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Prepare for {IELTS}

Part 1 – Money

Did you save money when you were young?

Well, when I was young, I didn’t get any pocket money so I had no
money to save. When I was studying in secondary school, I started

working in a café at weekends and I did start saving then.

Have you ever given money to children?

Yes, when I see my younger relatives, I tend to give them some

money… not much though, it’s just usually the loose change that I

have in my pocket.

Do you think parents should teach their children about money?

Oh absolutely yes. If you do not learn about money and

understand the value of money at a young age then you don’t
understand how important it is to look after your money.

Nowadays, people are quite reckless with money and spend all of

their disposable income rather than save for a rainy day.

Do parents give pocket money in your country?

Some do and some don’t. There are some parents who just pay for
everything and don’t give their kids pocket money each week,
whereas others give a fixed amount and make their children pay
for things out of their own money.

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