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Participles as adjectives

Falling rain Salted butter

Present participles (-ing) and past participles (-ed*) can work as adjectives. -ing usually conveys an active
meaning or a cause, and -ed generally represents a passive meaning or an effect. the noun modified by -ing
does something (a confusing problem = the problem confuses) ; the noun modified by -ed suffers the action
(confused workers = the workers are confused)

*for regular verbs. Irregular forms include en (broken), t (slept), and d (laid), among others

amazed man – receiver of feeling or emotion - amazing man – agent/source of feeling or emotion -
passive active

That man is amazed by/with/at her beauty. That man amazes everybody.

frightened boy vs frightening boy ask students to do the same with these two examples

she was disappointed vs she was disappointing

***ask students if they understood this well ****probe students to talk, if they do not, prompt them

-ing can also imply for the purpose of (function)

Swimming trunks = trunks for the purpose of swimming

Mixing desk ask students to do the same with these two examples

Washing machine

-ed can also imply a natural quality/ state (no agent)

Spotted chicken = chicken that has spots

Rotten eggs ask students to do the same with these two examples

Spoilt milk

check if students understood everything

-ing can also depict an ongoing state or activity

Roasting chicken = chicken that is still roasting

Exploding fireworks ask students to do the same with these two examples

Dripping tap

-ed can also depict a completed state (with implicit agent)

Roasted chicken = chicken that is completely roasted (it is not roasting anymore) – the chicken did not roast
itself, and it was not a natural process either (someone roasted it).

Broken eggs ask students to do the same with these two examples

Spilt milk

check if students understood everything

Underline the participle each picture describes best , and then create sentences with both participles (when

*feelings and emotions

charmed/charming man ing

surprised/surprising lady ed

entertained/entertaining dog ing

interested/interesting girl ing

bored/boring baby ed

frightened/frightening skeleton ing

annoyed/annoying character ed

enlightened/enlightening being ed/ing

exhausted/exhausting child ed
*completed or natural state/quality vs ongoing or function

fallen/falling tree en (completed)

roasted/roasting chicken ing (ongoing)

ripened/ripening tomatoes ing (ongoing)

frozen/freezing yogurt en (completed)

spotted/spotting turtle ed (natural quality/state)

slept/sleeping bag ing (function)

striped/striping skunk ed (natural quality/state)

heard/hearing aid ing (function)

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