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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

By: Emma Carballo

Chapter 1-4

1. draft: a current of air

Suddenly I felt a draft coming trough the window.

2. desperately: intensely
Parents were desperately trying to find their children.

3. inventor: a person who invents

An inventor must be creative, innovator, extremely curious and should
spend must of his time investigating phenomena.

4. absurd: ridiculous; unreasonable

What you are saying is absurd, it does not make sense at all.

5. clever: mentally quick; smart

That boy in our class is very clever, he knows all the answers.

6. furnace: an enclosure where heat is formed

The heat of the furnace warmed the whole house.

7. nibble: to take small bites

She nibbled on her fingernail.

8. colossal: enormous; very large; huge

The winner earns a colossal amount of money.

9. proper: suitable; fitting

You must wear the uniform in a proper way.

10.nightcap: drink taken before bedtime

It is time for a nightcap.
11.stammer: repeat the same sound without meaning
Every time she got angry, she would begin to stammer.

12.torture: to afflict with physical or mental pain

Listening to him, can be a real torture.

13.marvelous: causing wonder or amazement

I had a marvelous time at the party last night.

14.deserted: abandoned
No one showed at the event yesterday, it was deserted.

15.greedily: selfishly
The girl ate all the food greedily.
Chapter 5-10

1. criticize: to comment on or point out the faults of people or things, to

find something wrong.
The girl criticizes the boy for his bad manners.

2. beckoned: to signal to somebody to approach with a movement of the

hand or head
The girl beckoned the waiter to come over her table.

3. ravenously: extremely hungry

It was mid night and she was ravenously hungry.

4. jostled: knocked or bumped against somebody; to push or elbow

somebody deliberately
that boy jostled at me.

5. despicable: worthy of contempt; fully deserving of contempt

It is despicable the way some boys treat girls.

6. frantically: excited, hurried, and confused; great haste and a lot of

disorganized activity
My mom frantically searched for her car keys this morning.

7. stiletto: small dagger with a narrow tapering blade

Be careful with the sharped stiletto.

8. hooligans: young vandals or criminals; prone to committing crimes

The hooligans ended up dead in a street fight.

9. vowed: pledged something; promised something solemnly and

Nuns take a vow of chastity.

10.bulletin: official announcement of public news

I read the notice on the bulletin board.
11.dotty: silly; regarded as being irrational or impractical, often
endearingly so
She is dotty about this new boyfriend.

12.anxious: feeling nervous, worried, or afraid, especially about

something that is going to happen
The girl got anxious about the new job.

13.glistened: shined brightly; reflected light from a wet surface

Her eyes glistened with tears.

14.repulsive: very unpleasant; making someone feel disgust or very strong

I think that frogs are repulsive.

15.racket: a loud noise, especially when it disturbs people

Children outside are making such a racket.
Chapter 11-17

1. blissful: characterized by perfect happiness

I just had a blissful week with my mom in Orlando.

2. sensation: a vague or general feeling, especially one not attributable to

an obvious cause
I was dreaming, and I had a sensation of falling.

3. dervish: somebody who behaves very energetically

I told you, I am a little dervish.

4. pandemonium: wild uproar and chaos

The class was a complete pandemonium until Mrs. Lucy came.

5. hallelujah: used to express praise or thanks to God

hallelujah! It is finally vacation.

6. bulged: to expand or swell

His eyes bulged with anger.

7. peculiar: unusual, strange, or unconventional

He is a very peculiar child.

8. document: a formal piece of writing that provides information or that

acts as a record of events
This document is very important.

9. mystic: magical
My friends are interested in a very mystic ceremony.

10.precious: rare or unique and therefore to be used wisely or sparingly,

or treated with care
I captured all the precious moments in my heart.
11.verdict: a judgment, opinion, or conclusion that is expressed about
The jury found him guilty.

12.procession: a group of people moving forward in a line as part of a

celebration, commemoration, or demonstration
The procession passed in front of my house.

13.clustered: a small group of people or things that are closely packed

The students clustered around the teacher to hear the story.

14.corridor: a passage between parts of a building, often with a series of

rooms opening onto it
We walked along the corridor.

15.envious: wanting to have somebody’s else’s success, good fortune,

qualities, or possessions
All the girls feel envious of her for her absolute beauty.

16.clatter: to make a loud rattling noise, or cause something to make a

rattling noise
When we eat in the dining room, al the kids clatter their knives and forks.

17.morsels: a small piece of something, especially food

we ate morsels of bread with peanut butter on.

18.abide: to find somebody of something acceptable or bearable

I can not abide that boy.
Chapter 18-23

1. glided: to move, or caused something to move, in a smooth, effortless,

and often graceful way
The plane glided pacefully.

2. intense: great, strong, or extreme in a way that can be felt

They had an intense relationship.

3. froth: a mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid

the butter bear of harry potter world is full of froth.

4. perched: a temporary resting place for a person or thing

her sunglasses were perched on her head.

5. riverbank: a piece of sloping ground at the edge of a river

We had a picnic along the riverbank.

6. astonish: to amaze somebody to a great degree

When he showed up we were astonished.

7. scrambled: to climb or advance over something using both hands and

The girl scrambled over the wall.

8. rumbling: a deep rolling sound

I am so hungry, that I can hear my stomach rumbling.

9. mist: something that makes it difficult to see or understand something

A veil of mist obscured the view.

10.shriek: to make a loud high-pitched piercing sound

She gave a little shriek of delight.

11.furious: extremely or violently angry

I got furious when the girl disrespected me.
12.journey: a trip or expedition form one place to another
I have packed food for our journey.

13.yacht: a sailboat, often one that has living quarters and is used for
cruising or racing
I will board a luxury yacht on my vacation.

14.balmy: used to describe weather that is pleasantly mild

It is a balmy evening.

15.basin: an open metal, ceramic, or plastic container with sloping sides,

typically used for holding water or washing
The cook mixed the ingredients in a basin

16.shalt: shall
Thou shalt not kill.
Chapter 24-30

1. disturb: to interrupt or distract somebody when he or she is busy

I am sorry to disturb; I have an important message.

2. wretched: seriously inadequate or of very low quality; irritating

I feel confused and wretched

3. violently: caused by force rather than natural causes; very intense or

The people reacted violently to the news.

4. scarlet: a bright red color tinged with orange

he got embarrassed and turned scarlet.

5. despair: a profound feeling that there is no hope

The man looked to his wife in despair.

6. hollow: having empty space inside

The tree trunk was hollow inside.

7. rubbish: trash, garbage, or other unwanted things

The truck removes the rubbish from the backyard.

8. cross: to do something that goes against somebody’s wishes, or that

annoys or frustrates somebody
Can you stop the cross?

9. precipice: a high, vertical, or very steep rock face

The climber fell down a precipice.

10.intently: with full attention or effort concentrated or focused on one

the boy stared intently at me.
11.frump: a drap, dull, or old-fashioned person
She is becoming and old frump before time.

12.staggered: shocked or astounded at something

My father was staggered when he saw the bill at the restaurant.

13.tantrum: an outburst of anger, especially a childish display of rage or

bad temper
That boy threw a tantrum on the park this morning.

14.petrified: to cause a person or animal to become immobile with terror

The idea of staying alone at night petrified me.

15.tremendous: extremely large, powerful, or great

He is in tremendous trouble.

16.incinerator: a furnace for destroying things by burning them, especially

one used to burn waste
Put the garbage down the incinerator.

17.nudge: to push or poke somebody gently, usually with a motion of the

Carla tired to nudge Julian into change his mind.

18.hovering: to float in the air without moving very far from the same
That bird is hovering over a mouse.

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