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Cerebral Palsy

45 Advances in Definition, Classification, Management,

and Outcome
Christina A. Buysse and Heidi M. Feldman

Case: Ashley was born precipitously at 27 weeks’ genetic factors [1]. Motor abnormalities of CP are
gestation when her mother developed a urinary tract often accompanied by co-occurring disturbances in
infection. She required 3 weeks of mechanical ventila- cognition, perception, and sensation. The disorders
tion and 4 subsequent weeks of oxygen supplementa- that are classified as CP represent a wide spectrum of
tion. Ultrasound examination of the brain at age 7 severity; many individuals with CP, especially those
days revealed grade 2 intraventricular hemorrhage who have supportive therapies, such as the child in the
bilaterally. Magnetic resonance imaging at term- opening case, report a good quality of life.
equivalent age revealed mildly enlarged ventricles
and reduced white matter volume. Physical examina- Definitions
tion at 4 months of age revealed diffuse hypotonia and
In 1843, orthopedic surgeon William John Little first
delayed head control with normal cognitive develop-
described spastic rigidity after birth complications,
mental milestones. Examination at 9 months of age
and in 1889, Sir William Osler labeled the condition
revealed increased tone in the lower extremities and
cerebral palsy (CP) [2]. In 1964, Martin Bax described
delayed gross and fine motor milestones. Ashley was
CP as a disorder of “posture and movement due to a
enrolled in physical therapy (PT) and occupational
defect or lesion of the immature brain”[3]. In 2004, an
therapy (OT) at age 11 months. The diagnosis of
international workshop on the definition and classifi-
diplegic cerebral palsy was confirmed at age 2 years.
cation of CP at the US National Institutes of Health
At that age, mild delays in cognitive abilities and
revised the definition and classification of CP as
communication led to referral for early intervention
services and continued PT and OT. At age 44 months,
she achieved independent mobility. By school age, she Cerebral Palsy (CP) describes a group of permanent
was classified as Gross Motor Function Classification disorders of the development of movement and pos-
System Level II and Manual Ability Classification ture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to
System Level I. She developed learning disabilities non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the
developing fetal or infant brain. The motor disorders
and weak attention but participated in general educa-
of CP are often accompanied by disturbances of sen-
tion with limited support through high school.
sation, perception, cognition, communication, and
behavior, by epilepsy, and by secondary musculoske-
Overview letal problems [4].

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of long-term develop- This revised definition carried two new emphases,
mental motor disorders associated with muscle and aligning it with the International Classification of
movement impairment and mobility disability. It Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), the World
results from a nonprogressive injury in the brain Health Organization’s framework for assessing health
that occurs early in life, often in the prenatal or neo- and disability [5,6]. First, functional and activity limita-
natal period, though definitive diagnosis is often not tions must be present for a child to receive a diagnosis of
made until children are age 1–3 years. Multiple etiol- CP. Second, the new definition recognized that asso-
ogies are associated with CP, including prematurity, ciated conditions such as disturbances in communica-
low birth weight, multiple-gestation pregnancy, infec- tion and cognition might limit function, daily activity,
tion, inflammation, neonatal encephalopathy, and and community participation to a greater degree than
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Section 4 Specific Conditions Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury

the motor impairment that defines the disorder. and ataxia are defined on the basis of clinical signs
Together these criteria caused a shift in the conceptual with further specification of the location of extremity
framework in care of individuals with CP, emphasizing involvement (hemiplegia, diplegia, or quadriplegia).
comprehensive assessment and wide-ranging treatment Muscle tone (isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, or vari-
targets that could improve overall function rather than able tone) is used when describing a child’s physical
merely assessing neurologic status and motor skills or examination. Spastic CP is the most common subtype
aiming in treatment for isolated changes in the move- within the spectrum of CP [10,11].
ment of physical structures. Though CP results from a Classification of CP by subtype is helpful in link-
nonprogressive brain disturbance, functional manifes- ing symptoms to underlying etiology. The various
tations may change over time and with therapy. For causes of CP disrupt the development of neuronal
example, the child in the opening case had early hypo- networks in brain pathways that control movement.
tonia that developed into spasticity during her first year Selective vulnerability during critical periods of brain
of life. Children with substantial early delays may learn development leads to different injuries in different
to walk without assistance or with handheld mobility parts of the brain. Table 45.2 links the timing and
equipment. Conversely, spasticity may lead to increas- causes of brain insults with the characteristic type of
ing distal myofascial muscle stiffness, contractures, and CP from that cause.
orthopedic deformities that limit mobility [7,8]. Encephalopathy at birth may be caused by a pri-
mary intrapartum event or be secondary to prenatal
Subclassifications Based on causes. International criteria, including documented
metabolic acidosis at birth and early moderate to severe
Presentation, Cause, and Severity neonatal encephalopathy, have been established to help
CP can be classified several different ways. Table 45.1 identify the cases of encephalopathy caused by intra-
summarizes subclassification based on clinical symp- partum hypoxia [12]. Intrapartum asphyxia accounts
toms, including definitions and prevalence of the sub- for 10–20% of cases of CP, and the number is closer to
types [9]. The descriptive terms spasticity, dyskinesia, 10% when CP and encephalopathy are carefully

