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Preparations and Properties of Castor Oil Urethane Foams'

D. A. YEADON, W. F. McSHERRY, and L. A. GOLDBLATT, Southern Regional

Research Laboratory, 2 New Orleans, Louisiana

]~ XPANDED FOAMS now constitute a large volume

outlet for plastic materials, and greatly in-
creased applications d u r i n g the next few years

are predicted. Urethane foams are expected to con-

tribute significantly to this increase. Recent articles 0
C-I: o
(1-4) review the background and history of urethane HG-O-C {CH217GH:CHGHzCH(CH2IsCH 3
foams and elaborate on their potential f u t u r e utility.
Polyurethanes are obtained by reaction of organic 0 O'CO'NH
p o l y h y d r o x y compounds with excess polyisocyanates, H2C'O-C(CH2}7 CH:CHCH2CH(CH2)sCH 3

a reaction known more t h a n a c e n t u r y ago. Subse- FIG. 2. A reaction product of castor oil with tolylene
quent reaction of the urethane polymers with w a t e r diisocyanate.
in the presence of an alkaline catalyst, usually terti-
a r y amines, causes erosslinking accompanied b y evo-
lution of carbon dioxide which expands the plastic is desirable to build up the molecular weight of the
material into a foam. F i g u r e 1 shows some typical prepolymer, too much erosslinking leads to excessive
Most information in the literature on castor oil
(I) RNCO + R'OH -----Y ~ C O O R ' polyurethane foams is somewhat scattered, limited in
(18ochre) (~co~oi) (uret~e) scope, and generally confined to special applications.
Since a favorable price differential exists for castor
(2) ~co + R'NNCOOR" , 9 ,)~HCON(R' )COOR" oil over most polyesters, information concerning the
(ure~hane) (sllophanlc ester) properties of various castor urethane foams should
be useful to m a n u f a c t u r e r s and consumers of ex-
(3) RNCO + R'COOH .~ ~HCOOOCR' > Y~HCOR' + co2~r panded plastic foams. I t was the purpose of this
(fatty acid) (m:txeaanhydride) (amide) ! investigation to evaluate the utility of castor oil and
to determine the effect, on properties of the foams
(~) ~co + ~oH ~ ~ + co2T obtained, of v a r y i n g the proportions of castor oil
(~e) over the range of 50 to 80%. The effect o~ modi-
fication of the double bonds in castor oil on foam
(5) ~co + R'gg2 - ) m~co~' properties was also investigated. Evaluations were
(eubstltuted ,area) obtained on foams p r e p a r e d f r o m h y d r o g e n a t e d castor
oil, elaidinized castor oil (containing trans double
bonds), and a formulation in which a portion of the
HCCge~(C~)sCHa SCCa~(C~)SCH
3 castor oil h a d been replaced with an epoxidized castor
(rlcinolele ester)
0 9OCIr~R
(a urethane)
oil. I n the interest of simplicity these investigations
were confined to readily available commercial mate-
FIG. 1, Typical isocyanate reactions related to preparation
of urethane foams. rials. Thus a commercial grade of d r y castor oil,
an 80/20 T D I (80% 2,4- and 20% 2,6-tolylene diiso-
cyanate), and a commercial p r e p a r a t i o n of buffered
reactions involved. B y v a r y i n g the ingredients, foam- 2-diethylaminoethanol catalyst were employed.
ing conditions, and additives, foams can be obtained Generally f r o m two to five tests were made on
which are flexible or semirigid in n a t u r e (as low in specimens f r o m about five separate batches of each
density as 1 to 2 lbs./cu, ft.) and possess m a n y other f o a m formulation studied. Properties tested were:
desirable properties. foaming time, density, shrinkage, tensile-elongation,
Most commercial applications have utilized poly- compression-deflection, compression set, accelerated
esters to produce urethane polymers (2). Castor oil, aging, energy absorption, and water absorption.
essentially a t r i h y d r o x y compound, i.e., an ester of
glycerol with ricinoleic acid, has been found useful Experimental
in urethane applications. An ester of ricinoleic acid Prepolymer Preparation. Castor oil urethane foams
will react with isocyanate as shown in equation 6 of are p r e p a r e d by the p r e p o l y m e r or two-stage method
F i g u r e 1. The reaction product of one mole of castor r a t h e r t h a n a one-step method as used with most
oil and three moles of tolylene diisoeyanate m a y be polyesters. The use of elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s for the
visualized as in F i g u r e 2. This shows t h a t it is neces- p r e p a r a t i o n of a castor oil p r e p o l y m e r is necessary to
s a r y to have an excess of isocyanate groups over hy- obtain a workable viscosity range of about 10,000
droxyl groups so t h a t the p r e p o l y m e r will contain to 30,000 centipoises at room temperature. This is
residual unreacted isocyanate necessary for the foam- because of the presence in castor oil of secondary
ing stage. Also, if the n u m b e r of isocyanate groups h y d r o x y l groups which are slow to react with the
is less t h a n twice the n u m b e r of h y d r o x y l groups, isocyanate. The general procedure used to p r e p a r e
crosslinking will occur. Although some crosslinking the p r e p o l y m e r (in batches of 400 to 800 g.) was as
1 Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chem- follows:
ists' Society, Memphis, Tenn., April 21-23, 1958.
One of the laboratories of the Southern Utilization Research and The required amount of 80/20 tolylene diisocyanate
Development Division, Agricultural l~esearch Service, U. S. Department
of Agriculture. was added at room t e m p e r a t u r e to castor oil contained

