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MCQs on Dispersion of Light Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Refractive index of water is

1. 0.33
2. 0.5
3. 1.5
4. 1.33

Answer D

MCQ: If light enters any substance with refractive index, it is

1. perpendicular
2. at a certain angle
3. parallel
4. at critical angle

Answer C

MCQ: Thin flexible glass rods to transfer data from one region to another
are known as

1. glass cables
2. reflection fibers
3. optical fibers
4. copper fibers

Answer C

MCQ: When light bends, it

1. causes tricks in the air

2. causes tricks on our eyes
3. causes tricks on our brain
4. damages our eyes

Answer B

MCQ: Concave lens is also known as

1. converging lens
2. diverging lens
3. dispersing lens
4. conducting lens
Answer B

MCQs on Human Transport System Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Heart is also called

1. muscular pump
2. pumping device
3. pumping machine
4. pumping muscle

Answer A

MCQ: Walls of left ventricle are thicker than walls of right ventricle because

1. it has to pump blood to the whole body

2. it has to pump the blood to lungs
3. blood reaches this ventricle in huge amount
4. blood reaches this ventricle with extra pressure

Answer A

MCQ: Vessel which takes blood from heart to lungs, is known as

1. renal artery
2. pulmonary artery
3. renal vein
4. pulmonary vein

Answer B

MCQ: Tiny vessels link up and form a

1. artery
2. vein
3. capillary
4. nerve

Answer B

MCQ: Clot of blood formed in blood vessel is known as

1. hemophilia
2. anemia
3. thrombosis
4. varicose vein

Answer C

MCQs on Atoms and Atom Model Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: To find out number of neutrons in an atom, we need to know the

1. atomic number
2. proton number
3. electron number
4. mass number

Answer D

MCQ: Attraction of two ions due to opposite charge is known as

1. ionic bonding
2. covalent bonding
3. metallic bonding
4. dative bonding

Answer A

MCQ: To trace path of phosphorus, isotope of phosphorus which is added

to fertilizers, is

1. Phosphorus-31
2. Phosphorus-32
3. Phosphorus-33
4. Phosphorus-34

Answer B

MCQ: If mass of protons and neutrons is 1, then mass of electron is

1. 2
2. 2-Jan
3. 4-Jan
4. 1/1890

Answer D

MCQ: Name of physicist who discovered nucleus of atom was

1. Democritus
2. John Dalton
3. Ernest Rutherford
4. Vander Waals

Answer C

MCQs on Reproduction in Plants Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Wind pollinated flowers hangs

1. upwards
2. downwards
3. left
4. right

Answer B

MCQ: When ovule and nucleus of pollen grain are joined together, we say
that ovule is

1. pollinated
2. reproduced
3. fertilized
4. infected

Answer C

MCQ: In most species of plants, food is stored in

1. radicle
2. plumule
3. cotyledon
4. zygote

Answer C

MCQ: Egg in carpel is known as

1. stigma
2. style
3. ovary
4. ovule

Answer D
MCQ: Only those plants and animals will remain on earth that

1. grow
2. eat
3. reproduce
4. sleep

Answer C

MCQs on Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Gases are compressible because of

1. space between particles

2. collision of particles
3. movement of particles
4. attraction force between particles

Answer A

MCQ: Number of gases joined together to make PVC is

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5

Answer A

MCQ: As compare to gases, liquids are

1. incompressible
2. compressible
3. more compressible than liquids
4. less compressible than liquids

Answer A

MCQ: Bakelite is a good

1. conductor
2. insulator
3. metal
4. solid
Answer B

MCQ: When gases are heated, they

1. expand more than solids but less than liquids

2. expand more than liquids but less than solids
3. do not expand
4. both b and c

