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1.) What attitudes of Yi Mong- Yong and Chunhyang do you really like?

Are these reflective of the psyche and

temperament of the koreans?

Yi Mong-Yong is a determined person and then Chunyang is a loyal person.Yi Mong-Yong aimed hard too be a man
of high rank while Ch'unhyang choose death so she will not betray her love for Yi Mong-Yong. I think these
characteristics reflect the psyche and temperament of Koreans.

2.) Where the ideas, perceptions or biases that you had believed before that have changed now?

I also learned that you don't need some mottos in life. Yes you can use it but not that much why? because each
one of us is full with ideas and perceptions. They have shown to others but quite so some might have changed the
way they would think of ideas and perceptions.Because of people who have surronded us with misperceptions,
and ideas that gave us more.

3.) How does your perception about koreans change based from what you have learned?

It depends on what have you learned it's either you already know about it or it's your first interaction. It really
depends on human in how will they handle or how will they understand a specific topic or subject.

4.) Do you personally like the psyche and temperament of the koreans? Why?

Based from the literary pieces featured about Koreans in the module, I can say that I like the psyche and
temperament of Koreans in general.

Most of the stories in Korean literature feature the main character's sufferings either through abuse from family,
the government, loneliness, and other forms of struggles. In the end, they were able to surpass and overcome all
the challenges that come their way. They are generally resilient and determined.


The "Tale of Ch'unhyang" is about two lovers who stayed loyal to each other no matter what. Ch'unhyang, the most
beautiful girl in the village captivated the heart of Yi Mong-Yong, the magistrate's son. They fell in love and secretly
married each other. One day, Yi Mong-Yong's father received an order of transfer to Seoul. Because of this Yi Mong-
Yong had to leave Ch'unyhang. He left Ch'unhyang with a ring as a symbol of promise.

The new magistrate was also captivated by Ch'unyhang's beauty but Ch'unhyang stayed true to her promise and did
not agree to stay with the new magistrate even if she was imprisoned.

Three years has passed and when Yi Mong-Yong discovered about Ch'unhyang's condition, he saved him from the
magistrate and they continued their life happily.

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