in a 1-quart fruit jar fitted through the top with a oil contained approximately 75% of its double bonds
stirrer, thermometer, reflux condenser, and dry nitro- in the trans configuration (7), and the partially epoxi-
gen inlet tube. After the initial exothermic reaction dized oil was used with about five parts of normal oil
reached its maximum of about 80~ the jar was to make a comparable prepolymer. In the preparation
lowered into a hot oil bath, allowed to reach the of these prepolymers the requisite amount of diisocy-
desired temperature, and then heated for the time anate was added to the modified castor oil at room
required. In preliminary tests it was found that in temperature and mixed manually while increasing the
making the 60% castor oil prepolymer at 130~ a temperature until fluid enough to be mechanically
viscosity of 60,000-100,000 eentipoises was usually stirred, then the usual procedure for the preparation
reached after heating 1 hr. Since this viscosity was of prepolymers was followed.
greater than that desired, a lower reaction temper- Table I presents some properties for the various
ature of 110~ was generally used thereafter. How- oils used. The viscosity and NCO content of the pre-
ever, to prepare a 50% castor oil prepolymer, it was polymers are listed in Table II.
found that a heating period of about 16 hrs. at Foam Preparation. In order to minimize variations
ll0~ would be required to attain the desired vis- produced by the foaming step, a uniform formulation
cosity. F u r t h e r tests showed that even at 130~ and foaming procedure was adopted. This procedure
the temperature chosen for preparing the 50% castor
oil prepolymer, about 4 hrs. of heating were necessary
to reach the desired viscosity. The changes in vis-
P r o p e r t i e s of Castor Oil a n d Modifications
cosity of the 50% castor oil prepolymers on heating
at ll0~ and 130~ are shown i n Figure 3. The Normal Hydro- Elaidi~ Partially
changes in isocyanate content, as determined by the Tests genated ized epoxi-
(dry) dized a
method of Tazuma and Latourette (5), are also shown
:YIolecular w e i g h t ( m e a n ) b 926 945
in this figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Viscosity, cps. at 25~ b ................. 68O 2000

M e l t i n g point, ~ ............................ 86 b 40-5(

NCOTEMI~VISC. l s o c y a n a t e e q u i v a l e n t b................... 342 350 340 28O
O---IlO*c---~ ~' (theer~ (max.)
~176 Moisture, %c, a ............................... 0.05 0.05 0.13 0.20

t / y d r o x y l , % a ................................... 4.98 4.73 4.85 6.23

50 rs,ooo
Acid v a l u e a .......... i.......................... 0.67 2.6 1.8 0.76

