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DLTK's Holiday Activities

Addams Family
They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.

Their house is a museum.

When people come to see 'em
They really are a screa-um.
The Addams Family.




So get a witch's shawl on.

A broomstick you can crawl on.
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family. 

Three Black Cats

sung to the tune of "three blind mice "

Three black cats, three black cats, 

In black hats, in black hats, 

They all jumped into the Halloween brew. 

They teased the ghosts & the goblins too! 

Have you ever seen such a Hullabaloo?? 

On Halloween, On Halloween!

Thanks so much to "Pat" for sending in this song

In the Grave Yard

sung to the tune of "oh my darling "

In the grave yard,

In the grave yard,
When the moon begins to shine,
There's a doctor, crazy doctor,
and his monster Frankenstein.

Oh, my monster, 
oh, my monster,
oh, my monster Frankenstein,
you are very, very scary, don't come 
near me Frankenstein.

Here are some old-timers and favorites:

1. Pumpkin pass-a-long - Make “pumpkins” out of rubber balls.
Two teams then compete in passing the balls between them. The only
dilemma is that no hands are allowed, and the pumpkins are not
supposed to be dropped.
2. Mummy Wrap Delay - Divide the players into groups of three
or four. Each team is supposed to wrap one of the team members in a
roll of tissue.
3. Quick recall -Place a bunch of items on a tray. Let the party
members see all of the items for a limited time. Let the players write
down what they remember of the items. Make the items as scary and
Halloweenish as possible.
4. How many words - Use a Halloween-word like Jack-o-lantern,
trick-or-treat or something similar and let the players try to figure out
as many words as they can out of the letters of the original word.
5. Pin the nose - This is a great tradition at kids parties. This time
the pin should end up on the nose of a Jack-o-lantern.
6. How many? - A jar full of candy, and the guests are supposed to
figure out how many there are.
7. Maze - A race through a scary maze is perfect for Halloween
parties. Make it as much as a horror house as possible and let the
participants try to find clues for a word or a story, or a film while
going through. The teams that gets the word right, gets the grand
8. Pinata Pumpkin - A series of pinatas are required for this game.
Fill them with small but fun prizes and candy.
9. Witch hunt game - The kids (or the grown-ups) are supposed to
run through the garden or the house in order to find witches. Every
witch is equal to a fun prize.
10. Create a haunted story with real effects - This requires some
imagination, but is perfect for kids of any age.
11. Monster Freeze Dance - This is a great alternative getting the
kids on their feet. With music as Monster Mash, Thriller and that kind
of songs, nothing can go wrong. When the music stops, the kids are
supposed to stop moving as fast as possible. Last man stopping is out
of the game.

Fill a large jar with Halloween candy.Ask the kids to guess the amount of
candy in the jar.The person whose guess is closest to the actual amount wins
the jar of candy.

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