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Statement of the problem

The study shows the student's perception about code switching and their academic performance in

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of:

1.1 Grade level

1.2 Academic performance in English subject/language.

2. What is the perceprion of the respondents toward code switching?

3. What is the reason for code switching of the respondents?

4. Is there a significant relationship between perception towards code switching and academic
performance of the respondents?


The thesis we study are all about code switching and it talks about having a bilingual speech that refers
to instances of alternating between two langages or varieties of the same language in the same
conversation (Nilep, 2006) towards on academic performance of the high school students who is the
respondents of the researchers in this study at Pasig Christian Academy. I agree that this study will help
us as a future educator in terms of engaging them in academic performance by allowing them to use a
code so that it might help them to be more productive and active students in our class. I learned that
code switching is very popular but there is a negative effect that can be a hindrance in terms of using a
one pure language to be used in communication. Like for intstances is speaking pure English language at
the English class. Many students can't communicate or performed appropriately just because they fear
of using this pure language so that is why code switching help them to speak out whats on their mind.

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