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One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 471

Chapter 28

One Word Substitution

Introduction the smooth flow of thoughts and ofte n cre ate
confusion. So, in exhibiting your sentiment by speech,
Brevity is the soul of wit. Then, you have to be precise
the narrower the compass of the word is, the more
and to the point. You just cannot put your ideas across
energetic is the impression.
succinctly — without mincing words — unless you
are direct and forthright. Too many words (verbosity) You have, in English, different words for group of
and roundabout statements (circumlocution) impede people in the different situations of life. For example,

 at a lecture or concert : audience
 at a match : spectators
 in the street : crowd
 in a riot : mob
 in a church, mosque, temple : congregation
 in a rowdy scene : rabble
 watching a TV programme : viewers

attending a funeral
listening to a broadcast programme

A person sent on a mission

A person who spends his money recklessly
A person who can neither read nor write

It is, therefore, advisable to study the list of one-word substitution to help add ‘pep’ to your expression.
 A minister representing a sovereign or a state in a foreign country : ambassador
 A person who lives at the same time as another : contemporary
 A lover of mankind : philanthropist
 A lover of womankind : philogynist
 A lover of oneself : egoist
 A lover of others : altruist
 A lover of food : gourmand
 A person who loves his own country : patriot
 A person who regards the whole world as his country : cosmopolitan
 A person who believes in the total abolition of war : pacifist
 A person who is fond of fighting : bellicose
 A man who is womanish in his habits : effeminate
 A person who is devoted to the welfare of women : feminist
 One who is all-powerful : omnipotent
 One who is present everywhere : omnipresent
 One who knows everything : omniscient
 One who believes in fate : fatalist
 One who supplicates or entreats earnestly : supplicant
 One who has narrow religious views : bigot
472 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

 One who plays for pleasure : amateur

 One who plays for money : professional
 One who eats too much : glutton
 One who feeds on vegetables : vegetarian
 One who eats human flesh : cannibal
 One who breaks images and idols : iconoclast
 One who is over-enthusiastic about some religious principles or beliefs : fanatic
 One who walks in sleep : somnambulist
 One who talks in sleep : somniloquent
 One who makes a scientific study of language : linguist
 One who knows many languages : polyglot
 One who enjoys another person’s confidence : confidant
 One who is appointed by parties to settle disputes : arbitrator
 One who breaks in a house to steal : burglar
 One who sails around stopping and robbing ships at sea : pirate
 One who abstains from alcoholic drink : teetotaller
 A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another : emigrant
 A person who comes to one country from another to settle : immigrant
 To send out of one’s native country : expatriate
 One who leads others in any field : pioneer
 One who commits the first act of attack : aggressor
 One who speaks for others : spokesman
 One who wastes money for luxury : extravagant

 One who is unable to pay his debt : insolvent/bankrupt
 One who abandons his religious faith : apostate
 One who makes an eloquent public speech : orator
 One who undergoes the penalty of death for persistence in his faith : martyr
 A child whose parents are dead : orphan
 A man whose wife is dead : widower
 A woman whose husband is dead : widow
 A person who takes advantage of every change for success, sometimes
to other people’s disadvantage : opportunist
 A girl or woman who flirts, that is, tries to attract people and make
advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity : coquette
 A person who has a long experience of any occupation : veteran
 A person who does clever tricks which appear magical : conjuror
 A person who travels into or through a country for the purpose of learning
about it : explorer
 A disease that can be spread by touch : contagious
 A disease that is found regularly in a particular place : endemic
 A disease that causes death : fatal
 A child born after the death of its father : posthumous
 A child brought up by persons who are not its parents : foster-child
 Having a tendency to break the law to do socially unacceptable things : delinquent
 A disease caused by bacteria and passed from one person to another : infectious
 A remedy for all kinds of diseases : panacea
 A medicine that induces sleep : narcotic
 An office which has no work but high salary : sinecure
 A game or battle in which no party gains victory : drawn
 A roundabout way of expression : circumlocution
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 473

 A story in which ideas are symbolized as people : allegory

 A short simple story designed to teach a moral or religious lesson : parable
 A short story in which animals or objects speak a story that gives
wholesome moral lesson : fable
 A talk between two people : dialogue
 An old story about great events and people in ancient times, which may
not be true : legend
 A long speech for a single actor or actress, usually alone on a stage : monologue
 An introduction to a long poem, a play, etc : prologue
 A speech made by one of the actors at the end of a play : epilogue
 A string of beads used for prayer : rosary
 The act of speaking aloud one’s thoughts when alone : soliloquy
 A speech which is delivered without any previous preparation : extempore
 The first venture of a person : maiden
 The life-history of a man written by himself : autobiography
 The life-history of a man written by someone else : biography
 Animals which live both on land and in water : amphibians
 Animals which live in flocks : gregarious
 Animals which give milk and suckle their young ones : mammals
 An animal which lives on the flesh of others : carnivorous
 Animals which live in water : aquatic
 A style full of words : verbose
 A style in which a writer displays his knowledge : pedantic
 Repetition or writing word for word : verbatim

 Matter written by hand : manuscript
 Words opposite in meaning : antonym
 Words different in meaning but similar in sound : homonym
 Words similar in meaning : synonym
 Anything which is no longer in use : obsolete
 Article sold by one country to another : export
 Article bought by one country from another : import
 A state which is impartial to all religions : secular
 That which cannot be heard : inaudible
 That which cannot be consumed by fire : incombustible
 That which cannot be believed : incredible
 That which cannot be blotted : indelible
 That which cannot be denied or questioned : indisputable
 That which cannot be cured : incurable
 That which cannot be corrected or reformed : incorrigible
 That which cannot be explained : inexplicable
 That which cannot be expressed in words : inexpressible
 That without which one can’t do : indispensable
 That which cannot be extinguished : inextinguishable
 That which cannot be avoided : inevitable
 That which never tires out : inexhaustible
 That which cannot be easily reached : inaccessible
 That which cannot be admitted or allowed : inadmissible
 That which cannot be defended : indefensible
 That which cannot be excused : inexcusable
 That which can be easily set on fire : inflammable
474 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

 That which never fails : infallible

 That which can be seen through : transparent
 That which cannot be seen : invisible
 That which cannot be repaired : irreparable
 That which cannot be perceived by the senses : imperceptible
 That which cannot be changed : irrevocable
 That which is not to the point : irrelevant
 That which cannot be taken by force or arms : impregnable
 Incapable of being read : illegible
 Incapable of being wounded : invulnerable
 Incapable of being divided : indivisible
 Incapable of being dissolved : insoluble
 Incapable of being understood : unintelligible
 Incapable of being imitated : inimitable
 Incapable of being practised : impracticable
 Fit to be chosen : eligible
 That which cannot be seen through : opaque
 That which happens every two years : biennial
 That which happens every four years : quadrennial
 That which happens every half year : semiannual
 That which occurs time after time : perennial
 That which happens once in three years : triennial
 A man who leads an immoral life : libertine

 A medicine to counteract the effect of poison : antidote
 A medicine which can loosen the bowels : laxative
 The science of speech sound : phonetics
 The science of reasoning : logic
 The science which deals with the derivation of words : etymology
 Related to the sun : solar
 Related to the moon : lunar
 The practice of marrying only once : monogamy
 The practice of having two wives or two husbands at a time : bigamy
 The practice of marrying more than one wife at a time : polygamy
 The practice of marrying more than one husband at a time : polyandry
 Allowance due to a wife on legal separation from her husband : alimony
 Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors : patrimony
 Of unknown or unadmitted authorship : anonymous
 An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise : pseudonym
 The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed : armistice
 The act of violating the sanctity of the church : sacrilege
 The act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things : blasphemy
 An office for which no salary is paid : honorary
 The sum paid to a man for his labour : remuneration
 Yearly return of a date : anniversary
 Compulsory enlistment of military and other services : conscription
 Of one’s own free will : voluntary
 All of one mind : unanimous
 Occurring at the same time : simultaneous
 Give tit for tat : retaliate
 A figure with many angles and sides : polygon
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 475

 Total loss of voice : aphonia

 One who walks on foot : pedestrian
 One who is fond of entertaining guests : hospitable
 One who is out to destroy all government, law and order : anarchist
 One who is revengeful : vindictive
 One who is interested in old things, works of art or books : antiquarian
 One who deceives by pretending to be someone else : impostor
 The worship of idols or images : idolatry
 The original inhabitants of a country : aborigines
 Persons who work in the same department of an office : colleagues
 A soldier who fights for the sake of money : mercenary
 A formal written charge against a person for some crime or offence : indictment
 Forensic examination of a dead body : postmortem
 Engaged in war : belligerent
 A person who has many love affairs without intending to marry : philanderer
 A person who helps a helpless person or stranger : Samaritan
 One who can use either hand with perfect ease : ambidextrous
 The state of abstention from marriage : celibacy
 Land that grows things in abundance : fertile
 Land that does not grow anything : barren
 A disease that spreads over a large area : epidemic
 A house which is visited by ghosts : haunted
 The place where clothes are kept : wardrobe

 A political leader who tries to appeal to the feelings of people to
stir them up : demagogue
 A place of rest and recuperation for the sick : sanatorium
 A place for the burial of dead bodies : cemetery
 A place where birds and beasts are kept for public to see : zoo
 A person who introduces the performers, speakers etc : compere
 A place where books are bound : bindery
 A boastful fellow who behaves recklessly : swashbuckler
 A place where stone, slate, etc is obtained for building, road-making etc : quarry
 A structure erected in remembrance of a person or event : monument
 A gambling den : casino
 Closed vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people : ambulance
 Force of aircraft used to protect a military or naval operation : air-cover
 List of things to be done, business to be discussed by a committee : agenda
 A record of list of one’s ancestors in the order of succession or descent : genealogy
 An imaginary place where ideally perfect social and political
conditions are supposed to exist : Utopia
 Paradise or a place where one gets supreme delight and bliss : Elysium
 A small set or committee of top leaders which runs the election
for the party : caucus
 Person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft : aeronaut
 Person who writes from dictation from somebody : amanuensis
 Person who believes that nothing can be known about God or
of anything except material things : agnostic
476 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution


Directions: Out of the four alternatives, 16. Killing of a child

choose the one which can be substituted for the a) Homicide b) Genocide
given words/sentence c) Infanticide d) Suicide
1. One who knows many languages. 17. The art of good eating
a) Linguist b) Polyglot a) Gastronomy b) Astronomy
c) Translater d) Phonetician c) Vegetarianism d) Gourmet
2. One who does not follow the usual rules of social 18. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain
life. a) Stoic b) Stylist
a) Bohemian b) Artisan c) Cynic d) Psychic
c) Partisan d) Physician 19. Lasting only for a moment
3. Placing a thing beside another. a) Momentous b) Momentary
a) Impose b) Repose c) Trivial d) Petty
c) Juxtapose d) Expose 20. To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it
4. To throw or drop unnecessary goods or fuel from to go to a new destination, or demand something
a ship, an aircraft, a spacecraft etc. a) Attack b) Contract
a) Capsize b) Enthral c) Hijack d) Detour
c) Volley d) Jettison 21. Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or
5. Wild and noisy disorder. leaves, which can often cause disease.
a) Agitation b) Revolution a) Bacteria b) Amoeba
c) Pandemonium d) Stir c) Virus d) Fungus
6. Possessing unlimited powers. 22. One who is greedy
a) Voracious b) Avaricious
a) Omniscient b) Omnipotent
c) Carnivorous d) Omnivorous
c) Omnipresent d) Omnicompetent
23. An area of land that is controlled by a ruler

7. He is a doctor who is a spe cialist in skin
a) Colony b) Dominion
c) County d) Municipality
a) Cardiologist b) Physician
24. A place where Jews worship according to their
c) Dermatologist d) Physicist
8. One who retires from society and lives alone.
a) Cathedral b) Synagogue
a) Saint b) Giant
c) Chapel d) Demagogue
c) Plaintiff d Recluse 25. One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain
9. The art of making pots, bricks etc, with clay. a) Ascetic b) Esoteric
a) Potting b) Ceramics c) Stoic d) Sceptical
c) Crockery d) Dynamics 26. The study of religion and religious ideas and
10. Living at the same time. beliefs
a) Concurrent b) Contemporary a) Theocracy b) Theosophy
c) Coincident d) Concomitant c) Theology d) Theism
11. Give and receive mutually 27. Dissection of a dead body to find out the cause
a) Present b) Reciprocate of death
c) Compromise d) Approve a) Biopsy b) Investigation
12. One who can think about the future with c) Surgery d) Autopsy
imagination and wisdom 28. A person without training or experience in a skill
a) Dreamer b) Seer or subject
c) Idealist d) Visionary a) Chaplain b) Mason
13. A doctor who treats children c) Artisan d) Novice
a) Paediatrician b) Pedagogue 29. One who stays away from school without
c) Pedestrian d) Paedophile permission
14. One who studies election trends by means of a) Pedant b) Supplicant
opinion polls c) Mendicant d) Truant
a) Entomologist b) Psephologist 30. The act of killing a whole group of people,
c) Demagogue d) Eugenist especially a whole race
15. One who believes in offering equal opportunities a) Patricide b) Parricide
to women in all spheres c) Matricide d) Genocide
a) Male Chauvinist b) Feminist 31. One who deserts his principles or party.
c) Fatalist d) Futurist a) Apostle b) Proselytize
c) Renegade d) Critic
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 477

