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Social Mixer or community dance creates opportunities and experiences for people regardless of their

place of origin, age, gender, sexuality, race, disability, educational attainment, or economics status.
Social mixers allow participants to meet and interact with different partners allow beginners to dance,
with more advanced dancers.

Some examples of social mixers are polka dances, square, circle, and line dances. Polka steps are used in
square and circle dances while line dances use walking steps and other variety of hopping steps

1. Square dance- a dance by couples wherein the performances creates the form of a square with one
couple on each side.

2. Circle dance or chain dance- a style of dance in a circle or semi-circle to a certain music. Its steps
consist of holding each other’s hands while dancers move as a unit.

3. Line dance- a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group dance in one
or more lines or rows without regard for the gender of the individuals. They are all facing the same
direction towards the four walls of the room or hall.

A. Line Dancing

The basic step used is step, close, step, close, close (1, 2, 3, 4 ) alternately to the right and left.

1. Your class will in 4 lines.

2. Start with the basic step ( 4 sets facing the 4 walls of the room ) then continue with the suggested
steps band movements as follows

a. Step, close, step, close to the right

Step, close, step, close to the left

Do four body twist ( 1, 2, 3, 4)

b. Step , close, step, close to the right

step, close, step, close to the left

do 2 points forward , 2 points sideward, 2 points backward (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 ) and close

c. Step, close, step, close to the right

Step, close, step, close to the left

Do 3 steps backward beginning with the right (1, 2, 3)

Do a heel step and point step

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