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Godam Ardianto, Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

University of Brawijaya, November 2019. Controlling the Speed and Position of Three –
Omni Wheels as an Eight – Way Color Selction using a PID Controller. Academic
Supervisor: Rahmadwati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. and Dr. Erni Yudaningtyas, M.T.

Industrial goods on the selection process carried out at the end the object to select according
to the color. Sorting done manually using human resources has begun to be abandoned, this
sorting system is inefficient, has a high error rate and takes a long time. Omni three-wheel
sorter is one of the mechanisms used in industry when large-capacity item selection is
needed to be more efficient and reduce the error rate in the selection process. Item selection is
driven by three DC motors by laying the angle each DC motor by 120 degrees, speed and
direction of rotating DC motors are read by rotating encoder sensors installed in each DC
motor, conveyors are used to move goods to the selection system and the final place after the
selection process, and the color of the items are read by color sensors so that the entire
selection process can run automaticly. The invers kinematic is used to change the angular
speed of selected items into the rotational speed of the three-wheeled omni. The controller
method used to set the direction of goods in the selection process using PID controller.
Determination of Kp, Ki, Kd controllers were calculated using the Ziegler-Nichols method
and the controller parameter values are obtained Kp = ... , Ki = ... , and Kd = ... . After testing
the system, the settling time for the no load test is obtained ... seconds, ... seconds for loaded
test, the value of error steady state is less than ... %, and for overshoot is less than ... %.

Key words : DC Motor, PID Controller, Ziegler-Nichols, invers kinematic, item


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