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Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 87 (2007) 72–77

Active avoidance conditioning in zebraWsh (Danio rerio)

Xiaojuan Xu ¤, Theodora Scott-Scheiern, Leah Kempker, Katie Simons
Department of Psychology, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401, USA

Received 5 January 2006; revised 14 June 2006; accepted 14 June 2006

Available online 24 July 2006


The zebraWsh represents a potentially useful organism for studying genes involved in learning and memory function in vertebrates,
because a number of genetic techniques in zebraWsh have been developed to produce a wide variety of genetic mutants. While zebraWsh
mutants are being developed, behavioral studies on learning and memory function in zebraWsh are in urgent need. The present study
investigated active avoidance conditioning in normal zebraWsh. ZebraWsh were trained to swim from a lighted (CS) compartment to a
dark compartment to avoid an electrical body shock (US) in a shuttle-box that consisted of a water-Wlled tank separated by an opaque
barrier into two equal compartments. By varying the number of trials per training session and the duration of the intertrial interval,
Experiments 1 and 2 showed that, with the CS, US, and intertrial interval being 12 s, zebraWsh learned avoidance responses within a train-
ing session consisting of 30 trials and retained the avoidance responses. Experiment 3 showed that zebraWsh learned avoidance responses
following the association between the CS of light and the US of shock in the avoidance conditioning paradigm. Using the avoidance con-
ditioning paradigm, Experiment 4 investigated the amnestic eVects of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 and nitric oxide
synthase inhibitor L-NAME in zebraWsh. Experiment 4 showed that post-training injection of L-NAME signiWcantly impaired retention
of avoidance responses while MK-801 did not, conWrming previous results with other vertebrates. The results of the present study suggest
the similar involvements of neurochemicals in learning and memory among vertebrates. Thus, future studies with zebraWsh mutants may
identify genes involved in learning and memory in vertebrates.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: ZebraWsh; Active avoidance conditioning; Shuttle-box; N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; Nitric oxide

1. Introduction zebraWsh, such a strategy may be tried in zebraWsh. While

genetic mutants are being developed in zebraWsh, behav-
Of the several hundred thousand proteins manufac- ioral studies on learning and memory function in
tured by a neuron, some may be more important than zebraWsh are in urgent need.
others when it comes to learning and memory. It is possi- Active avoidance conditioning in goldWsh is a well-estab-
ble that some proteins are uniquely involved in learning lished behavioral paradigm. Using avoidance procedures,
and memory. One way to identify a learning and memory investigators have discovered a good deal about learning
protein is to delete genes one at a time and see if speciWc and memory in goldWsh. The behavioral methods and Wnd-
learning and memory deWcits result. This strategy has ings with goldWsh may serve as the groundwork for study-
been tried with the fruit Xy, resulting in implication of the ing learning and memory function in zebraWsh. Thus, based
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) system in on the behavioral method and Wndings of the active avoid-
learning and memory (Goodwin et al., 1997). With ance paradigm in goldWsh (AgranoV, 1980; Xu, Boshoven,
increasing understanding of the genetic background of Lombardo, & Spranger, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003), the present
study investigated active avoidance conditioning in
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 616 331 2480. Behavioral studies show that administrations of
E-mail address: XUX@GVSU.EDU (X. Xu). N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists block

1074-7427/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
X. Xu et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 87 (2007) 72–77 73

