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Comparative and Superlative 507



 The adjective finish with “ER”

 And if it is a long one you write “MORE” before the adjective


 The adjective finish with “EST”

 And if it is a long one, you write “MOST” before the adjective.

List of some Adjectives:

High Populated

Short Long

Small Large

Big Cold

Tall Hot

Ugly Safe

Delicious Old

Expensive Fast

Dangerous Interesting

Important TO REMEMBER:

Beautiful GOOD: Better in COMPARATIVE/ the Best in


Boring BAD: Worse in COMPARATIVE/ the Worst in






Comparative and Superlative 507

1-Compare using the adjectives given:

a- “Paper Town” is _____________ than “If I stay”. (interesting)

b- Lays are____________ than Pringles. (delicious)
c- Tucuman is _____________ than La Rioja. (small)
d- USA is ______________ than Uruguay. (big)
e- China is ______________ than Japan. (populated)
f- My friend is ____________ at English than me. (good)
g- Going to the cinema is ___________ than going to a theater. (Funny)
h- Ride a bicycle is ___________ than drive a car. (easy)

2-Complete using the superlative form:

a- People say that Messi is _____________ football player. (good)

b- Everest is ____________ Mountain in the world. (high)
c- “Harry Potter” is _____________ book that I read. (interesting)
d- IPhones are _______________ smart phones (expensive)
e- Math is _______________ subject at school. (difficult)
f- I am _______________ at sports. (bad)
g- Buenos Aires city is _____________ place that I visited. (beautiful)
h- History is ____________ subject at school. (boring)

3-Complete the questions:

a- Which is the______________ person in your family? (tall)

b- Which is the______________ way to travel? (fast)
c- Which is the______________ place you have ever been to? (beautiful)
d- Which is the______________ person you know? (boring)
e- Which is the_____________________________?

4- Compare:

a- History/ Math.
b- A car/ a bike.
c- Live alone/ live with a friend.
d- My brother/ me or I.
e- My hair/ your hair.

5-Look at the tables. Then write comparatives and superlatives sentences.

Price Comfort

Samsung S8 $21,000 Royal Hotel ***

IPhone 7 $37,000 Hilton Hotel *****

LG G6 $16,000 Bluebird Hotel ****

Comparative and Superlative 507


a- Which is the most expensive phone?

b- Which is the most comfortable hotel?
c- Which is the cheapest phone?
d- Which is the most uncomfortable hotel?
e- Which phone would you choose? Why?
f- Which hotel would you choose? Why?

7-Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. There is one extra adjective.

Beautiful Expensive Fast Talented

Good Brilliant Interesting Long Old

a- J.K Rowling is ___________ writer.

b- Harry Potter is ___________ than Percy Jackson.
c- Luciana Aymar is ____________ Hockey player.
d- Einstein is _____________ than Newton.
e- IPhones are ______________ phones.
f- My dog is____________ than yours.
g- Dylan O’Brien is ___________ actor.
h- Roma is ___________ city in Europe.

8-Correct the sentences:

a- America is biggest than Asia.

b- Dylan O´Brien is the more talented actor.
c- Harry Potter is more boring than Percy Jackson.
d- Roma is the older than Bs.As.
e- Samsung S8 is expensiver than LG G5
f- My dog is the best.


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