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The Capability of Ipomoea aquatica (Water spinach) extracts as

anti-chlorosis for Capsicum annuum (Chilli) plants

Submitted to College of Engineering as partial requirement for the subject

Research II


Joepet Jerome Jaro

Hannabel Gomamis

Maria Suzette Tuyo

Mara Aaliyah Deduro

Maria Joshua De Villa


Submitted to:

Engr. James Louie Meneses

Table of Contents

A. Abstract

B. Chapter 1

o Background of the study

o Purpose of the research

o Literature Survey

o Significance of the study

o Definition of terms

o Scope and Limitations

o Statement of Desired Outcomes

C. Methodology

o Research Design/ Instrument/ Data Gathering Procedure

o Respondents/ Unit of Analysis, Subjects of the Study

o Sampling Design and Procedure

o Assumptions on Hypothesis

o Data Analysis Plan

o Research Paradigm/ Conceptual Framework

D. Results and Discussion

E. Conclusions and Recommendations

o Conclusion

o Recommendations

F. Appendix

G. References
A. Abstract

The study is all about Ipomoea aquatica’s power of treating chlorosis as one of

the major problem of Capsicum annum plants. It will be utilized through using the pure

extracts of the said plant and then observing the changes of the variables involved in the

study. This study ought to test all the plant parts and will not exclude any. The

researchers used to identical chilli plants in order to see the difference throughout the

give span of time. The researchers main goal is to test and affirm if the extracts of

Ipomoea aquatica can help in domineering the chlorosis problem of the specific plant


The researchers let Ipomoea aquatica plant gathered to be heated for it will

release more extracts as part of their methodology. Furthermore, the proponents decided

to just have two weeks as the time span of the observation since Capsicum annum plants

are easy to grow.

The findings of this research may help all those concern is to cure chlorosis

problem of Capsicum annum plants. Furthermore, there is a possibility of having more

number of chilli to be used in the household and even cuisines if chlorosis problem is

being cured.

The researchers are looking forward for another potential of Ipomoea aquatica

plants to be used as another tool to cure other plant complication.

B. Background of the study

 Rationale of the research

Plants are integral part of us humans. In 2017, Education Science Tips cited that

plants are the main source of food of humans and unlike us and animals, they

manufacture their own food by the process of photosynthesis in mostly green leaves. The

by-product of which are the food that we consume in order for us to supply the needed

nutrients of our body and to survive. But there is a certain complication when it comes to

plant growth which is the leaves discoloration due to insufficiency in Iron (Fe) and that is

chlorosis. Kubis et. al (2004) claimed that chlorosis is the condition by which leaves

produce less chlorophyll that’s responsible for the green color of leaves. With that

situation, the plants will have pale, yellow, or yellow-white set of colors that has no

ability to manufacture carbohydrates anymore and eventually will die. This will let the

production of fresh air and food be decreased by having less number of surviving

Capsicum annuum plants.

The purpose of this research is to test and affirm if Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts

can help those Capsicum annuum plants to cure their chlorosis problem. Ipomoea

aquatica’s extract will serve as anti-chlorosis here paving its way to help Capsicum

annuum plants who suffers chlorosis survive. Another purpose of this is to formulate new

way in treating chlorosis problem of Capsicum annuum plants naturally.

The proponents wants to investigate this problem because it’s beneficial in a way

that it concerns a crucial need of humans and the proponents wanted to help out all those
people whose concern is to revive Capsicum annuum plants and not just leave it there and


The research findings will help out all farmers and the Department of Agriculture

(DA) to use natural way in treating chlorosis of Capsicum annuum plants rather than

using chemical ways and compounds leading to more serious health and agricultural

complication when it comes to treating chlorosis problem of Capsicum annuum plants

and maybe to other families of green-leafy plant species. Another is that, it will help

those household who plants Capsicum annuum plants to do the reviving on their own

having the extracts of Ipomoea aquatica which can be found elsewhere in their respective