32. One who intervenes between two or more parties 49. A short poem or spee ch addresse d to the
to settle differences spectators after the conclusion of a drama
a) Neutral b) Intermediary a) Prologue b) Dialogue
c) Judge d) Connoisseur c) Epilogue d) Monologue
33. The habit of always admiring oneself 50. One who loves books
a) Psychosis b) Neurosis a) Scholar b) Bibliographer
c) Narcissism d) Paranoia c) Teacher d) Bibliophile
34. To take back, withdraw or renounce 51. That which would burn easily
a) Repent b) Retrace a) Incendiary b) Incantatory
c) Refuse d) Recant c) Inflammable d) Incandescent
35. A pen for small animals 52. Place of gathering for public discussion
a) Hutch b) Lair a) Platform b) Dais
c) Den d) Cage c) Stage d) Forum
Pen = a small piece of land surrounded 53. An addition to the end of a letter
by a fence in which farm animals a) Post-script b) Prelude
are kept c) Post-natal d) Postmortem
36. A woman having more than one husband at the 54. Young cow that has not yet had a calf
same time a) Cowlet b) Colt
a) Polyandry b) Polygamy c) Ewe d) Heifer
c) Polyphony d) Polyglot 55. A mournful song (or poem) for the dead
37. Feeding on food made both of plants and flesh a) Ballad b) Dirge
a) Carnivorous b) Omnipotent c) Ode d) Lyric
c) Omnivorous d) Optimist 56. The dead skin cast off by a snake
38. One who destroys images or attacks popular a) Bough b) Slough
beliefs c) Peelings d) Borough
a) Imagist b) Misanthropist 57. Science dealing with bird life
c) Iconoclast d) Masochist a) Zoology b) Ornithology
39. Violation of something holy and sacred c) Etymology d) Philology

a) Pollution b) Pilferage 58. One who is from 60 to 69 years old
c) Sacrilege d) Pittance a) Sexton b) Sexologist
40. A place where nuns live and work c) Sexagenarian d) Sextuplet
a) Church b) School 59. Someone who keeps bees
c) Convent d) Abode a) Apiarist b) Horticulturist
41. One who has obstinate and narrow religious c) Ornithologist d) Pathologist
views 60. Speaking one's thoughts aloud to oneself
a) Theosophist b) Bigot a) Apostrophise b) Memorise
c) Philosopher d) Theologian c) Soliloquize d) Solemnise
42. The sound of a funeral bell 61. A person with a long experience of any occupation
a) Knell b) Spell a) Veteran b) Genius
c) Ding d) Ding-dong c) Seasoned d) Ambidexterous
43. Military waking signal sounded in the morning 62. Words written on a tomb
a) Reveille b) Lullaby a) Epithet b) Epigraph
c) Anthem d) Soprano c) Soliloquy d) Epitaph
44. Study of insects 63. Stealthily done
a) Ecology b) Embryology a) Devious b) Nefarious
c) Entomology d) Biology c) Surreptitious d) Villainous
45. A person in his seventies 64. Something no longer in use
a) Sexagenarian b) Septuagenarian a) Desolate b) Absolute
c) Centurion d) Patriarch c) Obsolete d) Primitive
46. Belief that war and violence are unjustified 65. One not concerned with right or wrong
a) Neutralisation b) Pessimism a) Moral b) Amoral
c) Naturalisation d) Pacifism c) Immoral d) Immortal
47. A group of girls 66. A person who opposes war or use of military force
a) Bevy b) Convoy a) Fascist b) Pacifist
c) Troupe d) Coterie c) Narcissist d) Fatalist
48. Causing or ending in death 67. Severely abusive writing in journals
a) Fatal b) Deadly a) Imaginary b) Speculative
c) Serious d) Dangerous c) Scurrilous d) Sarcastic
478 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

68. Call upon God or any other power (like law) etc, 86. A person who breaks into a house in order to
for help or protection ste al
a) Invocation b) Involution a) Poacher b) Bandit
c) Inundation d) Revocation c) Intruder d) Burglar
69. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space 87. The study of maps
a) Agoraphobia b) Claustrophobia a) Cartography b) Geography
c) Xenophobia d) Paranoia c) Geology d) Atlas
70. One who has become dependent on something 88. Tough tissues in joints
of drugs is a) Ligaments b) Endoderm
a) Adamant b) Edict c) Muscles d) Fibre
c) Addict d) Derelict 89. The first model of a new device
71. Succession of rulers belonging to one family a) Prototype b) Sculpture
a) Dynasty b) Lineage c) Icon d) Photograph
c) Ancestry d) Progeny 90. A building where an audience sits
72. To cut something into two pieces a) Aquarium b) Gymnasium
a) Severe b) Sever c) Auditorium d) Stadium
c) Sewer d) Sow 91. One who collects coins
73. Flat metal or porcelain plate fixed on a wall as a) Archaeologist b) Numismatist
an ornament or memorial c) Philatelist d) Connoisseur
a) Tabloid b) Poster 92. A system of Government in which only one
c) Board d) Plaque political party is allowed to function
a) Oligarchy b) Dictatorship
74. Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money
c) Totalitarianism d) Theocracy
a) Fraud b) Robbery
93. Customs and habits of a particular group
c) Pickpocket d) Theft
a) Mores b) Traditions
75. A short poem or spee ch addresse d to the
c) Rites d) Rituals
spectators after the conclusion of a drama
94. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence
a) Prologue b) Dialogue
and give their verdict in trials

c) Epilogue d) Monologue
a) Association b) Council
76. Capable of being understood in either of two or
c) Bar d) Jury
more possible senses, and therefore not definite
95. Indifference to pleasure or pain
a) Amphibious b) Ambiguous a) Perseverance b) Tolerance
c) Amorphous d) Confusing c) Stoicism d) Reticence
77. A person who is unable to pay his debts 96. Building in which dead bodies are kept for a time
a) Solvent b) Banker a) Mortuary b) Monastery
c) Insolvent d) Lender c) Sanatorium d) Crematorium
78. Anything which is no longer in use 97. One who believes that gaining pleasure is the
a) Obscure b) Obsolete most important thing in life
c) Pristine d) Lapsed a) Hedonist b) Pessimist
79. A person coming to a foreign land to settle there c) Misanthrope d) Philistine
a) Immigrant b) Emigrant 98. One who breaks the established traditions and
c) Tourist d) Settler image
80. Something capable of being done a) Fatalist b) Fanatic
a) Probable b) Feasible c) Iconoclast d) Philologist
c) Tenable d) Explicable 99. Property handed down after the death of a person
81. One who goes to settle in another country a) Legacy b) Legend
a) Immigrant b) Alien c) Patrimony d) Inheritance
c) Citizen d) Emigrant 100. General view of a person's character
82. One who hates mankind a) Biography b) Profile
a) Philanthropist b) Terrorist c) Introduction d) Sketch
c) Misanthrope d) Misogynist 101. Wild and noisy disorder
83. Belonging to all parts of the world a) Agitation b) Revolution
a) Versatile b) Universal c) Pandemonium d) Stir
c) Cosmopolitan d) Secular 102. The first public speech delivered by a person
84. One who walks on ropes a) Maiden speech b) Inaugural speech
a) Funambulist b) Upholsterer c) Trial speech d) Marathon speech
c) Acrobat d) Aviator 103. One who does not follow the usual rules of social
85. The study of the origin and history of words life
a) Linguistics b) Etymology a) Bohemian b) Artisan
c) Verbose d) Anthology c) Partisan d) Physician
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 479

104. Placing a thing beside another 122. Inability to sleep

a) Impose b) Repose a) Hysteria b) Insomnia
c) Juxtapose d) Expose c) Aphasia d) Amnesia
105. Expert in the scientific study of birds. 123. One who is given to pleasures of the flesh
a) Dermatologist b) Zoologist a) Terrestrial b) Epicurean
c) Ornithologist d) Astronaut c) Celestial d) Pedestrian
106. To be biased against 124. A tank where fish or water plants are kept
a) Partial b) Objective a) Aquarium b) Sanatorium
c) Prejudiced d) Predestined c) Nursery d) Aviary
107. Motion of he ad, hands e tc, as a mode of 125. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks
expression indicating attitude a) Teetotaller b) Alcoholic
a) Gesture b) Grin c) Addict d) Bagpipes
c) Gestation d) Grimace 126. That which lasts for a short time
108. Bitter and violent attack in words a) Regular b) Transitory
a) Diaspora b) Diacriticism c) Rotatory d) Repository
c) Diadem d) Diatribe 127. Ready to believe anything
109. Treatment by means of exercise and massage a) Credible b) Incredible
a) Chemotherapy b) Hydrotherapy c) Credulous d) Incredulous
c) Physiotherapy d) Psychotherapy 128. A four footed animal
110. The abandonment of one's country or cause a) Tetraped b) Quadruped
a) Defection b) Disloyalty c) Polyped d) Double-paired
c) Desertion d) Migration 129. A person who believes in the total abolition of
111. A place where birds are ketp war
a) Aquarium b) Den a) Socialist b) Communist
c) Aviary d) Sanctuary c) Fascist d) Pacifist
112. A method which never fails 130. Constant efforts to achieve something
a) Unflinching b) Irreparable a) Patience b) Vigour
c) Irremediable d) Infallible c) Attempt d) Perseverance

113. Something which cannot be believed 131. A government in which all religions are honoured
a) Inevitable b) Ineffable a) Communist b) Socialistic
c) Incredible d) Ineluctable c) Secular d) Capitalist
114. Body of a human being or animal embalmed for 132. A place where government/public records are kept
burial a) Archive b) Museum
a) Corpse b) Mummy c) Shelf d) Cellar
c) Morgue d) Mortuary 133. Living together of a man and woman without being
115. Of very bad morals, characterised by debasement married to each other
or degeneration a) Marriage b) Equipage
a) Desultory b) Dilapidated c) Lineage d) Concubinage
c) Depraved d) Dilatory 134. Too much official formality
116. Government by a ruler who has unlimited power a) Bureaucracy b) Red-tapism
a) Despotism b) Autocracy c) Nepotism d) Formalism
c) Monarchy d) Anarchy 135. Dry weather with no rainfall
117. An occasion of great importance a) Draught b) Draft
a) Exemplary b) Momentous c) Drought d) Desert
c) Herculean d) Grandiose 136. The worship of idols or images
118. A person who is always hopeful and looks upon a) Atheism b) Theism
the brighter side of things c) Idolatry d) Iconoclasm
a) Florist b) Artist 137. Something that is poisonous or unhealthy
c) Theist d) Optimist a) Trivial b) Toxic
119. Place of burial c) Torpid d) Tragic
a) Cave b) Church 138. A remedy for all diseases
c) Synagogue d) Cemetery a) Amnesia b) Panacea
120. To have a very high opinion of oneself c) Intelligentsia d) Parasol
a) Exaggeration b) Adulation 139. A hater of mankind
c) Abundance d) Conceited a) Misanthrope b) Misogynist
121. One who believes in giving equal opportunity to c) Philanthropist d) Misogamist
women in all fields 140. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks
a) Fanatic b) Misogynist a) Megalomania b) Dipsomania
c) Philanderer d) Feminist c) Kleptomania d) Pyromania
480 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

141. A government by officials a) Salvo b) Gunsalute

a) Oligarchy b) Aristocracy c) Reception d) Jingoism
c) Plutocracy d) Bureaucracy 159. Short remaining end of a cigarette
142. One who walks in sleep a) Filing b) Pinch
a) Somniloquist b) Egoist c) Filament d) Stub
c) Somnambulist d) Altruist 160. A person who makes love without intentions
143. Commencement of adjacent words with the same a) Romeo b) Goon
letter c) Consort d) Philanderer
a) Pun b) Alliteration 161. One who abstains from alcoholic drinks
c) Transferred epithet d) Oxymoron a) Teetotaller b) Drunkard
144. A specialist who tests eyesight c) Idiot d) Philosopher
a) Optician b) Ophthalmologist 162. Information gathering activity
c) Ichthyologist d) Neurologist a) Logistics b) Reconnaissance
145. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from c) Subversion d) Camouflage
flooding an area 163. Hard to understand
a) Dam b) Mound
a) Punctilious b) Obtuse
c) Dyke d) Embankment
c) Absurd d) Abstruse
146. Be lie f that God is in e ve rything and that
164. Subtle difference in colour, meaning, etc
everything is God
a) Nuance b) Variant
a) Atheism b) Pantheism
c) Indifference d) Change-over
c) Scepticism d) Animism
165. A place of refuge and safety
147. A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a
a) Sanatorium b) Asylum
highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter
a) Cartoon b) Cacography c) Nursery d) Resort
c) Cartography d) Caricature 166. Incapable of being corrected
148. The state of being mise rable bere ft of all a) Inconsolable b) Incredible
possessions c) Brilliant d) Incorrigible

a) Dependant b) Complacent 167. Skilful at handling things
c) Destitute d) Omnipresent a) Handicraft b) Clever
149. That which cannot be called back c) Dexterous d) Fastidious
a) Irresponsible b) Irrevocable 168. A hater of women
c) Irredeemable d) Incalculable a) Misogamist b) Misogynist
150. One who journeys from place to place c) Philanderer d) Misanthrope
a) Quack b) Cannibal 169. One who collects coins
c) Itinerant d) Courier a) Meteorologist b) Metallurgist
151. Study of insects is c) Alchemist d) Numismatist
a) Etymology b) Entomology 170. That which is out of place
c) Ecology d) Embryology a) Anachronistic b) Obsolete
152. Careful in the spending of money, time etc c) Incongruous d) Archaic
a) Punctual b) Economical 171. Equal in rank, merit or quality
c) Miserly d) Calculative a) Contemporary b) Colleague
153. Reproducing or memorizing word for word c) Chum d) Peer
a) Verbatim b) Verbose 172. Science of heredity
c) Verbiage d) Verbalism a) Hereditary b) Genetics
154. That which cannot be captured c) Genesis d) Inheritance
a) Untakable b) Ungrippable 173. Arrangement in order of occurrence
c) Impregnable d) Slippery a) Timely b) Chronological
155. One who breaks the law c) Chronic d) Temporal
a) Aggressor b) Politician 174. Occurring at night
c) Transgressor d) Pedestrian a) Nightly b) Dark
156. Study of the problems of legal punishment and c) Neurotic d) Nocturnal
prison management 175. Determine the nature of the disease
a) Penology b) Criminology
a) Investigate b) Determine
c) Neurology d) Ragamuffin
c) Diagnose d) Detect
157. Paying the back injury with injury
176. To feel or express disapproval of something or
a) Repression b) Reprisal
c) Subjugation d) Vendetta
a) Declare b) Deprive
158. The firing of a number of guns together as a
c) Depreciate d) Deprecate
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 481

