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Online Education

The popularity of online schools are on the rise. They’ve existed in the college world for
quite a while and have faced little controversy there. Mainstream online K-12 education,
however, is relatively new, but growing fast.
Currently, millions of children take some or all of their classes online. That’s not even
including the hundred thousands of adults who take online high school classes. States have even
adjusted their education budgets to meet the needs of young students wishing to take classes
Many states will pay all of the online education costs for K-12 students. But with the
blossoming popularity, there’s bound to be some detractors.
Some educators don’t like online high schools because they remove face to face
interaction. Others believe that students won’t develop the proper social skills if they attend an
online high school.
The truth is, many people who decide to attend online high school already have a busy
life outside of school, filled with many friends and face to face interactions with a wide variety
of people. As for teacher interaction, your teacher is always there to connect with whenever you
need them.
Online schools have been set up to allow students to study and pursue their
academic goals without having to be physical present in a campus. This mode
of education is more convenient, affordable, and effective.
To make a brighter future for students with just studying online so that they will
accomplish everything without even having physical contact with others

Online education is one of the leading modes of acquiring education at post secondary
level. The main aim of online education is to help students earn higher education no matter
where they are located. The key benefits of online education are low costs, no traveling required,
self-paced coursework, and time flexibility.
Our marketing team will advertise in the internet and distribute fliers with information
about our online school to attract students or adults to enter our school. There will be a specific
website that they need to sign up to enroll our school. After enrolling, they can take up any class
they want anytime they want. Each students will have their own personal teachers so that they
can be assisted well. In just a year or less, they can graduate and earn a certificate to show that
they fully accomplished the requirements to graduate.

This project will spend atleast P500,000 in order to start an online school including the
taxes from different departments, advertising and web creating.

Facebook Page: Online Schooling
Contact #:09662649258

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