Table 45.1 Subclassification of Cerebral Palsy by Type

Type Clinical findings Associated brain Prevalence in CP

abnormalities and causes (%) [9]
Spastic Increased velocity-dependent Associated with cortical gray 79.2
muscle tone that leads to matter and/or subcortical white
resistance to movement matter injury
Hemiplegia Spasticity affecting left or right Combined gray and white 26.2
side of the body matter injury to one
Diplegia Spasticity affecting lower limbs Injury to bilateral gray and 34.4
periventricular white matter
Quadriplegia Spasticity affecting all four limbs Diffuse injury to multiple brain 18.6
Dyskinesia Distortion or impairment of Injury to basal ganglia 14.4
voluntary movement, including
chorea and athetosis
Ataxic Poor coordination and Injury to cerebellum 3.9
unsteadiness due to
unregulated body posture,
strength, gait, and direction of
limb movements.
Other Mixture of the above — 2.6

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45 Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Definition, Classification, Management, and Outcome

Table 45.2 Variations in Timing and Nature of Brain Insult in Relation to Type of CP

Timing of insult Etiologic cause of injury to motor Predominant type of CP

First trimester of pregnancy Cerebral malformations, such as Spastic quadriplegia
23–32 weeks of gestation Injury to oligodendrocyte cell line Spastic diplegia
from hypoxia, ischemia, and/or
inflammation resulting in
disturbances of white matter
23–40 weeks of gestation Injury to cerebellum from multiple Ataxic
Third trimester of pregnancy through Vascular instability or hypoxic- Hemiplegia
infancy ischemic injury to watershed regions
resulting in stroke or focal injury
Term gestational age Injury to basal ganglia and thalamus Dyskinesia or dystonia with or
from hypoxia, ischemia, or without spastic quadriplegia
Term gestational age Injury to basal ganglia and auditory Dystonia
nerve from kernicterus
Postterm during infancy Head trauma and meningitis Variable presentations,
depending on brain structures

defined. In order to attribute neurologic sequelae to [11]. The Gross Motor Function Classification System
neuronal injury sustained at the time of birth, a sentinel (GMFCS) is a classification system that describes the
event such as uterine rupture, placental abruption, or heterogeneity in gross motor skills. It was created in
cord prolapse must also be present [13]. 1997 and revised in 2007 [14]. It uses five levels (I–V) to
Genetic factors are increasingly thought to contri- describe the gross motor function of children with CP
bute to the development of CP and likely are repre- from birth to age 18 years and has been shown to be
sented in all phases of neuronal vulnerability. No valid, reliable, and stable [15,16]. Use of the system
subclassification of genetic disorders has been pro- enables a clinician to establish a prognosis of an indi-
posed. Several single-gene disorders have been found vidual’s later motor functioning because children
to cause CP: for example, mutations in the GPR56 rarely cross between levels as they age but continue to
gene cause severe bilateral frontoparietal polymicro- develop within their original GMFCS level. Table 45.3
gyria and CP. Copy-number variants are also asso- shows the five levels of the GMFCS for children ages
ciated with polymicrogyria and CP. Recent studies 2–4 years and the corresponding levels for children
using whole-exome sequencing in cases of sporadic ages 6-12 years.[17] A similar classification system, the
CP indicate that 14% of participants had likely-causa- Manual Abilities Classification System (MACS), was
tive single-gene mutations and 31% had clinically designed to measure a child’s ability to manipulate
relevant copy-number variants [12]. objects in everyday life [18]. This system also consists
Another important subclassification is based on of levels I–V and has been found to be reliable, valid, and
severity. Among children with CP, functional abilities stable (Table 45.4) [19]. The five-level Communication
range from mild hemiplegic gait differences and super- Function Classification System (CFCS) has been devel-
ior cognitive abilities to nonambulatory quadriparesis oped recently to describe the level of communication
and intellectual disability. Approximately 60% of chil- function for people with CP. Test-retest reliability has
dren with CP eventually walk independently, 10% walk been excellent, and validity and stability studies are
with assistance, and 30% use a wheelchair for mobility underway [20].