certain forms of associative learning (Kim, Decola, Lan- ZebraWsh were trained semiweekly on Experimental days 1, 3 or 4, and 8.
deira-Fernandez, & Fanselow, 1991; Morris, Anderson, Percentage of avoidance responses was used as an indicator of learning.
Lynch, & Baudry, 1986; Shapiro & Caramanos, 1990; Xu &
2.4. Experiment 1
Davis, 1992; Xu, Klinger, & Davis, 1995, 1998, 2003).
Behavioral studies also show that administrations of drugs 2.4.1. EVects of number of trials per training session on learning
to block nitric oxide (NO) production or protein kinases In goldWsh, we found that too few trials per training session resulted in
impair certain types of learning and memory (Baldwin, no or unobservable learning over several weeks, but too many trials per
Sadeghian, Holahan, & Kelly, 2002; Bernabeu, de Stein, training session did not produce further learning in a session and may
cause distress in Wsh. For goldWsh, 20 trials per training session seem to
Fin, Izquierdo, & Medina, 1995; Koh, Thiele, & Bernstein, produce faster learning (Xu et al., 1998, 1999, Xu, Russell, Bazner, & Ham-
2002; Schafe, Nadel, Sullivan, Harris, & LeDoux, 1999; Xu ilton, 2001, 2003). With an active avoidance paradigm that did not deliver
et al., 1998, Xu, Boshoven, & Gunn, 1999, 2001). Thus, the a body shock following an ITI crossing, our preliminary studies with
present study also investigated the involvements of NMDA zebraWsh explored the eVects of 15 vs. 30 trials per training session, and the
receptors and NO in avoidance conditioning in zebraWsh. eVects of diVerent durations of ITI ranging from 30 to 96 s on the rate of
learning. The preliminary results showed that 30 trials per training session
with ITI being 30 s produced best learning. However, all groups of Wsh
showed very high rate of ITI crossings. To reduce the rate of crossings dur-
2. Materials and methods
ing ITI, the computer program was revised and any ITI crossing was
immediately followed by a single electrical body shock. The series of
2.1. Subjects and experimental drugs experiments in the present study used the active avoidance paradigm that
delivered a body shock immediately following an ITI crossing. While
ZebraWsh (Danio rerio) were obtained from local pet stores. ZebraWsh keeping the ITI at 30 s, this experiment tried to determine the optimal
were kept in large tanks for several weeks prior to experiments. During number of trials per training session in producing fast learning. A total of
experiments, zebraWsh were kept in individual compartments of parti- 30 zebraWsh were randomly divided into three groups (n D 10 per group):
tioned tanks at 26 § 1 °C with a 12 h light–dark cycle (0700–1900 light). 20-trial, 30-trial, and 40-trial groups. The three groups received 20, 30, or
Experiments were conducted during the light cycle. Dizocilpine maleate 40 trials per training session for three semiweekly sessions.
(MK-801) and nitro-L-arginine methyl-ester (L-NAME) (Sigma–Aldrich,
St. Louis, MO) were dissolved in 3 l saline and administered intramuscu- 2.4.2. Results
larly with a 30 gauge needle and a 10 l Hamilton syringe. A two-way ANOVA with one between (three groups) and one repeated
measures (three sessions) on the avoidance responses indicated a signiW-
2.2. Apparatus cant session diVerence [F(2, 27) D 34.2, p < 0.01]. The two-way repeated
measures ANOVA with multiple comparisons on the within factor indi-
ZebraWsh were trained and tested individually in three identical cated that the increase in avoidance responses from Session 1 to Session 2
zebraWsh shuttle-boxes connected to a programmer/shocker unit. The was statistically signiWcant (p < 0.01), but the increase in avoidance
zebraWsh shuttle-box consisted of a water-Wlled tank (18 £ 7.5 £ 10 cm) responses from Session 2 to Session 3 was not (Fig. 1). The two-way
separated by an opaque barrier (7.5 £ 10 cm) into two equal compart- repeated measures ANOVA with multiple comparisons on the between
ments. The barrier was raised 0.6 cm above the Xoor of the tank to allow factor indicated that the 30-trial group learned avoidance responses sig-
zebraWsh to swim freely from one side of the tank to the other. The cross- niWcantly faster than the 20-trial group (p < 0.05), but the 40-trial group
ing movement of zebraWsh was monitored by infrared light beams and did not learn the avoidance responses faster than the 30-trial group
their corresponding detectors located on the long sides of the tank. There (Fig. 1). The mean percentages of ITI crossings of the 20-trial group were
was a light at each end of the tank and there were two stainless steel elec- 77.5, 49.5, and 50.5% for the three sessions, respectively. The mean percent-
trode plates (6.5 £ 4 cm) at each of the long sides of each compartment.