Answer D

MCQ: Fluoride is also added to water, which helps in preventing

1. infection
2. sickness
3. fever
4. tooth decay

Answer D

MCQ: Tanks that supply water to towns are built at

1. roofs of buildings
2. high towers
3. town level
4. high lands

Answer B

MCQ: Polar ice caps are found near the

1. East and West poles

2. East and North poles
3. North and South poles
4. West and South poles

Answer C

MCQ: Oil can be poison for

1. insect's life
2. aquatic life
3. animal's life
4. human life

Answer B
MCQ: Largest ocean on earth is

1. Pacific Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Antarctic Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean

Answer A

MCQs on Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Steel cans are made of

1. lead
2. tinplate
3. tungsten
4. cobalt

Answer B

MCQ: Pure piece of metal which is used to be plated, is made the

1. anode
2. cathode
3. nematode
4. posit rode

Answer A

MCQ: To make coil keep rotating, current is reversed after every half turn
by a device called

1. brush
2. commutator
3. mutator
4. carbon spring

Answer B

MCQ: Charge flowing in wire when we turn light on, is

1. positive ions
2. negative ions
3. electrons
4. protons
Answer C

MCQ: Miniature circuit breaker is a small

1. fuse
2. magnetic switch
3. electromagnetic switch
4. two way switch

Answer C

MCQs on Investigating Space Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: In a reflecting telescope, a large concave mirror bounces all light

coming through the

1. sky
2. sun
3. telescope barrel
4. telescope tip

Answer C

MCQ: Red supergiants are

1. cooler
2. hotter
3. normal
4. hot or cold

Answer A

MCQ: World's largest reflecting telescope is situated in

1. Maldives
2. Canary Islands
3. Cyprus
4. Denmark

Answer B

MCQ: World's largest telescope is situated in

1. Western Australia
2. Russia
3. China
4. Puerto Rico

Answer D

MCQ: Name of American space probe is

1. Ulysses
2. Helios A
3. Helios B
4. Genesis

Answer A

MCQs on Feeding Relationships and Environment Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Other link in a food chain besides producer is known as

1. consumer
2. scavenger
3. decomposer
4. all of them

Answer A

MCQ: Small creatures that breakdown decayed matter into further smaller
pieces are called

1. scavengers
2. detritivores
3. primary consumers
4. primary producers

Answer B

MCQ: Two correct examples of a habitat are

1. streams and caves

2. Ponds and deserts
3. Water and air
4. Grass and den

Answer A

MCQ: White coat of polar bears helps them to

1. camouflage
2. look big
3. dry faster
4. stay healthy

Answer A

MCQ: To make sure that animals could get enough of what they need to
survive, they have to

1. compete
2. survive
3. reproduce
4. grow bigger

Answer A

MCQs on Atoms Molecules and Ions Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Chloride ion has number of protons

1. 17
2. 18
3. 24
4. 34

Answer A

MCQ: Smaller particles in an atom are called

1. atomic particles
2. subatomic particles
3. smaller particles
4. neutral particles

Answer B

MCQ: Chemical symbol represents

1. chemical formula
2. molecular formula
3. structural formula
4. atomic formula

Answer A
MCQ: Number of protons in a 'carbon' atom is

1. 6
2. 11
3. 12
4. 10

Answer A

MCQ: A modern model of an atom shows that electrons are present

outside nucleus in region of high

1. probability
2. velocity
3. speed
4. energy level

Answer A

MCQs on Simple Chemical Reactions Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Chalk, limestone, marble, eggshells and seashells are made of

1. calcium hydroxide
2. calcium oxide
3. calcium carbonate
4. calcium chloride

Answer C

MCQ: Conservation of mass is obtained when total mass of reactants is

equal to total mass of

1. products
2. molecules
3. protons
4. atoms

Answer A

MCQ: Chemical changes are

1. reversible
2. irreversible
3. interchangeable
4. non interchangeable

Answer B

MCQ: If baking soda or fruit salt is mixed with vinegar, there takes place a

1. chemical reaction
2. physical reaction
3. transference
4. both a and b

Answer A

MCQ: Burning of fossils fuel results in production of

1. bio gas
2. oxygen
3. carbon dioxide
4. nitrogen

Answer C

MCQs on Solar System Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Due to less concentrated energy, regions that are away from equator
do not have much