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Section 4 Specific Conditions Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury

Table 45.3 Gross Motor Functional Classification System: Partial Description of Children at Levels I–V at Ages 2–4 years and at 6–12 Years

Level Ages 2–4 years Ages 6–12 years

I Children floor sit with both hands free to Children walk indoors and outdoors and climb
manipulate objects; walk as preferred method of stairs without limitations; speed, balance, and
mobility without assistive mobility device. coordination in skills such as running and jumping
are reduced.
II Children floor sit but may have difficulty with Children walk indoors and outdoors and climb
balance if both hands manipulate objects, pull to stairs holding onto a railing; limitations in walking
stand on a stable surface, crawl on hands and on uneven surfaces and inclines, walking in crowds
knees with a reciprocal pattern, cruise holding onto or confined spaces, and gross motor skills such as
furniture, and walk using an assistive mobility running and jumping.
III Children maintain floor sitting by “W-sitting” Children walk indoors or outdoors on a level
(sitting between flexed and internally rotated hips surface with an assistive mobility device, may climb
and knees), creep on stomach, or crawl on hands stairs holding onto a railing, may propel a
and knees often without reciprocal leg wheelchair manually or are transported when
movements, may pull to stand, cruise or walk short travelling for long distances or outdoors on uneven
distances indoors using an assistive mobility device terrain.
and adult assistance for turning.
IV Children floor sit when placed, are unable to Children need adaptive seating for trunk control
maintain alignment and balance without use of and to maximize hand function, move in and out of
their hands, frequently require adaptive chair with adult assistance or a stable surface to
equipment for sitting and standing, achieve push or pull up on with their arms, may walk short
independent mobility by rolling, creeping on distances with a walker and adult, rely on wheeled
stomach, or crawling on hands and knees without mobility at home, school, and in the community,
reciprocal leg movement. may achieve self-mobility using a power
V Children are restricted in voluntary control of Minimal developmental change from
movement, inability to maintain antigravity head characteristics at ages 2–4 years.
and trunk postures, functional limitations in sitting
and standing not fully compensated for through
adaptive equipment, no means of independent

Table 45.4 Manual Ability Classification System for Children with CP 4–18 Years of Age: Partial Descriptions of Children at Levels 1–V [18]

Level Characteristic skills

I Handles objects easily and successfully. At most, limitations in the ease of performing manual tasks requiring
speed and accuracy.
II Handles most objects but with somewhat reduced quality and/or speed of achievement. Certain activities
may be avoided or be achieved with difficulty; alternative ways of performance may be used.
III Handles objects with difficulty; needs help to prepare and/or modify activities. Limited success regarding
quality and quantity of movement. Independent performance if activities have been set up or adapted.
IV Handles a limited selection of easily managed objects in adapted situations. Performs parts of activities with
effort and limited success. Requires continuous support and assistance and/or adaptive equipment to
achieve even partial completion.
V Does not handle objects and has severely limited ability to perform even simple actions. Requires total

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45 Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Definition, Classification, Management, and Outcome

