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Academic Self-Concept Scale (Marsh 1990; 1993)

Description: This scale was designed to measure youth’s perception of their

competence in English and mathematics. These competencies are considered
critical to youth’s performance in school.
Ages: 10-18 (Grades 5-12).
Reliability: Alpha scores are .85 for English and .88 for Math.
Number of Items: 4 in each subscale.
Scoring Procedures: Responses are in a 6-point Likert scale format, ranging
from 1= False to 6= True. Reverse coding is necessary. In both the English
and Math scales, item 4 is reverse scored. The scores are summed for a total
score. Higher scores indicate higher competence.
Permission: Not needed for use of this scale.
Circle the response that best shows how true or false each statement is for you.
False Mostly.False. .More False.than True.More True.than False.Mostly True. True

1. Mathematics is not on of my best subjects.
2. I have always done well in mathematics.
3. I get good marks in mathematics.
4. I do badly in mathematics.

1. I learn things quickly in English class.
2. English is one of my best subjects.
3. I get good marks in English.
4. I am hopeless in English classes.

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