2.3. Active avoidance paradigm

ZebraWsh were placed in the shuttle-boxes for 5 min, and then a trial
began with the onset of the light on the side of the Wsh’s location. After the
light was on for 12 s, a repetitive mild electrical shock (0.73 V/cm AC,
pulsed 100 ms on and 1400 ms oV) was administered, along with the light,
for 12 s through the water by means of electrodes. At the end of 24 s or at a
crossing response by zebraWsh during the 24 s, both the light and electrical
shock were switched oV and the trial ended. After an intertrial interval
(ITI) ranging from 12 to 30 s, another trial began.
ZebraWsh initially swam through the opening only after receiving sev-
eral shocks. The crossing response made after the onset of both light signal
and electrical shock to escape the electrical body shock is here deWned as
an escape response. During the training sessions, zebraWsh gradually
learned to swim from the lighted end to the dark end to avoid the electrical
body shock. The crossing response made after the onset of the light signal,
but before the onset of electrical shock to avoid the electrical body shock,
is here deWned as an avoidance response. The crossing response made dur-
ing an ITI is here deWned as an ITI crossing, and an ITI crossing was
immediately followed by a single body shock to reduce the rate of cross-
ings during ITI. The measurements were the number of avoidances,
escapes and ITI crossings. All experiments were fully automated through Fig. 1. Avoidance learning of zebraWsh trained with diVerent numbers of
the programmer/shocker unit and a Gateway 2000 P5-100 computer that trials per session. Each point represents the mean percentage of avoidance
programmed stimuli, monitored and recorded behavior of zebraWsh. responses § SE for 10 Wsh.
74 X. Xu et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 87 (2007) 72–77

ages of ITI crossings of the 30-trial group were 48.7, 38.7, and 31.0% for mean percentage of avoidance responses for the Wrst 10 trials during Ses-
the three sessions, respectively. The mean percentages of ITI crossings of sion 2 was 72.0%, which was similar to mean percentages of avoidance
the 40-trial group were 60.0, 56.3, and 43.0% for the three sessions, respec- responses for 30 trials during Sessions 2. For the 30-s ITI group, the mean
tively. Thus, the 30-trial group learned avoidance responses faster than the percentage of avoidance responses for the Wrst 10 trials during Session 2
20-trial group without exhibiting increased ITI crossings, while the 40-trial was 62.0%, which was similar to mean percentages of avoidance responses
group did not show faster learning or lower ITI crossings than the 30-trial for 30 trials during Sessions 2. Therefore, most learning occurred during
group. Session 1, and a 10-trial Session 2 could be used as a testing session.
The 20-trial group received Training Session 4 and reached the same
level of performance as the other two group groups (data not shown). 2.6. Experiment 3
Thus, the 20-trial group were capable of higher performance. It was also
observed that close to the end of a 40-trial session, some Wsh in the 40-trial 2.6.1. EVects of sensitization produced by repeated body shocks on the
group stopped crossing responses. avoidance responses
Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that zebraWsh showed increases in
2.5. Experiment 2 avoidance responses without displaying increases in ITI crossings over
training sessions. Those result suggested that Wsh learned to associate the
2.5.1. EVects of duration of intertrial interval on learning CS of light with the US of shock and responded to the light by crossing the
In goldWsh, the ITI between 25 and 55 s produced good learning (Xu barrier to avoid the shock. However, it might be possible that the increases
et al., 1998, 1999, 2001, Xu, Bazner, Qi, Johnson, & FreidhoV, 2003). The in avoidance responses over training sessions resulted from sensitization,
preliminary data showed that 30-s ITI produced faster learning than a i.e., repeated shocks sensitized Wsh and caused Wsh to respond to the light.
longer duration of ITI in zebraWsh. To determine whether zebraWsh This experiment investigated whether repeated shocks sensitized Wsh and
showed faster learning with a shorter duration of ITI, this experiment caused Wsh to show increases in avoidance responses over sessions. A total
compared the eVect of ITI being 30 s with that of ITI being 12 s on learn- of 16 zebraWsh were randomly divided into two groups (n D 8 per group):
ing. A total of 20 zebraWsh were randomly divided into two groups (n D 10 conditioning and pseudo-conditioning groups. The conditioning group
per group): 30-s ITI and 12-s ITI groups. The 30-s ITI group received received 30 trials of paired light and light + shock per training session as
trainings with ITI being 30 s, and the 12-s ITI group received trainings described in the Section 2.3. The pseudo-conditioning group received the
with ITI being 12 s. The groups received three semiweekly training sessions same amount and the same order of the light and light + shock as the con-
with 30 trials per session. ditioning group did, except that they received unpaired light and
light + shock. That is, the pseudo-conditioning group received lights alone
2.5.2. Results trials, and lights + shocks trials in which light and shock were presented
A two-way ANOVA with one between factor (two groups) and one simultaneously and terminated simultaneously. The light, light + shock,
repeated measures (three sessions) on the avoidance responses indicated a and ITI were 12 s each for both groups and both groups received three
signiWcant session diVerence [F(2, 18) D 16.1, p < 0.01]. The two-way semiweekly sessions.
repeated measures ANOVA with multiple comparisons on the within fac-
tor indicated that the increase in avoidance responses from Session 1 to 2.6.2. Results
Session 2 was signiWcant (p < 0.01), but the increase in avoidance responses A two-way ANOVA with one between factor (two groups) and one
from Session 2 to Session 3 was not (Fig. 2). Fig. 2 showed that the12 s ITI repeated measures (three sessions) on the avoidance responses, i.e., cross-
group learned avoidance responses slightly faster than the 30 s ITI group, ing responses to the light, indicated a signiWcant group diVerence
although the diVerence was not statistically signiWcant. The rates of ITI [F(1, 14) D 28.1, p < 0.01] and a signiWcant group £ session interaction
crossings did not increase over sessions in either group, and the 12-s ITI [F(2, 28) D 11.5, p < 0.01]. Fig. 3 showed that while the conditioning group
group showed slightly lower ITI crossings (ranging from 30.0 to 38.0%) displayed increases in avoidance responses over training sessions, the
than the 30-s ITI group (ranging from 31.0 to 48.7%). pseudo-conditioning group did not display much change in avoidance
Fish in both groups did not show much increase in avoidance responses over training sessions. The mean percentages of ITI crossings of
responses from Session 2 to Session 3 (Fig. 2). For the 12-s ITI group, the the conditioning group were 36.6, 40.8, and 32.1% for the three sessions,

