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The plant has many medical properties.

In the tribes of Nilgiris, the plant is used

to treat a whitlow (finger abscess): the finger is inserted into a ripe fruit for a
few minutes.[7] In Nepal, a decoction of root is taken twice a day for seven days
to treat cough, asthma and chest pain.[9]

Ayurvedic Physicians commonly used the drugs of Dashmula in their private practice.
Dashmula comprises root of five trees (brihat panchmula) and root of five small
herbs (laghu panchmula). Deep study in Ayurveda indicate that out of 33 species of
Solanum from family Solanaceae, two species are used in “Dashmula” such as Solanum
anguivi Lam. (Bruhati) and Solanum virginianum L. (Kantkari) (Sharma, 2006). The
tribals and villagers also used the drugs of Dashmula group for their common
ailments. It is estimated that about 8000 metric tons of roots of Dashmula are used
annually by Ayurvedic industry in Maharashtra.[4]:26

Heble et al., (1968) chemically isolated, crystallized, diosgenin and beta

cytosterol constituents from Solanum virginianumL. Further they reported the
presence of triterpenes like Tupeol. Heble et al., (1971) noted the presence of
coumarins, scopolin, scopoletin, esculin and esculetin from plant parts of Solanum
virginianum through column chromatography. Hussain et al., (2010) in addition to
alkaloids content also determined the presence of flavoinoids and saponin apart
from the presence of tolerable level of heavy metals like Cu, Fe, Pb, Cd and Zn.
Shankaret al., (2011) reported and quantified bioactive steroidal glycoalkaloid
khasianine in addition to solanine and solasomargine through HPTLC. Apigenin showed
antiallergic while diosgenin exhibited anti – inflammatory effects (Singh et al.,
2010). The leaf extract inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms. (Seeba, 2009).
Tanusak Changbanjong et al., (2010) reported the effect of crude extract of Solanum
verginianum against snails and mosquito larvae.[4]:28

Solanum virginianum L. (Kantkari) is useful in bronchial asthama (Govindan et al.,

1999). Krayer and Briggs (1950) reported the antiaccelerator cardiac action of
solasodine and some of its derivatives. The plant possesses antiurolthiatic and
natriuretic activities. (Patel et al., 2010). A decoction of the fruits of the
plant is used for treatment of diabetes (Nadkarni, 1954). Solanum virginianum L.
herb is useful in cough, chest pain, against vomiting, hair fall, leprosy, itching
scabies, skin diseases and cardiac diseases associated with edema (Kumar et al.,

Roots decoction is used as fabrige, effective diuretic and expectorant. It is

diuretic useful in the treatment of catarrhal, fever, cough, asthma, and chest pain
(Ghani, 1996). Root paste is utilized by the Mukundara tribals of Rajasthan for the
treatment of hernia as well as in flatulence and constipation. Stem, flower and
fruits are prescribed for relief in burning sensation in the feed. Leaves are
applied locally to relieve body or muscle pains, while its juice mixed with black
pepper is advised for rheumatism (Nadkarni, 1954). Fruit juice is useful in sore
throats and rheumatism. A decoction of the fruits of the plant is used by tribal
and rural people of Orissa for the treatment of diabetes (Nadkarni, 1954).[4]:28

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