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Course Title: Fundamentals of General Chemistry I

Credit: 3 units (3 lecture hours)
Prerequisite: Math11/Math17

General Objectives:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Know chemical concepts and principles about matter
2. Understand chemical concepts and principles about matter
3. Apply chemical concepts and principles about matter

I. Atomic Structure
A. Development of the different atomic models
B. The subatomic particles
C. Quantum mechanical model and quantum numbers
D. The Periodic table
1. Periodicity of properties
II. The Chemical Bond
A. Ionic or electrovalent bond
B. The covalent bond
1. Theories on covalent bonds
1.1. Valence Bond Theory
1.2. Molecular Orbital Theory
2. Properties of covalent bonds
First Departmental Exam
III. Changes in Matter
A. Nuclear changes
1. Nuclear versus chemical reactions
2. Types of radiation
3. Types of nuclear change
4. Radioactive disintegration
B. Chemical changes
1. Quantitative relations involving formulas and equations
a. Mole Concept
b. Empirical and molecular formula
c. Stoichiometry and balanced chemical equations - %yield, %purity, limiting reactant
IV. Phases of Matter
A. Intermolecular forces
B. Comparative descriptions of the states of matter
C. Phase changes and phase diagrams
D. The Gaseous State
1. The Kinetic Molecular Theory
2. Ideal gas laws
3. Real versus ideal gases – van der Waals’ equation of state
4. Gas mixtures – Dalton’s Law, Amagat’s Law
E. The Liquid State – Properties of liquids
F. The Solid State
1. Types of Solid
2. Properties of Solid
Second Departmental Exam
V. Solutions
A. The dissolution process
B. Factors affecting solubility
C. Types of solutions
D. Ideal versus non-ideal solutions: vapor pressure of solutions of completely miscible liquids
E. Concentration
1. Methods of expressing concentration
2. Dilution
F. Properties of solutions
1. Electrolytes and nonelectrolytes
2. Colligative Properties
Third Departmental Exam
VI. Chemical Thermodynamics
A. Basic Concepts
B. First Law of Thermodynamics
1. Heats of reaction: Heats of formation, Hess’ Law
C. Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
1. Entropy
2. Gibb’s free energy
VII. Chemical Kinetics
A. Theories on reaction rates
B. Factors affecting rates of reactions
VIII. Chemical Equilibrium
A. Molecular Equilibrium
1. Kinetic approach to equilibrium
2. Theromdynamic approach to equilibrium
3. Factors affecting equilibrium
B. Ionic equilibrium
1. Ionization of strong and weak electrolytes
2. pH and pOH
3. Hydrolysis – Concept
4. Neutralization and titration
Fourth Departmental Exam


Class Standing
Departmental Examinations 80%
Non – departmental 20%
Quizzes, Recitation, Assignments/Problem Sets
Final Exam 1/3

A student may be exempted from taking the final exam provided all of the following conditions
are met:
1. all major exams are taken
2. no grade lower than 40% in any of the major exams
3. a class standing of 60% or better
Any student who failed to take a major exam due to illness may be excused upon presentation of
a medical certificate issued by the UP Health Service. The final exam may then be substituted for the missed
exam. This can be done for ONLY one exam.
All forms of cheating merits a grade of 5.0 for the course. A student who is found guilty of
cheating will not be allowed to drop the course in order to avoid getting a grade of 5.0

90-100 1.00 60-64 2.50
85-89 1.25 55-59 2.75
80-84 1.50 50-54 3.00
75-79 1.75 40-49 4.00
70-74 2.00 Below 40 5.00
65-69 2.25

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