177. Handwriting that cannot be read 196. Ceremonial sounding of trumpets

a) Ineligible b) Decipher a) Fanfare b) Symphony
c) Ugly d) Illegible c) Orchestra d) Band
178. Animals that can live on land and in water 197. One who is fond of superior foods and drinks
a) Anthropoid b) Aquatic a) Fastidious b) Drunkard
c) Amphibian d) Aquarium c) Glutton d) Epicure
179. Easily duped or fooled 198. Something that is believable
a) Insensible b) Perceptible a) Credible b) Credulous
c) Gullible d) Indefensible c) Gullible d) Genuine
180. Fear of water 199. Swelling from abnormal growth in some part of
a) Claustrophobia b) Hydrophobia the body
c) Insomnia d) Obsession a) Graft b) Ulcer
181. Concluding part of a literary work c) Hemorrhage d) Tumour
a) Epilogue b) Bibliography 200. A person who lends money at a very high rate of
c) Soliloquy d) Episode interest
182. One who is beyond reform a) Investor b) Usurper
a) Optimistic b) Incorrigible c) Usurer d) Lender
c) Indefatigable d) Notorious 201. Opinion contrary to accepted doctrine
183. Science of diseases a) Blasphemy b) Perjury
a) Philology b) Pathology c) Iconoclasm d) Heresy
c) Psychology d) Virology 202. One who does not care for art or literature
184. One who secretly listens to the talk of others a) Bureaucart b) Illiterate
a) Spy b) Detective c) Philanderer d) Philistine
c) Emissary d) Eavesdropper 203. A person or a thing which is unrivalled
185. One who be lie ve s in no gove rnme nt and a) Nonpareil b) Nincompoop
therefore incites disorder in a State c) Niggardly d) Non sequitur
a) Monarchist b) Anarchist 204. One who is beyond correction or reform
c) Autocrat d) Naxalite a) Insurmountable b) Inimitable

186. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an c) Incorrigible d) Invincible
offensive or harsh one 205. A group of stars forming a pattern in the sky
a) Euphemism b) Truism a) Galaxy b) Constellation
c) Favouritism d) Altruism c) Orbit d) Stellar
187. The murder of parent or a near relative 206. Work for which one does not take salary or
a) Patricide b) Parricide payment
c) Matricide d) Homicide a) Remunerated b) Charge-sheet
188. Animals who live in herds c) Complementary d) Honorary
a) Sociable b) Gregarious 207. No longer in use
c) Carnivorous d) Social a) Absolute b) Obsolete
189. A broad road bordered with trees c) Contemporary d) Remote
a) Boudoir b) Boulevard 208. Careful and thorough enquiry
c) Avenue d) Facade a) Investigation b) Interview
190. Violation of something holy or sacred c) Examination d) Exploration
a) Profanity b) Sedition 209. The violent storm made it difficult for them to
c) Sacrilege d) Slander reach the shore
191. A sly look that is lustful a) Weather b) Rains
a) Leer b) Lore c) Breeze d) Tempest
c) Lark d) Littoral 210. A pe rson who dishone stly pre te nds to be
192. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes somebody else
a) Wiles b) Yokel a) Imperialist b) Impressionist
c) Wag d) Aeon c) Implorer d) Impostor
193. Deep in thought 211. A situation that stops an activity from
a) Meditation b) Pensive progressing
c) Pesky d) Purloin a) Bypass b) Breach
194. Without risk of punishment c) Bottleneck d) Blockhead
a) Impudent b) Impunity 212. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence
c) Inexorable d) Imperturbable and give their verdict in trials
195. Excessive preoccupation with one’s health a) Association b) Council
a) Hypochondria b) Malaise c) Bar d) Jury
c) Disaffected d) Malinger
482 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

213. A movement of part of the body to express an a) Spirited b) Interested

idea or feeling c) Fanatical d) Despotic
a) Jibe b) Gesture 231. An agreement between two countries or groups
c) Pose d) Mimicry to stop fighting
214. Failing to discharge one's duty a) Compromise b) Ceasefire
a) Debacle b) Dereliction c) Outpost d) Protocol
c) Determination d) Deterrent 232. Full of criticism and mockery
215. A person who is physically dependent on a a) Discrimination b) Ridicule.
substance c) Satire d) Contempt
a) Criminal b) Martyr 233. A remedy for all diseases
c) Gladiator d) Addict a) Narcotic b) Antiseptic
216. A child born after the death of its father is called c) Tonic d) Panacea
a) An orphan b) A deprived child 234. The killing of whole group of people
c) A waif d) A posthumous child a) Genocide b) Germicide
217. A legal agreement by which a person borrows c) Patricide d) Suicide
money from a bank usually to buy a house 235. The plants and vegetation of a region
a) Document b) Mortgage a) Fauna b) Flora
c) Lease d) Invoice c) Landscape d) Environment
218. Able to use the left hand and right hand equally 236. That which is without opposition
well a) Unaware b) Verdict
a) Ambivert b) Ambidextrous c) Unanimous d) Spontaneous
c) Ambivalent d) Ambitious 237. Strong dislike between two persons
219. One who hates women a) Aversion b) Antipathy
a) Philanthropist b) Ascetic c) Apathy d) Despair
c) Misogamist d) Misogynist 238. Place where wine is made
220. A system of naming things a) Bakery b) Cloakroom
a) Horticulture b) Miniature c) Tannery d) Brewery

c) Genocide d) Nomenclature 239. A paper written by hand
221. A raised passageway in a building a) Handicraft b) Handiwork
a) Walkway b) Walkout c) Manuscript d) Thesis
c) Walkabout d) Walkover 240. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and
222. A cure for all diseases fish
a) Laxative b) Panacea a) Taxonomy b) Taxidermy
c) Antidote d) Purgative c) Topology d) Seismology
223. A person who loves mankind 241. Related to moon
a) Misanthrope b) Anthropologist a) Solar b) Moony
c) Philanthropist d) Mercenary c) Lunar d) Honeymoon
224. To confirm with the help of evidence 242. To run away with a lover
a) Corroborate b) Implicate a) Deceive b) Cheat
c) Designate d) Extricate c) Escape d) Elope
225. The action of looking within or into one's own 243. An underhand device resorted to in order to
mind justify misconduct
a) Observation b) Examination a) Subterfuge b) Manoeuvre
c) Introspection d) Introvert c) Stratagem d) Complicity
226. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious 244. Impossible to describe
views a) Miraculous b) Ineffable
a) Religious b) Fanatic c) Stupendous d) Appalling
c) Bigot d) God-fearing 245. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he
227. Capable of being interpreted in two ways thinks are mistaken or unwise
a) Confusing b) Unclear a) Philistine b) Iconoclast
c) Ambiguous d) Ambivert c) Impostor d) Cannibal
228. To be dogmatic in one's opinions 246. Detaining and confining someone
a) Plaintive b) Opinionated a) Interruption b) Interrogation
c) Undoubtable d) Secular c) Interment d) Internment
229. Intense and unreasoned fear or dislike 247. Science of the races of mankind
a) Horror b) Phobia a) Genealogy b) Epistemology
c) Fright d) Scare c) Ethnology d) Sociology
230. Excessively enthusiastic unreasonably about 248. One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free
something passage
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 483

a) Compositor b) Stoker a) Famous b) Notorious

c) Stowaway d) Shipwright c) Criminal d) Terrorist
249. Clues available at a scene 267. Words of similar meaning
a) Circumstantial b) Derivative a) Homonyms b) Pseudonyms
c) Inferential d) Suggestive c) Antonyms d) Synonyms
250. An unexpected piece of good fortune 268. An official call to appear in a court of law
a) Windfall b) Philanthropy a) Summon b) Notice
c) Benevolence d) Turnstile c) Memorandum d) Petition
251. An emolument over and above fixed income or 269. To cut a part of a person's body
salary a) Amputate b) Mutilate
a) Honorarium b) Sinecure c) Ambuscade d) Mitigate
c) Perquisite d) Prerogative 270. One who is filled with excessive and mistaken
252. The animals of a particular region enthusiasm about his religion
a) Flora b) Museum a) Fatalist b) Lunatic
c) Zoo d) Fauna c) Fanatic d) Stoic
253. One who is unable to pay debts 271. A list of items to be transacted at a meeting
a) Debtor b) Indebted a) Menu b) Agenda
c) Borrower d) Insolvent c) Minutes d) Records
254. A roundabout way of speaking 272. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting
a) Loose-tongued b) Loquacious a) Schedule b) Agenda
c) Circumlocution d) Talkative c) Time-table d) Plan
255. An order requiring a person to attend a court 273. One who cannot speak
a) Courtship b) Agreement a) Deaf b) Dumb
c) Subpoena d) Command c) Visionless d) Lame
256. An imaginary name assumed by an author for 274. The highest point
disguise a) Zenith b) Height
a) Facsimile b) Surname c) Zeal d) Ridge
c) Alias d) Pseudonym 275. A speech delivered without previous preparation

257. Murder of brother a) Soliloquy b) Extempore
a) Homicide b) Infanticide c) Rhetoric d) Expression
c) Patricide d) Fratricide 276. One who pretends to be what he is not
258. An extreme fear of being in a small confined place a) Crocodile b) Flatterer
a) Hydrophobia b) Paraphernalia c) Hhypocrite d) Counterfeiter
c) Claustrophobia d) Progeria 277. Study of heavenly bodies
259. An inscription on a tomb a) Astrology b) Astronomy
a) Epitaph b) Crypt c) Atargazing d) Astrophysics
c) Obituary d) Legacy 278. To give one's authority to another
260. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on a) Assign b) Delegate
separation c) Represent d) Designate
a) Patrimony b) Antimony 279. One who intervenes between two or more parties
c) Parsimony d) Alimony to settle differences
261. Practice of employing spies in war a) Neutral b) Intermediary
a) Esplanade b) Espionage c) Judge d) Connoisseur
c) Espadrille d) Estrangement 280. The absence of law and order
262. A fixed territory in which authority can be a) Rebellion b) Mutiny
exercised c) Revolt d) Anarchy
a) Jurisdiction b) Judiciary 281. A voice that cannot be heard
c) Jurisprudence d) Juristic a) Unheard b) Faint
263. Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure c) Audible d) Inaudible
a) Metronome b) Compass 282. High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake
c) Pedometer d) Barometer a) Tsunami b) Tornado
264. One who tends to take a hopeful view of life c) Hurricane d) Cyclone
a) Magnate b) Creator 283. A disease which is spread by direct contact
c) Pacifist d) Optimist a) Contagious b) Infectious
265. Belonging to all parts of the world c) Epidemic d) Endemic
a) Common b) Universal 284. The study of ancient civilizations
c) Worldly d) International a) History b) Anthropology
266. To be known for bad acts c) Ethnology d) Archaeology
484 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

