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People who are dying are morning- the loss of their future, their sense of purpose and their
relationships. “They experience an extreme sense of loss and aloneness,” says Leanne
Skipsey, an expert in Death Literacy, who runs discussion groups for people to meet and talk
about dying and death. The dying person is integrating a whirlpool of emotions: you can
offer support simply by being present and listening. If the person has a long illness, they
may move from feelings of hope for a recovery through to acceptance. The best approach is
to be open, honest and authentic. Skipsey says. “Sometimes the dying person is the only one
who’s honest about the fact they are dying, and everyone else isn’t ready to come to that
realization. It’s really refreshing for a person who is dying to have people around who are
able to be real with them.”
The word “acceptance” in the text means……
A. Agree to take a difficult or unpleasant situation
B. A general agreement that something is satisfactory
C. Agree that someone should be included in a group
D. Be happy because someone is with other people
E. See the state of things as they are rather than imagined.

Jawaban: A. Agree to take a difficult or unpleasant situation

Pembahasan: Arti kata “Acceptance adalah penerimaan/ persetujuan”. Penjelasan lain

mengatakan, Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a
situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable
situation) without attempting to change it or protest it.

2. In writing a journal article, we should follow all the conditions required by the journal to
write the article of interest………. All prospective writers should refer.
A. To which
B. At which
C. From which
D. By which
E. Of which

Jawaban: A. To which

Pembahasan: karena refer collocationnya to…. (Refers to..)

3. In general, World English (WE) has three levels to consider. The inner circle is composed of
native English speaker. The outer circle consists of former colonies of English speaking
countries. The expanding circle includes countries where English has no official use, but is
still used. Fundamentally, ………. It includes Indian English, Ghanaian English, Malaysian
English, etc, that is widely used in business and technical communities without recourse to
the standards of American English.

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The sentence that best completes the blank space is ……..
A. WE is a form of English developed by non-native speakers
B. Non- native speakers of English also communicate in English
C. There are wide areas in which WE is used for communication
D. English is also widely in use in non- English speaking countries
E. People of different nations make use of English in their country.

Jawaban: WE is a form of English developed by non-native speakers

Pembahasan: Dalam statement dituliskan jenis- jenis bahasa Inggris yang dikembangkan
oleh beberapa Negara, disebut dikembangkan karena bahasa Inggris yang mereka
gunakan “Without resource of standard American English.” Walaupun demikian bahasa
yang digunakan tetap menggunakan bahasa Inggris, sehingga dalam wacana di atas
menggunakan kata fundamentally…., Opsi B, C, D dan E merupakan penjelasan ada
paragraph selanjutnya yaitu; nasionality dari para non speakers of English yang ada di
dunia, dan menekankan pada kebangsaan mereka, contoh; Indonesian, Malaysian,
Italian,… sedangkan penjelasan selanjutnya akan menjelaskan tentang area- area, aspek-
aspek, atau bidang- bidang di mana English itu digunakan, contoh politic, business,
medical, etc….

4. Prior knowledge is what a learner already knows and which is available before a certain
learning task. It is thought to be ……….
A. The most important single factor influencing learning
B. Unimportant for students with diverse backgrounds
C. Different from the students’ mainstream knowledge
D. Designed to boost their internal motivation to learn
E. Is unnecessary for brainstorming and pre- reading discussion.

Jawaban: A. The most important single factor influencing learning

Pembahasan: Prior knowledge as the main factor in learning…..Prior knowledge is the

single most important factor in learning! Prior knowledge makes it easier for us to learn
new things because of how our brain works.

5. As a national referral school, we want to ……….. of our school conditions to other schools
that want to learn from us.
A. Leave the field open
B. Keep a straight face
C. Bury the hatchet
D. Show the true colors
E. Take guts


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A. Leave the field open, dan
D. Show the true colors

Pembahasan: (Silahkan teman- teman mempertimbangkan kedua jawaban di atas,

dengan penjelasan di bawah ini)

Leave the field open: Stop competing with someone, making it possible for them to

Keep a straight face: Stop yourself from smiling or laughing.

Bury the hatchet: Stop quarreling (Menghentikan pertengkaran)

Show the true colors: To reveal what really believes, thinks, or wants, or the true nature
or strength of their character.

Take guts: Butuh keberanian

Penjelasan kedua: Show the true colors adalah bersifat terbuka.

6. Although the questions are absurdly difficult. John’s scoring high in the test is ………….
A. Strongly
B. Greatly
C. Highly
D. Likely
E. Really

Jawaban: C. Highly


Greatly refers to quantity

Highly refers to position

Likely and probable are synonyms.

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October 2000

700.000 October 2001







All visitors From North From Westerns From other

America Europe
The decline in tourism to the UK

Based on the data in the graph, it can be assumed that the decline of tourism in the UK is
due to ……….