Epidemiology and Public Health Issues Clinical Presentation and Establishing

CP has an overall prevalence of 2.1–3.6/1,000 people in the Diagnosis
developed countries [21,22]. Socioeconomic disadvan-
tage is associated with increased rates of CP. Black non- Core Findings
Hispanic children have increased prevalence of CP
CP is diagnosed clinically based on delays in motor
compared with white non-Hispanic children above
development and abnormalities on physical and
and beyond socioeconomic differences; this increased
neurologic examination. In infancy, primitive
risk disappears after adjustment for gestational age and
reflexes, such as the Moro reflex, are integrated into
weight at birth [23]. Males have a slightly higher pre-
voluntary movement patterns as the nervous system
valence than females with a ratio of 1.4:1 [22]. The
matures. Primitive reflexes persisting beyond the
prevalence of CP in developing nations has not been
usual age alert clinicians to an increased risk for
well studied. It is estimated that 80% of children with
CP. As primitive reflexes disappear, postural reac-
CP live in low-resource countries. Though the inci-
tions, such as head righting during tilting and pro-
dence may be higher in these nations, high mortality
tective arm extension to brace falling, develop.
may reduce differences in prevalence between low- and
Absence of these postural reactions raises suspicion
high-resource countries [24].
for CP. Upper motor neuron dysfunction is charac-
In developed countries, CP is highly associated with
terized by spasticity, hyperreflexia, and clonus. Over
prematurity and low birth weight. A meta-analysis
the first years of life, muscle hypotonia may progress
found the prevalence of CP to be 57/1,000 in children
to hypertonia in children with CP, as in the opening
weighing less than 1,000 g at birth, 59/1,000 in those
case. Asymmetries in tone, strength, reflexes, and
weighing 1,000–1,499 g, 10/1,000 in those weighing
coordination on neurologic examination also raise
1,500–2,499 g, and 1.3/1,000 in those weighing more
red flags for CP. CP is not diagnosed at birth because
than 2,500 g. Infants born before 28 weeks’ gestation
the classic diagnostic signs of motor delay and
had a prevalence of CP of 112/1,000, whereas children
impairment do not reveal themselves until the child
born after 36 weeks had a prevalence of 1.35/1,000 [21].
is older. Children with more severe CP are often
Despite the lower incidence, infants born at term
diagnosed in the first year of life, and children with
account for 50–65% of children with CP because 90%
less severe CP are frequently diagnosed in the second
of children are born at term [25].
year of life.
The prevalence of CP has remained relatively
Clinical practice guidelines issued by the
stable over the past 20 years despite many improve-
American Academy of Neurology and the Child
ments in medical care, especially in the developed
Neurology Society in 2004 recommended neuroima-
world [26]. Reduced prevalence would be expected
ging of a child with CP if the etiology has not been
based on several medical advances in treatment of
established. They further recommended magnetic
newborns: (1) widespread rubella vaccination that
resonance imaging (MRI) as preferable to computed
eliminated chronic rubella syndrome as a cause of
tomography (CT) scanning because of greater detail
CP in the United States [27], (2) systematic treatment
and no exposure to ionizing radiation [31]. More
of neonatal jaundice that has dramatically reduced the
than 80% of children with CP demonstrate abnorm-
incidence of kernicterus, (3) cooling for term infants
alities on MRI, though the rest may have a normal
with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy that reduces
MRI. Children with a normal MRI often have a
mortality and morbidity [28], and (4) the use of
milder form of CP; children with ataxic and dyski-
antenatal steroids and magnesium sulfate in women
netic CP compared with other subtypes are most
with preterm labor that has decreased the incidence of
likely to have a normal MRI [9]. MRI obtained at
CP and the severity of complications [29,30].
term equivalence has higher predictive sensitivity
Opposing forces, however, have maintained the pre-
than cranial ultrasound [32]. In children with CP,
valence rates: (1) improved survival rates of extremely
white matter injury is found in 19–45% of cases and
low-birth-weight infants, who are more likely to
gray matter injury in 20%. Focal vascular insults and
develop CP than term infants, and (2) increased use
malformations are each seen 10% of the time [33].
of artificial reproductive technologies and multiple-
Figures 45.1 and 45.2 show typical MRI scans of a
gestation pregnancies with associated complications
child with CP.
of low birth weight and preterm birth.

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Section 4 Specific Conditions Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury

(a) (b)

Figure 45.1 The classic appearance of periventricular leukomalacia in an infant with CP. Note the abnormal periventricular white matter
signal, volume loss, and irregular ventricular margins.