1. warmth
2. saltish water
3. seasonal cycle
4. wet lands

Answer B

MCQ: Regions close to equator round year experience

1. warmth
2. cold
3. mild
4. snow

Answer A

MCQ: Planets are non luminous and revolve around sun in elliptical
1. orbit
2. axis
3. path
4. circle

Answer A

MCQ: Phases of appearance of moon are caused by movement of moon

around the

1. sun
2. earth
3. planets
4. stars

Answer B

MCQ: Light of Proxima Centauri reaches earth in

1. 4 years
2. 4.2 years
3. 2 years
4. 365 days

Answer B

MCQs on Mixtures Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: When salt is mixed into water it becomes

1. element
2. compound
3. mixture
4. solute

Answer B

MCQ: Alloys include

1. steel
2. brass
3. bronze
4. all of them

Answer D
MCQ: Point at which solid substance changes into liquid state, is called

1. melting point
2. boiling point
3. power point
4. complex point

Answer A

MCQ: Techniques which help to separate mixtures, involve

1. filtration
2. distillation
3. chromatography
4. all of them

Answer D

MCQ: In clean air, percentage of oxygen is

1. 0.07
2. 0.1
3. 0.15
4. 0.17


MCQs on Digestive System Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Enzymes that digest fats are known as

1. lipase
2. trypsin
3. maltase
4. fatase

Answer A

MCQ: After processing of food in stomach, it moves into

1. large intestine
2. small Intestine
3. rectum
4. anus
Answer B

MCQ: Enzyme which is formed in mouth, is known as

1. starch
2. amylase
3. lipase
4. insulin

Answer B

MCQ: Mechanical breakdown of food is due to

1. hydrochloric acid
2. pepsin
3. chewing
4. peristalsis

Answer C

MCQ: Everything we eat is made up of

1. fruits
2. vegetables
3. nutrients
4. molecules

Answer D

MCQs on Heat Transfer Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Stopper is made up of

1. metal
2. transition metal
3. good insulator of heat
4. poor insulator of heat

Answer C

MCQ: Majority of people wear white or light colored clothes in summer,

because light colors

1. s
2. reflect less heat
3. reflect more heat
4. transfer less heat

Answer C

MCQ: "Thermos" was invented by a

1. French scientist
2. Spanish scientist
3. American scientist
4. Scottish scientist

Answer D

MCQ: Fire fighters use thermal image cameras to identify

1. the spread of fire

2. the source of fire
3. the heat released by fire
4. the temperature of fire

Answer B

MCQ: Like light and heat, radio waves can also travel through

1. water
2. solids
3. sand
4. vacuum

Answer D

MCQs on Particle Model of Matter Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: "Atomos" is a Greek word which means

1. small
2. indivisible
3. invisible
4. large

Answer B

MCQ: Movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an

area of lower concentration is called
1. osmosis
2. diffusion
3. Brownian motion
4. parallel motion

Answer B

MCQ: Who suggested that atomos were eternal and could not be

1. Democritus
2. Aristotle
3. Robert brown
4. Albert Einstein

Answer A

MCQ: Density of a substance is total mass of a unit. It is called

1. weight
2. volume
3. gravity
4. force

Answer B

MCQ: An advance microscope which allows us to see tiny discreet articles

in matter is called

1. simple microscope
2. compound microscope
3. electron microscope
4. scanning tunneling microscope

Answer D

MCQs on Energy Resources Science Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Fossil fuels are rich in carbon and

