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Fat Burning Soup Recipes

For Weight Loss

If you've fought the weight battle for a long time, you may already have encountered the 
many low-calorie recipes as well as healthy soup recipes for weight loss. After all, you 
can't wage an all-out war against food no matter how many pounds you're trying to 
lose. We all need food to sustain us and to help us function, so we can't totally eradicate 
food from our diets. Food is where we get energy, so even if we're trying to lose weight 
we still have to eat somehow. Instead of waging an all-out war on all kinds of food, 
what dieters can do is choose among the many kinds of food available and only eat the 
healthy ones. We have to be more proactive in thinking about the food that we're putting 
into our mouths, as well as the way we're preparing this food. 
When it comes to the food that we eat, soup is a great alternative for those who are 
trying to lose weight. You'll be surprised to know that with the right recipe, soup can 
actually be quite filling and very nutritious. You can get the nutritional content you need 
for every meal simply by drinking the right kind of soup with the right amount of healthy 
ingredients. Aside from the fact that it's filling, soup is also soothing. When you eat your 
soup warm, it somehow soothes your senses and comforts you like no other food item 

The only issue with soup is that while there are healthy soup recipes for weight loss, 
some soup recipes can also be quite fattening. This is because sometimes when people 
make soup they add a lot of unnecessary cream, butter, and other fattening ingredients 
that add no nutritional value but a lot of calories you have to work hard to burn. If you're 
trying to lose weight then you have to rely on healthy soup recipes for weight loss, which 
eliminate all the unnecessary fattening ingredients and stick only to the ingredients that 
are truly needed. There are many soup recipes available online because soups come in all 
forms imaginable. Usually, healthy soup recipes will give you lots of vegetable-based 
soups. These vegetable-based soups will not only help you lose weight, but they will give 
you all the necessary antioxidants and nutritional goodness that vegetables are known 
for. This will help you boost your immune system and energy levels, which are both 
needed for you to win your battle with weight loss. 
The reason why soups work for weight loss is that if you eat it before a meal, it will fill 
you up already and you tend to take less of the main course. Instead of snacking on 
high-calorie and high-fat snacks like doughnuts and potato chips, what you can do is 
have a bowl of healthy and enriching soup. It's just important to stick to the recipe and 
avoid all the fattening ways of preparing your soup. Avoid oil at all costs and avoid 
adding too much salt. 
Whether you are trying to shed a few pounds or a great deal more, healthy soup recipes 
for weight loss can be part of your plan. By using tasty and nutritious ingredients, you 
can create healthy soups from these recipes that will help you achieve your weight loss 
goals. The ingredients are wholesome and the steps are relatively easy. Simply follow the 
instructions provided here and these healthy soups for weight loss can have you on your 
way to a slimmer, fitter you in no time. 

Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup is full of vegetables and low in calories, with just 122 per 
serving. You can feed your family as the recipe makes 8 servings or make a batch and eat 
it throughout the week. 
30 oz. cans black beans, drained and rinsed 
9 oz. cans chopped green chilies 
1 14oz. can Mexican stewed tomatoes, undrained 
1 14oz. can petite-diced tomatoes, undrained 
1 11oz. can whole kernel corn, drained 
4 green onions 
3 T. chili powder 
1 t. ground cumin (optional) 
1 T garlic powder (or fresh) 
Healthy soup recipes for weight loss follow simple instructions like those for this recipe. 
Combine all ingredients in your slow cooker and set temperature to low. Cook for 8 hour 
and serve immediately. To reduce sodium, use dry black beans which have been soaked 
overnight and corn with no salt added. Better still, use fresh corn if you have it. 
Another of our healthy soup recipes for weight loss is Vegetable Soup with Variations. 
Healthy soup recipes for weight loss don't have to be boring or bland. This soup is 
prepared on the stove top in a large batch. Then each day you dole out a portion and add 
your favorite variation to it when you heat it so that you get a different soup every day. 
The best part is the base soup, which you can eat just as it is, only has 45 calories per 1 
cup serving. In order to make this you will need a 12-quart stock pot or the equivalent. 
For example, you could use 2 8-quart pots and divide the ingredient equally. 
1 lb. carrots, thinly sliced 
1.5 lbs. onions, chopped (should equal 4 cups) 
4 celery stalks, thinly sliced 
2 large. cloves garlic, crushed with press 
56 oz. whole tomatoes, undrained 
1 lb. green cabbage, thinly sliced (should equal 6 cups) 
3/4 lb. green beans, cut into bite-sized pieces 
48 chicken broth (low sodium is best) 
6 c. water 
Salt and pepper to taste 
1.25 lbs. zucchini, sliced once the long way and then sliced into crescent slices 
12 oz. fresh baby spinach leaves 
When using healthy soup recipes for weight loss, the key to success is the vegetables. Over 
a medium heat, add carrots, onions, celery, and garlic to your stock pot. Stir occasionally 
for 8 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add tomatoes and their juice, followed by 
the cabbage, green beans, broth, water, salt, and pepper. Allow this to come to a boil, 
stirring occasionally. 
Once it boils, cover the pot and let it simmer for 10 minutes, continuing to stir as needed. 
Add the zucchini and spinach and increase the heat so the soup can return to a full boil. 
Reduce the heat again and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until all vegetables are 
While this is cooking, consider another benefit of using healthy soup recipes for weight 
loss. It allows you to save time in the kitchen too because you make one batch and eat it 
for days. Increase heat to high; stir in zucchini and spinach and heat to boiling. Reduce 
heat to low; cover and simmer 10 minutes or until all vegetables are tender. With just 20 
minutes of preparation and 50 minutes of cooking time, you can have healthy soup all 
week. You can even eat this as snack between meals. 
Spice up your healthy soup recipes for weight loss by planning variations. Try adding ½ 
cup of white kidney beans and 2 cups of rotini to 2 cups of the basic soup. Heat the soup 
according to instructions on rotini package, to cook noodles and you have minestrone. 
For Mexican chicken soup, add 1/3 cup cooked, diced chicken meat and ½ cup corn to 
cups of soup and heat through. Experiment with your own variations. 


Fast Action Bonus # 1 - ’Fat Burning 

Breakfasts’ - FREE because you’re getting 
on board today. 
Here’s a delicious way you can hit the ground running with your fat burning diet, 

because there are some really mouthwatering foods that also vaporize your ugly fat and 

they are all in this handy guide to the first meal of the day. 

Fast Action Bonus # 2 - ’Low Calorie 

Deserts’ - FREE because you’re getting on 
board today. 
And, once you’ve had your fat burning soup of the day, it’s time to treat your sweet tooth. 
But no need to pile the pounds back on again, because this handy compilation of low 

calorie deserts will give your taste buds a treat without a corresponding effect on your 



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