Fig. 2. Avoidance learning of zebraWsh trained with diVerent durations of Fig. 3. Avoidance responses of zebraWsh trained with paired or unpaired
ITI. Each point represents the mean percentage of avoidance light and light + shock. Each point represents the mean percentage of
responses § SE for 10 Wsh. avoidance responses § SE for eight Wsh.
X. Xu et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 87 (2007) 72–77 75

respectively. The mean percentages of ITI crossings of the pseudo-condi- session consisted of 10 trials. ZebraWsh that showed ITI crossings of
tioning group were 77.9, 89.2, and 58.3% for the three sessions, respec- 30% or less during testing were retained in this experiment.
tively. The pseudo-conditioning group showed higher ITI crossings than
the conditioning group. While the conditioning group received a single 2.7.2. Results
body shock following an ITI crossing, the pseudo-conditioning group The mean percentage of avoidance responses of no-injection Wsh dur-
did not receive a single body shock following an ITI crossing, which may ing testing was 70%, while the mean percentage of avoidance responses of
be the reason that they had higher ITI crossings than the conditioning saline-injected Wsh during testing was 72.5%. Because there was no diVer-
group. Thus, the conditioning group learned to associate the light and ence in avoidance responses between Wsh that received no injection and
the shock and showed increases in avoidance responses, while the Wsh that received saline-injection, the two groups were combined into one
pseudo-conditioning group did not show increases in avoidance control group. A one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons on the
responses over sessions. avoidance responses of the three groups (n D 8 per group) during the test-
ing session showed that L-NAME signiWcantly impaired retention while
2.7. Experiment 4 MK-801 did not (Fig. 4).