Associated Impairments children with CP, evaluation of intellectual function-

ing should use measures that do not require motor
Epilepsy and cognitive, behavioral, and sensory
skills and that avoid the use of timed tests.
impairments may be associated with the motor
Behavioral Disorders. Behavioral and emotional
impairments of CP because the underlying neuro-
disturbances are highly prevalent in children with CP,
pathology puts the child at risk for disorders beyond
ranging from 25% to 40% across studies using differ-
the motor system. The child in the opening case had
ent assessment measures and outcomes. Common
co-occurring cognitive and behavioral conditions.
behavioral problems include difficulties with peer
Rates of comorbidities in prevalence studies may be
interactions, attention problems, hyperactive beha-
somewhat elevated because children with very mild
vior, and emotional dysregulation. The incidence of
CP may be underrepresented.
behavioral problems is increased among the 15–25%
Cognitive and Intellectual Abilities. Studies
of children who also have epilepsy and among chil-
report that almost 50% of children with CP have
dren with severe motor impairment, hearing loss,
some degree of intellectual impairment [26,34,35],
intellectual impairment, and pain [37,38].
though they may not function in the range of intellec-
Approximately 8% of children with CP receive the
tual disability (scores on intelligence tests greater than
diagnosis of autism, frequently diagnosed later in life
2 standard deviations below the mean with compar-
than in children without CP [26].
able adaptive skills). Severity of cognitive impairment
Hearing and Vision. Between 50% and 75% of
often correlates with severity of motor impairment.
children with CP have visual impairment, including
Children with spastic quadriplegia have the highest
refractive errors, strabismus, nystagmus, altered
association with cognitive impairment [36]. The cor-
visual field, and optic atrophy, and 11% are severely
relation between motor and cognitive impairment is
visually impaired [35]. Cortical visual impairment
low in dyskinetic CP. Children with epilepsy and an
plays a large role in the loss of visual acuity and is
abnormal MRI are more likely to have intellectual
most commonly associated with quadriplegia [39,40].
impairment than those without these findings. To
Hearing loss is found in about 12% of children
avoid underestimation of the intellectual abilities of
with CP and is associated with very low birth weight,
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45 Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Definition, Classification, Management, and Outcome

(a) (b)

Figure 45.2 Sagittal scan of an infant with CP. Note the thin corpus callosum (arrow) and abnormal signal adjacent to the irregular ventricle.

kernicterus, neonatal meningitis, encephalopathy, sleep disorders in this population. Sleep disorders are
and intellectual disability. Approximately 3% of chil- often associated with pain, poorly controlled epilepsy,
dren with CP have severe hearing loss [10,41]. and behavior disorders [47].
Speech, Language, and Communication. Between Quality of Life and Life Expectancy. Health-related
31% and 88% of children with CP have a communica- quality of life is a multidimensional measure that inte-
tion disorder, and 25% of children are nonverbal grates functional status with services needed, frequency
[10,20]. Language development in children with CP of treatment, and activity restrictions. Health-related
correlates strongly with cognitive function. Speech quality of life is lower in people with CP than in the
impairment, such as dysarthria, is independent of cog- general population. Adults with CP report employment
nition and strongly associated with the degree of motor disadvantages, fatigue, pain, and depressive symptoms
impairment. Articulation disorders and limitations in [1]. Children with CP have an increased rate of beha-
speech intelligibility are seen in 40–88% of children vioral and psychological difficulties compared with typi-
with CP [42]. cally developing peers. Nonetheless, when describing
Feeding and Growth. Feeding difficulties occur in quality of life, defined as perception of their position in
30–40% of children with CP and are most common in life relative to their goals and expectations, children with
children with severe motor impairment. Children CP reported quality of life similar to their typical peers,
may require help with feeding to allow adequate as the child in the opening case may have [48].
weight gain and to avoid choking and frequent vomit- Adolescents with CP relate subjective well-being that is
ing [43]. Approximately 6% of children with CP similar to that of their typical peers in all domains but
require gavage feeding because they cannot safely or social interaction with peers [1,48,49].
effectively obtain all their nutrition by mouth [10,35]. Approximately 5–10% of children with CP die dur-
Pain and Sleep Disorders. Children and adults ing childhood, and life expectancy is otherwise near
with CP experience pain that may decrease their qual- normal. Most often the children with early mortality
ity of life and community participation. Pain has had multiple areas of severe impairment, including
many causes, including spasms, contractures, hip dis- epilepsy and intellectual disability [11]. As children
location, gastroesophageal reflux, skin breakdown with CP transition into adulthood, difficulties often
and medical procedures. About 66% of school-aged arise in their ability to access healthcare and therapeu-
children and 75% of teenagers with CP report having tic services. Recent advocacy efforts have focused on
experienced pain in the previous week [44,45]. ensuring that lifelong care provides rehabilitation that
Up to 50% of children with CP have sleep difficul- facilitates societal participation for adults as well as
ties, with 25% experiencing a moderate to severe sleep children with CP. Surveys of young adults with normal
disorder [46]. Sleep-disordered breathing and difficulty cognition and CP indicate that up to 33% have diffi-
initiating and maintaining sleep are the most common culty performing daily self-care activities and 66% have