285. An animal story with a moral a) Pessimist b) Optimist

a) Fable b) Tale c) Infallible d) Hypocrite
c) Anecdote d) Parable 303. Murder of a man
286. A thing likely to be easily broken a) Regicide b) Fratricide
a) Vulnerable b) Flexible c) Homicide d) Genocide
c) Brittle d) Delicate 304. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree
287. Body of singers to something
a) Coir b) Quorum a) Coercion b) Conviction
c) Quire d) Choir c) Confession d) Cajolement
288. To secretly store more than what is allowed 305. Animal that feeds on plants
a) Hoard b) Store a) Carnivorous b) Herbivorous
c) Hide d) Aboard c) Insectivorous d) Omnivorous
289. Very dramatic 306. A number of stars grouped together
a) Histrionic b) Hippocratic a) Orbit b) Constellation
c) Hirsute d) Hoary c) Solar system d) Comet
290. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of 307. Lasting only for a very short while
as being that which it only resembles a) Transparent b) Temporal
a) Metaphor b) Simile c) Temporary d) Temperate
c) Personification d) Alliteration 308. An involuntary action under a stimulus is
291. The process by which a person or an organization described as a
reduces the amount of money it spends a) Complex b) Reflex
a) Budgeting b) Retrenchment c) Reflection d) Response
c) Saving d) Closure 309. A continuous process of change is known as
292. An established principle of practical wisdom a) Transformation b) Metamorphosis
a) Marxism b) Maxim c) Flux d) Dynamism
c) Neologism d) Platonism 310. The use of many words where only a few are
293. A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc necessary

where glasses, dishes, spoons, food etc are kept a) Circumlocution b) Circumspection
a) Portico b) Pantry c) Circumscription d) Circumvention
c) Mezzanine d) Kitchen 311. Circular building or hall with a dome
294. A foreigner who settles in a country a) Edifice b) Palace
a) Immigrant b) Emigrant c) Rotunda d) Spire
c) Alien d) Visitor 312. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the
295. Doing something according to one's own free will world
a) Wilfully b) Obligingly a) Bohemian b) Cosmopolitan
c) Voluntarily d) Compulsorily c) Philanthropist d) Internationalist
296. Place that provides refuge 313. Person who insists on adherence to formal rules
a) Shelter b) House or literary meaning
c) Country d) Asylum a) Scholar b) Pedant
297. A person who gambles or bets c) Pedagogue d) Literalist
a) Punter b) Backer 314. Calmness and indifference to suffering
c) Customer d) Client a) Stoicism b) Despair
298. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines c) Agony d) Materialism
a) Literature b) Journalism 315. The practice of having more than one husband
c) Biography d) Artistry a) Polyandry b) Polygamy
299. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is c) Bigamy d) Debauchery
found by somebody 316. Seeing something which is not actually present
a) Foundling b) Sibling a) Imagination b) Presumption
c) Urchin d) Orphan c) Hallucination d) Supposition
300. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river 317. With much liveliness and a sense of purpose
bank a) Lousily b) Jocularly
a) Swamps b) Marshes c) Zealously d) Jauntily
c) Hinterland d) Isthmuses 318. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
301. A written statement about someone's character, a) Statesmanship b) Diplomacy
usually provided by an employer c) Hierarchy d) Protocol
a) Testimonial b) Memorandum 319. To renounce a high position of authority or
c) Certificate d) Licence control
302. One who does not make mistakes a) Abduct b) Abandon
c) Abort d) Abdicate
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 485

320. Not to be moved by entreaty a) Glower b) Gnaw

a) Rigorous b) Negligent c) Gnash d) Grind
c) Inexorable d) Despotic 331. A post with little work but high salary
321. An object or portion serving as a sample a) Director b) Trustee
a) Specification b) Spectre c) Sinecure d) Ombudsman
c) Spectacle d) Specimen 332. Something that causes death
322. The practice of submitting a proposal to popular a) Dangerous b) Fatal
vote c) Brutal d) Horrible
a) Election b) Reference 333. A person who has no money to pay off his debts
c) Popularity d) Referendum a) Insolvent b) Poor
323. An inscription on a tomb c) Destitute d) Pauper
a) Espionage b) Epilogue 334. Words uttered impiously about God
c) Epitaph d) Elegy a) Amoral b) Philosophy
324. Feeling inside you which tells you what is right c) Logic d) Blasphemy
and what is wrong 335. The study of insects
a) Cleverness b) Conscience a) Anthropology b) Zoology
c) Consciousness d) Fear c) Etymology d) Entomology
325. Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms 336. One who compiles a dictionary
and conditions a) Geographer b) Lexicographer
a) Parole b) Parley c) Lapidist d) Linguist
c) Pardon d) Acquittal 337. A test in which cells from diseased organs are
326. Loss of memory removed and tested
a) Ambrosia b) Amnesia a) Biopsy b) Autopsy
c) Insomnia d) Forgetting c) Operation d) Amputation
327. To struggle helplessly 338. Speed of an object in one direction
a) Flounder b) Founder a) Pace b) Tempo
c) Fumble d) Finger c) Velodrome d) Velocity
328. A person who writes decoratively 339. The place where public, government or historical

a) Calligrapher b) Collier records are kept
c) Choreographer d) Cartographer a) Coffer b) Pantry
329. Pertaining to cattle c) Archives d) Scullery
a) Canine b) Feline 340. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and
c) Bovine d) Verminous passing them off as one’s own
330. To look at someone in an angry or threatening a) Plagiarism b) Burglary
way c) Piracy d) Pilferage

Answers and explanations

1. b; Linguist = a per son who knows sev er al difficult or unpleasant
foreign languages well; a person Repose = to be or be kept in a particular place;
who studies languages a state of rest, sleep or feeling calm
Polyglot = knowing, using or writt en in Juxtapose = to put people or things together,
more t han one language; especially in order to show a contrast
multilingual or a new relationship between them
Phonetician = a per son who studies speech 4. d; Capsize = if a boat capsizes or something
sounds and how they ar e capsizes it, it turns over in the water
produced Enthral = if something enthrals you, it is so
2. a; Artisan = a person who does skilled work, interesting, beautiful, etc that you give
making things with their hands it all your attention
Partisan = a person who strongly supports a Volley = to hit or kick the ball before it reaches
particular leader, group or idea the ground
Bohemian = a person, often somebody who is Jettison = to throw something out of a moving
involved with the arts, who lives plane or ship to make it lighter
in v ery inf or mal way wit hout 5. c; Pandemonium = a situation in which there is
f ollowing accepted rules of a lot of noise, act iv it y
behaviour and conf usion especially
3. c; Impose = to force somebody/something to have because people ar e feeling
t o deal with somet hing t hat is angry
486 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

Stir = to move or make somebody Feminist = a person who supports the

mov e, in or der t o do belief that women should
something have the same rights and
6. b; Omniscient = knowing everything opportunities as men
Omnipotent = having total power; able to do Fatalist = a person who believes that
anything events are decided by fate
Omnipresent = present everywhere and that you cannot control
7. c; Physicist = a scientist who studies physics them
Physician = a doctor, especially one who is a 16. c; Homicide = t he crime of killing somebody
specialist in general medicine and deliberately
not surgery Genocide = the murder of a whole race or group
8. d; Saint = a person that the Christian Church of people
recognizes as being very holy, because 17. c; Gastronomy = the art and practice of cooking
of the way they have lived or died and eating good food
Giant = a very large strong person who is Gourmet = a person who knows a lot about
often cruel and stupid good food and wines and who
Plaintif f = a per son who makes a f ormal enjoys choosing, eating and
complaint against somebody in court drinking them
Recluse = a person who lives alone and likes 18. a; Stoic = a person who is able to suffer pain
to avoid other people or trouble without complaining or
9. b; Ceramics = the ar t of making and decorating showing what they are feeling
ceramic. Cynic = a person who believes that people
Ceramic = a pot or other object made of clay that only do things to help themselves,
has been made permanenetly hard by rather than for good or sincere
heat reasons; a person who does not
10. b; Concurrent = existing or happening at the believe that something good will
same time happen or that something is
Contemporary = belonging to the same time important
Concomitant = happening at the same time Indifferent = having or showing no interest in
as something else, especially somebody/something; not very good

because one thing is related 19. b; Momentous = v ery impor tant or ser ious,
to or causes the other especially because there may be
11. b; Reciprocate = t o behav e or feel t owar ds important result
somebody in the same way as they Momentary = lasting for a very short time
behave or feel towards you Trivial = not important or serious; not
12. d; Seer = a person who claims that they can see wroth considering
what is going to happen in the future Petty = small and unimportant
13. a; Paediatrician = a doctor who studies and treats 20. c; Detour = a longer route that you take in order to
the diseases of children avoid a problem or to visit a place
Pedagogue = a person who likes to teach 21. a
people t hings, especially 22. b; Voracious = eating or wanting large amount
because they think they know of food; wanting a lot of new
more than other people information and knowledge
Pedestrian = a person walking in the street Avaricious = having extreme desire for wealth
and not travelling in a vehicle Carnivore = an animal that eats meat
Pedophile = a per son who is sexually Omnivorous = eat ing all t ypes of f ood,
attracted to children especially both plants and meat
14. b; Entomologist = a person who studies insects 23. b; Dominion = authority to rule; control; an area
scientifically controlled by one ruler
Psephologist = a per son who st udies how 24. b; Cathedral = the main church of a district,
people vote in elections under the care of a Bishop (=a
Demagogue = a political leader who seeks priest of high rank)
suppor t by appealing t o Chapel = a small building or room used for
popular desir es and Christian worship in a school,
pr ejudices r at her than prison, large private house, etc
through rational arguments Synagogue = a building where Jews meet for
Eugemist = a per son who st udies the religious worship and teaching
methods t o improv e t he Demagogue = a political leader who tries to win
ment al and physical support by using arguments based
characteristics of the human on emotions rather than reason
r ace by choosing who may 25. c; Ascetic = not allowing your self physical
become parents pleasur e, especially f or religious
15. b; Male-chauvinist = a man who believ es men reasons; related to a simple and strict
ar e more impor t ant , way of living
int elligent , et c than Esoteric = to be understood or enjoyed by only
women a few people with a special
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 487

knowledge or interest that has very different views; a

Stoic = a person who is able to suffer pain per son who opposes and lives
or trouble without complaining or outside a group or society that they
showing what they are feeling used to belong to
Sceptical = hav ing doubt s t hat a claim or 32. b; Intermediary = a person or an organisation that
statement is true or that something helps other people or organisa-
will happen tions to make an agreement by
26. c; Theocracy = gover nment of a count r y by being a means of communica-
religious leaders; a country that is tion between them; to go bet-
governed by religious leaders ween
Theosophy = a religious system of thought that Connoisseur = an expert on matters involving
tries to know God by means of the judgement of beauty, quality
meditation, player, etc or skill in art, food or music
Theology = the study of religion and beliefs; a 33. c; Psychosis = a ser ious mental illness that
set of religious beliefs affects the whole personality
Theism = belief in the existence of God or Neurosis = a ment al illness in which a
gods person suffers strong feelings of
27. d; Dissect = to cut up a dead person, animal or fear and worry; any strong fear
plant in order to study it or worry
Biopsy = the removal and examination of tissue Narcissism = the habit of admiring yourself too
from the body of somebody who is ill/ much, especially your appearance
sick, in order to find out more about Paranoia = a ment al illness in which a
their disease person may wrongly believe that
Autopsy = an official examination of dead body other people are trying to harm
by a doctor in order to discover the them, that they are somebody very
cause of death important, etc; fear or suspicion
28. d; Chaplain = a priest or other Christian minister of other people when there is no
who is responsible for the religious evidence or reason for this
needs of people in a prison, hospital, 34. d; Repent = to feel or show that you are sorry for
etc or in the armed forces something bad or wrong that you
Ma so n = a person who builds using stone or have done

works with stone Retrace = to go back along exactly the same
Artisan = a per son who does skilled wor k, path or route that you have come
making things with their hands along; to make the same trip that
Novice = a person who is new and has little somebody else has made in the past
experience in a skill, job or situation Recant = to say, often publicly, that you no
29. d; Pedant = a person who is too concerned longer hav e t he same belief or
with small det ails or r ules opinion that you had before
especially when learning or Renounce = to state officially that you are no
teaching longer going to keep title, position,
Supplicant = a person who asks for something etc; to state publicly that you no
in a humble way, especially from longer have a particular belief or that
God or a powerful person you will no longer behav e in a
Mendicant = (especially of members of religious particular way
groups) living by asking people for 35. a; Hutch = a cage, usually of wood and wire, mesh
money and food for small animals.
Truant = a child who st ays away fr om Lair = den, wild animal’s resting place.
school without permission Den = a lair of predatory animals, lion’s den.
30. d; Patricide = the crime of killing your father, a Cage = framework with wires or bars in which
person who is guilty of this crime. small birds or animals may be kept.
Parricide = the cr ime of killing your f at her, 36. a; Polyandry = the custom of having more than
mother or a close relative; a person one husband at the same time
who is guilty of this crime Polygamy = the custom of having more than one
Matricide = the crime of killing your mother; a wife at the same time
person who is guilty of this crime Pol ypho ny = the combination of several different
Genocide = the murder of a whole race or group patt er ns of musical notes sung
of people; a person who is guilty of together to form a single piece of
this crime music
31. c; Apostle = a person who strongly believes in Polyglot = knowing, using or written in more
a policy or an idea and tries to than one language
make other people believe in it 37. c; Omnipotent = having total power; able to do
Proselytize = To try to persuade other people to anything
accept your belief s, especially Optimist = a person who always expects
about religion and politics good things to happen or things
Renegade = a person who leaves one political, to be successful
religious, etc group to join another
488 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