In related study that Umar, Hassan, Danggogo, & Ladan (2007) has conducted,

they examine the natural composition of Ipomoea aquatica that has (210.30±2.47 mg/100

g) amount of Iron (Fe) that’s indispensable in the domineering chlorosis situation of a

plant. And in 2017, Promix stated that although iron (Fe) is used in synthesis of

chlorophyll, it is essential for its formation that explains why plants deficient in iron

show chlorosis in the new leaves. Umar et al. (2007) added that the high content of iron

(Fe) in Ipomoea aquatica has a lot of advantages and one of those is proving that it can

bes used as anti-chlorosis for Capsicum annuum plants.

 Purpose of the research

a. General Purpose (General objective)

1. To prove and justify if Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts (Water spinach) can be

used as anti-chlorosis for Capsicum annuum (Chilli)

b. Specific Purposes (Specific objectives)

This study aims to:

1. Identify which component of Ipomoea aquatica (Water spinach) is useful in

domineering their problem associated with chlorosis.

2. Observe the changes among variables present in the study and predict if

Ipomoea aquatica (Water spinach) can really be used as anti- chlorosis for

Capsicum annuum (Chilli) plants.

3. Produce factual and accurate observation of the variables involved in the

study and provide the appropriate way of getting its statistical treatment.

4. Explain the changes happened among variables and formulate the best

conclusion to wrap up the study.

5. Add and expound other related topics associated with the study
 Literature survey

Chlorosis and its effects

(Kubis et. al, 2004) defines chlorosis as a condition by which leaves produce insufficient

chlorophyll that’s responsible for the green color of the leaves. Chlorosis can be seen

through having pale, yellow or yellow-white set of plant color meaning it producess less

amount of chlorophyll. (Kubis et. al, 2004) also stated the affected plant will no longer

be able to manufacture carbohydrates and eventually will die if the chlorosis is not treated

as early as possible.

Cause of chlorosis

Chlorosis is caused when a particular plant is comprised of leaves who doesn’t

have enough nutrients to do a particular process that needs a chrolophyll, the one makes

color for green plants. Chlorosis can happen due to combination of factors including a

deficiency or shortage in iron content (Kuhns, Koenig, & Rich, 1996).


In 2015, McLendon stated that chlorosis is the yellowing of plants and considered

as plant complication. It is compared to cough in humans because the situation is in ba

condition that can lead to more serious complication. The also stated that the direct cause

of that is gthe shortage of Iron that synthesizes chrolorophyll of plants. And since a plant

is in chlorosis, it might not survive and will die eventiually.

Functions of Iron

Promix 2017, claimed that Iron is classified as a micronutrient and is a need of

plants in order to perform some functions. They also added Iron is a constituent of

several enzymes and some pigments, and assists in nitrate and sulfate reduction and

energy production within the plant. And aalthough iron is not used in the synthesis of

chlorophyll (the green pigment in leaves), it is essential for its formation. This explains

why plants deficient in iron show chlorosis in the new leaves leading to death of plants

Iron content of Ipomoea aquatica: a great factor in domineering chlorosis

In related study that Umar, Hassan, Danggogo, & Ladan (2007) has conducted,

the analsyses of nutritional composition Ipomoea aquatica provided that besides of

having high moisture content, ash, crude lipid, crude fibre, carbohyrate, zinc (2.47±0.27

mg/100 g) , manganese(2.14±0.22 mg/100 g) , copper(0.36±0.01 mg/100 g),

magnesium(301.64±12.69 mg/100 g), calcium(416.70±5.77 mg/100 g) and

sodium(135.00±2.50 mg/100 g), Ipomoea aquatica has a lot of Iron(210.30±2.47 mg/100

g) that has diverse set of benefits when used by iron an or plants.