A. The terrorist attack in America in September 2001

B. The shift of interest from European to Asian destination
C. The safety condition in England after the September attack
D. The impact of the world economic _______ to European countries
E. The travel ban issued by some countries because of radicalism

Jawaban: The terrorist attack in America in September 2001


8. Appropriate curricula and good instruction might not be enough to guarantee success.
Students also need to have a degree of motivation. Motivation produces successful second
language (L2) communicators in that it builds them to have self- reliance.
The underlined part in that it builds them to have self- confidence in the passage may be best
rephrased as………

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A. In leading to their self- esteem
B. By making them self- confident
C. Through their independence
D. In the way of building pride
E. With firm beliefs they hold

Jawaban: By making them self- confident

Pembahasan: making them= build them

9. Ingredients:
150 g dried peaches; 150 g stoned prunes; 2 tablespoons peach schnapps or brandy;200 ml
orange juice, or as needed; 150 ml whipping cream; 160 g plain low- fat yogurt.
- Cut 30 g of the peaches and 30 g of the prunes into small dice.
- Put the fruit into a bowl, pour over the schnapps or brandy and set aside to marinate
- Place the remaining peaches and prunes in 2 separate saucepans and pour 100 ml orange
juice into each
- Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 10 minutes, or until the
fruit is tender
- Puree the peaches and prunes separately in a blender or food processor until smooth,
adding a little extra orange juice if needed.
- Whip the cream in a mixing bowl until thick
- Add the yogurt and whip to mix with the cream
- Layer alternative spoonfuls of the peach puree, prune puree and cream mixture into 4
stemmed glasses, swirling slightly for a marbled effect
- Spoon the marinated fruit on top just before serving
The direct step to do after pureeing the peaches and prunes in a blender is ………
A. Smoothening them thoroughly
B. Adding a little extra orange juice
C. Ticking the cream in a mix bowl
D. Whipping the cream in a mixing bowl
E. Adding yogurt to mix with the cream

Jawaban: B. Adding a little extra orange juice

10. Below are some ways to clean the house in your sleep
- Eliminate wet messes
If your sofa or carpet becomes the victim of an icky, wet mess (say, vomit or urine), mix
a paste of baking soda and water to soak it up. Use a spoon to spread the paste over the
soiled area. Allow to dry overnight, then vacuum in the morning.
- Daschle a kettle

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Limescale can build up from calcium carbonate deposits in water, leading to an off
white, chalky deposit in your kettle. To clean, cut a lemon into large slices, place in the
kettle, and add water. Bring to a boil, then take the kettle off the heat and leave
overnight. The lemon’s citric acid will loosen the limescale.
- Make diamonds sparkie
Quickly polish a diamond ring by filling a bottle cap with Windex, Soak the ring
overnight and dry with a soft cloth in the morning to remove grime and add shine.

The white material that collects inside kettles is commonly called…….

A. Calcium carbonate
B. Chalky deposit
C. Limescale
D. Citric acid
E. White mess

Jawaban: C. Limescale


11. English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) refers to the use of English between people who do not
share the same first language ………. ELF is not of formal use as it happens with English as
a foreign language (EFL) that aims at meeting native speaker norms.
The sentence that best completes the blank space is …………
A. Interculturally, people use English as a means of interaction
B. ELF deals with functional use in intercultural communication
C. ELF has played a functional role in intercultural community
D. ELF differs significantly from English as a foreign language
E. With ELF, people of different cultures also speak English.

Jawaban: ELF deals with functional use in intercultural communication

Pembahasan: ELF is also “defined functionally by its use in intercultural communication

rather than formally by its reference to native- speaker norms.”

12. Young children learn differently from adults in the following ways EXCEPT……
A. They respond to meaning even if they do not understand individual words
B. They learn indirectly by taking in information from everything around them
C. They have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher
D. They negatively respond to learning that uses themselves as main topics
E. They are keen to talk about themselves rather than others.

Jawaban: D. They negatively respond to learning that uses themselves as main topics

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Pembahasan: anak- anak akan merasa senang jika dijadikan model dalam kelas.

Levels Description

0- 0.9 Unable to function in the spoken language

1- 1.9 Able to satisfy minimum requirements and maintain very simple


2- 2.9 Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work


3- 3.9 Able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and
vocabulary to participate in informal conversation

4- 5.0 Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all levels of
pertinent to professional needs.

The list of scoring categories is most suitable for testing the students’………..
A. Aloud reading
B. Oral proficiency
C. Natural intonation
D. Speaking achievement
E. Interpersonal communication

Jawaban: D. Speaking achievement


14. Green building refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource efficient throughout a building’s life cycle; from
planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This
requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all
project stages. The green building practice expands and complements the classical building
design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and corn fort. LEED is a set of rating
systems for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings which
was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.