38. c; Misanthrope = a person who hates and avoids Patriarch = the male head of a family or
other people community
Iconoclast = a person who criticizes popular 46. d; Pessimism = a feeling that bad t hings will
beliefs or established customs happen and that something will
and ideas not be successful
Masochism = the enjoyment of something that Pacifism = the belief that war and violence
most people would find are always wrong
unpleasant or painful; t he 47. a; Bevy = a large group of people or things of the
pr act ice of gett ing sexual same kind
pleasure from being physically Convoy = a group of vehicles or ships travelling
hurt together especially when soldiers or
39. c; Sacred = very important and treated with great other vehicles travel with them for
respect protection
Sacrilege = an act of treating a holy thing or Coterie = a small group of people who have the
place without respect same interests and do things together
Pilf er = to steal things of little value or in but do not like to include others
small quantities, especially from the 48. a; Fatal = causing or ending in death
place where you work Deadly = causing or likely to cause death
Pittance = a very small amount of money that 49. c; Prologue = a speech etc at the beginning of a
somebody receives, for example as a play, book or f ilm/movie that
wage, and that is hardly enough to introduces it
live on Monologue = a long speech in a play, film/movie
40. c; Convent = a building in which nuns (=members etc spoken by one actor, especially
of a female religious community) live when alone
together Epilogue = a speech, etc at the end of a play,
Abode = the place where somebody lives book or film/movie that comments
41. b; Obstinate = refusing to change your opinions, on or acts as a conclusion to what
way of behaving etc, when other has happened
people try to persuade you to 50. d; Bibliographer = a person who studies history
Theosophy = a religious system of thought that of books and their production

tries to know God by means of Bi blio phi le = a person who loves or collects
meditation, preyer, etc books
Theologian = a person who studies theology 51. c; Incendiary = designed to cause fire; causing
Theology = the study of religion and beliefs strong feelings or violence
Bigot = a person who has ver y str ong, Incantatory = adjective of the word ‘incanta-
unreasonable beliefs or opinions tion’.
about race, religion or politics and Incantation = a series of words said as a magic
who will not listen to or accept spell or charm
t he opinions of anyone who Inflammable = that can burn easily
disagrees Incandescent = giving out light when heated
42. a; Funeral = a ceremony, usually a religious one, 52. d; Dais = a stage, especially at one end of a room,
for burying or cremating (=burning) on which people stand t o make
a dead person speeches to an audience
Kn el l = an event that means that the end Forum = a place wher e people can exchange
or destruction of something will opinions and ideas on a particular issue
come soon; knell 53. a; Post-natal = connected with the period after
Ding-dong = used to represent the sound made the birth of a child
by a bell Prelude = a short piece of music, especially
Ding =used to represent the sound made an introduction to a longer piece;
by a bell an action or event that happens
43. a; Reveille = a tune that is played to awake soldiers before another more important
in the morning one and forms an introduction to
Lu lla by = a soft gentle song sung to make a child it
go to sleep 54. d; Cow let = there is no such word in dictionary
Soprano = a singing voice with the highest range Colt = a young made horse up to the age of
for a woman or boy four or five
44. c; Embryology = t he scient if ic st udy of t he Ewe = a female sheep
development of embryos Heifer = a young female cow, especially one
Entomology = the scientific study of insects that has not yet had a calf
45. b; Sexagenarian = a person between 60 and 69 55. b; Mou r n f u l = very sad
years old Ballad = a song or poem that tells a story; a
Septuagenarian = a person between 70 and 79 slow popular song about love
years old Dirge = a song in the past at a funeral or
Centurion = (in ancient Rome) an army for a dead person; any song or
officer who commanded 100 piece of music that is too slow and
soldiers sad
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 489

Ode = a poem that speaks to a person or 64. c; Desolate = very lonely and unhappy; empty and
thing or celebrates a special event without people, making you feel sad
56. b; Bough = a large branch of a tree or frightened
Slough = to lose a layer of dead skin Obsolete = no longer used because something
Borough = a town or part of a city that has its new has been invented
own local government 65. b; Amoral = not following any moral rules and
Peelings = the skin of fruit or vegetables that not caring about right and wrong
has been removed Immortal = that lives or lasts for ever
57. b; Ornithology = the scientific study of birds 66. b; Fascist = a person who supports fascism
Etymology = t he st udy of t he or igin and (=an extreme right-wing political
hist or y of wor ds and t heir syst em or at titude which is in
meanings; the origin and history f av ours of st rong centr al
of a particular word government and which does not
Philology = t he scient if ic st udy of t he allow any opposition)
development of language or of a Pacifist = a person who believes in pacifism
particular language (=the belief that war and violence
58. c; Sexton = a person whose job is to take are always wrong)
car e of a church and it s Narcissism = the habit of admiring yourself too
surroundings, ring the church much, especially your appearance
bell etc Fatalism = the belief that events are decided
Sexologist = a per son who st udies the by fate and that you cannot control
human sexual behaviour them; the fact of accepting that
Sexagenarian = a person between 60 and 69 you cannot prevent something from
years old happening
Sextuplet = one of six children born at the 67. c; Speculative = based on guessing or on
same time to the same mother opinions that have been f or med
59. a; Apiary = a place where bees are kept without knowing all the facts
Ornithologist = a person who studies birds Scurrilous = v er y rude and insult ing, and
Horticulture = t he study or pr actice of int ended to damage somebody’s
gr owing f lower s, f ruit and reputation
vegetables 68. a; Invocation = the act of asking for help, from a

60. c; Apostrophise = to address what you are saying, god or from a person in authority
or a poem, a speech in a play, Inundate = to cover an area of land with a
etc to a particular person large amount of water
Solemnise = to per for m a r eligious Revocation = the act of cancelling a law, etc
ceremony, especially a 69. b; Agoraphobia = a fear of being in public places
marriage where there are many other
Soliloquy = a speech in a play in which a people
character, who is alone on the Claustrophobia = an extreme fear of being in a
stage, speaks his or her small confined place
thoughts Xenophobia = a strong feeling of dislike or
61. a; Veteran = a per son who has a lot of f ear of people f r om other
experience in a particular area countries
or activity Paranoia = f ear or suspicion of other
Ambidextrous = able to use the left hand or the people when t here is no
right hand equally well evidence or reason for this
62. d; Tomb = a large grave, especially one built of 70. c; Edict = an official order or statement given
stone above or below the ground by somebody in authority
Epithet = an adjective or phrase that is used to Adamant = determined, not to change your mind
descr ibe somebody/somet hing’s or to be persuaded about something
character or most important quality, Addict = a person who is unable to stop taking
especially in order to give praise or harmful drugs
criticism Derelict = (especially of land or buildings) not
Epitaph = words that are written or said about used or car ed f or and in bad
a dead person, especially words on a condition; a person without a home,
gravestone a job or property
Epigraph = a line of writing, short phrase, etc 71. a; Ancestry = the family or the race of people that
on a building or statue, or as an you come from
introduction to part of a book Lineage = the series of families that somebody
63. c; Devious = behav ing in a dishonest or comes from originally
indirect way, or tricking people, Dynasty = rule of the same family by succession
in order to get something 72. b; Severe = extremely bad or serious
Nefarious = criminal; immoral Sever = to cut something into two pieces
Surreptitious = done secretly or quickly, in the Sewer = an underground pipe that is used to
hope that other people will not carr y sewage away fr om houses,
notice factories, etc
490 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

Sow = to plant or spread seeds in or on the Acrobat = an ent er t ainer who per f or ms
ground difficult acts such as balancing
73. d; Tabloid = a newspaper with small pages on high r opes, especially at a
Plaque = a flat piece of stone, metal, etc usually circus
with a name and dates on, attached to Aviator = a person who flies an aircraft
a wall in memory of a person or an 85. b; Etymology = the study of the origin and history
event of words and their meanings
74. a; Pickpocket = a person who steals money, etc Verbose = using or containing more words
f rom ot her people’s pockets, than are needed
especially in crowded places Anthology = a collection of poems, stories, etc
75. c; Prologue = a speech, etc at the beginning of that have been written by different
a play, book, or film/movie that people and published together in
introduces it a book
Epilogue = a speech, etc at the end of a play, 86. d; Poacher = a person who illegally hunts birds,
book or film/movie that comments animals or fish on somebody’s else’s
on or acts as a conclusion to what property
has happened Bandit = a member of an armed group of thieves
Monologue = a long speech in a play, film/movie who attack travellers
etc, spoken by one actor, especially Burglar = a per son who ent er s a building
when alone illegally in order to steal
76. b; Amphibious = able to live both on land and in Intruder = a person who enters a building or an
water area illegally
Ambiguous = that can be understood in more 87. a; Cartography = the art or process of drawing or
than one way; having different making maps
meanings 88. a; Ligament = a strong band of tissue in the body
Amorphous = having no definite shape, form that connects bones and supports
or structure organs and keeps them in
77. c; Solvent = having enough money to pay your position
debts; not in debt 89. a; Prototype = the first design of something from
Insolvent = not having enough money to pay which other forms are copied or

what you owe developed
78. b; Obscure = not well known; unknown; difficult 90. c; Auditorium = the part of a theatre, concert hall,
to understand etc in which the audience sits; a
Obsolete = no longer used because something large building or room in which
new has been invented; out of date public meetings, concerts, etc are
Pristine = f r esh and clean, as if new; not held
developed or changed in any way 91. c; Numismatist = a person who collects or studies
79. a; Immigrant = a person who has come to live coins or medals
permanently in a country that is Philatelist = a person who collects or studies
not their own stamps
Emigrant = a person who leaves their country Connoisseur = an expert on matters involving
to live in another the judgement of beauty, quality
Settler = a person who goes to live in a new or skill in art, food or music
country or region
80. b; Feasible = that is possible and likely to be 92. a; Oligarchy = a form of government in which
achieved only a small group of people hold
Tenable = easy to defend against attack or all the power
criticism Totalitarian = (of a countr y or syst em of
Ex plicable = that can be explained or understood government) in which there is
81. d; Alien = from another country or society; foreign only one political party that has
82. c; Philanthropist = a rich person who helps the complete power and control over
poor and t hose in need, the people
especially by giving money Theocracy = gover nment of a count r y by
Misanthrope = a per son who hat es and religious leaders
avoids other people 93. b; Mores = the customs and behaviour that are
Misogynist = a man who hates women considered typical of a particular
83. c; Versatile = able to do many dif f erent social group or community
things Rite = a ceremony performed by a particular
Cosmopolitan = containing people of different group of people, often for religious
t ypes or f rom dif f erent purposes
countries, and influenced by Ritual = a series of actions that are always
their culture perf or med in t he same way,
84. c; Upholsterer = a person whose job is to upholster especially as par t of a r eligious
furniture ceremony
Upholster = to cover a chair , etc with soft 94. d; Verdict = a decision that is made by a jury in
material and cloth cour t , st at ing if somebody is
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 491

considered guilty of a crime or not person, group or idea, especially

Jury = a group of members of the public without considering it carefully
who listen to the facts of a case in a 104. c; Repose = to be or be kept in a particular
cour t and decide whether or not place
somebody is guilty of a crime Juxtapose = to put people or things together,
95. c; Perseverance = the quality of continuing to try especially in or der t o show a
t o achiev e a part icular aim contrast or a new r elat ionship
despite difficulties between them
Stoicism = the fact of not complaining or 105. c; Dermatologist = specialist of skin diseases
showing what you are feeling 106. c; Prejudiced = having an unreasonable dislike of
when you are suffering or pr efer ence f or somebody/
Reticent = unwilling to tell people about something, especially based on
things their race, religion, sex, etc
96. a; Mortuary = a room or building, for example Predestined = already decided or planned by God
part of a hospital, in which or by fate
dead bodies are kept before they 107. a; Gesture = a movement that you make with
are buried or cremated your hands, your head or your face
Monastery = a building in which monks to show a particular meaning
(=members of a male religious Grin = a wide smile
community) live together Gestation = the process by which an idea or a
Sanatorium = a place like a hospital where plan develops
patients who hav e a lasting Grimace = an ugly expr ession made by
illness or who are getting better twisting your face, used to show
after an illness are treated pain, disgust et c or to make
Crematorium = a building in which the bodies somebody laugh
of dead people are burned 108. d; Diaspora = the movement of people from any
97. a; Hedonist = one who lives f or pleasur e- nation or group away from their
seeking own country
Pessimist = a person who always expects Diacritic = a mark such as an accent, placed
the worst to happen over, under or through a letter in
Misanthrope = one who hates mankind some languages, to show that the

Philistine = a per son who has no letter should be pronounced in a
under standing f or art s; different way from the same letter
uncivilized person without a mark
98. c; Fatalist = a person who believes strongly Diadem = a crown, worn especially as a sign
in fate of royal power
Fanatic = diehard believer and supporter Diatribe = a long and angry speech or piece
of some r eligion, cause or of writing attacking and critici-
political ideology zing somebody/something
Philologist = a person having in-depth study 109. c
of a language 110. c; Abandonment = the act of leaving a person,
99. d; Legacy = property that which is given to a t hing or place wit h no
person by one's will intention of returning
* Legacy may be acquired even Defect = t o leave a political part y,
during the lifetime of the previous country etc to join another
owner . that is considered to be an
Patrimony = propert y inherit ed f r om one's enemy
father or ancestors Desert = to go away from a place and
100. b; Biography = writing of a person's life leave it empty
Prof ile = very short biography of a person 111. c; Aviary = a large cage or building for keeping
101. c; Pandemonium = a situation in which there is birds in, for example in a zoo
a lot of noise, act iv it y and Den = the hidden home of some types of wild
conf usion, especially because animal
people ar e f eeling angr y or 112. d; Unf linching = r emaining st r ong and
frightened determined, even in a difficult
102. a; Maiden speech = the first speech made by an or dangerous situation
MP in the parliaments of some Inf allible = nev er wr ong; nev er making
countries mistakes
103. a; Bohemian = a person, often somebody who is 113. c; Inevitable = that you cannot avoid or prevent
involved with the arts, who lives Ineffable = too great or beautiful to describe
in a very informal way without in words
f ollowing accepted rules of Ineluctable = t hat you cannot av oid;
behaviour unavoidable
Artisan = a person who does skilled work, 114. b; Embalm = t o pr event a dead body fr om
making things with their hands decaying by treating it with special
Partisan = showing too much support for one substances to preserve it
492 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

