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Eliminating Hunger in Indonesia

Asked to Fulfill the Final Project of Tahapan Persiapan Bersama Civic Education and English

Arranged by:
Purwa Rama Panji (140610170025)



TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Problem Formulation ..................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 5
2.1 Definition ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Hunger Facts .................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Factor Causing Hunger .................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Role Government to Reduce Hunger in Indonesia ........................................................ 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING .................................................................................................... 8
BIBILIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 9

1.1 Background
From time to time, science is constantly evolving all over the world in the fields of
information technology, industrial technology, energy, health, biology, chemistry, agriculture,
transportation, and so on. Development of science is done to meet the needs of human life is
increasing. All things man endeavored to meet the needs of his life. Nowadays, with the
increasing number of world population, food requirement is very important.
Population growth rates and food availability have a very close relationship. The growth
of the population in a country must be balanced by the increasing availability of food for its
inhabitants. Thomas Robert Malthus (1798) has predicted that the world will face a threat
because of the inadequacy of providing adequate food for its inhabitants. Malthus in his theory
reveals that the increase in food production follows a series of calculations and population
growth follows the geometric progression so that people in the future will experience the threat
of food shortage. So it takes a maximum effort to create a balance between the rate of
population growth and the availability of food.
Likewise the number of Indonesians who jumped quite rapidly should be the
government's attention. Population growth definitely affects food security. A system consisting
of subsystems of availability, distribution, and consumption. Uncontrolled population growth
will be the main trigger for the birth of food issues. One of them is hunger.
According Ikeu Tanziha (2004) Hunger is an inability to meet the needs of food
continuously. In 2002 in Indonesia there were estimated 6% of the population or about 12.6
million people suffering from hunger. One of the 20 Indonesians suffered from hunger (FAO
2005). In order for Indonesia to fulfill its commitment to halve the number of hunger sufferers
by 2015 (FAO 1997, FAO 2005), it should decrease at least 630 thousand people per year
assuming no new hunger incidents.
Hunger is one of the most complex issues in the global world. There are several
countries in different continents still feel this. Hunger is a condition where one can not eat for
long periods of time, so it can cause malnutrition and malnutrition. The cause of famine is
usually due to conflict, poverty, drought, or corruption committed in government. Actually the
problem in the famine is not just no goods that can be consumed but the ability of the poor
purchasing power and the lack of good coordination.Therefore this paper will discuss about
hunger which is a problem that until now has not been resolved well.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the background we have discussed, we can draw a problem formulation that is:
1. What causes hunger to occur in a country?
2. What impacts are caused by the famine occurring in a country?
3. What are the views of Pancasila and the Law on the famine occurring in Indonesia, and
how to overcome them?

1.3 Objectives
The goals to be achieved include:
1. Knowing the definition of hunger.
2. Know the cause of the famine in a country.
3. Knowing the impact of the famine on a country.
4. Knowing the views or perspectives of Pancasila and the Law on the problem of hunger.
5. Getting a solution or a way out of the problem of hunger.

2.1 Definition of Famine
Hunger is a condition where the body still needs food, usually it happens when the
stomach has been empty either intentionally or unintentionally for a long time. Hunger is an
extreme form of normal appetite. This term is generally used to refer to the condition of
malnutrition experienced by a group of people in large numbers for a relatively long period
of time, usually due to poverty, political conflict, and weather drought.
2.2 Hunger Fact
Here are some facts about hunger, namely:
1. Every day approximately 24,000 people die of hunger or hunger-related things. This
number has decreased when compared with ten years ago which ranged around 35,000
and 45,000 for the past twenty years. Three quarters of these deaths are children under
2. Today, 10% of children in developing countries die before they are five years old. This
figure is down 28% from fifty years ago.
3. Famine and war cause only 10% of deaths due to hunger, although this is a common
thing we hear everyday. Most of the deaths due to hunger are caused by chronic
malnutrition resulting from (the condition that) sufferers can not get enough food. This
is caused by extreme poverty.
4. In addition to death, malnutrition also causes damage to the senses of vision, lack of
spirit, slowness of body growth and increased susceptibility to disease. People with
severe malnutrition are powerless to function daily light activities.
5. It is estimated that there are approximately 800 million people suffering from hunger and
malnutrition, 100 times more than those who die from hunger and malnutrition every
6. In essence, it takes only a few basic ingredients to enable the poor to sustainably produce
food. Included in this ingredient are high quality seeds, suitable tools and easy access to
water. Just improvements in farming techniques and how to store food will also help.
7. Many experts in the field of hunger believe that in the end the best way to reduce hunger
is through education. Educated people are the best seeds to improve themselves from the
poverty that causes hunger.