 Significance of the research

The study will be beneficial for it address all problems associated with Capsicum

annuum (Chilli). The study will not only affect all the farmers who plant Chilli but also to

those concern is to have a lot of numbers of Chilli plant crops in order to avoid insufficiency

when it comes to supply of this kind of plant. And since the study focuses about a vital and

essential concept which is the plant, there are a lot of sectors and group of people who’ll

benefit with this research study namely:

a.) The farmers- They’ll have new way of solving their problems when it comes to

treating dying Chinese cabbage plants and that is the extracts of Water spinach.

They’ll have a hope to produce more crops avoiding the so called “dying of plants”

because of the components of water spinach that is tool in domineering chlorosis


b.) DA (Department of Agriculture)- they’ll also benefit to this by having a new solution

to address the problem when it comes to dying plants.

c.) The humanity- By having the extracted Water spinach, they can now do the reviving

of the Chilli plants themselves no caning that they can help to the survival process of

every Chilli plant and in return, will give them fresh air and food at the same time.

d.) Country’s economy- By having the survived Chilli plant, we can now have a large

number of its supplies to the point that we’ll no longer suffer insufficiency when it

comes to Chinese cabbage plants

See, the study can really help almost all sector of life present in society. This can

really be a new way of treating complications associated with Chilli chlorosis situation.
The researchers themselves are eager and motivated enough to produce true and accurate

results paving its way to let the written benefits and significance be real and factual.

 Definition of terms

o Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)- In the study, researcher uses the Water

spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) for anti-chlorosis for Capsicum annuum (Chilli). It is

commonly known as “kang-kong” in tagalog.

o Capsicum annuum (Chilli)- Within this study, the Capsicum annuum (Chilli) is

the subject that the researchers will about to use in able to identify the capability

of the Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) as anti-chlorosis. It is commonly known

as “sili” in Tagalog.

o Chlorosis- “In botany, chlorosis is a condition in which leaves produce

insufficient chlorophyll”. (Patel, Combe, Kubis, 2004). With accordance to the

researchers study chlorosis is the main problem they want to address.

o Chlorophyll- Merriam Dictionary defines chlorophyll as a green substance in

plants that makes it possible for them to make food from carbon dioxide and

water. In this study, insufficient chlorophyll is the problem that researchers will

resolved through using the Ipomoea aquatica’s (Water spinach) extracts.

o Extract- Ipomoea aquatica (Water spinach) extracts.

o Iron- The most needed substance for food production for plants. Through iron the

plants can increase the amount of their chlorophyll.

 Scope and limitation of the study

The study focuses on the Ipomoea aquatica’s capability to be used as anti-chlorosis

for dying Capsicum annuum (Chilli) plants only. The study ought not to test all plants and

just focuses on one a specific plant which is Capsicum annuum (Chilli) in order to fully

elaborate what will happen to the plant if acted upon by the extracts of Ipomoea aquatica.

The study includes the observation of changes among the variables included in the

process of research. But it does only include the number of leaves, height of the plant, and

the plant color as the basics of what should be examined on a plant. The study will not cover

the added chlorophyll content to the Capsicum annuum (Chilli) plant.

The study just covers all about Capsicum annuum (Chilli)changes and predicting the

overall outcome of it at the end of the research process.

 Statement of the desired outcomes

Since the study tackles about an integral concept of life which is the plant, the

researcher desires to produce and have the following outcomes:

1. Knowing which component of Ipomoea aquatica helped the Brassica rapa to

survive if it will survive its problem associated with its insufficiency in

chlorophyll content

2. Have a clear and factual data of the changes among variables as the research

goes on
3. To produce the right way of getting the statistical treatment of the variables in

the study and getting near and accurate results

4. Explain the overall process why the survival happened if it will and

concluding the overall data gathered and comprehended that will wrap-up the


C. Methodology

 Research Design/ Instrument/ Data Gathering Procedure

This study will fall behind the realms of causality research design because this

study aims to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing things.

Furthermore, causal effect will be seen when variation in one phenomenon, an

independent variable, leads to a result in variation in another phenomenon, the

dependent variable.