Corpse = a dead body, especially of a human 122. b; Hysteria = a state of extreme excitement fear
Morgue = a place where dead bodies that have or anger in which a person, or a
been found are kept until they can group of people, loses control of
be identified their emotions and starts to cry,
Mortuary = a room or building, for example part laugh, etc
of a hospital in which dead bodies Insomnia = the condition of being unable to
are kept before they are buried or sleep
cremated Aphasia = the loss of the ability to understand
115. c; Debase = to make somebody/something or produce speech, because of brain
less valuable or repect; to devalue damage
Desultory = going from one thing to another, Amnesia = a medical condit ion in which
without a def init e plan and somebody partly or completely loses
without enthusiasm their memory
Dilapidated = (of furniture an buildings) old and 123. b; Terrestrial = connected with the planet earth
in very bad condition Epicurean = devoted to pleasure and enjoying
Depraved = morally bad; wicked; evil yourself
Dilatory = not acting quickly enough; Celestial = of the sky or of heaven
causing delay Pedestrian = a person walking in the street
116. a; Despotism = the rule of a despot (= a ruler with and not travelling in a vehicle
great power, especially one who 124. a; Aquarium = a large glass container in which
used it in a cruel way) fish and other water creatures
Autocracy = a syst em of gov er nment of a and plants are kept
country in which one person has Sanatorium = a place like a hospital where
complete power pat ient s who hav e a last ing
Monarchy = a system of government by a king illness or who are getting better
or a queen after an illness are treated
Anarchy = a sit uat ion in a countr y, an Aviary = a lar ge cage or building or
organisation etc in which there keeping birds in, for example
is no gov ernment , or der or in a zoo
control. 125. a; Teetotaller = a person who does not drink

117. b; Exemplary = pr oviding a good example f or alcohol
people to copy Bagpipes = a musical inst rument played
Momentous = v ery impor tant or ser ious, especially in Scotland
especially because there may be 126. b; Transitory = continuing for only a short time
important results Repository = a place wher e something is
Herculean = needing a lot of st r engt h stored in large quantities
determination or effort 127. c; Credulous = too ready to believe things and
Grandiose = seeming very impressive but too therefore easy to trick
large, complicated expensive, etc 128. b; Quadruped = any creature with four feet
to be practical or possible Polyp = a small and v er y simple sea
118. d; Florist = a person who owns or works in a creature with a body shaped like
shop/store that sells flower s and a tube
plants 129. d
Theist = a per son who believ es in the 130. d; Vigour = energy, force or enthusiasm
existence of God or gods Perseverance = the quality of continuing to try
to achieve a particular aim
119. d; Synagogue = a building where Jews meet for
despite difficulties
religious worship and teaching
131. c
Cemetery = an area of land used for burying
132. a; Cellar = an underground room often used for
dead people, especially one that
storing things
is not beside a church 133. d; Lineage = t he series of f amilies that
120. d; Adulation = admiration and praise, especially somebody comes from originally
when this is greater than is nec- Concubine = a woman who lives with a man,
essary often in addition to his wife or
Conceited = having too much pride in yourself wives, but who is less important
and what you do than they are
121. d; Fanatic = a person who is extremely en- 134. b; Nepotism = giving unfair advantages to your
thusiastic about something own family if you are in a position
Misogynist = a man who hates women of power , especially by giving
Philanderer = a man who has sexual them jobs
r elat ionships wit h many 135. c; Draught = a flow of cool air in a room or other
different women confined space
Feminist = a per son who suppor t s t he 136. c; Atheism = the belief that God does not exist
beliefs that women should have Theism = the belief that God exists
the same rights and opportuni- Idolatry = the practice of worshipping stat-
ties as men ues as Gods
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 493

Iconoclasm = destruction of religious statues 143. b; P u n = the clever or humorous use of a

or objects word that has more than one
137. b; Trivial = of very little importance; not worth meaning, or of words that have
considering different meanings but sound
Toxic = containing poison the same
Torpid = with no energy or enthusiasm; not Alliteration = the use of the same letter or
active sound at the beginning of words
Tragic = making you feel very sad that are close together, as in
138. b; Amnesia = a medical condition in which sing a song of sixpence
someone completely or partly Epithet = an adjective or phrase that is
loses one’s memory. used t o descr ibe somebody/
Panacea = something that will solve all something’s character or most
the problems of a particular important quality, especially in
situation; something that can order to give praise or criticism
cure any disease Oxymoron = a phrase t hat combines two
Intelligentsia = the people in a countr y or words that seem to be opposite
society who are well educated of each other, for example, a
and are interested in culture, deafening silence.
politics or literature 144. b; Optician = a person whose job is to
Parasol = a type of light umbrella that examine people’s eyes and
women in the past carried to t o r ecommend and sell
protect themselves from the glasses
sun; presently the same thing Ophthalmologist = a doctor who studies and
is being used in its big form treats the disease of the
on the beaches or out side eye
cafes to protect people from 145. d; Dyke = a long thick wall that is built
hot sun to stop water flooding on to a
139. a; Misanthrope = a per son who hat es and low area of land, especially
avoids other people from the sea
Misogynist = a man who hates women Mo u n d = a large pile of earth or stones;
Philanthropist = a rich person who helps the a small hill

poor and t hose in need, Embankment = a wall of stone or earth made
especially by giving money to keep water back or carry a
Misogamist = one who hates marriages r oad or r ailway over low
140. b; Megalomania = a mental illness or condition ground
in which somebody has an 146. b; Atheism = the belief that the god does not
exaggerated belief in his own exist
importance or power Pantheism = the belief that God is present in
Dipsomania = dipso + mania all natural things; belief in many
alcohol craving to the extent or all gods.
of madness; a person who has Scepticism = an attitude of doubting that claims
a strong desire for alcoholic or statements are true or that
drink that he cannot control something will happen
Kleptomania = a mental illness in which Animism = the belief that plants, objects and
somebody has a strong desire natural things such as weather
to steal things have a living soul
Pyromania = a mental illness that causes 147. a; Cacography = a mixture of loud unpleasant
a strong desire to set fire to sounds
things Cartography = the art or process of drawing
141. d; Oligarchy = a form of government in which or making maps
only a small group of people hold Caricature = a funny drawing or picture of
all the power somebody that exaggerates some
Aristocracy = people born in the highest social of their features
class, who have special titles 148. c; Bereft of
Plutocracy = gover nment by the reachest something = completely lacking something;
people of a country having lost something
142. c; Egoist = a person who thinks that he Complacent = too satisfied with yourself or
or she is better than other with a situation, so that you
people and who thinks and do not feel that any change is
talks too much about himself necessary
or herself Dependant = a person, especially a child
Somnambulist = sleepwalker who depends on another per-
Altruist = a person who cares about the son for a home, food, money
needs and happiness of other etc
people more than your own Destitute = without money, food and other
things necessary for life
494 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

Omnipresent = present everywhere 161. a; Abstain = to stay away from something

149. c; Irrevocable = that cannot be changed; final Teetotaller = a per son who does not drink
150. c; Quack = a person who dishonestly claims alcohol
t o have medical knowledge or Drunkard = a per son who gets drunk very
skills often
Cannibal = a person who eats human flesh 162. b; Logistics = the practical organi-sation
Itinerant = tr av elling f rom place t o place, that is needed to make a
especially to find work complicated plan success-
151. b; Etymology = t he st udy of t he or igin and ful when a lot of people and
hist or y of wor ds and t heir equipment is involved.
meanings Reconnaissance = the activity of getting in-
Entomology = the scientific study of insects formation about an area for
152. b; Mi ser ly = a person who is always unhappy and military purposes, using
complaining soldiers, planes etc.
153. a; Verbatim = exactly as spoken or written Subversive = trying or likely to destroy
Verbose = using or containing more words or damage a government or
that are needed political system by attract-
Verbiage = the use of too many words, or of ing it secretly or indirectly.
mor e dif f icult words than ar e Camouflage = a way of hiding soldiers
needed, to express an idea and military equipment,
154. b; Impregnable = strong and impossible to defeat using point, leaves or nets,
or change; invincible so that they look like part
155. c; Transgress = to go beyond the limit of what is of their surroundings.
morally or legally acceptale 163. d; Punctilious = very careful to behave correctly
156. a; Penology = t he scient if ic st udy of t he or to perform your duties exactly
punishment of criminals and the as you should.
operation of prisons Obtuse = slow or unwilling to
Ragamuffin = a person usually a child, who is understand something.
wearing old clothes that are torn Absurd = completely ridiculous
and dirty Abstruse = difficult to understand

157. b; Repression = the act of using force to control a 164. a; Subtle = not very noticeable or obvious.
group of people and restrict their Nuance = a ver y slight dif f erence in
freedom meaning, sound, colour or
Reprisal = a violent or aggr essiv e act somebody’s feelings that is not
towar ds somebody because of usually very obvious
something bad that they have Indifference = a lack of interest, feeling or
done towards you reaction towards somebody/
Subjugate = to defeat somebody/something; something
to gain control over somebody/ Change-over = a change from one system, or
something method of working to another
Vendetta = a long and violent disagreement 165. b; Sanatorium = place like a hospit al wher e
between two families or groups, patients who hav e a lasting
in which people are murdered illness or who are getting better
in return for previous murders an illness are treated
158. a; Salvo = the act of firing several guns or Asylum = protection that a government
dropping several bombs etc at the gives to people who have left
same time t heir own countr y, usually
Jingoism = a st r ong belief t hat your own because they were in danger
country is best, especially when for political reasons
this is expressed in support of war Refuge = shelt er or pr otect ion fr om
with another country danger, trouble etc
159. d; F il l in g = the act of putting documents, letters, 166. d; Inconsolable = very sad and unable to accept
etc into a file help or comfort.
Pinch = the amount of something that you can Incredible = impossible or very difficult to
hold between your finger and thumb believe.
Stub = a short piece of a cigarette, pencil, Incorrigible = having bad habits which
etc that is left when the rest of it cannot be changed or
has been used improved.
160. d; Goon = a cr iminal who is paid t o 167. c; Dexterous = skilful with your hands; skilfully
frighten or injure people done.
Consort = the husband or wife of a ruler Fastidious = being careful that every detail of
Philanderer = a man who has sexual something is correct
r elat ionships wit h many 168. b
different woman 169. d; Alchemist = a person who studied alchemy
To make love (= a mysterious power or magic
(somebody) = to have sex that can change things)
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 495

Numismatist = the study of coins and medals. cannot be changed or

170. c; Anachronism = a person, a custom or an idea improved.
that seems old-fashioned and Indefatigable = never giving up or getting tired
does not belong to the present. of doing something.
Incongruous = strange, and not suitable in a Notorious = well known for being bad.
particular situation. 183. b; Philology = t he scient if ic st udy of t he
Archaic = old and no longer used; very development of language or of a
old-fashioned. particular language.
171. d; Chum = a friend Virology = the scientific study of viruses and
Peer = a person who is the same age or who
the diseases caused by them.
has the same social status as you.
172. b 184. d; Emissary = a per son who is sent t o
173. b; Chronic = lasting for a long time; having had deliver an official message,
a disease for a long time especially from one country
Temporal = connected with or limited by time to another, or to perform a
174. d; Neurotic = not behaving in a reasonable, calm special task.
way, because you ar e wor r ied Eavesdropper = a person who listens secretly
about something t o what other people ar e
Nocturnal = active at night saying.
175. c 185. b; Incite = to encourage somebody to do
176. d; Deprecate = t o f eel and expr ess st rong something violent , illegal or
disapproval of something unpleasant especially by
177. d; Decipher = to succeed in finding the meaning making them angry or excited.
of something that is difficult to Monarchist = a person who believes that a
read or understand. country should be ruled by a king
Illegible = difficult or impossible to read. or queen.
Anarchist = a person who believes that laws
178. c; Anthropoid = looking like a human.
and gover nment s ar e not
Aquatic = growing or living in, on or near
Aquarium = a large glass container in which Autocrat = a ruler who has complete power.
186. a; Euphemism = an indirect word or phrase that

fish and other water creatures
and plants are kept people oft en use t o refer to
179. c; Du pe = to trick or cheat somebody somet hing embar r assing or
Gu ll ib le = too willing to believe or accept what unpleasant, sometimes to make
other people tell you and therefore it seem more acceptable than it
easily tricked. really is
180. b; Claustrophobia = an extreme fear of being in Truism = a statement that is clearly true
a small confined place and does not t her efor e add
Hydrophobia = extr eme f ear of water , anyt hing int er est ing or
which happens with rabbies important to a discussion.
infection in humans. Altruism = the fact of caring about the needs
Insomnia = t he condit ion of being and happiness of other people
unable to sleep. more than your own.
Obsession = t he stat e in which a 187. a; Patricide = the crime of killing your father; a
person’s mind is completely person who is guilty of this.
filled with thoughts of one Parricide = the crime of killing your father,
particular thing or person mother or a close relative; a person
in a way that is not normal. who is guilty of this crime.
181. a; Epilogue = a speech, etc at the end of a Matricide = the crime of killing your mother; a
play, book or film/movie that person who is guilty of this crime.
comments on or act as a Homicide = t he crime of killing somebody
conclusion t o what has deliberately.
happened. 188. b; Gregarious = (of animals) living in groups.
Bibliography = a list of books or articles about 189. b; Boudoir = a woman’s small private room or
a particular subject or by a bedroom
particular author. Boulevard = a wide city street, often with trees
Soliloquy = a speech in a play in which a on either side.
character, who is alone on the Facade = the front of a building.
stage, speaks his or her 190. c; Profanity = behaviour that shows a lack of
thoughts; monologue. respect for god or holy things.
182. b; Optimistic = expecting good t hings t o Sedition = the use of words or actions that
happen or something to be are intended to encourage people
successful. to oppose a government.
Incorrigible = having bad habits which Sacrilege = an act of treating a holy thing or
496 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

place without respect. work.