I o d i n e v a l u e d.................................. 85.2 1.92 83.1 43.3

S a p o n i f i c a t i o n v a l u e d..................... 179 179 182 181

a O x i r a n e oxygen, 1.71%.
b " C a s t o r Oil P r o d u c t s for U r e t h a n e P o l y m e r s , " Baker Ca~tor Oil
Company, Tech. Bull. No. 31, p. 22 ( 1 9 5 7 ) .
c K a r l - F i s c h e r method.
o a A.O.C.S. methods.

I0 ~ 5,000 O
was to mix 100 g. of prepolymer with 0.5 g. of a
dispersing agent, 3'4 add 4.4 g. of a commercial 2-
diethylaminoethanol catalyst 5 and additional water
necessary to reach a minimum of 100% of the
REACTIONTIME,Hrs9 amount theoretically required to react with the ex-
:FIG] 3. Effee50-f time and temloerature of :preparation on
residual NCO content and viscosity of prepolvmers made with
50% of castor oil. TABLE II
I s o c y a n a t e C o n t e n t a n d Viscosity of P r e p o l y m e r s

Attempts to prepare prepolymers of high castor oil Molar Residual Viscosity

NCO,% (cps. a t
C a s t o r oil ( % ) ratio (calcu- 25oc.)
content by this procedure were unsuccessful; the NCO/OH lated)
products were hard, rubbery to solid resins. With
50 .................................................. 3.93 18.0 ll,100
large proportions of castor oil the ratio of NCO to 60 .................................................. 2.63 11.9 15,000
OH groups falls below 2:1 and is approximately 1:1 70 ...................................... 9...........
80 ..................................................
at the 80% level. The preparation by this method of 60 (I~) ........................................... 2.63 11.9 22,800
60 ( E l ) .......................................... 2.63 11.9 29,700
an 80% castor oil prepolymer was not practical since 58 ( E p ) .......................................... 2.75 13.0 17,600
the prepolymer would not possess free isocyal~ate ( H ) , h y d r o g e n a t e d ; ( E l ) , e l a i d i n i z e d ; ( E p ) , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 9 % par-
groups necessary to produce foaming and would be tially epoxidized castor o i l -]- 4 9 % n o r m a l castor oil.
excessively crosslinked. Consequently the procedure
employed in preparing foams with 70% and 80%
cess isocyanate. For the preparation of the foams
castor oil was to mix appropriate quantities of 60%
using 70 and 80% castor oil no additional water
castor oil prepolymer with additional dry castor oil
just before the foaming operation. This technique is over that present in the catalyst was required. The
similar to that described for the preparation of foams reactants were then rapidly mixed with a flat-tipped
spatula for 45 seconds, scraping the sides and bottom
made with 68% castor oil (6).
of the cup, and poured into a heavily waxed l~-ga].
To determine the effect of modification of the double
bond in the fatty acid portion of castor oil, prepoly- 3 D e w C o r n i n g ' s DC 200 f l u i d - - 5 0 centistokes viscosity.
M e n t i o n of n a m e s or t r a d e p r o d u c t s does n o t i m p l y t h a t they a r e
mers were prepared from hydrogenated, elaidinized, endorsed or r e c o m m e n d e d b y the U . S. D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e o v e r
o t h e r firms or s i m i l a r p r o d u c t s n o t mentioned.
and partially epoxidized castor oils. The hydrogen- 5 I s o f o a m Catalyst No. I, I s o c y a n a t e P r o d u c t s ' buffered catalyst, pl-I
ated oil was substantially saturated, the elaidinized 10.6.