When it comes to research instrument, the study will use observation because it

needs a thorough investigation among variables included in the study. The proponents

will use their sensory organ specifically, the eye in order to see the difference among

the set-ups present in the study as time passes by. Controlled and uncontrolled type of

observation is what exactly this study is in.

Lastly, when it comes to data gathering procedure, the proponents will do a manual

kind of gathering data via observation and encoding them down into a sheet where
you can see the difference among the set-ups associated with their number of leaves

they have, their leaf color, number of infected leaves and their height.

 Respondents/ Unit of Analysis/ Subjects of the Study

This study will not involve respondents because this is an experimental type of

research under causality research designs which means that the set-ups are enough in

order to predict and prove if the independent variable will make a change to the

dependent variable. This will also not undergo a unit of analysis associated with

respondents because the proponents themselves will be the one who’ll record their

observation. But the subjects of the study are the Capsicum annuum (Chilli) plants.

 Sampling Designs and Procedures

The study will not involve sampling design and procedure for it doesn’t tackle and

emphasizes respondents view over the topic. This is experimental type of research and

so the subjects involve here comes from the decision of proponents because the

proponents wants to try something new out of natural substances found elsewhere as a

cure to a particular problem they want to address.

 Assumptions on Hypothesis

In the study, the proponents provided two different hypotheses which are the null

and the alternative one. The proponents assumed that the independent variable will

affect the dependent one and so alternative hypothesis is made. The proponents are

looking forward for the alternative hypothesis that they made assuming that all

procedures to be done and careful observations will be made out paving its way to see

the significant difference among the set-ups involved in the study.

 Data Analysis Plan

The proponents will use the t-test in order to see the difference from the two set-ups

provided. The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different

from each other. The analysis is appropriate to this kind research because the set-ups

present in this study need to compared in order to see if the experimental set-up will be

more when it comes to the average to be computed at the end of the observation.
* Research Paradigm/ Conceptual Framework

Ipomoea aquatica’s
Capsicum annuum (Chilli)
 Observation of set-ups and predicting extracts can be used as an
some changes that both set-ups undergo. anti-chlorosis for Capsicum

 Solving for the statistical treatment that annuum (Chilli) plants.

set-ups are in.



Ipomoea aquatica (water

spinach) extracts.


Plant A (Capsicum annuum (Chilli)) – Concluding and justifying if Ipomoea aquatica’s

controlled (with extracts of Ipomoea aquatica) extracts can able to treat Capsicum annuum
V. Timeline
(Chilli) problems associated with its leaf
Plant B (Capsicum annuum (Chilli)) –
discoloration and predict if it can be used as an
experimental (without extracts of Ipomoea
D. Results and Discussion







(TOTAL) LEAVES (IN CM) (Scale: 1-5)

1 8 4 9 cm 2

2 8 4 9 cm 2

3 8 4 9.5 cm 2

4 9 3 10 cm 3

5 10 3 10.5 cm 3

6 10 3 10.5 cm 3

7 11 3 11 cm 3

8 12 3 11.5 cm 3

9 13 2 12 cm 4

10 13 2 12.5 cm 4

11 13 2 13 cm 4

12 14 2 13. 5 cm 4

13 15 1 13.5 cm 4

14 15 1 14 cm 4
Based on the table presented above, you can see that there’s a lot of differences happened

right after PLANT A had contact with Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts. Take note the Capsicum

annuum is a fast growing plant and so by just having 2 weeks as the range of time to observe it,

some differences will bear and come out.

When it comes to number of leaves, you will notice that there’s a sudden change to

PLANT A that was added by 7 leaves to be exact from 8 leaves in the beginning of the

observation. When it comes to number of infected plants, it decreased to 1 out of 4 infected

leaves and so the researchers can say that the Ipomoea aquatica’s extract is quite that effective.