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Section 4 Specific Conditions Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury

unmet mobility needs [50]. About 50% of individuals anti-inflammatory, antiexcitotoxic, antioxidant, and
with CP between the ages of 20 and 24 years are antiapopoptic effects of Epo on neurons and oligo-
employed, but 33% of these individuals experience dendroglia. Recombinant human erythropoietin
physical or situational barriers at work [51]. (rhEpo) promotes neurogenesis and angiogenesis.
Approximately 75% of young adults with CP and nor- Retrospective reviews of infants treated with rhEpo
mal cognition report having experienced dating; 25% for anemia of prematurity revealed improvements in
are in a current romantic relationship, and the preva- neurodevelopmental outcomes over infants not
lence is unrelated to motor function, education, or receiving the medication. RhEpo is affordable, easy
gender [52]. to administer, and has been found to be safe in phase
II clinical trials [56]. It may potentiate other therapies,
such as hypothermic cooling.
Prevention Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a potent vasodilator
used for the treatment of hypoxic respiratory failure
Current Approaches to Neuroprotection and pulmonary hypertension. Early investigations
A baby born at a gestational age below 28 weeks has suggest that iNO may decrease rates of severe intra-
30–80 times the risk of CP as an infant born at term ventricular hemorrhage and periventricular leukoma-
[53]. Because of this markedly increased risk of neu- lacia and may ultimately reduce long-term disability
rologic impairment in preterm infants, obstetricians rates [57].
and neonatologists continue to look for neuroprotec- Caffeine is a nonselective adenosine receptor
tive agents and strategies for high-risk pregnancies antagonist used widely in the treatment of apnea in
and neonates. preterm infants. Despite promising early data, an
Many studies, including randomized trials, have ongoing randomized, controlled trial (RCT) of chil-
found that CP rates are decreased in children prenatally dren receiving placebo or caffeine during the neonatal
exposed to magnesium sulfate [29,54]. The American period demonstrated inconclusive benefit to neurode-
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recom- velopmental outcomes at age 5 years. Data collection
mends the short-term use of magnesium sulfate for is ongoing [58].
fetal neuroprotection for women in preterm labor
under 32 weeks’ gestation [55]. Management of CP
Antenatal corticosteroids also confer neuropro-
tection. Improved neonatal lung maturity leads to
reduced rates of hypoxia and related problems.
Principles of Management
Besides improving lung maturity, antenatal steroids Care of children with CP requires a team of profes-
exert potent cerebral vasoconstrictive effects, mini- sionals working closely with individuals and their
mizing fluctuations in cerebral blood flow. Infants families. Current best practice finds that the primary
born to women who received antenatal corticoster- care clinician in the medical home is an important
oids during preterm labor have a significantly anchor. The team may include members of many
decreased rate of CP [30]. different professional fields: developmental pedia-
Hypothermic cooling in term infants with neona- trics, neurology, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery,
tal encephalopathy has become a standard of care. A physiatry, psychiatry, behavioral management, physi-
meta-analysis examining effectiveness demonstrated cal therapy, occupational therapy, speech and lan-
that hypothermia was associated with a reduction in guage pathology, orthotics, ophthalmology, and
the composite outcome of mortality or neurodevelop- audiology. The spectrum of involvement for indivi-
mental disability at 18–24 months of age. Seven at- dual children determines their treatment needs and,
risk infants must be treated with a hypothermia pro- therefore, their treatment team.
tocol to prevent one death or major disability [28]. Treatment approaches are designed to capitalize
on neuroplasticity. It is generally agreed that neuro-
plasticity is greatest in early childhood and gradually
Emerging Strategies for Neuroprotection reduces as children age. Therefore, early intervention
Human erythropoietin (Epo) is the primary regulator is recommended for children at risk for CP.
of erythropoiesis and is potentially neuroprotective. A tiered approach typically begins with rehabilita-
In vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated tion services (PT, OT, treatment of sensory disorders,
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45 Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Definition, Classification, Management, and Outcome