2.7.1. EVects of post-training injections of MK-801 and L-NAME on 3. Discussion

retention of avoidance conditioning
Experiment 3 showed that Wsh learned avoidance responses following
the association between the light and shock in the avoidance conditioning
Experiments 1 and 2 showed that with the CS of light,
paradigm. By varying the number of trials per training session and the US of shock, and ITI each being 12 s, zebraWsh learned
duration of ITI, Experiments 1 and 2 showed that most learning occurred active avoidance responses within a training session con-
during a 30-trial training session. Furthermore, a 10-trial Session 2 could sisting of 30 trials and retained avoidance responses. Exper-
be used as a testing session. Using those parameters and the 12-s ITI in the iment 3 showed that zebraWsh learned avoidance responses
avoidance conditioning paradigm, this experiment investigated the amnes-
tic eVects of NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 and NO synthase inhib-
as a result of pairing of the light and the shock. Using the
itor L-NAME in zebraWsh. The purposes of this experiment were to avoidance conditioning paradigm, Experiment 4 showed
determine whether NMDA receptors and NO were involved in learning that post-training L-NAME signiWcantly impaired reten-
and memory of avoidance conditioning in zebraWsh and whether this tion while post-training MK-801 did not, conWrming the
experiment produced results that would conWrm previous studies in other previous studies in other vertebrates and thus also validat-
Previous studies in other species showed that post-training injec-
ing the avoidance conditioning paradigm in zebraWsh.
tions of L-NAME produced retention deWcits in avoidance learning, but A comparison between the level of learning of Wsh
post-training injections of MK-801 did not (Bernabeu et al., 1995; Xu trained for 20 trials per session and that of Wsh trained for
et al., 1998). The hypothetical physiological process that is normally 30 trials per session showed that the 30-trial training ses-
completed sometime following the learning experience and that is nec- sion produced faster learning (Fig. 1). A comparison
essary for normal long-term memory is called memory consolidation
(Hebb, 1949). Retention deWcits produced by immediate post-training
between the level of learning of Wsh trained for 30 trials per
pharmacological manipulations suggest an inXuence on memory con- session and that of Wsh trained for 40 trials per session
solidation processes. This experiment investigated whether injections of showed that 40 trials per session did not produce faster
MK-801 and L-NAME immediately following training impaired mem- learning (Fig. 1). Fish trained for 40 trials per session were
ory consolidation, resulting in retention deWcits in avoidance condition- observed to respond less during the last 10 trials. Thus, 30
ing in zebraWsh. Groups of Wsh received injections of saline, 10 g of
MK-801, or 100 g of L-NAME immediately following a training
trials per session produced faster learning and more trials
session on Experimental day 1. The 10 g of MK-801 and 100 g of seemed to produce stress, instead of learning. Our prelimi-
L -NAME were chosen because those doses were used in previous stud- nary study trained some Wsh with 96 s ITI. The long ITI
ies with goldWsh (Xu et al., 1998, 1999). Another group of Wsh received slowed down learning (data not shown). A comparison
no injection. On Experimental day 3, Wsh were tested without drug between the level of learning of Wsh trained with 30 s ITI
treatments. While the training session consisted of 30 trials, the testing
and that of Wsh trained with 12 s ITI showed that 12 s ITI
produced slightly faster, but not signiWcantly faster, learn-
ing (Fig. 2). Fish trained with 12 s ITI were observed not to
act diVerently from Wsh trained with the longer ITI. Thus,
30-trail training session with 12 s ITI seemed to be a good
combination to produce faster learning and shorten train-
ing time.
In active avoidance conditioning, animals learn to asso-
ciate the CS with US and respond to the CS to avoid the
US. The rate of avoidance responses serves as an indicator
of learning. In any active avoidance paradigm, high rates of
ITI crossings confound the results. With high rates of ITI
crossings, the increases in avoidance responses may not be
the result of learning to associate the CS with the US to
avoid the US, but rather the result of increased overall
crossing responses. Thus, with high rates of ITI crossings, it
Fig. 4. Amnestic eVects of MK-801 and L-NAME. Each bar represents the
mean percentage of avoidance responses § SE for eight Wsh during the is not clear whether high rates of avoidance responses actu-
testing session. ¤p < 0.05, compared with the control group. ally indicate that animals have learned to associate the CS
76 X. Xu et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 87 (2007) 72–77