Slander = a false spoken statement intended 196. a; Trumpet = a brass musical instrument made
to damage the good opinion people of a curved metal tube that you
have of somebody; the legal offence blow into, with three valves for
of making this kind of statement. changing the note.
191. a; Sly = suggesting that you know something Fanfare = a short loud piece of music that is
secret that other people do not know. played to celebr ate somebody/
Lu stf ul = f eeling of showing st rong sexual something important arriving.
desire. Symphony = a long complicated piece of music
Leer = an unpleasant look or smile t hat for a large orchestra, in three or
shows somebody is interested in a four main parts.
person in an evil or sexual way. 197. d; Fastidious = being careful that every detail of
Lore = knowledge and information related to something is correct.
a particular subject, especially when Drunkard = a per son who get s dr unk v er y
this is not written down. often.
Lark = a thing that you do for fun or as a Glutton = a person who enjoys doing difficult
joke. or unpleasant tasks.
Littoral = the part of a country that is near the Epicure = who enjoys food and drink of high
coast. quality and knows a lot about it.
192. c; Jocular = humorous; enjoying making people 198. a; Credulous = too ready to believe things and
laugh. therefore easy to trick.
Anecdote = a short , interesting or amusing Gu ll ib le = too willing to believe or accept
story about a real person or event. what ot her people t ell you and
Wiles = clever tricks that somebody uses in
therefore easily tricked.
order to get what they want or to
199. d; Graft = a piece of skin, bone, etc removed from
make somebody behav e in a
a living body and placed in another
particular way.
part of t he body which has been
Yokel = if you call a person yokel, you are
saying that they do not have much
200. c; Usurper = a per son who takes somebody’s
education or underst anding of
posit ion and/or power wit hout

modern life, because t hey come
having the right to do this.
from the countryside.
Usurer = a person who lends money to people
Wag = a person who enjoys making jokes.
Aeon = extr emely long per iod of t ime, at unfairly high rates of interest.
thousands of years. 201. d; Blasphemy = behav iour or language that
insult s or shows a lack of
193. b; Pensive = thinking deeply about something
respect for God or religions.
especially because you are sad or
Perjury = the crime of telling a lie in court.
worr ied.
Iconoclasm = cr it icizing popular belief s or
Pesky = annoying
established customs and ideas.
Pu rlo in = steal something or use it without
Heresy = a belief or an opinion that is
permission. against t he principles of
194. b; Impudent = rude; not showing respect for
particular religion.
other people.
202. d; Philanderer = a man who has sexual
Impunity = if a person does something bad
r elat ionships wit h many
with impunity, they do not get
different women.
punished for what they have
Philistine = a person who does not like or
understand art, literature, music
Inexorable = t hat cannot be st opped or
changed; relentless etc.
Imperturbable = not easily upset or worried by 203. a; Nonpareil = a per son or t hing t hat is
a difficult situation; calm. bett er t han ot her s in a
particular area.
195. a; Hypochondria = a state in which somebody
Ninco mpoop = a stupid person.
wor ries all t he time about
Niggardly = unwilling to be generous with
their health and believes that
money, time, etc.
they are ill/sick when there
Non sequitur = a statement that does not seem
is nothing wrong with them.
to follow what has just been said
Malaise = a general feeling of being ill/
sick, unhappy or not satisfied, in any natural or logical way.
without signs of any particular 204. c; Insurmountable = that cannot be dealt with
problem. successfully.
Disaffected = no longer satisfied wit h your Inimitable = too good or individual for
situation, organi-sation, belief anyone else to copy with
etc and therefore not loyal to it. the same effect.
Malinger = t o pr et end t o be ill/sick Incorrigible = having bad habits which
especially in or der to av oid cannot be changed or
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 497

improved. especially by giving money.

Invincible = too strong to be defeated or Ascetic = not allowing your self
challenged. physical pleasures,
205. b; Stellar = connected with the stars. especially f or r eligious
206. d; Remunerate = to pay somebody for work that reasons; related to a simple
they have done. and strict way or living.
207. b; Obsolete = no longer used because something Misogynist = a man who hates women
new has been invented. 220. d; Horticulture = t he study or pr actice of
208. a; Ex ploration = an examination of some-thing growing flowers, fruit and
in order to find out about it. vegetables.
209. d Miniature = very small; much smaller than
210. d; Implore = t o ask somebody t o do usual.
something in the anxious Genocide = the murder of a whole race
way because you want or or group of people.
need it very much Nomenclature = a system of naming things,
Impressionist = a per son who enter t ains especially in a branch of
people by copying the way a science.
f amous per son speaks or 221. a; Wa lk wa y = a passage or path for walking
behaves. along, often outside and raised
211. c; Breach = a br eak in a relationship above the ground.
between people or countries; a Walkout = the act of suddenly leaving a
failure to do something that must meet ing as a pr ot est against
be done by law. something.
Bottleneck = anything that delays development Walkabout = an occasion when an important
or pr ogr ess, par t icular ly in person walks among ordinary
business or industry. people to meet and talk to them.
Walkover = an easy vict or y in a game or
Blockhead = a very stupid person.
212. d
213. b; Jibe = an unkind or insulting remark about 222. d; Laxative = a medicine, food or drink that
makes somebody empty t heir

Gesture = a movement that you make with your bowels easily.
hands, your head or your face to show Panacea = something that will solve all the
problems of a particular situation.
a particular meaning.
Antidote = a substance that controls the effects
214. b; Debacle = an event or a situation that is of a poison or disease.
a complete failure and causes Purgative = a substance, especially a medicine,
that causes your bowels to empty.
Dereliction = the fact of deliberately not doing
what you should do, especially
when it is part of your job. 223. c; Mercenary = a soldier who will fight for any
Deterrent = a thing that makes somebody count ry or gr oup that of f er s
less likely to do something. payment.
215. d; Martyr = a person who suffers very much 224. a; Corroborate = t o pr ovide ev idence or
or is killed because of t heir informat ion that suppor ts a
religious or political beliefs. statement, theory etc.
Gladiator = a man trained to fight other men Implicate = t o show or suggest that
or animals in order to entertain the somet hing is the cause of
something bad.
Designate = to choose or name somebody for
216. d; W a i f = a small thin person, usually a to a particular job or position.
child, who looks as if they do Extricate = to escape or enable somebody to
not have enough to eat.
escape from a difficult situation.
Posthumous = happening, done, published,
225. c; Introspection = the careful examination of
etc after a person has died.
your own thoughts, feelings
217. b; Invoice = a list of goods that have been sold, and reasons for behaving in
work what has been done et c a particular way.
showing what you must pay. Introvert = a quiet person who is more
218. b; Ambivalent = showing or hav ing bot h inter est ed in t heir own
good and bad feelings about thoughts and feelings than
somebody/some-thing. in spending time with other
Ambidextrous = able to use the left hand or people.
the right hand equally well 226. c; Prejudiced = having an unreasonable dislike
219. d; Philanthropist = a r ich person who helps of or preference for somebody/
the poor and those in need, something, especially based on
498 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

their race, religion, sex etc. them into group)

Bigot = a person who has very strong, Taxidermy = the art of stuffing dead animals,
unreasonable beliefs or opinions bir ds and fish with a special
about race, religion or politics and material so that they look like
who will not listen to or accept living ones and can be
t he opinions of anyone who displayed.
disagrees. 241. c
Fanatic = a person who holds extreme or 242. d; Elope = to run away with somebody in
dangerous opinions. order to marry them secretly
227. d; Ambiguous = not clearly stated or defined; that
243. b; To resort to = to make use of something,
can be understand in more than
especially something bad, as
one way; having different mean-
a means of achiev ing
somet hing, of ten because
228. b; Dogmatic = being certain that your beliefs t her e is no ot her possible
are r ight and t hat ot her s solution.
should accept them, without Subterfuge = a secret, usually dishonest,
paying attention to evidence way of behaving.
or other opinions. Manoeuvre = a movement performed with
Plaintive = sounding sad, especially in a care and skill.
weak complaining way. Stratagem = a trick or plan that you use to
Opinionated = having very strong opinions that gain an advantage or to trick
you are not willing to change. an opponent.
229. b Complicity = t he act of taking part wit h
230. c; Despot = a ruler with great power, especially another person in a crime
one who uses it in a cruel way. 244. b; Miraculous = like a mir acle; completely
231. b; Outpost = a small town or group of buildings unexpected and very lucky.
in a lonely part of country. Ineffable = too great or beautiful to describe
Protocol = the first or original version of an in words.
agreement , especially a t r eat y Stupendous = extremely large or impressive,

between countries especially greater or better than
you expect.
232. c 233. d
234. a; Germicide = a substance which dest roys Appalli ng = shocking; extremely bad
bacteria etc. 245. b; Philistine = a person who does not like or
235. b; Fauna = all the animals living in an area or under stand ar t , lit er at ur e,
in a particular period of history. music, etc,
Flora = the plants of a particular area, type of Iconoclast = a person who criticizes popular
beliefs or established customs
environment or period of time.
and ideas
236. c; Unanimous = if a decision or an opinion is Imposter = a per son who pretends to be
unanimous, it is agreed or somebody else in order to trick
shared by everyone in a group. people.
Spontaneous = happening naturally, without Cannibal = a person who eats human flesh.
being made to happen. 246. d; Internment = a student or new graduate who
237. b; Aversion = a str ong f eeling of not liking is getting practical experience
somebody/something in a job, for example during
Antipathy = a strong feeling of dislike. the summer holiday/vacation.
Apathy = the feelings of not being interested Interment = the act of burying a dead person.
in or enthusiastic about anything. 247. c; Genealogy = the study of family history,
Despair = the feeling of having lost all hope. including the study of who
238. d; Cloakroom = a room in a public building the ancestors of a particular
where people can leave coats, person were
bags, etc for a time. Epistemology = the part of philosophy that
Tannery = a place where animal skins are deals with knowledge.
tanned and made into leather. Ethnology = t he scientif ic st udy and
Brewery = a factory where beer is made; a comparison of human races.
company that makes beer. 248. c; Compositor = a person who arranges text on
239. c; Handiwork = a wor k t hat you do, or a page before printing.
something that you have made, Stoker = a person whose job is to add coal
especially using your artistic or ot her fuel t o a f ire, et c,
skill; a thing done by a especially on a ship or st r eam
part icular per son or gr oup, train.
Stowaway = a person who hides in a ship or
especially something bad.
plane before it leaves, in order to
240. b; Taxonomy = t he scientif ic pr ocess of
travel without paying or being
classifying things (= arranging
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 499

seen. ally the equipment that you

249. a need for a particular activity.
250. a W in d f al l = an amount of money that 259. a; Epitaph = wor ds that ar e wr itten or said
somebody/something wins or about a dead person, especially
receives unexpectedly. words on a gravestone
Philanthropy = the practice of helping the poor Crypt = a room under the floor of a Church,
and those in need, especially used especially in the past as a
by giving money. place for burying people.
Benevolent = kind, helpful and generous. Obituary = an article about somebody’s life and
Turnstile = a gate at t he entrance t o a achievements, that is printed in a
public building, stadium etc newspaper soon after t hey have
that turns in a circle when died.
pushed, allowing one person Legacy = money or property that is given to
to go through at a time. you by somebody when they die.
251. c; Emolument = money paid to somebody for 260. d; Patrimony = propert y that is giv en t o
work they have done especially somebody when t heir father
to somebody who earns a lot of dies.
money. Antimony = a chemical element.
Honorarium = a payment made for somebody’s Parsimony = t he f act of being ext r emely
professional services. unwilling to spend money.
Sinecure = a job that you are paid for even Alimony = the money that a court orders
through it involves little or no somebody to pay regularly to their
work. former wife or husband when
Perquisite = something to which somebody the marriage is ended.
has a special right because of
261. b; Esplanade = a level area of open ground
their social position.
in a town for people to walk
Prerogative = a right or advantage belonging
along, often by the sea or a
to a particular person or group
because of their importance or
Espionage = the activity of secretly getting
social position.
important political or military