2.3 Factor Causing Hunger
A new report from the World Food Program (WFP) reinforces the hypothesis that human
behavior, as well as drought or natural disasters, could lead to food shortages and hunger.
This happens because the human behavior, especially the treatment of nature and the
environment is directly proportional to the sustainability of the environment. So indirectly
human behavior affects the availability of food that when the amount of available food is
low, it will cause hunger. Drought is also one of the biggest factors that cause hunger to
occur in an area. Because drought can inhibit the growth of other living things such as
animals and plants. So this is related to the availability of food, especially for human
consumption. While natural disasters can cause damage and loss of property including food
so that this can make food supplies become scarce.
2.4 Role Government to Reduce Hunger in Indonesia
Poverty and hunger are very serious problems in Indonesia. In early 2008 there were
elementary school children who committed suicide because of famine in Magetan. Old
pregnant women and their third child died of malnutrition in Makassar. Five NTT people died
from starvation. Three events in February-March 2008 this may not be considered
extraordinary events in Indonesia. Many people are starving in this country, though not many
die then. Nor at the time of death. Though hunger and poverty are very serious events. The
United Nations (UN) in its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) launched in 2000 set the
first of the eight MDGs targets to reduce poverty and hunger (eradicate extreme poverty and
hunger). The achievement of Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia in 2007 was also
not very encouraging. In the Human Development Index released by UNDP (2008) with
indicators such as in education, health and economics, Indonesia is ranked 107th with index of
0.728. Still under Malaysia (belonging to high HDI), Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. Even
Palestine (Occu- pied Palestinian Territory) is still slightly better than Indonesia. In Southeast
Asia, Indonesia is only superior to Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor Leste.
However, it does not mean that the government does not do business to overcome this
problem. The government certainly intervened and tried to solve the problem of hunger because
this problem is also the responsibility of the government as described in Law No. 11 of 2009
which reads "that Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945
mandated the state has a responsibility for protecting the whole Indonesian nation and
promoting the general welfare in the context of realizing social justice for all Indonesians "and
one form of welfare is the liberation of citizens from the problem of hunger and sufficiency in
meeting the needs of clothing, food, and day-to-day boards.

One form of government efforts to overcome the problem of hunger on October 28,
2010 and then, when commemorating the world food day (HPS 2010) at Wisma Amerta
Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai gathered various elements of society consisting of government
agencies, legislative, academia, research institutions , non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), fishermen's unions, peasant unions, women's organizations, religious institutions,
community leaders, indigenous peoples declared the determination of the nickname "The
Declaration of Serdang Bedagai, Together Reducing Food Insecurity, Poverty and Food
Security North Sumatra".

In addition, other efforts of the government in tackling the case of hunger that occurred
in Indonesia also by forming the handling of the poor in 2008, the provision of scholarships,
direct cash assistance (BLT), assistance rural poor society, and others, because in accordance
with the true in Pancasila in particular the second precept which reads "just and civilized
humanity" government and all citizens must support the creation of a just humanity whereby
every human being has the right to a decent life and freed from the fetters of hunger.


Famine has become a worldwide problem and has always existed, but this is not an
excuse to get used to or ignorant because we do not feel it. Especially in Indonesia, we who
embrace the ideology of Pancasila must be able to understand exactly what the content in it so
as to enhance the sense of belonging to fellow Indonesian nation. This can make us aware of
the problem of hunger that is still happening everywhere, and this problem not only be the
responsibility of the government alone, but we also as citizens have responsibility towards
others in the name of humanity and NKRI.

There are many government efforts to overcome the problem of hunger that exists, but
this government effort will not be maximal if there is no support from its citizens in tackling
hunger. Some of the things we can do is to think and feel that everyone is a brother so as to
cultivate a sense of wanting to help, protecting the environment by not destroying it and always
taking care of it so that it can grow a good living environment that can produce adequate food
availability, be honest and obey rules so there is no other person's rights that we violate

NASIONAL INDONESIA acces on 7 January 2018 from
acces on 7 January 2018 from
- Mewa Ariani (2010) - Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan Pokok Mendukung
Swasembada Beras acces on 7 January 2018 from
KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL acces on 7 January 2018 from
- WFP: Konflik dan Kekeringan Penyebab Utama Kelaparan acces on 7 January 2018

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