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Austin Dunham D.I.

Y Nutrition Advice

Step Calculate how many calories to eat in a day here:


Basic Tips to Follow for Diet Success

It’s all about CALORIE INTAKE!

Track calories using free app “MyFitnessPal”
Get 0.8-1 grams of protein per lb. of bodyweight for muscle building

and preserving muscle.

Don’t skip healthy fats! (Natural PB, Nuts, Fish)

Water/Low Fat Milk/Sports Drinks/Diet Soda ONLY! (Avoid drinking


Try to drink a gallon of water a day! Hydration = Happy Muscles

Avoid processed food like chips, candy, soda, microwave meals

Eat Whole, NATURAL FOODS! (Whole grain, 100% wheat, lean meats,

Austin Dunham D.I.Y Nutrition Advice

Eat small portions but greater frequency in the day to avoid hunger

binges (6 small meals every 3 hours)

Intermittent fasting (great tool for fat loss) more info. Here:

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