(8). Gage lengths of the specimens were 1 in. and the

rates of elongations were 0.05-0.10 in./min, for the
semirigid foams and 20 in./min, for the flexible soft
A reverse cage attachment (Figure 4) was made
for use with the I n s t r o n Tensile Tester to permit
measurement of compression resistance of a sample
of foam placed between the suspended plates as the
cross-head moves away from the tension cell. The
procedures outlined in the S P I methods were used
to measure the forces required to compress 2 • 2 • 1-
in. samples more than 50% of their original height at
a compression rate of 0.1 in./min.
Compressio n set was determined by a constant de-
flection procedure, as outlined in Method A of the S P I
methods previously mentioned. Test specimens were
about 1 in. high and had a cross section of 1 sq. in.
(cubes or cylinders). The specimens were accurately
measured, then compressed to 0.5 in., and placed in a
forced d r a f t oven at 70~ for 22 hrs. They were then
removed, and after 30 rain. at room conditions the
heights of the specimens were measured. The com-
pression set was calculated by the formula:
To - TI
Fro. 4. Reverse cage attachment for Instron Tensile Tester. % Compression s e t - - - X 100
paper carton (12 • 17 era. at the base and 8.5 era. in To = original thickness
nelght) and allowed to foam freely. The height of T1 = final thickness
the loam was observed periodically.
Sample Preparation. A f t e r the initial standing Since the samples were compressed to 0.5 in., even
period of two to three days the sides of the foams though they were not all exactly 1 in. high originally,
were trimmed, inch slices were cut horizontally from they were not always compressed exactly 50%. In
the bottom of the foam. The test st)ecimens were cut such cases the compression set was corrected for the
from these slices. The specimens used for determina- small deviations.
tion of tensile strength, elongation, and compression- The samples were aged by placing them on wire
deflection charactemsties were conditioned in a con- screens over water in a closed container at 70~ for
stant temperature and humidity room [21~ and three weeks. Tensile compression strength and com-
65% relative humidity) for at least three days before pression set were determined on the aged samples.
testing. E n e r g y absorption tests were made by using a
Test Methods. Foaming time was taken as the time simple procedure employed for determination of the
required for the foam to reach maxinmm height. " b o u n c e " from cellular foams. A small steel ball
Density was determined by weighing 2 • 2 • 1-in. bearing ( ~ 6 in.) was dropped from a height of 70
blocks of foam. Values for the percentage area and em. by means of an electromagnet onto a 1-in. thick
linear shrinkage of the foams, referred to container foam sample, inclined at a 45 ~ angle. The distance
dimensions, were determined by use of the following the ball bounced was measured by allowing it to fall
equations. on graph paper covered with carbon paper, and this
(AB + X Y ) was compared to the distance noted for a control
AoBo foam rubber sample. The percentage of energy ab-
2 sorbed (as compared to foam rubber) was calcu-
% Area shrinkage = • 100
AoBo lated by the equation:
Dr -- D.~
(Ao + g o ) - ( x + y) % Energy absorption- • 100
% Linear shrinkage = - - • 100 Dr
Ao + Bo where
where D~ = distance ball bounced from foam rubber
Ao= shorter edge of mold at the base D~ = distance ball bounced from foam sample
Bo = longer edge of mold at the base W a t e r absorption was determined by immersion of
A = shorter edge of foam at the base the weighed samples, contained in a screen cage, be-
B = longer edge of foam at the base neath 8 ft. of water for 24 hrs. A f t e r removal from
h = height of foam the water the samples were blown free of surface
X = shortest edge of foam at 0.5 h water (not blotted) and weighed. The percentage of
Y = longest edge of foam at 0.5 h water absorbed was calculated from the increase in
x = shortest axis through foam at 0.5 h weight.
y = longest axis through foam at 0.5 h Results and Discussion
Tensile-elongation was determined by means of an Inspection of the data in Table I I I shows that foam-
Instron Tensile Tester (Model TT3), fitted with modi- ing time increased from about 20 to 45 rain., that
fied clamps to hold 1/2 • 1~ • 21/,-in. foam strips. The foam density increased from 1.7 to 6.4 lbs./ cu. ft.,
testing procedures used were based upon the test and shrinkage values decreased from 21% to about
methods of the Society of the Plastics I n d u s t r y Inc. 1% as the proportion of castor oil was increased from