The height of the plant changed from 9 cm to 14 cm after 2 weeks of being poured with it. You

can also see that the change it bears in the height of Capsicum annuum is not that high, it is just

gradual but still, it produced a change. And lastly, when it comes to overall outlook of the plant

taking consideration of those who are infected, the researchers used 1-5 as the scale with 1 being

the least healthy color type of the plant and 5 being the healthiest one. You can see that at the

end of the observation proper, it ended up 4 with almost all green color of leaves and not with

some pale green anymore. The researchers saw a relationship between the number of infected

leaves and the overall outlook of the plant that: if the number of infected leaves is high, the

outlook will not that be high too, but if it possess lesser number of infected leaves, then it will

look even healthier and vibrant. The researchers didn’t make it 5 as perfect score in the scale

because there’s still one leaf to cure.

This ensures that Ipomoea aquatica’s extract was able to let the problem of Chlorosis

problem of be Capsicum annuum resolved.







(TOTAL) LEAVES (IN CM) (Scale: 1-5)

1 8 4 9 cm 2

2 8 4 9 cm 2

3 9 5 9.5 cm 2

4 9 5 9.5 cm 2

5 9 6 10 cm 2

6 10 6 10 cm 2

7 10 6 10 cm 2

8 11 6 10.5 cm 2

9 11 6 10.5 cm 2

10 11 6 11 cm 1

11 11 7 11 cm 1

12 12 7 11.5 cm 1

13 12 7 11.5 cm 1

14 12 7 12 cm 1

Table 2
Well, this table shows the contrary of the Table 1 as shown on the first part of the results

of the observation gathered by the researchers in the study. And since the researchers used two

identical set of Caspsicum annuum plant, one will really see the differences among the two types

of plant as variables in the study.

When it comes to number of leaves, you will see that it also increased like what PLANT

A shows but, this one shows smaller change in number of leaves compared to PLANT A because

this was just added by only 4 leaves. When it comes to the number of infected leaves, you will

notice that it doesn’t show a healthy attribute of plant because the deterioration of the plant itself

continues. Unlike the PLANT A that decreased its number of infected leaves, this one increased

and that’s not healthy anymore to a plant. The height of the plant also continues to grow but it is

way more gradual in change compared to PLANT A. You will also see that it was just added by

3 cm but still, a good change to showcase. Lastly, the color outlook of the whole plant isn’t that

healthy because some plants that arises have its counterpart of having pale, yello-green

remaining leaves as the main problem of the plant. You will figure out that the outlook severes

and that’s not healthy anymore when talking to plant’s life.

By the results taken, you will comprehend that as the infected leaves continue to severe,

the outlook in totality of the plant will not be that heathy.

This showcase that PLANT A resolved its problem using a cure while PLANT B did not
Number of Leaves


Number of Leaves


Plant A
Plant B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of days

Graph 1

The line graph shows the change when it comes to PLANT A and PLANT Bs number of

leaves. Based on the graph, both of them do increase its number of leaves but PLANT A shows

faster growth of leaves over the given period of time compared to PLANT B.

(no. of leaves) (no. of leaves)

initial 8 8

1 8 8

2 8 8

3 8 9

4 9 9

5 10 9

6 10 10

7 11 10

8 12 11

9 13 11

10 13 11

11 13 11

12 14 12

13 15 12

14 15 12

Table 3

The difference between Plant A and Plant B when it comes to number of leaves with

accordance to time

n 14 14

Sum 159 143

Mean (Average) ̅ = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟑𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟑

𝒙 ̅ = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟐𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟑

̅ = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟑𝟔
𝒙 ̅ = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟐𝟏

Standard Deviation 2.56 1.42

Standard Error of the Mean 0.68 0.38

Table 3.1

As you can see in the figures given above, PLANT A exceeds to what PLANT B has

mainly because of the extracts that they have poured on PLANT A.

The researchers used GraphPad QuickCals online in order to see if there is a difference

between the two set of experiments using t test and the researchers used paired t-test mainly

because they have two identical subjects.