1. nitrogen
2. hydrogen
3. nitrogen
4. oxygen
Answer B

MCQ: Thousands of mirrors or curved metals are used to focus solar

energy to make it very hot, in

1. solar cells
2. solar heater
3. solar furnace
4. solar battery

Answer C

MCQ: Wind is beneficial resource of energy as it doesn't cause

1. pollution
2. echo
3. noise
4. sound

Answer A

MCQ: Hot water or steam carrying geothermal energy often comes up to

surface in

1. New Zealand
2. Ice land
3. Germany
4. both a and b

Answer D

MCQ: Fossils fuel is an important source of energy for

1. transport
2. homes
3. industries
4. all of them

Answer D

MCQs on Forces Effects Worksheets 1 PDF Book Download

MCQ: Force of friction can be reduced by help of

1. ball bearing
2. lubricants
3. cushion surfaces
4. all of them

Answer D

MCQ: A force which occurs when two surfaces come in contact and slows
down motion while acting in

1. opposite direction
2. same direction
3. same and opposite direction
4. both a and b

Answer C

MCQ: Force can

1. speed up
2. slow down
3. stop an object
4. all of them

Answer D

MCQ: Friction between moving parts of machine causes

1. heat
2. light
3. energy
4. oil

Answer A

MCQ: When upthrust is equal to weight of an object, it

1. floats
2. sinks
3. moves
4. stops

Answer A

MCQ: Mass of a substance per unit of volume is called its

1. weight
2. density
3. volume
4. gravity

Answer B

MCQ: There will be a great distance in stopping a vehicle which is moving

1. slowly
2. steady
3. fast
4. continuously

Answer C

MCQ: Relationship between force, mass and acceleration is

1. F=ma
2. F=m-a
3. F=m/a
4. F=a/m

Answer A

MCQ: In order to reduce air and water resistance, objects are shaped in

1. streamline
2. oblongata
3. rectangular
4. conical

Answer A

MCQ: A substance will float on surface of water if its density is less than

1. liquid
2. gas
3. both a and b
4. aqueous

Answer C

MCQ: Upward push acting on object which is immersed in liquid or gas

partially or totally, is called

1. gravity
2. mass
3. weight
4. upthrust

Answer D

MCQ: We write on a board with chalk without slipping on floor is due to

presence of

1. gravity
2. friction
3. pull
4. push

Answer B

MCQ: Force of attraction between two masses is called

1. gravitational force
2. friction
3. pull
4. push

Answer A

MCQ: Earth pulls object towards center, causing it to fall

1. in the center
2. on the ground
3. on the polls
4. on the floor

Answer A

MCQ: Dead sea is full of

1. sand
2. salt
3. minerals
4. shells

Answer B

MCQ: Density has 'SI' unit which is

1. kilogram per cubic meter

2. gram per cubic meter
3. meter per kilogram
4. meter per cubic meter

Answer A

MCQ: In systemic diagram, force can be represented by an

1. arrow
2. plus
3. dot
4. star

Answer A

MCQ: Shapes and sizes of objects can be changed by help of

1. force
2. energy
3. heat
4. light

Answer A

MCQ: If an object is at rest, forces acting on it, are

1. balanced
2. unequal
3. higher
4. lower

Answer A

MCQ: A frictional force acting on an object when it moves through air is


1. air resistance
2. water resistance
3. air pressure
4. air condensation

Answer A

MCQ: A force which opposes motion is known as

1. friction
2. gravity
3. pull
4. push

Answer A

MCQ: Force can be measured by help of

1. foci meter
2. spring balance
3. pane balance
4. both a and b

Answer D

MCQ: Force can make a stationary object to

1. move
2. rotate
3. spin
4. still

Answer A

MCQ: Forces can easily change the

1. direction of an object
2. gravity of an object
3. density of an object
4. volume of an object

Answer A

MCQ: Gravitational force which acts on a body, is called

1. mass
2. weight
3. size
4. load

Answer B

MCQ: Forces cancel each other's effect if their size is

1. equal
2. unequal
3. same
4. all of them

Answer A

MCQ: 'SI' unit of force is

1. watt
2. joule
3. newton
4. kilogram

Answer C

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