252. d informat ion about anot her
253. d; Insolvent = not having enough money to pay count ry or of f inding out
what you owe; bankrupt another company’s secrets by
254. c; Roundabout = not done or said using the using spies
shortest, simplest or most Espadrille = a light shoe made of strong
direct way possible. cloth with a sole made of rope
Loquacious = talking a lot Estrangement = the state of being estranged
Circumlocution = using more words that are Estranged = no longer living wit h your
necessary instead of speak- husband or wife
ing or writing in a clear, 262. a; Jurisprudence = the scientific study of law
direct way. 263. d; Metronome = a device that makes a regular
255. c; Courtship = the time when two people have sound like a clock and is used
a romantic relationship before by musicians to help them keep
they get married; the process or the correct rhythm when playing
act of at tr acting a business a piece of music
partner, etc. Pedometer = an instrument for measuring
Subpoena = a written order to attend court as how far you have walked
a witness to give evidence. 264. d; Pacifist = a person who believes in pacifism
256. d; Facsimile = an exact copy of something. and who refuses to fight in a war
Pacifism = the belief that war and violence are
Pseudonym = a name used by somebody,
always wrong
especially a writer, instead of
265. b 266. b
their real name.
267. d; Homonym = a word that is spelt like another
Alias = used when a person, especially
word (or pronounced like it) but
a criminal or an actor, is known
which has a different meaning
by two names.
for example, ‘can’ meaning ‘be
257. d; Homicide = the crime of killing somebody able’ and ‘can’ meaning ‘put
deliberately. something in a container’.
Infanticide = a person who is guilty of killing Pseudonym = a name used by somebody,
a body. especially a writer, instead of
Patricide = a person who kills his father. their real name
Fratricide = a person who kills his brother 268. a; Summon = to order somebody to appear
or sister. in court
258. c; Paraphernalia = a large number of objects or Memorandum = a record of a legal agreement
personal possessions especi- which has not yet been
500 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

formally prepared and signed 281. d 282. a

Petition = a written document signed by 283. a; Contagious = a contagious disease spreads by
a large number of people that people touching each other
asks somebody in a position Infectious = an infectious disease can be
of authority to do or change passed easily from one person to
something another, especially through the
269. a; Amputate = to cut off somebody’s arm, leg, air they breathe
finger or toe in a medical operation Epidemic = a lar ge number of cases of a
Mutilate = to damage somebody’s body very particular disease happening at
severely, especially by cutting or the same time in a particular
tearing off part of it community
Mitigate = to make something less harmful, Endemic = regularly found in a particular
serious, etc place or among a particular group
270. c; Fatalist = a person who believes that events of people and difficult to get rid
are decided by f ate and that you of
cannot control them 284. d; Anthropology = the study of the human race,
Lunatic = a person who does crazy things that especially of it s or igins,
are often dangerous dev elopment , cust oms and
Fanatic = a per son who is ext r emely beliefs
enthusiastic about something Ethnology = t he scientif ic st udy and
Stoic = a person who is able to suffer pain comparison of human races
or trouble without complaining or Archaeology = the study of cultures of the
showing what they are feelin past, and of periods of history
271. b 272. b 273. b by examining the remains of
274. a Zenith = the highest point that the sun or moon buildings and objects found in
reaches in the sky, directly above you the ground
Zeal = great energy or enthusiasm connected 285. a; Fable = a traditional short story that teaches
with something that you feel strongly a moral lesson, especially one with
about animals as characters
275. b; Soliloquy = a speech in a play in which a Tele = a st ory creat ed using t he

character, who is alone on the imagination, especially one that is
stage, speaks his or her thoughts full of action and adventure
Extempore = spoken or done wit hout any Anecdote = a short , interesting or amusing
previous thought or preparation story about a real person or event
Rhetoric = speech or wr iting t hat is Parable = a short story that teaches a moral
intended to influence people, but or spiritual lesson, especially one
that is not completely honest or of those told by Jesus as recorded
sincer e; t he skill of using in Bible
language in speech or writing 286. c; Vulnerable = weak and easily hurt physically
in a special way that influences or emotionally
or entertains people Brittle = hard but easily broken
276. c; Hypocrite = a person who pretends to have Delicate = easily damaged or broken
moral standards or opinions 287. d; Coir = rough material made from the shells
that they do not actually have of coconuts, used for making ropes,
Counterfeiter = a per son who counter f eit s for covering floors
money or goods Quorum = the smallest number of people who
Counterfeit = t o make an exact copy of must be at a meeting before it can
something in order to trick begin or decisions can be made
people into thinking that it is Quire = four sheets of paper folded to make
the real thing eight leaves
277. b 278. b Choir = a group of people who sing together,
279. b; Connoisseur = an exper t on mat t er s for example in church services or
involving the judgement of public performances
beauty, quality or skill in art, 288. a
food or music 289. a; Histrionic = histrionic behav iour is ver y
280. d; Rebellion = opposition to authority; an attempt emot ional and is intended t o
attract attention in a way that
by some of the people in a country
does not seem sincere
to change their government, using
The Hippo-
cratic oath = the promise that doctors make to
Mu t i n y = t he act of r ef using t o obey the
keep to t he principles of t he
orders of somebody in authority,
medical profession
especially by soldiers or sailors
Hirsute = having a lot of hair on the face
Anarchy = a sit uat ion in a countr y, an
or body
organisation, etc in which there
Hoary = very old and well known and
is no government, order or control therefore no longer interesting
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 501

290. c; Metaphor = a word or phrase used to describe sof t and wet because t her e is
somebody/something else, in a nowher e for t he wat er t o f low
way that is dif ferent f rom its away to
normal use in order to show that Hinterland = the areas of a country that are
the two things have the same away from the coast, from the
qualities and t o make t he banks of a large river or from the
description more powerful main cities
Simile = a word or phrase that compares Isthmus = a narrow strip of land, with water
somet hing to somet hing else on each side, that joins two larger
using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’, for pieces of land
example, a face like a mask or as 301. a; Testimonial = a formal written statement,
white as snow. often by a former employer,
Personify = to be an example of a quality or about somebody’s abilit ies,
characteristic, or to have a lot of qualities and character
it Memorandum = a record of a legal agreement
Alliteration = the use of the same lett er or which has not yet been
sound at the beginning of words formally prepared and signed
that are close together, as in sing 302. c; Inf allible = nev er wr ong; nev er making
a song of sixpence. mistakes
291. a; Retrench = to spend less money; to reduce costs Hypocrite = a person who pr et ends t o have
moral standards or opinions that
292. b; Max im = a well-known phr ase t hat they do not actually have
expr esses somet hing t hat is 303. c; Regicide = a person who is guilty of killing a
usually true or that people think king or queen
is a rule for sensible behaviour 304. a; Coercion = the action of making somebody do
Neologism = a new word or expression or a something that they do not want
new meaning of a word to do, using force or threatening
Platonism = the idea of the ancient Greek to use force
philosopher Plato and those who Conviction = a strong opinion or belief
followed him Confession = a statement that a person makes,
293. b; Portico = a roof t hat is suppor t ed by admitting that they are guilty of a

columns, especially one that forms crime
the entrance to a large building Cajole = to make somebody do something
Mezzanine = a floor that is built between two by talking to them and being very
floors of a building and is smaller nice to them
than the other floors 305. b 306. b 307. c 308. b
294. a; Immigrant = a person who has come to live 309. c; Metamorphosis = a pr ocess in which
permanently in a country that is somebody/someth ing
not their own changes complet ely into
Emigrant = a person who leaves their country something different
to live in together Flux = continuous movement and
Alien = from another country or society change; a flow; an act of
295. c; W i l f u l = done deliberately, although the f lowing
person doing it knows that it is 310. a; Circumlocution = using more words than are
wrong; not car ing about what necessar y, inst ead of
other people want; determined to speaking or writing in a
do what you want clear direct way
296. d Circumspect = t hinking v er y car ef ully
297. a; Punter = a person who gambles on the result about something befor e
of a horse race doing it, because there may
Backer = a per son or company t hat giv es be risks involved
suppor t t o somebody/somet hing, Circumscribe = to limit somebody
especially financial support somet hing’s f reedom,
298. b rights, power, etc
299. a; Foundling = a baby who has been left by its Circumvent = to find a way of avoiding a
parent s and who is found and difficulty or a rule
taken care of by somebody else 311. c; Edifice = a large impressive building
Sibling = a brother or sister Spire = a tall pointed structure on the top of
Urchin = a young child who is poor and a building, especially a church
dirty, often one who has no home Rotunda = a round building or hall, especially
Orphan = a child whose parents are dead one with a curved roof (= a dome)
300. c; Sw am p = an area of ground that is very wet 312. b; Bohemian = a person, often somebody
or cover ed with wat er and in who is involved with the
which plant s, t r ees, et c ar e arts, who lives in a very
gr owing inf or mal way wit hout
Mar sh = an area of low land that is always following accepted rules of
502 English Language and Comprehension One Word Substitution

behaviour 320. d; Entreaty = a ser ious and often emot ional

Cosmopolitan = a per son who has request
exper ience of many Inexorable = t hat cannot be st opped or
different parts of the world changed; relentless
Philanthropist = a rich person who helps Despot = with great power, especially one
the poor and those in need, who used it in a cruel way
especially by giving money 321. d; Spectre = something unpleasant that people
Internationalist = a person who believes that ar e afraid might happen in t he
count ries should wor k future
together in a friendly way 322. d
313. b; Adherence 323. c; Espionage = the activity of secr etly get ting
to something = t o behav e accor ding t o a import ant political or military
part icular law, r ule, set of inf or mat ion about another
instructions, etc; to follow a country or of finding out another
particular set of beliefs or a company’s secrets by using spies
fixed way of doing something Epitaph = words that are written or said
Pedant = a person who is too concerned about a dead person especially
with small det ails or rules words on a gravestone
especially when learning or Epilogue = a speech, etc at the end of a play,
teaching book, or film/mov ie t hat
Pedagogue = a teacher; a person who likes comment s on or acts as a
t o t each people t hings, conclusion to what has happened
especially because they think Elegy = a poem or song that expresses
they know more than other sadness, especially for somebody
people who has died
314. a; Stoicism = t he f act of not complet ing or 324. b; Conscience = the part of your mind that tells
showing what you ar e feeling you whether your actions are right
when you are suffering or wrong
Despair = the feeling of having lost all hope 325. a; Parole = per mission t hat is given to a
315. a; Polyandry = the custom of having more than prisoner to leave prison before the

one husband at the same time end of their sentence on condition
Polygamy = the custom of having more than that they behave well
one wife at the same time Parley = a discussion between enemies or
Bigamy = the crime of marrying somebody people who disagree, in order to
when you are still legally try and find a way of solving a
married to somebody else problem
Debauchery = immor al behav iour inv olving Acquittal = an official decision in court that a
sex, alcohol or drugs person is not guilty of a crime
316. c; Hallucination = the fact of seeming to see or 326. b; Ambrosia = the food of the gods; something that
hear somebody/somet hing is very pleasant to it
t hat is not r eally t her e, Amnesia = a medical condit ion in which
especially because of illness somebody partly or completely loses
or drugs their memory
317. d; Lousy = very bad; awful; terrible Insomnia = the condition of being unable to
Jocularly = humorous; enjoying making people sleep
laugh 327. a; Flounder = to struggle to know what to say or
Zealous = showing great energy and do or how to cont inue wit h
ent husiasm f or somet hing, something
especially because you feel strongly Fumble = to use your hands in an awkward
about it way when you are doing something
318. d; Etiquette = the formal rules of correct or polite or looking for something
behav iour in societ y or among 328. a; Calligraphy = beautiful handwriting that you do
member of a particular profession with a special pen or brush
Precedence = t he condit ion of being mor e Collier = a ship that car ries coal; coal
important than somebody else and miner
theref ore coming or being dealt 329. c; Canine = connected with dogs; one of the
with first four pointed teeth in the front of
Protocol = a system of fixed rules and formal a human’s or animal’s mouth
behaviour used at official meetings, Feline = connected with an animal of the
usually between governments cat family
319. d; Renounce = to state officially that you are no Bovine = connected with cows
longer going to keep a t itle, Verminous = covered with vermin
position, etc Vermin = wild animals or birds that
Abdicate = to give up the position of being king destroy plants or food, or attack
or queen; to f ail or r ef use t o farm animals and birds
perform a duty
One Word Substitution English Language and Comprehension 503

330. c; Gl ow er = t o look in an angr y Blasphemy = behav iour or language that

aggressive way insults or shows a lack or respect
Gnaw = to keep biting something for God or religion
or chewing it har d, so 335. d; Etymology = t he st udy of t he or igin and
t hat it gradually hist or y of wor ds and t heir
disappears meanings
Gnash your teeth = t o f eel v ery angr y and Entomology = the scientific study of insects
upset about something, 336. b; Lapidary = (especially of writt en language)
especially because you elegant and exact; concise
cannot get what you want 337. a; Biopsy = the removal and examination of
Grind = to br eak or crush tissue from the body of somebody
something into very small who is ill/sick, in order to find
pieces between two hard out more about their disease
surf aces or using a Autopsy = an official examination of a dead
special machine body by a doctor in order to discover
331. c; Trustee = a member of a group of people the cause of death
t hat cont r ols t he f inancial Amputate = to cut off somebody’s arm, finger or
aff airs of a char it y or other toe in a medical operation
organisation 338. d; Velodrome = a track or building used for cycle
Sinecure = A job that you are paid for even racing
though it involves little or no Tempo = the speed of any movement or
wor k activity
Ombudsman = an of f icial whose job is t o 339. c; Coffer = a way of referring to the money that
examine and r epor t on a government, an organisation, etc
complaints made by ordinary has available to spend
people about companies, the Scullery = a small room next to the kitchen in
government or public authorities an old house, originally used for
332. b washing dishes
333. a; Insolvent = not having enough money to pay 340. a; Plagiarism = the art of plagiarizing something
what you owe Plagiarize = to copy another person’s ideas,
Destitute = without money, food and the other words or work and pretend that

things necessary for life they are your own
Pauper = a very poor person Pilf er = to steal things of little value or in
334. d; Impious = showing a lack of respect for God small quantities, especially from
and religion the place where you work

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