Properties of ~oams
Type and characteristics Tensile strength and elongation

Castor oil ( % ) Density Shrinkage Original Aged

Foaming Type
time lbs./ Ultimate ~ 100% Ultimate lOu%
ca. ft. Area Linear elongation elongation elongation elongation

50 ..............................
20-25 Semirigid 1.7
(:;' l <:;) (%)
(~) (p.s.i.)10.3
60 .............................. 30-40 Semirigid 2.8 11 ] 20 42 27.9 ...... 54 23.7
70 .............................. 30-45 Soft 3.5 4 8 121 20.6 18.4 136 19.5 15.8
80 .............................. 35-45 Soft 6.4 1 } 0.6 103 6.3 6.1 109 6.6 6.4
60 (]~) ....................... 30-35 Semirigid 3.0 6 / 19 37 28.1 ...... 45 28.8
60 ( E l ) ...................... 30-35 Semirigid 2.6 4 10 43 24.9 ...... 51 23.6
5 8 ( E p ) ..................... 20-25 Semirigid 2.6 8 I 22 42 22.0 ...... 42 25.5
Compression-deflection modulus Compression set, energy and water absorption
Castor oil ( % ) Original Aged Compression set Energy Water
_ _ - - - 25% - 1 ~ 50% Original Aged
absorption absorption
lO% I 25% 50%
(p.s.i.) I (p.s.i.) (p.s.i.) I (p..,.i.) i (p.s.i.) (%) (~) (%)~ (%)
5 0 .............................. 4.9 5.5 7.6 5,6 6.1 8.3 5O 19 515
6 0 ............................. 5.3 6.5 10 4 4.8 6.4 11,3 47 44 23 323
7 0 ............................. 0.55 0.71 1.19 0.43 ] 0.55 0,94 30 22 50 230
8o............................. 0.20 I 0.30 0.52 o.~o I o.23 I o.41 16 I0 47 170
~o (~) ..................... 4.9 i 7.7 13.7 a.4 / 4.9 I s.7 48 43 41 198
6 0 ( E l ) ..................... 5.6 ] 6.9 10.9 4.0 5,0 [ 8.6 45 42 30 234
5 8 ( E p ) .................... i 5.3 I 7.1 11.3 4.3 / 5.O I 7.7 49 48 28 286
aPercentage of value for control foam rubber having the following properties: density, 7.2 lbs./eu, f t . ; 5 0 % compression modnhs, 1.0 p.s.i.;
and ultimate tensile strength, 1 6 . 6 p . s . i , a t 2 1 8 % elongation.

50% to 80%. The data also show that foams made 5. Rates of compression and recovery were the same
with elaidinized or partially epoxidized castor oil have and relatively slow, 0.1 in. per rain. The foam
slightly lower densities than those made with normal made by using 80% of castor oil was resilient, and
or hydrogenated castor oil and that the foams made reminiscent of soft foam rubber; it is noted from
by using modified oils all showed improved shrinkage Figure 5 that the recovery curve resembles the com-
characteristics. pression curve. On the other hand, the recovery curve
Results of tests of tensile strength and elongation of the foam made with 70% of castor oil is very dif-
(Table III) show that foams made by using 60% ferent from its compression curve. Such a foam is
castor oil have the highest tensile strength. Neither slow to recover its initial shape and is useful to ab-
modification of the castor oil, as by hydrogenation or sorb shock without abrupt recoil, as in automotive
e]aidinization, nor aging greatly affected the tensile crash pads.
strength or elongation. Results of tests of compression set and energy and
Results of compression-deflection tests (Table III) water absorption are shown in Table III. As ex-
again point to the greater strength of the foams made pected, the softer foams resulting from the use of
by using 60% of castor oil. As anticipated, the foams larger proportions of castor oil exhibited less com-
made by using 70 and 80% of castor oil were weaker pression set than did the semirigid foams. The val-
but more flexible. A g i n g had only slight effect on u e s in this table indicate the percentage of the
compression resistance. F o a m s made with larger pro- original height which the foam test during the test;
portions of castor oil showed a slight decrease in thus a value of 50% indicates that the foam did not
compression resistance. F o a m s made with smaller recover at all after compression. A g i n g did not sig-
proportions of castor oil were greatly distorted on nificantly affect the compression set of the semirigid
aging so that compression-deflection was hard to meas- foams but markedly decreased the values obtained
ure accurately, but the compression resistance of these for the soft foams. Hydrogenation, claidinization, or
foams appeared actually to increase on aging. Typi- replacement of part of the castor oil with partially
cal compression-recovery curves are shown in Figure epoxidized castor oil did not significantly affect the
compression set. On the other hand, such modifica-
tion did markedly affect both the energy absorption
IE 16 and the water absorption. Hydrogenation of the cas-
tor oil greatly increased the energy absorption and
14 greatly decreased the water absorption. The corre-
sponding values for the foams made with elaidinized