with the US and responded to the CS to avoid the US. whereas NO synthase inhibitors impaired memory consoli-
Therefore, it is important to reduce the rate of ITI crossings dation or the process that is normally completed some time
in active avoidance conditioning. In our preliminary study, following the learning experience (Xu et al., 1998). Based on
ITI crossings were not followed by an electrical body shock the goldWsh studies, Experiment 4 in the present study
and ranged from 0 to 496.7% for individual Wsh during employed 10 g of MK-801 and 100 g of L-NAME. Exper-
training. In the series of experiments in this study, ITI iment 4 showed that the percentage of avoidance responses
crossings were immediately followed by a single body shock for control, MK-801, and L-NAME Wsh during testing were
and rates of ITI crossing ranged from 0 to 240% for indi- 71.3, 62.5, and 42.5%, respectively. One MK-801 Wsh had
vidual Wsh. Only 5% of zebraWsh in our preliminary study 0% avoidance response during testing and caused the mean
had low rates of ITI crossings (30% or less) during the last percentage of avoidance responses for the MK-801 group
training session. With the active avoidance paradigm that to be lower than the control group. However, only the
delivered a single body shock following ITI crossings, diVerence between the control and L-NAME groups was
about 50% of zebraWsh in Experiments 1 and 2 had ITI statistically signiWcant. Thus, the present results that post-
crossings of 30% or less during the last training session. training injection of L-NAME signiWcantly impaired retention,
Thus, Experiment 4 used the ITI crossings of 30% during while post-training injection of MK-801 did not, conWrmed
testing as a cut-oV to further reduce the inXuence of ITI the previous results with other vertebrates.
crossings on the results. Learning and memory have been studied in many ani-
Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that zebraWsh mal models. Studies from the fruit Xy, Drosophila and nem-
showed increases in avoidance responses without display- atode, Caenorhabditis elegans, have involved genetic
ing increases in ITI crossings over training sessions. These mutants, allowing for rapid identiWcation of genes involved
results suggested that Wsh learned to associate the CS of in learning and memory (Goodwin et al., 1997; Wen et al.,
light with the US of shock and responded to the light by 1997). Experiments involving Xies and worms require
crossing the barrier to avoid the shock. As about half of Wsh extrapolation from the invertebrates, to the vertebrates,
still have relatively high rates of ITI crossings, it might be and to the human. In contrast, models of learning and
possible that the increases in avoidance responses over memory function in mice and rats require less extrapola-
training sessions resulted from sensitization. That is, tion. However, these organisms are only beginning to
repeated shocks sensitized Wsh and sensitization caused Wsh achieve the genetic background found in the invertebrates.
to respond to the light. Thus, Experiment 3 investigated The zebraWsh represents a potentially useful organism for
whether repeated shocks sensitized Wsh and caused Wsh to studying genes involved in learning and memory function
show an increase in avoidance responses over sessions. in vertebrates, because a number of genetic techniques in
Experiment 3 demonstrated that Wsh that received unpaired zebraWsh have been developed to produce a wide variety of
light and light + shock did not show increases in avoidance genetic mutants (WesterWeld, 1994) and a number of labo-
responses, while Wsh that received paired light and ratories have been working to construct the genome map
light + shock showed increases in avoidance responses over for zebraWsh (Postlethwait et al., 1994). Experiments involv-
training sessions. Therefore, the results suggested that the ing zebraWsh only require extrapolation from the verte-
increase in avoidance responses of Wsh trained in the avoid- brates to the human. The present study showed that
ance conditioning paradigm was not due to sensitization. zebraWsh can learn and remember avoidance responses and
Administration of NMDA receptor antagonist amino- that the involvements of NMDA receptors and NO in
phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) before training, but not learning and memory in zebraWsh are similar to the involve-
after training, impaired retention of fear conditioning in ments of NMDA receptors and NO in learning and mem-
rats (Kim et al., 1991). Administration of the NO synthase ory in other vertebrates. Thus, future studies with zebraWsh
inhibitor nitro-arginine either before or immediately fol- mutants may identify genes involved in learning and mem-
lowing training was reported to impair retention in inhibi- ory in vertebrates.
tory avoidance learning in rats (Bernabeu et al., 1995). Our
previous study with goldWsh showed that although MK-801 Acknowledgments
administered before training was very potent in producing
retention deWcits in avoidance conditioning, it did not This work was supported in part by GVSU Grant-in-aid
impair retention when given immediately following training to Xiaojuan Xu. Authors gratefully acknowledge that
(Xu et al., 1998). In contrast, L-NAME administered before Dr. B. AgranoV at Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
training was not as potent as MK-801 in producing reten- Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109,
tion deWcits. In fact, 10 g of MK-801 given before training USA, provided the automated zebraWsh avoidance set-up
produced a more severe retention deWcit than 100 g for the present study.
of L-NAME given before training in goldWsh. However,
L-NAME produced retention deWcits when given immediately References
following training in goldWsh (Xu et al., 1998). Thus, it was
proposed that NMDA receptor antagonists impaired learn- AgranoV, B. W. (1980). Biochemical events mediating the formation of
ing or the process that is completed during training, short-term and long-term memory. In Y. Tsukada & B. W. AgranoV
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