The word “Demolition” in the passage most nearly means……….

A. Destruction of a building to use the land for something else
B. Putting together different parts of a building to form a whole

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C. Maintenance of a building to keep in existence of something
D. Repairmen to improve something, especially a building
E. Effort to change something to gets better or make it better.

Jawaban: Destruction of a building to use the land for something else

Pembahasan: Demolition adalah pembongkaran. Synonyms of demolition; desolation,

decimation, destruction, etc…

15. Contemporary, modern- build, 2 bedroom flat located in Ferry Gait Crescent, a quiet,
residential setting just off Ferry Road and moments from Silverknowes. There are excellent
transport links available around the City via Ferry Road and Queensferry Road. The local
area also offers a wide range of amenities including shops, primary and high schools, and
the Western General Hospital is just a short drive away.
The bright, 1st floor property is part of a charming new- build development and is available
furnished, comprising: Extremely attractive, bright, open- plan living/kitchen area with twin
windows and stylish leather sofas; modern kitchen comprises selection of white goods,
laminate flooring and breakfast bar.
The text informs us about…….
A. A flat close to transport links around the City
B. A town house with attractive open- plan kitchen
C. Two- bedroom flat in a quiet residential setting
D. A luxurious apartment with a wide range of amenities
E. An apartment close to schools and the general hospital

Jawaban: A luxurious apartment with a wide range of amenities

Pembahasan: Opsi D mewakili penjelasan pada wacana di atas.

16. A delicious treat, chocolate is a great feel- good food.

Ingredients: 200 g dark chocolate (70 percent coca); 1 ¾ cups ready- made custard, at room
temperature; 1 tablespoon brandy or other liqueur; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 30 g white
chocolate, finely grated.
- Chili 6 drinking glasses. Melt the dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan
of gently simmering water. Stir until melted and smooth, about 3 minutes.
- Pour in about one- third of the custard and stir lightly. The chocolate will begin to
thicken and become glossy. Don’t overmix- a couple of large scooping stirs are enough.
Pour in the remaining custard and stir to combine with the chocolate. Stir in the brandy.
The mixture will thicken as the chocolate cools. Spoon into the chilled glasses and place
in the freezer to chili for 20 minutes, or until set.
- Whip the cream until it holds its shape. Stir in white chocolate. Spoon into the glasses
and serve immediately.

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TIP: Dark chocolate with 70 per cent cocoa content gives a deep, rich flavor.
The word “Glossy” in the passage most nearly means……..
A. Of high quality
B. Looking attractive
C. Smooth and shiny
D. Shiny and expensive
E. Of low temperature

Jawaban: Smooth and shiny

Pembahasan: Glossy adalah “shiny and smooth.”

17. After presenting the language, the teacher needs to set a practice activity that allows students
to use the language they have just studied. This should be done as soon as possible in order
A. Consolidate learning
B. Skip controlled practice
C. Change the topic for the day
D. Move directly to free practice
E. Review the new language briefly

Jawaban: A. Consolidate learning

Pembahasan: Consolidate learning (Pembelajaran Terpadu), Consolidation is a lesson

stage where new material is reviewed, and hopefully learning is reinforced. It normally
occurs at the end of the lesson.

18. Each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder differs from every other, and so general
descriptions of autistic behavior and characteristics do not apply equally to every child, still,
the common impairments in social interaction, communication and imagination, and rigid,
repetitive behaviors make it possible to recognize children with these disorders, as they
differ markedly from healthy children. Many parents of autistic children sense that
something is not quite right even when their children are infants. The infants may have
feeding problems, dislike being changed or bathed, or fuss over any change in routine. They
may hold their bodies rigid, making it difficult for parents to cuddle them. Or, they may fail
to anticipate being lifted, lying passively while the parent reaches for them.
It can be inferred from the text that………
A. Parents are often unaware that their children are autistic
B. Autistic behavior is a serious aliment among children
C. Infants having feeding problems suffer from autism
D. There are a lot of ways to identify autistic behaviors
E. Parents need to cuddle children suffering from autism

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19. All teachers can think of a situation in which certain motivated students do significantly
better than their peers; students frequently succeed in what appear to be unfavorable
conditions; they succeed despite using methods which experienced facilitators consider
The underlined part do significantly better in the passage may be best rephrased as…..
A. Find it much easier to learn
B. Are much more successful
C. Perform more considerably
D. Learn much more easily
E. ….
20. ELT curriculum is developed through a number of steps. Selecting the activities is a step that
is focused upon the following information EXCEPT…..
A. Provision for integration
B. Unification of the curriculum
C. Provision for a variety of learning modes
D. Evaluating the curriculum once in a while
E. Consideration about the teachers’ backgrounds

Jawaban: Consideration about the teachers’ backgrounds


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