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Antropologia da cultura material II

Caçadores-coletores e domesticação.

Unidade I
Dos caçadores coletores na Antropologia, Incursão na Ecologia Cultural.

-21/08: Sem aula.

-28/08: Questões Amazonicas

B. Meggers – Environment and Culture in the Amazon Basin: an appraisal of the theory of
environmental determinism, pp 71-89, In Studies in human Ecology.

_______ - Amazonia: Man and Culture in a counterfeit paradise. Tradução em português:

intro, cap 6 e pp 76-87 e 120-152)

Descola – La Nature Domestique, symbolism e praxis dans l’ecologie des achuars, p 221-264
(Contraintes ecologiques et efficacité technique & le monde de Nunkui). Intro /CCl

-04/09: sem aula.

11/09: Suite amazônica:

W. Balée – Foortprints of the forest, cap 8

_______ - Os Indios e a biodiversidade na Amazonia.

_______ & Erickson, C. – Time and complexity in historical ecology

Lenaerts M – Anthropologie des indiens Ashéninka d’Amazonie; nos soeurs Manioc et

l’étranger Jaguar. Cap 2 e ccl : p 35-44 & 261-269.


R. L. Kelly - The Foraging spectrum; Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer lifeways. Cap 1 e 2 pp. 1-

64, Cap 4 pp.111-161.

Lee, R. B & I. Devore - Man the Hunter, Parte I. intro, pp 3-21.


Fim de R. L. Kelly – the foraging spectrum.

C. Panter-Brick; R. H. Layton & P. Rowley-Conwy (org) - Hunter-Gatherers; an

interdisciplinar Perspective. Cap 2 e cap 11: pp12-38 & 292-314.


Ingold, T. The perception of the environment, essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill, Cap 2
(The optimal foragers and economic man), cap 3 (Hunting and gathering as ways of perceiving the
environment) e cap 5 (Making things, growing plants, raising animals and bringing up children), pp
27-60 e pp 77-88.
Unidade II – Arqueologia e a “transição” caçadores-coletores/

Cummings, V. - The anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers; Key themes for archeologists. Cap 1

pp 1-12, (Introduction: can the study of modern hunter-gatherers help us understand the past?) e cap
10 pp 131-140, (conclusion: how the study of modern hunter-gatherers can help us understand the

Finlayson, B. and G. M. Warren. – Changing Natures, hunter-gatherers, first farmers and the
modern world, Intro (pp 13-24) cap 2, who do you think you are?, (pp 45-64).

16/10 –Seminario “percepção praticas”


Price, T. D. & A. B. Gebauer – New perspectives on the transition to agriculture. In Last

Hunter, First Farmer; T.D.Price & A.B.Gebauer (org). cap 1(pp3-20).

Watson, P.J. – Explaining the transition to agriculture. In In Last Hunter, First Farmer;
T.D.Price & A.B.Gebauer (org). cap 2 (pp 21-38).

Hayden, B. – A new overview of domestication. In Last Hunter, First Farmer; T.D.Price &
A.B.Gebauer (org). cap 10 (273-300).


Barker, G. – The agricultural Revolution in prehistory; why did foragers become farmers? Cap
1 (pp 1-40) e 10 (pp 382-414).

Unidade III, antropologia da técnica e domesticação.

06/11 & 13/11

Ingold, T - Hunter, Pastoralim and Rancher. Cap I .

________ - From trust to domination; In The Perception of the Environment, cap 4 pp 61-76.

Sautchuk, C.E. & P. Stoekli- O que é ser humano? Variação sobre a noção de domesticação
em Tim Ingold. Anuario Antropologico 2011-2.

25/11 – A-G. Haudricourt~Domesticação de animais, cultivo das plantas e tratamento do outro.

----------~Nature et culture dans la civilisation de l’igname: l’origine des clones et clans,

l’homme, 1964, 4, 93-104.
Ravis-Giordani, G.~Le troupeau et le clan. In Des bêtes et des hommes. Le rapport à l’animal :
un jeu sur la distance.

Hall, I.~Invitation à suivre les Ignames et les moutons.

27/11 – L’homme n°108, T 28, 1988.

Haudricourt A-G & Dibie, P~Que savons nous des animaux domestiques.

Sigaut, F.~Critique de la notions de domestication.

Digard, J-P.~Jalon pour une anthropologie de la domestication

Marques, J. P.~Sur la nature du nomadisme des steppes eurasiatiques

04/11 –

Erikson, Ph.~De l’ apprivoisement à l’ approvisionement : chasse, alliance et familiarisation

en Amazonie amérindienne.

Descola, Ph.~Pourquoi les Indiens d’Amazonie n’ont pas domestiqué le pécarie ?

Descola, Ph.~Genealogia de objetos e antropologia da objetivação. Horizonte Antropológico,


Digard, J-P.~des animaux dénaturés. (se achar). Ou “pourquoi mange-t-on certains animaux et
pas d’autre”.


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