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128 MusicTheory Spectrum

He likewise scoffed at those who prohibitedthe use of parallel Is it not our duty ... to try andfindthe symphonicformulaebest
chords and proposed that tonality should be fully chromatic suitedto the audaciousdiscoveriesof our moderntimes, so com-
and "enriched by other scales."6 mittedas theyareto progress?Thecenturyof aeroplaneshasa right
Just as Debussy debunked many basic tenets of common- to a musicof its own!9
practice tonality, so he also questioned conventional ap- Besides disdaining textbook formal stereotypes, so Debussy
proaches to musical form, especially those found in sym- also praised composers, such as Mussorgsky, whose works
phonic repertories. In an essay for La Revue blanche (6 "are impossible to relate to (the) accepted forms-the 'of-
March 1901), he dismissed a recent orchestral work by Wit- ficial' ones."10
kowski, claiming that it provided "only further proof of the Intentions are one thing, but actualities are often quite
uselessness of the symphony since Beethoven."7 He added: another matter. While Debussy's radical goals are hard to
Mustwe concludethatdespiteso manyattemptsat transformation, deny, we may still wonder whether he succeeded in freeing
the symphony-in all its elegance and formal order ... -is a thing himself from common-practice tonality and nineteenth-
of the past?Has not its wornout gilt merelybeen replacedby a century formal conventions. Did Debussy really create sym-
platingof shiningcopper,the shoddyfinishof present-dayorches- phonic forms fit for "the century of aeroplanes"?
tration?8 Obviously, any answerto this question depends on the way
in which we decide to explain tonality and on the kinds of
Some ten years later, the barbs were no less pointed. Writing
for SIM (1 November 1913), Debussy censured his colleagues analytical priorities we make in assigning formal functions.
for imitating the stale symphonic forms of Franz Liszt and Although there are many possible theories of tonality, this
Richard Strauss: paper will use Schenkerian theory. This decision, however,
requires some explanation. In particular, it contradicts the
prevailing view that Debussy's music cannot be analyzed by
strict Schenkerian paradigms. Surely, Schenker would have
disapproved;he made no secret of his dislike for Debussy's
music. In the preface to his edition of Beethoven's Piano
6In Debussy's conversationswith his teacher Guiraud, he questioned the Sonata in A Major, Op. 101, he complained that the se-
rules prohibitingparallel sonorities, claiming that "there is no theory. You quences of sounds found in impressionistpieces are valuable
have merelyto listen. Pleasureis the law." In the same conversationsDebussy as "an acousticphenomenon, but certainlynot as art."1'Else-
also declared: "Music is neither major nor minor. Minor thirds and major
thirds should be combined, modulation thus becoming more flexible. The
mode is that which one happens to choose at the moment. It is not constant." 9Lesure, Monsieur Croche, 241; Lesure and Smith, Debussy on Music,
These conversationsare translatedin William Austin, ed., Debussy: Prelude 297.
to "The Afternoon of a Faun," Norton Critical Scores (New York: Norton, 'oLesure,MonsieurCroche,29; Lesure and Smith, Debussyon Music, 21.
1970), 128-31. For a facsimile of Maurice Emanuel's original transcription, ""Von einer gewissen 'Linie' sprechen heute gern auch die Verfertiger
see Leon Vallas, Claude Debussy: His Life and Works, trans. Maire and sogenannterimpressionistischerStiicke. Wo aber, wie in diesen, die Wirkung
Grace O'Brien (London: Oxford University Press, 1933), 84. erst auf ein Tongerauschhinauslauft(das wie jedes Gerauschnur als akustis-
7Debussy, La Revue blanche, 1 April 1901, in Lesure, MonsieurCroche, che Erscheinung, aber noch nicht als Kunst gilt), dort sagt die 'Linie' des
25; Lesure and Smith, Debussy on Music, 15. Tongerauschesgewiss nicht mehr die Linien als die steigend, fallend ja auch
8Lesure,MonsieurCroche, 26; Lesure and Smith, Debussy on Music, 16. in anderenGerauschen(z.B. in Donner, Tischriicken,Wagenrollenusw.) sich

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