communication therapy), educational interventions, because of ease, and cortical brain reorganization, the
and environmental adaptations. Adaptive equipment, changes in neural organization that occur when the
including braces, walkers, and wheelchairs, may limb is used.
increase functional capacities. As needed, care pro-
gresses to medical treatments and surgical interven-
tions. Outcome goals include improving functional
Adaptive Devices/Facilitation
skills and also preventing complications such as hip Rehabilitative therapists frequently recommend
dislocation, deformities, and progressive rigidity. orthotic devices such as braces, splints, and seating
Overall goals should be broken down into measurable and standing devices for children with CP. These
target objectives in order to inform treatment strategies devices are used to maintain range of motion, provide
and measure and evaluate outcomes. In line with the stability, prevent contractures, and improve function.
International Classification of Function framework, The ankle-foot orthosis, one of the most commonly
goals and objectives should emphasize increasing activ- prescribed devices, stabilizes the position of the foot
ity and community participation as well as addressing and stretches the Achilles tendon. Splints are used on
motor impairment. The goal is to educate and treat all the upper extremity to hold the wrist in a neutral
children in the least restrictive environment while position and abduct the thumb. Positioning devices
addressing their medical, rehabilitative, educational, promote skeletal alignment to facilitate independent
social, and personal needs. Scientific evidence suggests function for activities such as eating.
that inclusive education rather than segregated educa- Adaptive equipment, such as walkers, canes, and
tion is associated with better outcomes, particularly in wheelchairs, is widely used to promote mobility.
language, social, and emotional domains. Motorized wheelchairs can be controlled by a switch
that can be activated by the head, mouth, or hand.
Prevention of pressure sores in people with CP with
Rehabilitation severe mobility restrictions is an essential element in
The mainstays of rehabilitative therapy of children with the design of adaptive and positioning devices.
CP are PT and OT. A recent analysis of the literature Assistive technology is used to promote communica-
suggests that child-active approaches, where the child tion and improve quality of life for people with CP
practices real-life functional tasks for the purpose of and severe dysarthria.
gaining or consolidating skills, are more effective than
passive approaches, such as stretching by a therapist
[59]. Goal-directed child-active approaches and skills Medical Management
practice at high rates of repetition are thought to capi- Medical management and secondary prevention inter-
talize on neuroplasticity. Home programs are an impor- ventions address the child’s health and comorbidities,
tant component of effective rehabilitation to increase which may be more impairing than the motor deficits.
opportunities to practice skills. Goals should be achiev- They also strive to prevent worsening of physical dis-
able for a child at each GMFCS level. For example, a orders, such as contractures or hip dislocations.
child classified as GMFCS level IV who is unlikely to Oral Medications. Diazepam has been found to be
walk independently could learn self-mobility with a effective in reducing spasticity. The evidence regard-
wheelchair. Fitness training has proven effective in ing the effectiveness of dantrolene in reducing spasti-
increasing overall fitness in children with CP at all func- city in children with CP is conflicting. At present, the
tional levels. evidence is insufficient to support the use of oral
Constraint induced movement therapy (CI) is an baclofen in the treatment of spasticity in children
intervention that targets upper extremity motor func- with CP. Biphosphonates are effective in maintaining
tion in children with unilateral CP. Systematic reviews bone density. Anticonvulsant therapy is an important
of trials using CI have demonstrated improved hand part of the medical plan for children with seizure
function on the affected side after CI [59,60]. The disorders [59,61].
therapy consists of restraining the unaffected arm via Local Injections. Botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) is a
casting or splinting while training the affected arm. neuromuscular blocking agent. When used in children
The two theoretical mechanisms thought to make the with CP, BTX-A is injected into agonist muscles and
treatment effective are overcoming developmental dis- causes transient muscle weakness for several months.
regard, the preference to use the unaffected limb Therapeutic goals include improving function, reducing

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Section 4 Specific Conditions Associated with Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury

pain from spasticity, and reducing joint deformity. Future Treatment Options
BTX-A has been widely used for over two decades and
Stem cells are multipotential cells that exist in both
has been found to be safe and effective for the treatment
adult and developing tissue. True stem cells can dif-
of localized spasticity in the upper and lower extremities
ferentiate into any tissue in the body and have unlim-
of children with CP, generally leading to improvements
ited proliferative and self-renewal capacity. Animal
in aspects of gait, such as ankle dorsiflexion and foot
studies suggest that stem cells mediate neurologic
strike [59,61]. Intensive PT and OT after botulinum
repair by providing structural support to damaged
toxin injection have been shown to be effective in
tissue, remyelinating damaged axons, and expressing
improving motor skills acquisition [59].
neurotrophic growth factors. Because true stem cells
have the propensity to form teratomas, experimental
Orthopedic Management treatment of CP has used partially differentiated stem
Because of abnormal muscle tone, children with CP cells injected either intravenously or intrathecally.
often develop joint deformities. Orthopedic surgery is Preliminary results from a phase I clinical trial using
performed to increase the range of motion of a joint umbilical cord blood for the treatment of CP suggest
and to treat secondary complications of spasticity. improved cognition, motor function, and brain ima-
Serial ankle casting of an affected limb is effective in ging findings in the stem cell treatment group over
maintaining range of motion [59]. Hip dislocation in standard rehabilitation alone, but more adverse
CP is potentially preventable if children are included events were noted in the treatment group [63].
from an early age in a surveillance program that Further research must be done in this area before
includes repeat radiographic and clinical examina- any conclusions about effectiveness or safety can be
tions and provided preventive treatment for hips drawn. The recent development of “stem cell tourism”
that are displacing [62]. When necessary, orthopedic to unregulated clinics in different countries is an
surgery can be effective by lengthening a tendon, cut- undesirable outcome of the early research in this
ting through a tendon or muscle (release), or moving field [64].
the attachment point of tendon to bone. In children
with spastic quadriplegia, surgery is frequently per-
formed on hyperactive hip adductor muscles to Clinical Considerations
improve the child’s ability to sit and walk and to The medical team in the neonatal intensive care unit
decrease the likelihood of hip dislocation. Hamstring (NICU) is frequently confronted with the difficult task
release surgery may facilitate walking. Achilles ten- of counseling families on possible adverse future neu-
dons are frequently lengthened to improve walking. rodevelopmental outcomes for a child born preterm
When complications such as hip dislocation or pro- or with medical complications. Qualitative research
gressive scoliosis occur, orthopedic surgery is has determined that parents want prognostic infor-
required for correction [7]. mation early in a medical process [35]. This informa-
tion can be particularly difficult to provide to family
members when a child’s medical condition is evolving
Neurosurgical Management and the ultimate diagnoses and prognoses remain
Intrathecal baclofen is often used in children over the uncertain. Up to 50% of parents of children with
age of 6 years with severe or generalized spasticity or physical disability and 70% of parents of children
dystonia. The medication is usually injected via a with CP express dissatisfaction with the delivery of
subcutaneous pump in the abdomen to a catheter in their child’s diagnosis by physicians. These data indi-
the intrathecal CSF compartment. Complications can cate that clinicians must improve how they commu-
include catheter difficulties, meningitis, and CSF leak. nicate potential bad news [65–67].
Intrathecal baclofen has been shown to significantly Qualitative research has found that the best
decrease spasticity in both upper and lower extremi- approach for telling parents bad news is when a sup-
ties in children with CP [61]. port person is present, the child is present, the clin-
Selective dorsal rhizotomy interrupts the sensory ician uses direct empathic language, and the clinician
component of the deep tendon reflex. It has been indicates a willingness and the time to answer family
shown to be effective in reducing spasticity in the questions. Interpersonal physician behaviors such as
lower extremities of children with CP [59]. empathy, availability for questions, accountability,
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45 Cerebral Palsy: Advances in Definition, Classification, Management, and Outcome

and acknowledging the child as a unique individual may be caused by environmental and social factors
are helpful to parents. Leaving room for hope in the as well as by the health condition. Consider, for exam-
future has been identified as extremely important, ple, the limitations for an individual who uses a
particularly when outcomes remain uncertain [66]. motorized wheel chair for mobility and lives in a
In general, families are best served by an approach town without curb cuts to allow the wheel chair to
that balances honesty with hopefulness. An acknowl- go from sidewalk to street and back to sidewalk.
edgment of the difficulty, such as, “How is it for you to Interventions in this situation may be required at the
sit with uncertainty?,” can be therapeutic for a parent environmental, social, and even political level. Federal
faced, for example, with evidence of white matter laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and
damage on their infant’s MRI but without clinical the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act, that
evidence of neurologic injury. It is important to approach disability through the social model have
arrange referrals for early intervention, rehabilitative significantly improved function and access for many
therapy, a pediatrician, and possibly a developmental individuals with CP [68].
follow-up clinic prior to the NICU discharge so that With advancing medical knowledge and public
parents anticipate their child receiving care rather than awareness, improved functional outcomes are possi-
simply waiting to learn the outcome. Identifying stra- ble for all people with CP. Early identification and
tegies for ongoing communication is also important diagnosis leading to appropriate lifelong interven-
because questions will inevitably arise after the child tions and accommodations are all important to
leaves the medical setting. Ideally, a clinician in the achieving good long-term outcomes for individuals
medical home coordinates care with the many specia- with CP.
lists on the treatment team and guides the child and
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