Based on the results from the software online, The two-tailed P value is equals to

0.0041 and by conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be very statistically

Number of infected Leaves

Number of infected Leaves

Plant A
Plant B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of days

Graph 2

The line graph presents a total change and difference when it comes to set-up’s number

of leaves. The researchers find this so strong because you will really see the change that the

extract has bear to the PLANT A. Although they have the same initial number of infected leaves

is they ended-up with a completely different number of infected leaves with PLANT A having 1

left to cure and PLANT B with its increased number of infected leaves.

(no. of infected leaves) (no. of infected leaves)

1 4 4

2 4 4

3 4 5

4 3 5

5 3 6

6 3 6

7 3 6

8 3 6

9 2 6

10 2 6

11 2 7

12 2 7

13 1 7

14 1 7

Table 4

The difference between Plant A and Plant B when it comes to number of infected leaves

with accordance to time


n 14 14

Sum 37 82

Mean (Average) ̅ = 𝟐. 𝟔𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟗

𝒙 ̅ = 𝟓. 𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏

̅ = 𝟐. 𝟔𝟒
𝒙 ̅ = 𝟓. 𝟖𝟔

Standard Deviation 1.01 1.03

Standard Error of the Mean 0.27 0.27

Table 4.1

The table provided above showcases a big difference when it comes to number of

infected leaves being carried out throughout the observation. PLANT A ended up with having

lesser total of infected leaves while PLANT B ended up with what is contrary.

The researchers still used that GraphPad QuickCals online I order to compute for the

following factors which is essential to see that differences do occur when one set-up poured with

the extracts. But still, this is a paired t-test because there is the presence of identical set-ups to be


Based from the result, the two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001 and by conventional

criteria, the difference is considered to be extremely significant.

This is the main goal of the study and the researchers were glad to see that there’s

an extreme change when it comes to number of infected leaves to be given a cure.




Height (cm)

Plant A
Plant B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of days

Graph 3

The graph shows how the set-ups grow throughout time of being observed in the study.

Both of the set-ups grew and developed but as we can see, PLANT A (the one with extracts of

Ipomoea aquatica) is way faster to increase its height compared to PLANT B (without extracts

of Ipomoea aquatica). Although they both have their heights increased, still PLANT A

dominated to the height factor that the researchers add as one of the factors of their study.

(height of the plant, in cm) (height of the plant, in cm)

1 9 cm 9 cm

2 9 cm 9 cm

3 9.5 cm 9.5 cm

4 10 cm 9.5 cm

5 10.5 cm 10 cm

6 10.5 cm 10 cm

7 11 cm 10 cm

8 11.5 cm 10.5 cm

9 12 cm 10.5 cm

10 12.5 cm 11 cm

11 13 cm 11 cm

12 13.5 cm 11.5 cm

13 13.5 cm 11.5 cm

14 14 cm 12 cm

Table 5

The difference between Plant A and Plant B when it comes to the height of the plant with

accordance to time

n 14 14

Sum 159.5 145

Mean (Average) ̅ = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟑𝟗𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟗

𝒙 ̅ = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟑𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟕𝟏

̅ = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟑𝟗
𝒙 ̅ = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟑𝟔

Standard Deviation 1.723 0.949

Standard Error of the Mean 0.460 0.254

Table 5.1

The table presented above shows the scores taken by PLANT A and PLANT B when it

comes to their height throughout the whole time of observation. The researchers include height

as their factors for: when the chlorosis problem of the plant was cured, it will be now able to

continue its growth and create fruit at the same time.

The researchers used GraphPad QuickCals online to go get the value of the needs of the

observation in order to see their difference from within and not just what our naked eyes can see.

Still, it is a paired t-test because both subjects were identical. And based from the result being

tabulated, the two-tailed P value is equals to 0.0003 and by conventional criteria, this difference

is considered to be extremely significant.