/ 1.2

castor oil and with partially epoxidized castor oil were
intermediate between those made with natural castor
oil and those made with the hydrogenated oil.
~e~ o.e Summary
The preparations and properties of urethane foams
~o.E 06 made from tolylene diisocyanate and 50, 60, 70, and
80% castor oil were investigated. F o a m s of 50 and
04 60% castor content were prepared by the prepoly-
mer technique; those of 70 and 80% castor content
o.~ -(
0.2 were prepared by mixing a 60% castor oil prepolymer
with additional castor oil just before foaming. F o a m
' 6'o 0 density increased from 1.7 to 6.4 lbs./cu, ft., and
DEFEECTION, ~ OF THICKNESS shrinkage decreased from 21 to about 1% as the pro-
FIG. 5. Compresslon-recovery curves of foams. portion of castor oil was increased. Tensile strength

ranged from 6.3 to 27.9 p.s.i., ultimate elongation ized oil, and the Baker Castor Oil Company for a
from 27 to 121%, and 50% compression modulus from generous supply of normal, hydrogenated, and epoxi-
0.5 to 10.4 p.s.i. Neither modification of the unsatura- dized castor oils.
tion of castor oil, as by hydrogenation, elaidinization, REFERENCES
or partial epoxidation, nor aging at elevated tempera- 1. Bjorksten, g., Tovey, l=I., a n d Dollard, YI. L. Jr., Modern Plastics,
81, No. 8, 1 4 3 - 4 4 , 146, 228-30, 233 ( 1 9 5 4 ) .
ture and humidity greatly affected the density, tensile 2. t~irschbeck, R. D., :Plastics Technol., 1, 9 5 - 9 9 ( 1 9 5 5 ) .
3. Kenline, W. E., a n d Hirschbeck, R. D., .Plastics Teehnol., 2, 1 6 8 -
strength, or elongation, but water resistance and 94 1 7 8 - 1 7 9 (1956).
shrinkage of the foams were improved by such modi- 4. " U r e t h a n e 3Plastics," a staff report, I n d . E n g . Chem., 48, 1 3 8 3 -
1391 ( 1 9 5 6 ) .
fication. 5. Tazuma, J. J., a n d Latourette, H. K., Am. Chem. Soc., Div.
Paint, Plastics, a n d P r i n t i n g I n k Chem. Papers, 16, No. 3, 2 2 - 3 1
Acknowledgment (1956).
6. Bailey, M. E., K h a w a m , A., a n d Toone, G. C., Am. Chem. Soc.,
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance ]:)iv. Paint, Plastics, a n d P r i n t i n g I n k Chem. Papers, 17, No. 2, 5 0 - 5 6
of T. H. Hopper for designing a compression attach- 7. MeCtltchon, M. A., O'Connor, R. T., DuPr6, E. Y., Goldblatt, L.
merit for the Instron Tensile Tester, A. 1~. Markezich A., a n d Biekford, W. G., in press.
8. Society of Plastics I n d u s t r y Inc., New York, "Tentative. Methods
for his aid in obtaining some of the physical data, of Test for Rigid Cellular Materials" ( J a n u a r y 28, 1957) ; a n d "Tenta-
tive ~/fethods of Test for Flexible Urethane F o a m " (May 24, 1957).
Mrs. V. 0. Cirino and J. A. Harris for analyses o f
the oils used, Miss M. A. McCutchon for the elaidin- [Received June 16, 1958]

Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Fatty Derivatives. I. Separation

of Homologous Series of a-Olefins, n-Hydrocarbons,
n-Nitriles, and n-Alcohols 1'=
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
INCE TttE FIRST application of gas-liquid chroma- nitriles, and silicone (Wilkens No. 1)3 for alcohols and
S tography by James and Martin (3) to the separa-
tion of long-chain fatty acids, the technique has
castor derivatives. The support for the stationary
phase was 30-60 mesh C-22 firebrick (Johns-Man-
ville). The column packing contained 31-38% by
been extended by other investigators (8) to fatty acids
through C_~,, as their methyl esters, and to the fatty weight of the partitioning agent. Packing of the
alcohols (1, 6) up to Cls. James and Martin and their columns was done as previously described (3). Col-
co-workers have shown that gas-liquid chromatogra- unins were prepared from stainless steel tubing 0.25
phy can be applied to the separation of the methyl in. o.d. by 0.0'20 in. wall thickness.
esters of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (2, 4) Helium was used as the carrier gas. The column
and have studied the structure of unsaturated fatty and detector were operated at the same temperature
acids (5) through chromatography of their oxidation in the range of 220-260~ The detector was main-
products. Very recently Orr and Callen (7), screen- tained at atmospheric pressure. The recorder was a
ing various partitioning agents, have found that strip-chart type with a 1-my. full-scale deflection.
polyester columns will resolve unsaturated acids, giv- Other variables are defined in the results following.
ing good, quantitative separations in reasonable times. Samples were injected with a Beckman liquid sampler,
In this laboratory conditions have been established a precision hypodermic syringe. Solid samples were
for the separation and identification of alpha-olefins easily handled by their previous melting. This re-
from Cs to C24, saturated n-hydrocarbons from Cs to quired heating the barrel and the needle o:f the sam-
C24, and fatty nitriles from C6 to C2o. The separation pler with an infrared lamp. Peaks were identified by
of the saturated higher fatty methyl esters and fatty their retention volumes and by the method of internal
alcohols has been improved so that the useful range standards; peaks areas were measured with a com-
has been extended through ricinoleic for the fatty pensating planimeter.
acids and through behenyl for the f at t y alcohols. 1-Olefins. Through the chromatography of stand-
Through the use of pure standards the accuracy has ard samples of 1-decene, 1-dodecene, 1-tetradecene,
been established for the olefln and nitrile separations and 1-hexadecenc, obtained from the American Pe-
and subsequent analyses. troleum Institute, the relationship between chain
length and retention time was established for three
Experimental sets of operating conditions. The results shown in
Figure I were obtained by chromatographing these
Gas Chromatography. The chromatographic separa- pure olefins and a commercial olefin containing both
tions were carried out on a Beckman GC-2 gas chro- odd and even chain lengths from C~o to Cls. A typical
matograph. The columns had as the stationary phase, curve, Figure 2, and the data derived from the curve,
Apiezon L (Burrell No. 341-117) for hydrocarbons, Table I, revealed that the method was suitable for
Carbowax 4000 monostearate (Beckman No. 70006), the quantitative analysis of long chain alpha-olefin
and Carbowax (Wilkens No. 3), 3 for alcohols and mixtures since peak areas were directly proportional
J Presented at anzlual meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society, to weight percentage. A statistical evaluation of a
Memphis, Tenn., April 2 1 - 2 3 , 1958. limited set of data shows that the standard deviation
~Technieal Paper7 No. 160, Archer-Daniels-Midland C o m p a n y .
W!lkens I n s t r u m e n t a n d Research Inc. for this analysis is 0.47.

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