “After they all finished eating, he snuck away into the dark”

Gerund start
Start with an –ing word
e.g. “Deciding to change her ways, she started reciting the alphabet backwards”
or “Hoping it would all change, the singer packed his guitar in the van”

Past tense start

Start with an –ed word
e.g. “Committed to the truth, he spilled out all the secrets”
or “Thrilled with the outcome, she celebrated with her friends”

W- start
Start with a W-word (who, while, when, where, what, whereas)
e.g. “When the baking was completed, the oven was cleaned thoroughly”
or “With his head in his hands, he started sobbing”

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