Like number of infected leaves, this shows a tremendous changed among set-ups.
When it comes to the outlook of the plant in totality, the researchers must say that there’s

also a big difference to it. The researchers based their rating of the outlook of the set-ups with

these factors:

 Color of not infected leaves

 Color of infected

The researchers think that when the number of infected leaves is higher compared to

number of not infected leaves, they must say that it is not healthy and must receive a scale of

either 2 or 3. But when most of them are starting to heal and change its color to what it should

be, then it will receive 4 or 5 rating.

And based on the ratings, PLANT A ended up with 4 as the rating and 1 for the PLANT

B which say that PLANT B deteriorates throughout the given span of time unlike PLANT A

whom healed by the extracts.

With the tabular data, graphs and figures that the researchers provided, you can see

various differences from the factors mainly the number of leaves, number of infected leaves,

height of the plant and outlook of the plant.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations


The research investigated Capsicum annuum’s behaviour having Ipomoea

aquatica’s extracts as anti-chlorosis. The study is all about Ipomoea aquatica’s power of

letting Capsicum annum plants revive through having its pure extracts that was being

discussed in the first part of the research. And to wrap the study up, Ipomoea aquatica’s

extracts can be used as anti-chlorosis for Capsicum annuum plants for it supplies enough

Iron that the plants deficits with. The observation of set-ups proved that Ipomoea

aquatica’s extracts can help Capsicum annuum plants to heal by just spraying it twice a

day. The observations also let us see that the difference is extremely significant for set-up

A (with Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts) has shown a great change among the factors that

the researchers planned to be measured with. The first set-up let the problem of chlorosis

be resolved by having lesser number of infected leaves in the end of the observation and

having a satisfying outlook of being vibrant and healthy chilli plant.

The following conclusions can also be drawn with the help of the findings n. First,

Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts can help the number of leaves to increase throughout time.

Secondly, it can help to lessen the number of infected leaves and making it as vibrant as

possible. And lastly, it can let the height of the plant increase faster.

The results of the study indicate that Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts can be used as

chlorosis to Capsicum annuum plants. However, the findings are for Capsicum annuum

plant. The same study needs to be conducted to other plant type in order to see if it will

also work and help the infected plant with different genus and species.

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, here are the several

recommendations to be considered:

1. One at home should try using Ipomoea aquatica’s extracts if they have chilli plants to

recover because Ipomoea aquatica is just scattered everywhere.

2. Farmers can now use the extracts of Ipomoea aquatica to cure their chilli plant chlorosis

complication and not just let their chilli plants wither and die.

3. One must not just let their chilli plants to wither die because there is now a cure to let the

problem of chlorosis among chilli plants be cured and given action.

Recommendations for future research

Since the study had only focused on a specific plant type which is the Capsicum

annum plant or commonly known as chilli plants, it is highly recommended to test the extracts to

other plant types thinking that it will also be effective. Secondly, it also recommended to search

for any plant who does have enough iron to be utilized and used as anti-chlorosis for plants.

Thirdly, the researchers also recommend to find for other plants who can address other plant’s

problem and not just chlorosis because there’s a lot of plant complication to be resolved with

accordance to what plant they are lack with. There are a lot of plant nutrient deficiencies and os

one must try to start making things around them worthy and useful. And lastly, the researchers

recommend to not just use Ipomoea aquatica as anti-chlorosis for plants, but also, to other plant

problems if it can be proved to be effective to cure more complication and not just as anti-

chlorosis alone.
F. Appendix

Appendix A

The photos show how the researchers collected Ipomoea aquatica to be latter used as extracts.
Appendix B

The photos show how the researchers conducted the act of letting Ipomoea aquatica produced

more extracts by letting it be heated.

Appendix C

The photos above show how the set-ups change throughout time. Unluckily, the researchers

were not able to capture the initial plant but they are way identical when it comes to height and

number of leaves. They are just different when it comes to number of infected leaves to cure.
Appendix D

The photos show the last day of observation of the researchers and you can see that there’s a big

difference between the set-ups.

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