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Reading and Research Summative Assessment Unit 1

Date: 3 October 2023 Tuesday
Name: Sofia Jimenez Subject: Humanities

Standard: Success criteria:

Reading: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented Surface:
in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in I can analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums,
words in order to address a question or solve a problem. determining which details are emphasized in each account.
I understand the following concepts: Evaluate, integrate, visual,
qualitative and quantitative information, CRAAP.
Read and annotate at least three different sources.
I create research question.
I evaluate information using the CRAAP test.
I can answer the research question using the CR model.

Part I: Research Question:

A. Complete and answer the steps of the research question:

B. Go through the checklist of the research question, mentioning why each item is actually achieved.

Final Research Question:

How can Nazi Book Burning relate with Fahrenheit 451? And how does it compare Fahrenheit 451 and the Nazi Book Burning?
Part II: CRAAP Test:
Find 5 different types of sources (including the book), at least two of them should approve the CRAAP test. Post your findings in
the chart, repeating it as many times as needed.

Link for the five CRAAP Tests (spreadsheet, make sure you have a sheet for each source in this document):

CRAAP Test Charts:

Source 1: - Video

Item Comment Score

Currency It says the date when it’s published was January 6 of 2012. It has 50
more links so that I can extend my research.

Relevance It is an appropriate information level for us teenagers to 26

understand, the intended audience are for all the audience it
doesn’t contain further the information it already has.

Authority It says the author and publisher that is National Geographic, the 45
author is supported by bite size talking about the Nazi book

Accuracy It has a sponsor that is Bite Size because where they got the 60
information and what they do.

Purpose The purpose is for the viewers to understand what is the story 36
behind Fahrenheit 451.
Source 2: - Article

Item Comment Score

Currency It has the date when published: May 18, 2018 at 12:00p.m 42

Relevance It is understandable information that we can relate to and what its 26

topic is. It's concise and it talks about the book and the story
behind the book.

Authority It is made by Lili Rothman. 23

Accuracy It has links that tell us where the information comes from, it has 47
videos, and it’s precise.

Purpose The purpose is for us to understand the backstory of Fahrenheit in 36

comparison with The Nazi Book Burning.

Source 3: - Magazine

Item Comment Score

Currency It has the date August 31, 2017 34

Relevance It is a relation with Fahrenheit 451 and The Nazi Book Burning 28
and it’s really concise and it’s very professional, also it has that
brief explanation that can be looked at by everyone and we could
understand what is trying to tell us.

Authority Lorraine Boissoneault 23

Accuracy It has images, and citations about what is talking about, also it has 61
crudencialy with the author and what can we imagine by looking at
the images and the story behind.

Purpose It has the purpose in the front of the page and it’s for us to know 45
‘‘As long as there have been books, people have burned
them—but over the years, the motivation has changed’’

Total 191
Source 4: - Infographic

Item Comment Score

Currency September 19, 2016 33

Relevance It is related and we can see that my topic is for but not that 35
complete and it is not that biased on the information and it should
be 100% biased and it’s clear but I feel it needs more.

Authority Andy Wei 14

Accuracy It says where the information comes from. 35

Purpose The purpose is for us to understand the union with Fahrenheit 451 45
and the Nazi Book Burning

Total 162
Source 5: Book

Item Comment Score

Currency The book was published on October 19, 1953 50

Relevance It’s in relation to my topic because it is the book that we are talking 10
about, and we can see that it is for everyone that wants to read
about books. It has a high level of information that we can say this
is correct and we can compare it with the Nazi Book Burning

Authority Ray Bradbury talks about how his life was, how many novels he 10
wrote, and when he was born and when he died.

Accuracy It says super accurate information and how it 10

Purpose The purpose is to entertain the people with his book and that they 10
see the reading as a hobby because that is why Montag starts
burning books because people didn’t read them.

Total 90
Part III: Information Center:
Include your three best sources (which must be different media, including the book), with the most powerful quotes and your paraphrased information.

Sources Direct Quotations (1 or 2) Comments (My thoughts)

Source 1 Name: Video Quote 1 This shows that when Montag and Hitler have something in common they always
Link: ‘‘ road he always choose the went for the bad decision and it has a relation because Hitler only thinks of him wrong one’’ and Montag also thinks about himself and his best.

Source 2 Name: Magazine ‘‘As long as there have been books, This shows evidence of what is the story of Montag’s feeling by burning the books, and
Link: people have burned them—but over also how it motivates him to continue and this is a relation with The Nazi Book Burning the years, the motivation has because the Jewish students felt motivation to burn books to get over with Hitler’s ideas.
ry/brief-history-book-burning-printing-pr changed’’

Source 3 Name: Article ‘‘According to Fishburn, by the time This shows that the Nazi book burning in somehow was a practice to make a difference
Link: of the Nazi book-burning, in some and that is a relationship with Fahrenheit 451 because Montag really wanted to make a ways the practice would have difference with burning the books because as technology advanced we wanted to make
1-book-burning-history/ seemed “weirdly anachronistic,” a the people realize books existed and how they need to use them.
Type: holdover from an earlier time when
burning a book could have actually
made a difference in what people
Part V: Answer.
Give a meaningful response to your research question, following the CR model (Claim, Reasoning), each item should be one sentence:

Claim (answer to the RQ): How can Nazi Book Burning relate with Fahrenheit 451? And how does it compare Fahrenheit 451 and the Nazi Book Burning?

Nazi Book Burning is related with Fahrenheit 451 because both talk about the burning books and how it was a revolutionary situation in the world because as
Montag he knew it was a problem for him in Fahrenheit 451 and in the Nazi Burning Book revolutionary situations they really didn’t changed anything but it
was a way to make themself notice.

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