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Ton Duc Trung B1606245

The process of milk production

The process of milk production is illustrated in the diagram. As can be seen, the whole
process is fairly complicated and can be divided into several important stages from
collecting milk to packaging the final product.

The process begins with taking the milk from the cows in a large farm. Fresh milk from
those cows is collected by a milking machine twice a day, before being stored in
refrigerators. At this point, tankers deliver refrigerated milk to Dairy where cheese,
cream and butter are manufactured. It can be seen that those additional products are
also made from cow milk. During the pasteurization step, milk is heated under high
temperature and cooled to kill all harmful bacteria. After the liquid milk is pasteurized
and packaged it is delivered to supermarkets and shops where it is displayed for sale.

It can be seen clearly from the diagram that the whole process described is not simple at

The process of hiring

The hiring process of a company is depicted in the flow chart. As can be seen, the whole
process, which is fairly complicated, can be divided into several important stages.

The process commences with the applicants submitting their resume to the company.
After that, the employer's assistant will read the resume and select whether the
candidate's qualifications are compatible. If the applicants are less suitable to the
position, they will be rejected and vice versa. If the applicants fit to the position, the
assistant will accept their resume. At this point, the employer read through the
candidate's resume. Similar to the prior process, the employer will be accepting the
compatible candidates for the position. After the employer decides their candidates,
then they will ask them to interview. This is the last step throughout the process. The
successful interview candidates are hired to fill the job, while those who fail, will not be

It can be seen clearly from the diagram that the whole process described is not simple at

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